News Scrapbook 1989
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tri bune (Cir. D. 123,064)
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Los Angeles Daily Journal W 21 287) (Cir.5X · ' J 2 3 1 89 JI.flat'• P. C. 8 E,r
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wyer Skills Proposals
Missed free t
~ ar Committees Push Proposals 0 Lawyer kills • .1..C/ 55 New Drivefor CLE
tions of the Rules of Professional Conduct. • That the bar consider establiahing a two-year residency program under which lawyers would be allowed only a limited practice In their first two years after passing the California bar. During that period they would be coached in the day-to-oay realities of law practice. During ita session Friday, the profes- sional standards committee also voted to circulate various proposala for a law- yers' code of conduct - including a 111g- gestion that lawyers promptly return telephone calls - for comment by 1ee- Eventually, under the plan by the bar's Statewide Committee on Professionalism and Public Action, an "aspirational" code of conduct would be adopted by the bar to help improve lawyers' image with However, some in the legal community favor making such a code mandatory tions of the bar. the public.
w r front ends of four during a 3 :minute tr tch lat m the game when USF (9 7, 1·2) wa prot tmg a four-point I d tra1ght on • nd-on th
the end hows character'and mental toughness,'' said USF coach Jim Bro- velli McCatbr1on, the Dons' leadmg corer (15.4) and rebounder (7.3), missed the game because of the death of hlS father Monday. The USF team attended the funeral yesterday morning. 'It was obvious we missed Mark," aid Brovelh "USD kicked the heck out of us on the board . They were quick to the ball and we didn"t do a good job of screening." Mouton led USF with 20 points. Forward Joel DeBortoli added 14 for the Dons, who had lost five of six. Forward Craig Cottrell paced the Toreros with 18 points before fouling out with 3:58 to play. Freshman forward Gylan Dottin scored 13. Bell scored 12 points, had a game-high eight rebounds, blocked two shots and had two steals in 24 minutes. Bell missed most of the first half with foul problems. He was playing hi fir t game with contact lenses after going almost a month without after losing one lens. USO travels to Santa Clara (11-5, 0-3) tonight in a match of the only team without a WCAC win The Broncos were beaten, 76-48, by St. Mary's last night.
'.'CeS to in irn- their ggres- iall t.o entlal sand
Stevens will edit magazine zinMargaret Stevens has bee_n nam~ editor_in chief at Rane~ & Coast maga- b eed,receNntly bought by M1cromed1a Aff1hates Inc , a publishing company as m ew Jersey. . Stevens had served as editor at The Executive magazine in Los Angeles smce 1983. ~efore that she wrote as a free-lancer in New York, published in such magazmes as Harper' Bazaar, Ladies' Home Journal Vogue and Woman's World. ' Stevens is a native of London, England. Dr. ~art_ha Minteer has been appointed medical director at San Diego Rehab1htation Institute. She ~-ill ~unction _as ~edical director for the 14-bed unit until the San Diego Rehab1htatlon !nst1tute s 80-bed Alvarado Campus facility is completed in 199~. At that time she will take on the same responsibilities at the new fac1hty. Imperial Corp. of America has named Jorge D'Garay vice president and branc manager at the company's San Ysidro Investment Store. Adam Bloom~nstein and Diana Brown have joined the offices of Brobeck, ~hleger & Harriso~ as associates. Bloomenstein is a litigation attorney focus- mg on general busmess_matters while Brown has an emphasis in real estate. Watkms Manufac_turmg C?rp. has promoted Karen Stanley national sales coordmator. She will coord~nate sales incentive programs, generate sales repo~. dev~lop dealer relat10ns and manage international sales. MLchael Gilligan ha been elected semor ice presid nt nd chi f financial officer at N?rth County Bank; He started with the company in 1982. Torrey Pmes B~nk has hired Susan Box as audit officer. She will be res~ns1ble for the mternal audillng functions of the bank Timothy Kelley, Cheri Mani and Karen Remmes have been promoted to manager at Deloitte Haskins Sells. Kelley and Remmes are 10 the tax department and Manis is in the audit department. Emer~ld Systems Corp. has ~amed Thomas Brown vice president of sales and s~rv1~e He ~111 be responsible for the company's inside and outside sales orgamzahon which encompasses product distributors government and OEM sales. ' _John Morris and Sheila Muldoon have been admitted to the law firm of Higgs, Fletcher & Mack as partners. Both have been with the firm for seven years. . Securitr Pacific Financial Services has promoted Bruce Ashcraft assistant vice pre ·1dent and consumer admmistrator in the company's consumer ser- vices group He comes from the company's Midwest division where be was regional director for Kansas and Ohio. John P~welchak_ has Jomed Ge~sia Phar~aceuticals as physical pharma- cist He will a s1st m the formulation of Gens1a pharmaceutical products now under development to fight human diseases. Co~-0-Van, a s?tewide moving and storage company, has appointed Bud Schmit~ vice president an~ general manager of the San Diego district. He has been with the company six years and was previously district manager in Orange County. !im Mullennix, Linda H?bbs and Ralph Pe~kins have recently been ap- pointed _to. th~ board of d1recto_rs at Occupational Training Services Inc. ~ullenmx director of the services and repair division at SCI Manufactur- ing,_ Hobbs I ass1Stant general counsel at Titan Corp., and Perkins is legal adv1Ser and contracts manager at General Atomics. The Los Penasquitos Lagoon Foundation's board of directors has added P~ter f'.Javarro, a . economics professor, and Frank Belock Jr., a San Diego city engmeer, to its ran . hey will help restore the sensitive wetlands area.
' pro- ntive plain goto
e all heir !JJ1's >ro• IUld Bar ers •la-
SAN FRANCISCO _ Asptri~g atto~- neys would have to take co1 rses m pracb- cal lawyering skills and then serve an internship before being allowed to praJ- tice law in Califomia under pro_pos s tlined by a State Bar group Fnday. ouA ting on another front to bolster the professional competence of la~ers, 1 tw 0 State Bar committees have revived P aru:_ Califomia attomcys to me continuing legal education till The lawyering skills propos ch~ sfull tentative and have yet to rca c Board of Governors. They were Pp8int- d Friday to the Committee on ro es- :ional Standards and Admissions by the bar's Consortium on Compctenct;,. a statewide group that includes practif:io- ners law professors, legal secreta~ and 'legal education experts from e State Bar thi · what we "In an optimumworld, s IS Id like to do to increase lawyer com· wo~nce,, said bar Gov. John McDonnell P: O~d chairman of the consortium. o Also Friday, two committees - Prod fessional Standards and Admi 5 0 11:' an Legislation and Courts - gave th ~II' ap- val to a renewed drive to req~ _re- :~re lawyers to take continuing education courses, A Sure Fire Wlnoer? Most bar leaders around t.!1e ~t.ate had co'nsldered mandatory _continum.g leg~ education a sure-fire W!JlJler d_u~g las year s legislative session, but it died un- expectedly at the close of the sess:Oclt- Howevcr, bar Gov. Kathy Nl:81 ° 1 d said "l understand the bill was not do~ on its merits, and problems getting it passed this time are not insurmountable.'' ad al The full Board of Gove1;1ors - ready given its assent to mcludin~ ~e continuing education requirement m ts 1 . lativ rogr.un, but the two bar com . ::= requirements. als
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Sp ri ng .Valley , CA ~San Diego co .) ( •P.n ng Vulley Bulletin c,~. w. 2,708) JAN 2 6 1989
) ) I
Lemon Grove, CA (San Die.Bo Co.l Lemon Grove Aeview (Cir. W. 2,884)
JII(.,', ' · c. • '" 1-roreros a e Ho~p 'L Hom~ Games Fri. Sat ~ 1 'ntc TorP-,OS of lT li~ of J~o will b~oking to br 1k a 6-gamc losing , streak when thPy suit up f gainst Santa Clara l' rlday at < 7:30 and S.m Franc ~co the I next night at USO Sports Cen- 11 tcr. USD has lost their last 5 games by 5, 5, 3, 5 and 6 points respectiv ly. In WCAC action week- <'nd, the Torcros San Diego, CA l (San Diego Co . San D1eq_o Union I C1r D 217 ,089 ) Cir . S. 341 ,840) J 1 Jlll I I' C • "". . ... \ ~tees that deal with legislation had put the p' an on hold pending assurance~ th~t it has a realistic chance ofapproval m e Legis!a~-~~Y~:. -- ---.-- --- . fii ;r;;.ctice management and lawyenng skills. See P • gt 26 PROPOSALS 719 JA 1111 -,------------------------------------------,., San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (C ir. D. 123,064) JAN2 6 1989 • Jll~ '• "· C. I Esr. 1118 .,.,. USD raises 2 million, half of goal By4ltvf Tribune Education Writer University of San Diego officials today announced they are nearl hflfw_ay toward a record-setting goil o raising $47.5 million to fund im- pr?ve11:ents to the private Cathor university. 1c "Anew era is Up(,n us " USD p . den~ Author E. Hughes ~id befo~~~ fe~t1ve crowd of well-wishers He said the three-to-five-year camp~ign quietly begu~ in the fall of 1987 al~ ready has raised $20.6 million. ' It JS the most ambitious fund drive to d~te .for_the 40-year--0ld liberal ar~ mst1tut10n. And it is the largest ~ap1tal ~ampaign of ny universit m San D1e~o County. USD's last ca [- ta! campaign raised $15 million lie- tween 1979 and 1983. Th e_ money is earmarked for con- struction and program ments. It will be used to lure out- standing scholars and provide schol- arsh1~s. to a broader mix of students Officials sai~ they need to broaden USD's economic b· c In 198 7 USD coll~ted $38 5 mill r or 1 t.c;' $519 improve- ,, 1989 1 oint 1 undertaken by private institu- l such as Stanford and Harvard ersities, the USD drive is consid- 1 quite large for a school of 5,800 ents. rhe largest we've undertaken is million," said Pat Nicholson a I-raiser for the University of San nc1sco, a Jesuit university of ut the same size. "However we're ming one in that range." ' he University of California at San go, which receives more than half its operating budget from state federal sources, launched its ~est capital campaign in 1985. The d-raising drive coincided with its 1 anniversary and netted more n $32 million. n the past decade, USO has signif- ntly expand~d its campus, addmg ools of nursmg and business stu- 1t dormitories, the Dougl~ F nchester Executive Conferenc~ 1ter and the James S. and Helen Copley Library. he University of San Diego, background, plans a $47.5 million fund-raising drive. USD to seek $47 million in fund drive By 1icbael ·cott-Blalr taff \\rller sought over the next four years. The university's goal exceeds the county's previous top university fund drive - the 25th duce a fund-ra1smg committee that includes chairwoman Joanne Warren, the wife of Frank R. Warren, chairman of the board of The l mvers1ty of San Diego today will an- n unce a $47 5 m1lhon fund-raising drive, the largest campaign in the history of higher edu- cation mSan Diego County The money will be used to expand th~ vale. rs1ty's law librar a.iiircreate a child developmen center, wit more than half gomg to enlarge the university's endow- ment, now about $10 million, sources say. Today WIii be the first public announce- ment of the dnve, which was begun privately a year ago and reportedly has raised between $20 m1lhon and $21 million. The rest will be anniversary campaign by UCSD in 1985-87, which had a goal of $30.4 million and ulti- mately raised nearly $34 million. "Forty-seven rrullion is an awesome tar- get," said one experienced local fundraiser, who asked not to be identified. "But if they have already raised $20 million, they are domg extremely well. The second half, howev- er is always the toughest " In launching the pubhc phase of the cam- paign, USO has invited several hundred San Diegans to the campus this morning to intro- the La Jolla Savings Bank; developer Ernest W. Hahn; builders Bruce R. Hazard and George M. Pardee Jr.; businessman Douglas F. Manchester; attorney Josiah L. Neeper; and university President Author E. Hughes. The huge fund drive comes on the heels of a decade-long program that added almost $50 million worth of new buildings to the universi- ty's 180-acre campus on a m~sa overlookmg Mission Bay. The university is a landmark on the north rim of the western end of Ml.5sion rhe latest campaign goals ·, I0,000 for a child-developm · under construction on th, st edge of campus; $6 mi pand and renovate the law d $7.~ million to help pay 11vers1ty Center, a student that opened in early 1987. from t tt· · u 10n capital cam- the universi- rrullwn annual b· and fees. San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (C ir. W. 27,500) !{ey players u: t paign are members o/ Please see USD: B-6, fol 2 r_-4_~~-~~-_:,----- 9 JAN 2 6 While far larger campaigns have See USD on Page .Jlllen's P. C. B I , IX88 / Lecture series looks at modern the~Io ·es ALCALA PAR e Institute for Christian Ministn present a lecture senes entitled ''Who Do You Say That I A ?" Thursday evenings, Feb. 2, 9,)6, ar. 2, 9, and 16 from 6·45-9:15 p.m. at Salomon Lecture Hall, University of San Diego. The series will be conducted by Father Ron Pachence, director of the ICM and an associate professor of practical theology at USD. The c"ourse - will ·nvestigatc contemporary theologies of s, and students will be asked to evaluate their own faith in Jesus and his rmssion. Cost is $35. Preregistration deadline is Jan. 26. For funher in ormation call 260-4784. /J • ••
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