News Scrapbook 1988
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co .) San Diego Union (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)
APR 18 1988 Jl.liffl', , . c. 1 F.1
Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)
sioner of the IRS, April 25, 11:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m., U.S. Grant Hotel ballroom, 326 Broadway. Sponsor: American Cancer Society and J.H. Cohn and Co. Reservations required: 299-4200. Fee: $35. Women in Sales meeting, April 26, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Tom Ham's Light- house, 2150 Harbor Drive, Harbor Is- land. Meeting to be a 'Table-Top' ses- sion where members and non-mem- bers may reserve a table for $25 to display their goods and/or services. Meeting cost only: $8 members, $15 non-members. C'est Creatif Design and Market- ing has moved to a new office locat- ed in the Design Center at 4010 More- na Blvd., Suite 232, San Diego. --0,mpiled by Melanie Ross-Smith <
Thursday, noon lunch seminar; free at Office Pavilion, 9220 Trade Place, Miramar area. Reservations re- quired: Debi Moore, 566-1834. "Social Networking in Client Man- agement," breakfast/lecture, Friday, 7:30 a.m., USD, Manchester Confer- ence Cen~ Park. Registra- tion: 260-4585. Fee: $15, includes con- tinental breakfast. "Condominium Owners and Their Rights and Responsibilities Under the Law," $30 seminar on community association law, Saturday, 9 a.m.- noon; also on Saturday, "The Posi- tively Organized Office," $40 semi- nar, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., SDSU, Col- lege of Extended Studies Classrooms. Registration: 265-5152. "Coping with Tax Reforms: The IRS Perspective," luncheon lecture with Lawrence B. Gibbs, commis-
11:30 a.m., Ramada Inn, 2435 Jeffer- son St., Old Town. Sponsor: Interna- tional Association of Business Com- municators. Reservations requested: 232-2888. Cost: $12 members, $15 non- members. "How to Lessen Your Tax Bur- den," free seminar, Thursday, 2-3 p.m., or Saturday, 9:30-10:30 a.rn., Prudential-Bache Securities, 16536 Bernardo Center Drive, Rancho Ber- nardo. Reservations requested: 485- 8400. "Effective Facility Management for Office Facility Managers," Wednesday, noon lunch seminar; "Ef- fective Office Environments and Fa- cility Planning for Architects and Designers," Wednesday, 6 p.m. with wine-and-cheese reception, and "Ef- fective Office Environments for Law Firms and Other Professionals,"
Fee: $15. "Growth and Development vs. Conservation of San Diego's Non-Re- newable Resources," luncheon meet- ing of the Society for Marketing Pro- fessional Services, Wednesday, noon, the Atlantis Restaurant, 2595 Ingra- ham. Reservations at 231-5738. Cost: $18 members, $23 non-members. "The Times Mirror Co." lunch presentation, with its vice president of finance and director of investor relations, Wednesday, noon-2 p.m., 10th floor, California First Bank Building, Sala Granda Room, 530 B St. Sponsor: Financial Analysts Soci- ety of San Diego. Reservations re- quired by noon tomorrow: Michael Whitehurst, 239-3034. Complimentary lunch. ''The Role of the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards and Federal Contract Compliance Pro- grams in the Enforcement of Affirm- ative Action and EEO Requir~ments Regarding Federal Government Con- tracts," luncheon meeting of the North County Personnel Association, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Pea Soup Andersen's, 1-5 and Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad. Cost: $12, non-members; $10, members. "Interpersonal Communication Skills," lunch program, Thursday,
Around Town ... in business for our food vendors. The city owns the stadium, and the Padres are only a tenant, so the city maintains the tadium, including grounds crew and clean-up after games." Still another aspect is promotions. The Padres have a promotions de- partment but it's up to someone like Wells to determine whether the event or giveaway has been profita- ble. These topics and sports accounting m general will be di c ed Thurs- day :it the Gentlemen's Choice Res- taurant, 1511 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido. A social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the speaker will be introduced at 7:30 p..m. Cost of the dinner and lecture, open to the public, is $15. Semin•r• and Miscell1neou1: "Financial Planning for Retired and Working Investors," class, to- morrow, 7 p.m., Room 123, Patrick Henry High School, 6696 Wanderm- ere Drive, San Diego. Sponsor: San Diego Community College District.
APR 24 1988
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1/,~~y • of San Diego plit a doubleheaaet with the University of San l<'rancisco. The Toreros lost the first game, 5. 1, but won the second, 18 -10. Four of USF's five uns m t, e opel:t~{ u earr,ed a USD Cv I llt~I crrl')rs- four n the first two that Jed to four runs. Greg Weiser (5-5) struck out 10 and snapped a five-game losing streak. James Ferguson (5-5) took the loss for USD. The Toreros banged out 18 hits in the second game, as Dave Monas- tero (3-4) earned the win over Juan Gdlletti Cl-3). Sean Baron hit a grand slam in th second inning for USD. Parr!~ Sorianello had 5 RBIs, Dave Rolls and Chuck Gra- ham added 3 and Brian Bambridge had 2. USD 1s 22-28 and 5-14. USF is 14 -26 and 3- 12. - ~
Sa n Diego, CA (Sa n Diego Co.) Sa n Diego Uni on (Cir . D. 217,089) (Ci r. S. 341,840) APR 23 1988
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Est. 1888
Vr_ralk~anned on African economic reform ~/rj_ I(obinson Jr., president To date, it has provided more than back, for buying weaving equipment
"Economic Reform and Recovery in Africa: What Works and Why?" The talk, moderated by Robert Caldwell, editor of San Diego Union Sunday opinion section, will be held at the International Center on the campus of the _Uniyersity of San Di~oJ'h,e public is invited. Tuesday, Robinson will talk about trade and investment opportunities in Africa during a 7:30 a.m. busines breakfast at the Embassy Suites Hotel in La Jolla. The cost is $10.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business J ournal (Cir. W. 7,500) 988
and to train 12 weavers.
100 grants to community-based proj- ects in 23 African countries. One specific project that Robinson plans to discuss involves women in the village of Desai in Zambia. In 1985, the foundation made a $14,025 loan to a group of women weavers in Desai. The women used the money, which has been paid
of the African Development Founda- tion, will begin a series of talks here tomorrow on economic reform and recovery in sub-Saharan Africa. The African Development Founda- tion, created by Congress in 1984, provides financial assistance through grants, loans and loan guarantees to farmers and small businesses.
Robinson will make a presentation about this project at 6:30 p.m. tomor- row at the Educational Cultural Complex, 4343 Ocean View Blvd., and he will present the same project to the-City Council at 2 p.m. Monday. At 7 p.m. Monday, Robinson will update the World Affairs Council on
La Jolla , CA (San Diego Co.) La J o lla Light (Cir. W. 9,040) APR 21 198S
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llm', , ~ ·t an Ullrich, or isn't it? Nobody is sure
J-:: y---;") of house s Name architect remains a bit of a myste1y By JEAN E BEACH EIGNER Light Staff Writer Standing on a rise overlooking the Pacific , the 1988 Designer Showcase House has a bit of mystery to go along with the glamour of its remodeling by a team of San Diego de~1gne1s . The my~tc ry: \\ ho wa the on1cma' r lwec1 ? Some experts feel it was Edgar Ullrich, one of the most prolific o f La Jolla architects , who built La Casa de Manana and many other homes in the Muirlands and the Barber Tract, as well as many buildings al the ~Jniversity of San ~ego (see stocy below). But there is no real proof. "It looks like his work," said Marian Ullrich, daughter-in-law of the architect, as she looked at pictures of the original house . But, said Ullrich, widow of Edgar V. Ullrich Jr. , the house in its present state bears little resemblance to an Ullrich house. "Nobody has real proof that it was his design," said Jean Rudd of the Historical Society, chair- woman of this year's Designer Showcase. The house, built around 1926 at 6211 Camino de la Costa, was remodeled some time in the 1950s. Its stately Spanish lines, graceful arched doorways and windows and a gallery looking out to the west were removed . The remodeling left the interior smaller and replaced the original wooden arched windows with small, prefabricated metal win- dows on the exterior. Historian Pat Schaelchlin agreed that the original "has the elements of an Ullrich." In her research, she has tracked down a real estate notice from the 1950s referring to Ullrich as the ar- chitect. But there is no conclusive evidence in the form of a blue print, contract or other office records . "There are times when an ar- chitect is chosen for a building and, for whatever reason, does not actually complete the building, even though it may have been announced in the newspaper," said Schaelchlin. In the late 1920s a fire gutted Ullrich's office, possibly destroy- ing files that may have held the answer, added Marion Ullrich. "That's definitely an Ullrich house," said Bob Wilson, who worked with Ullrich as a draft- Please see HOUSE, D5
Sa n Diego CA (Sa n Oieg~ Co.) Sa!1 Diego Union (Cir. D . 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) APR 24 1988
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co .) L.1 Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,040) APR 21 1988
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through June 3 een Whittaker · • Alea/a Park 260. Founders Gailery 4261 • ·4600 , · Monday th • extension rough Friday n lo 5 P.m.
La J_pJI1n appointed as ca pai n director E Jdack Boyce, Regional Director of the North American C JI n owment Campaign has d o ege Jollan Sara Finn as the'carn a?n~u;e t~e appointment of La Joining Finn on the No pa1gn. s ay Diocesan Director. are Jack Boyce who hea rth American College Steering Committee of the Holy se;ulchre an~si!hv~cweste~~ Lieutenancy of the Knights Diego, and Rev. Daniel Dillabe pr:s1 ent of the University of San Vicar for the Catholic Diocese 1!-D,, J.C.L., the Judicial Nor:th ~merican College. o an iego and an alumnus of the Fmn 1s pre ident of Sara F' p bl' . her own company, she was t~:~- u ic Relat1on_s. Befo:e forming Universit)". of San Die O Sh irector of Public Relations at tile Livable Places the San· 0-e se~~ on the Boards of Partners for Society of Am~rica the .,ego apte: of the Public Relations Board, the Govern~ental ~:fai~~ f 1e'o Interna!ional Affairs ~!l~~mmerce, and the Parish Coun~~ 0 ~ ~~ei~~o~:g~h~~:t: She was educated by the Reli . inducted into the Papal Order :;~~! tilt SCc,acred H~art and was Dillabough attended th N . 0 Y epulchre m 1982. 1970-75 and returned to s:rv orth American ,Col~ege in Rome from Formation from 1983-87 h; as the Co!lege Director of Pastoral Heading the National ; I e ~ompletmg his graduate studies. lege Endowment Carn a· oi_nm1ttee for the North American Col- The National Episcop:i ~~~:mRus~ellhK~dall of Houston, Texas. Reh. Hi Eminence Jose is t e ost Reverend Francis R. John Cardinal O'C ph Cardma! Bernard and His Ernminence . onnor are serving as Ho N . Episcopal Chairmen of the campaign. norary ational Msgr. Larence M Purcell s T O . College in Rome w·h. h f. · ·• is the present Rector of the ' Jc was ounded in 1859 F s • seminarian are present! . . • our an D1egan American College. y preprmg for priestly service at the North The fluctuations of the world rn . and the steady devaluation of the do~etar: market; mcreased pices the academic and pastoral p o ar, ave prese~ted a threat to eminary in Rome The North Arogr~ms at America's national Campaign ha rai ~dover s 4 millimencahn Co!leg~. crisis. on to elp alleviate this economic Finn stated: "Financial support for h . Endowment Campaign will as t e North American College leadership and quality graduate e~ure /he /ontinua~ce of strong Diego Diocese. The church in th uc~ ion or th~ pnests of the San laity, Bishops and priest alumni ~~mtekd Shtateds .•s calling upon the ma e t e nve a success."
doorways and windows. Today, the house, inset, has metal windows and, indoors, looks very little lik it used to.
Before the 1988 Designer Showcase House, on Camino de la Costa, was remodeled in the 1950s, it bad graceful arched
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