News Scrapbook 1989
San Diego CA (San Diego Co.') San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 2 - 1989
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) OEC 2 - 1989
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) an D1 go Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,8401
DEC 2 - 1989 , t/~11 '1 ' C B l<1
• Jltl,,/1 t&8A LOCAL BRIEFS Top four~eds advance in all-co...~c:_e tennis event P. C. 8 f,r
.Jlll~.. ·• "· C 9
t 1&11 ~· Gulls lose~¢' toBearkirts in tourney USIU basketball coach Gary Zarecky said he knew he'd be able to tell early last night if his team would bounce back after Wednesday's drubbing at Oklahoma. Zarecky quickly learned that the Gulls didn't. Dennis Green and Derrick Gilliam each scored 30 and Erik Hammock added 20 to lead Sam Houston State past USIU, 112-94, in the first rouncf of the Dr Pepper Invitational at Fer- rell Center in Waco, Texas. It was the econd straight loss for the Gulls (2-2), who lost 173-101 to Oklahoma. The Bearkats (2-0J, from Hunts- ville, Texas, led, 54 42, at intermis- sion and built a 75-53 lead with 13 minutes remaining. Kevin Bradshaw scored 25, Isaac Brown had 16. and Demetrius Laf• fitte 13, plus 10 rebounds for the Gulls. Sam Houston will play host Bay- lor, a 100-58 winner over Mercer, in tonight's championship game. In other men's play: Ken Welsh hit a 15-footer at the buzzer ending the second overtime to lift Menlo College (5-0) past UCSD, 86-85, in the championship semifina of the Redlands Tournament UCSD led. 31-29, at halftime, but Menlo tied the game at 67 at the end of regulation and at 75 after the first overtime. Tim Rapp scored 27 for UCSD ( t-2). Women Tracey Goesch scored 16 and Meri• dith Sanders 13 to lead New Mexico State past USD, 71-66, in the first round of the L'Eggs Classic at La Cruce Candida Echeverria scored a career-high 29 and Molly Hunter had a career-blgh 11 rebounds for the Toreras (1-1). USD .Jtill play Monmouth (N.J.) in theuf>nsolation game today. Mon• mouth lost to St. Mary's of Moraga 114-58. rite Beach and Tennis Club In another quarterfinal match, No. 2 seed Stephanie Adcock of Los Gatos de- feated Cathy Anderson of Rancho Santa Fe 6-4, 6-2 The semifinals are today at 10 30 Hockey Jack Grone had three goals and two a ists and Troy Buder had two goals and three assists to the San Diego Surf (&-1-0) to a 9. 4 wm over host Fresno in a Pacific Southwest Hockey League game. The Falcons (2-5) host the Surf again to- · night at 7:30. Kinney Regional • More than 150 boys and girls will run today in the Kinney Western Regional cross country championships at Fresno's Woodward Park. The top eight finish- ers in each race qualify for the 32- runner Kmney Nationals next Satur- day at Balboa Park. y, heavy-handed tach reed contempt for him and the rel! on he claims to represent. Bishop aher, you are a mean Christian, a poor Catholic, a hallow theologian and a Jou y American You have grievously h rmed th very cause you claim to repre- t. BRANDON P. GRAY San Diego Your recent coverage of the Church sanc- tions agamst mblywoman Lucy Killea does v r injustice to Bishop Leo T. Maher. Because of his barring mblywoman Klllea from r ceivlng Communion, you accu e Bis op aher of "injecting the Church mto th polit1cal process", and call ht action n attempt to muzzle Mrs. Killea on th abortion issu ." Yon even said that BLShop er h made a "startlmg entry into a polit cal race." B1Shop b has don nothing of the kind. B op r, as a bishop and teacher of his flock, has taught a member of hls flock, in dramatic mann r, that she may not remain a member of that flock while ignoring a teaching ba ic to the Church's beliefs: the sanctity of unborn human life. Mrs Killea was quoted as saying, "He's t 11mg me a public official what I should be doing." Bishop aber bas done nothing of the kmd. Bishop Mah r has told rs. Killea as a Catholic w t he should be doing, and the Church ts th same standards for the as- mblywoman as for the charwoman Th who like . Kille , are "puzzled by the verity of the sanction," should con- sider the " verity of the sanction" on inno- cent unborn cblldr ho are being killed at the rate of 4,100 each day m our nation. GAILFRED BOLLER SWEETLAND t. to the President Catholic League for Religious and ClVll Rights Milwaukee, WISC a fma ord on the Lucy and the bi hop dr ma, I mt out that Lucy Killea did not run for o f1 and win it a a Cathollc. She as t t th Legi lature by people of every rcltglous position Accordingly, he ls to r peel and r pr ent the values of all her constituents o church ball dictate other- wtse. None of th publ1Shed comments that I've read have noted that the bishop and his church hold th ilion that the behavior of an adherent sent to rep e ple 1n h r political district, most of whom are not of h r religion, must mclude expr io of the Catholic opimon ev n if be ultimately fee oblig d to file a non-Catholic vote. The b1 hop and the church are in control of Lucy Killea, personally, not th American people. I point out the similarity between Lucy Klllea and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: both Catholic, both express th ir abhorrence of abortio , t'1 \'Ole as Amencans, not Catholic The op made a boo-boo. He should back off SAUL HARMON GRITZ San Diego When I read that Catholic B1Shop Leo er had den ed the sacrament of Com- munion to Lucy Kill because she had advo- cated abortion rights for women in defiance San Diego, CA. (San (?iego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC3 - 1989 P C B Although a life-long Republican, I antici- pate httle difficulty in bringing myself to vote Democratic in the 39th District, come Dec.5. MARK 0. TEMPLE El Cajon The decls1on by San Diego Bishop Leo Maher to exclude senatorial candidate Lucy Killea from Holy Communion amounts to re- ligiolll! blackmail. To her credit, Killea has not backed down from her pro-choice land on the abortion issue. The attempts of the Catholic hierarchy - ostensibly a group of celibates - to interpret the emotional and domestic situations of mil- lions of Amencan women in terms of child- bearing would be ludicrous were It not an Immediate danger to every woman' rtght to pnvacy 1n general, and to Killea's n t freedom of speech and opinion, in part c lar Political leaders are elected by o tuency who know and agree with a candi- date's views. Does the administration of the Catholic Church not realize that a move to excommunicate Killea invites - indeed, necessitates - the excommunication of every Cat olic on Earth who favors a woman' right to choose? Huge financial losses oul surely result from such a mass excommunication, but if the Church is to avoid hypocrisy and remain consistent, these actions must be taken immediately, world· wide. I, for one, was born a Catholic and would welcome excommunication from a church which employs such means of coer- cion. The persuasive means employed by the Catholic Church durmg the Inquisition have been replaced by tactics more subtle than physical torture but no less shameful. JFSSGOOD Pine Val ey The recent controver~y D\ er Bishop Maher's action with regard to Lucy Killea brings up a subject that I believe is crusun- derstood by the average voter. According to various letters printed in The ,:,. •1•t cC v TENNIS Tore'1os' Noriega is 2-for-2 He has been to the round of 16 at the NCAA individual tournament, from which he gained All-America honors. He already has beaten the coun- try's pre-season No. 1 player and won a national tournament this season. Yesterday at the UIJiyersity of San Diego, he won the 12tnannual San Diego All-College Tennis tournament singles and doubles championships for the second consecutive year. And to think, Jose-Luis Noriega is just a sophomort:,at USD a 19-year old with a consistent baselme game who can attack the net with the best of them. "I know a lot of people are count- ing on me this season," said Noriega, ho beat teammate Chris Toomey, 6- 4, 6-3 in the singles final. "But I never look too far forward. We're young, but we have strong players. I don't want to know what people say - I just want to play my game." It was a game that was impressive yesterday against the county's best players. Prior to beating Toomey, the top-seeded Noriega defeated San Diego State's Ricardo Herrera 7-5, &- 3 in one semifinal. Toomey beat SDSU's No. 1 player, Tole Marinko- vic, 3-6, 6-2, 6-1 in the other. Noriega- Toomey the" +n--- 0 • · • •• Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) DE 8 - • The San Diego Umon Jose Luis-Noriega returns a shot In his two-set victory. rera-Mannkovic 6-3, 6-4 in the dou- bles final. "He (Nonega) IS young, but he plays with a great deal of maturity," USD coach Ed Coll,ns said. ''He's got this uncanny ability to almost always make the right decision on the court." Noriega began the year ranked No. 6 nat10nally, but could improve to No. 3 or 4 after last month's win at the Dupont Indoor Clay Court Cham- pionships in South Carolina. Noriega, a native of Lima Peru decided last year he'd rather'hit hi~ forehands for a vastly Improving team like USD than for a powerhouse l~~e UCLA. He was academically in- or a month and a half early on, but lost only once in match play. He then became the surprise of the NCAA individual tournament, ad- vancing to the round of 16. Now he and Marinkovic and the rest of 'the area's top players will attempt to 1m~rove the state of San Diego's col- legiate tennis. Noriega says it's al- most time for the UCLA's to take notice. "We always have to travel and plaf the big teams," Noriega said. "San Diego tennis is getting better. ~ay\)e if we keep improving and San Diego State keeps improving the UCLA's will have to come play ~." Not many would want to play No- riega nowadays - home or away. 989 ..Allot', P. C. B f., 1888 ~~N'S BASKETBAU Four~1a1tf1s cored in double figures for the Universjty oJ San ~as the Toreros defeate Monmouth College (N.J.) 81- the consolation game of th~ L Eggs Classic at New Mexico State Candida Echevema scored 11 po , for USD and moved into sec d place on the school's all- tune career sconng list. Echeverria has 894 points, placing her behind current USD assistant coach Debby Theroux, who scored 1010 from 1983-1986. ' Chris Enger, a freshman from Vista, scored 16 points and had 13 rebounds and two blocked shots in Just 24 minutes for USD ( 2 . 1 ) Rochelle Lightner added 11 and San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 2 - 1989 (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) _- 3 - 1989 Jlll~ri '• p c e ~?i~.. Lynda Jones 10. , 186 t,, / ~----~--------------------~-----~-_J Monmouth College is ~ '• P r A ,:., liRR is Egan's tea~,-~1:,:!~~~~ St.John'sBuriesUSDEarly in LaJ?:Chick Tournament ;;;,._qs From Sta/J aN1 Wire Reports n~-~ -~e-yf~ ~m~i- 1 !.~~--- J !'riAICA Ny _.r I a i 'For th e _playe:5, ~hlS Will ,be _a ~eat cxpenence, said Egan. 'ThJS a g~hpr:5eason tournament It (3-1) will play at 1 p.m. PST after South Alabama (1-1) meets Wright State (1-0). The losers will play to- ~~;op7o~~- 11 fiST and the St J h , lphgambeee 0 . ows. n idle smce los- mg, 66-57, to Kansas Nov 24 in the championship game of the· res National In ·tar T P eason . o n s as Redmen ar~• 1~ 0 :y point guard Greg "Boo" Harve is averaging 2 1. 7 points and [ 7 was~ sists, and 6-8 sophomore forward pomts and 10 8 rebo d Bo h · named to the All~; 1;• t I we;: John's also bas a 6-11 cente~a;~bert h Malik Se I h . . a Y, w o IS averaging 18 3 nesecca IS 463-171 at St. John's and has never had a losing season. USD got into me tournament at the invitation of St. John's athletic director Jack Kaiser, who was Egan's f esh a h · h· h m n coac m ig I came .back here_ three ·ears ago when 1t looked hke we .. r school. Egan. Jack asked m~ if I rrught be mterested m playi?,g m the tourna- ly didn't own a car," he said. "St. John's was playing in Madison Square Garden then. I didn't have the transportation or the money to go t_o games. I watched them on telev1- Egan plans to start the same line- up he did in USD's 73-60 victory over Jerome, who is averaging 21.7 points and eight rebounds, and Kelvin Woods will start inside. Anthony s1on" . John rfect att P tper f t ms to be 8 Brooklyn born ~nk E a;ac ton or U ba ketball cJch bnngmg ke=in a~ ~~e~b~lf~m!:· his team to h roots to play 20th It's also good for rec t t t USIULoses to Mercer in Tourney 1· ru1 mg o rave k d od s t ay n th hn NEW YORK-Malik Sealy scored 20 points Saturday and No. 20 St. John's beat the University of San Djego. 74-59, in the opening round of ffie Lapchick Memorial Tournament The Redmen (4-1) play Wright State in today's championship game. Wright State (2-0) beat South Alabama, 96-82, in the other Gylan Dottin scored 12 points and John Jerome added 10 for USO (2-2), which plays South Alabama St. John's has never lost a gam in the tournament it ho sts , and th e 15th edition's first game was never m doubt. The Redmen jumped to an 18-2 lead and led. 42-12, with 4:09 left in the first half. USD made just eight of 32 field goal attempts (25% l in the first half. "I think we were intimidated early on," USD Coach Hank Egan •~;d. "We had that look that can put you in a catatonic state. I'm not proud of the way they played, but I'm proud of these people. "You can run, but you can't hide. You have to play all 40 minutes." The Redmen dominated the boardB, and the Toreros couldn't keep up with the running game as they didn't break into double fig. ures until 7:28 waa left in the half. Every St. John's player available played in the first half, and the Redmen's biggest lead of the first half was the half-time margin of 50-18. St. John's then opened the sec• ond half with an 8-3 run for its largest lead of the game, 58-21 first-round game. (1-2) in toda •~ nsola - ran e t o first across country to play a nationally ranked team For them, this will be round of th • Joo Lapch1ck Memorial J lived about a mile from h re Io; r wb n I was growing up," Egan Tournament on t John's home floor y great." But for Egan . . might .~ invited to th~ NIT/' said North Texas on Thursday "This is gomg to be a tough after- noon,'' be said. "St John's ls really talented They have size and excel• lent position players They ha crafty coach (Lou Carnesecca) and the b eking of their home crowd. ve a d y terday Ju t like old Um • rtght coach? ment: Here we are. From Scaffand Wire Reports Demetrius Laffitte scor 14 points and Kevin Brad- shaw added 13, but U.S. n- ternat1onal Umversity lost to Mercer, 55-53, be ore 1,136 in the BaylorT urnament. all scorers with 20 points, and teammate Scott Bailey added 12. Laffitte and Mike Sterner each had eight rebounds or USIU. USIU trailed at halftime, 28-27, after shooting 45% from the field. But the Gulls cooled off 1n the second half, ed M re led f (12 for 30). Meanwhile, Mer- cer was consistent, hittmg 46% from the field in the first half and 45% m the second. Mercer also outrebounded, with 16:08 left. The Rcdmen then went score- less for the next 4:50 and were not as sharp as in the first half while USD chipped away at the lel\4. USD outscored St. John's, 41-24 Ill the second half. The final scoi:e was the closest margin of t e second half. 40% f th h ts hitting JUS t o ell' s o USIU, 42-36. Wrong This tournament affords Egan a Thomas, Gylan Dottin (9.3 points, ·t to rare o port th Red f' bo ds) d W 'Th an t no w ere want to be," Id "It's cold here. I moved to n D1e o for a reason Now y did I to pla} In this tournam nt be- h I Id Is . um Y see e men 1ve re un an ayman Strick- P ID person. land will be on the perimeter. "It will take heck of an effort for d us to win. Hopefully, the players will Werdann. ' Los Angeles.CA (~os Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed .) (Cir. D. 50 010) (Cir. S. 55,573) CL L, 8 - 1QAQ of ny feeling I had. enjoy It." Last season, the Redmen were 20- ame·_;;;;:::.1,.;.....;:._ y,.,...,.ri•• San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir . S. 341,840) .JJ,.lloi'. ,. C. 9 ;, ' MEN'S TENNIS EH. 188b Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) {Cir. S. 55,573) . Ji?e-r.1u~ga of the Univer- sity of San Diego defeate
DEC 3 - 1989 . All~n •• ,. c. a E,, 1111 -,,';A FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROUI' " of S n Diego Commurfity Choir, con uCled by Fr NICOi •- RevtlleS will pe,lorm -· onal works at 8 P-111 Fr day nd Sat• urday n USD'a Found rs Chap I Tick- tsar $3 and $5, 210-4800, Ext. 4486 DEl, 3 - 1989 Bntton et 8 p.m Friday and Saturday ,n u so·a Founders Chapel. Tickets are $5 for -•I admiu,on and $3 fo, Mmor citizens. For bckets. call the USO Fine Art • Department It 260-4600, flt. 448~
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