News Scrapbook 1988
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Penasquitos News (Cir. Bi-W. 4,000)
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) FEB 4
San Diego, CA (S n Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)
Alpine, CA Alplne Sun (Cir. W. 1,300)
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P, C. B "" •••• ~SD Plays Gonzaga Tonight ~~-The Umvei;sty of S Diego men's bas[etball team wifi"';;eet Gonzaga University to- night m a game matchmg two teams that arc wondenng how so much good could be undone so qwckly. A year ago, USD and Gonzaga finished 1-2 m the West Coast Athletic Conferr'1ce regular~sea; son race, but they enter tonight s 7,30 game in Spokane, Wash • tied for sixth with 1-5 records. USO which snapped a five-game losmg ~treak with ns first conf~ ence victory Saturda at t Mary's, is 9-10. Gonzaga, vb ch ha lost three ma row, is 1 0- 9 . USO as struggled nc losmg four starters off its W<:AC regu- lar-season champ10nsh1p team of last a on, but Satur~ay 66-61 victory over St. Mary pro".idcd
P. C. 8
t 88R
Nobel prize winner a USD
P. C. 8
James M Bucha,an wh will be the ~ealcer £ • .o won ~e Nobel Prize for economies in 1986 scheduled for 7:30 P !r :;~y4ea~ s Sharon Siegan Memorial Lecture' San Diego School of"v · ' fhe Grace 02urtroom, University oi Buchanan has entltled·hls talk o<;,'65° "What can Wedo aboutBadLaw?'~hlch ls free and open to thepublle,
1 ,r. 1888
---=-=- ----- ---...µ l ~ind dam~ge up to $270,000 Jt Viejas Indian Reservation -
f:stimatcs of damage 10 rropcrty on the Vicjas ln- d1,111 Reservation rn Alpine h,ivc gone up lo 270.000 s,lid Pat McIntyre. director of the Vicjas lndi,1n School. List week the County 01: lii.:c of Disash:r Prcrarad- 111:.s, cstim,11cd damage i.:auscd hy wind funnels at
$100.000. McIntyre said $50.000 in damage was done just to the schoors main building and its contents and a $20.- ()()() school trailer was demolished. A new roof was put on the main building last week. she said. and the school now has w,ller and - corporatcd areas of the County. which includes Alpine and the Back Coun- try. al 5741.200 from wind anc.1 storms that occurred ht:twcen Jan. 17 and Jan. 22. Total damage to puhlic and private rropcrty in the County from storm and wind damage was es- timated at $22.474.150. Damage to public rror- crty was estimated at Sl.577.650. Damage to private rrorerty was set at $4,429.000. Agriculture was the hardest hit including fruit ,111d nowercrops. with damage estimated at $15.555.000. State beaches suffered $912.500 in dam:1ge. The Office of Disaster Preparedness noted that damage estimates for th
electricity bad.. bu1 there arc gaping holes bl!tween the school building and office. In addition. new hath room fixtures put in by the Alpine Kiwanis Cluh an: now useless. she said. because ripes in the build-
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily T ranscrirt (Cir. D. 7,415 FFB 5 1988
See Winf p.
Jlf~tt ••
P. C. 8
ing hrokc. Inside the school build- ing. McIntyre saitl .. kitchenware. pots und pans were twisted like ligurc eights." and projcc- tors. slides and tape record- ing m:1chinc · were ruined hy glass from hroken windows. McIntyre s,1hl ··we·rc trying to hold classes. hut ifs a mess."" McIntyre said University of San Diego Volunteer Resources office heard ahout the damage and called to volunteer workers. "'They arc just wonderful."" she s.iitl Meanwhile. she said. fom1lies on the reservation .ire worried hccause ,ilthough most have their electricity and waler hack some still have no roofs with rain rrcdiclell The County"s Office of Disaster Preraredncss es- timated damage lo , unin-
(•rnard SiPga':!,.J .lSD._iaw p1·o fi•ssot~ ~•d to the 9th Ctrcuit ourt iir;'(11pe•1l' ·1 n•ar ag-o this wc•ek, still 1sn t posit.ivP when his Senate Judir1ary Committee• hear- ing will be. 11 s tPntat,vely ;ic,t for F,·b. 25 but a fmn dat,• n·4ulres rommitt ~t 1 vote, • SiE.'gan h ls ckPd up .,n thPr honor wh,1,, h<' waits. Ii~ book ''TJic uprPmP Court's C,,ni"ititu' tion An ln4u1ry into ,Judicial RPVIPW and 1t.s Impact on Society," won honorable m,•nt,on 111 the Pro h.>_ss1onal Scholarly Publishing D,v,swn of thP Assoo,1t1on of American Publislwrs 1988 award for books on law. He c0t1ldn't g<'t to the Washin1-rton, D.C, c,•rcmony yesterday, as he was hostmi-: No ,el laureate ,James Buchanan at USO. /"" " - * '~---,/.
some hOpe. Efrem Leonard, m1ured for most of the coPfE rer.ftc season, came off the bench to ~core 14 points. and Mart Munn napped out of a recent slump t .,.ore 24. k But starung f rward M1 e Haupt, USD's leadmg rebounder, injured h1 right knee m the game d after undergoing reconstruc- :fv~ surgery Vlonday' will be out for the season. . Gonzaga has struggled smce Jos• mg its top scorer of a year ago, all-conference guard Jim ~cP\~~ who inJured his knee durm~ preseason and was redsh1rted Doug Spradley (19.9 scormg aver- age) has picked up ~me slack, bu: Gi,nzaga is wmless m four confer ence road games. At home, the Bulldogs are 7: 1 and last year beat USD. 61-48, m the Toreros' only conference Joss. -CHRIS ELLO
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Col Times (San Diego Ed.l (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir . S 55 .573) FEB ..
Huntington (Orang Co )Beach, CA Ind · l'endenr (Cir. W. 4'7,355) -
19 8
Jl[~'• P. C. B
t BB8
l~t l'llotobJJ-utno .,.._ Stefanie Pemperjuggles two sports as goalie and point guard for Huntington Beach High. . HB's Pemper Handling Her Hobbies n, Jonathau Silverman Like Bo Jackson, Stefanie But that's normal for her. Growing up with
. .
because of Bitting. "She had played for me five or six years ago in AYSO soccer," he said. "When she found out I was coming here, she asked me 1f she could play." "I talked to him about it," Pemper said, "and then I talked to our athletic director (Joanne Kellogg). "I thought it would be a neat experience." she said. "It gets the adrenaline flowing." And the clothes flying.
DON BARTLETT!/ ~AngelesTimes Jolin Cunningham-giving pointers to players m 1985-has high hopes for his University of San PLego baseball team this season. USD's Team, Coach Gaining Recognition Toreros Open Baseball Season Against Irvine in Cunningham Stadium By CHRIS ELLO
two older brothers, she was constantly join- ing in on the court, especially with her older brother, Steve, who graduated from Huntington Beach two years ago. '.' I was the biggest tag-a-long," said Pemper, who accompanied Steve to numerous pickup games. She was usually the last one taken, always by Steve. • "No one would pick me, be- cause I was a girl. It used to make me mad," she said. "Steve used to laugh, and say 'I knew they weren't going to pick you.'" But Pemper has hardly been unwanted at Huntington Beach, She grew up playing point guard, but was switched to forward by coach Kathy Doyle, who wanted to utilize her 5-11 heighth. This year, she was switched back to the pomt. her favorite position. - "I like controlling the game," she said. "I don't know why she switched me back, but I'm glad. It's funny because I'm listed in the program as a forward." As forthe future, there won't be any Bo-like indecision on which sport she will choose. She hopes t6 play basketball somewhere on the West Coast, and said the Univer- sity of San Diego is oiie of ffie ~(.1mols that hllnontacted her. Her hobby will remain just that, a hobby. Are you listening, Bo?
Pcm per has a hobby. But Pemper has it a little tougher than the Ro) al/Raider. t I ast the outfield r-running back gets a couple of weeks off in bctY.cen ports. For the Hunt- ington Beach High emor, the break between her two sports om tim s amounts to only nunutcs. La t Thursday was a day 10 the hfc o Stefanie Pemper J ftcr making six aves in I acting the girl soccer team to a 2-1 win over ·ountain Valli:}, he quic I} changed uniforms. As a point guard for the girls ba kctball team, she scored I 0 pomb 10 pacrng the team to a 60-4 win over Westminstrr. Whil Bo's motivation may have somcthrng to do with his mul11-m1llion dollar earnings, Pemper\ 1s tmplc. " It's lot offun," Pcmper said. "Playing for two teams is a chall ngc" nd one he's handling well. ror the ha ketball team, she' the us t I leader, and among the team's I adcrs rn rebounding and sconng. As for her hobby - >C r - her coach couldn't be happu.;r. ..For how mu h pract1c10g ~he's d 10.s, he h just been in- r d1bl " aid John Bltlrng, ofhts talent d goaltender Pempcr took up soccer th1 year
over .300 a year ago return. "As I long as I don't screw anything up, we should be in good shape," Cunningham said. By batting Mark Trafton, Sean Baron and Dave Rolls third, fourth and fifth each game, Cunningham figures to get off to a good start. Trafton had 51 RBIs last year, and Baron, batting marked the first time that USO has had two players drive in 50 or more runs in the same season. Rolls had 34 RBIs last sea ;on and 13 extra- base hits. Chris Bwy (.368 average last season), Chuck Graham (.352) and Andy Roberts (,326) also return. "This 1s a season I'm looking forward to with a great deal of anticipation," Cunmngham said "We're as well-equipped offen- sively as we have ever been.'" fourth behind him, drove in 56 and hit 16 home runs. It
There are question marks, how- ever, not the least of which is how well five of the six returning starters will respond to new posi- tions. Baron will return to first base, but Trafton 1s movmg from left
Louis Skertich (a sophomore left-hander who is scheduled to ~tart today), right-hander Mike Newby (a transfer from Mt. San Jacinto Community College) and junior left-hander Tony Battilega are expectE.'d to be Cunningham's starters. Skertich was 6-3 last year despite a 5.70 earned-run a erage, and Battilega was 3-2 with a 5.11 ERA, USD's schedule, which is tough- er than it has been in re eflt.years, includes UCLA (here Friday) San Diego State (twice) and ~l tate Fullerton. Those games p ede the West Coast Athletic Confer- ence season, which will include games against nationally ranked Pepperdme and Loyola Mary- mount. ''I sull think we have a good shot at b mg quite successful this sea- son," Cunmngham !la\d. "On paper, we have the makings of a pretty fine team."
SAN DIEGO-It took John Cun- mngham 25 years and 549 career coaching vlctones to get a stadium named after him, something Uni- versity of San Diego officials took care of this year by renaming the school's baseball field Cunningham Baseball Stadium. Like its coach, the USO baseball team has toiled in relative obscuri- ty for many seasons, overshadowed by that other college baseball team m town-the one often nationally ranked-San Diego State. Last year. the Toreros had their best season in eight years of Divi- sion I baseball, with a 31-23-1 record that included a regular-sea- son victory over San Diego State. Now the team itself may not be far behind the coach in receiving recognition. Cunningham's team will open its season today at 2 p.m. at home against UC Irvine. And the Toreros could be quite successful. Six starters who hit
"It' a lot offun. Playing for two teams Isa challenge." -
field to right field, Rolls from left field to catcher, Graham from catcher to left field, Roberts from third to second base, and Bwy from second base to
Stefanie Pemper
Pcmpcr's Tuesdays sixth p<:nod when she gets her ankles taped. After school. she plays her soccer game, and usually has a couple ofhours before her basket- ball game in the early evening. But last Thursday's basketball contest against West1mmster began at 4:30 because offinals. "The athletic director told me they slowed down the JV ~ame, so I could play," Pempcr aid. Friday morning she felt fine , though a little sore m the knees. and Thursdays start during
"These players all have the tal- ent to play these new pos1t1ons,'" Cunningham said. "It's gomg to take them time to get used to the new positions, but m the long run, it's gomg to help our team,'" Cunningham has six pitchers with at least on year of varsity expenence, only one of whom 1 a senior. That's reliever Mark Manor, who formerly was a forward for the Toreros' basketball team
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