News Scrapbook 1988

San Diego , CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcrirt (Cir. D. 7,415

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) . FEB 1 198,,

.Jl/1~,.• P. CB

fer 1838

:A Com Government Systems AWtirded For Helping Minorities 2 ,t::;f '7 G nt ys ion y terns (NDS) has made Inc. officers for 1988. MTK-Corlt (JVt•rnm. . - Th . E est H Clark • •·in r c ntly r"ceived n magazin 's list of the nation's 500 ey are. arn : . , " · · · ' d t· Donal d S truth vice "oulslandin1t" rnling, lh highest fastest-growing private compames pres1 en , . • yth f D for the second consecutive year. president; Robe rt L. F~rs , « 1v(•n by th Department o ' D aid H E wm leg "' ' · · NDS is one of the leading treasurer; on · r , · f •nHe for ii.$ ccomplishmcnts in ,,. d te d Cl rk Jor ' · ' ' demographic and marketing in- islative a voca , an a · lhl' Smull nd Oi advantaged Bus- . r t· · · the United dan, parliamentarian. inP>1!! Subcontnct1 ng Pro!,'T m. ,orma ion companies in * • * h State . NDS hes provided market C:ovcrnm •nt contructors sue es Mi Com G vernml'nl Systent information and analysis to com- Sy tcmH (MGSl ur nudiled uvery punies since 1979. year lo l'nsure that mull and "Repeating two years in a row is


P C. B

Est. 1888 ,,, Around town on the San Diego bus·ness scene ::zqS5 . f' . I You' ca~ pay people to lay bricks ists in all American companies." $10 each with groups of three or cial analysts and corporate inanc1a for you - but you have to inspire Teamwork is as important as leader- more, and includes a continental officers; Feb. 9, 3-6 p.m., Town and them to build great cathedrals. ship, he says. breakfast.~D is located in Alcala Country Hotel, Golden West Room, This is the challenge of true lead- He notes that in an office with sev- Park off Linua "Vista Road. Mission Valley. Re ervations: 239- ership, says Jim Lundy, author of the era! departments, there 1s always 3034. Spon. or J<'inancial Analysts So- book "Lead, Follow or Get Out of the one group that complains about an• Seminars and Miscellaneous: ciety. Fee: $50. Way." He's also president of Per- other group. He aid he has never run "Managing the Troubled Employ- '•Winning Investment Strategies,'' formance Systems, a management aero a company that didn't have ee," seminar on dealing with employ- free workshop, Feb. 9, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 consulting company in La Jolla. this phenomenon. ees with p yrholog1cal, drug or alco- p.m or 6:30 p.m-9:30 p.m., Ramada Lundy says an employee will be •·1 call this The We They SJn ho! problems, tomorrow, 8:30 a.m.- Inn, Bonita Room, 91 Bonita Road. inspired to build greatly if the em- drome We in our department and noon, Vista Hill Hospital , Reservations required: 453-2553 or ployer shows respect toward him or they in their department, " Lundy Administration Building, 730 Medical 453-1930. Sponsor: Foundation for Fi- her and includes him or her in plan- says. Center Court, Chula Vista. Reserva- nancial Education. ning of the cathedral. "A nicely cut lawn is a smooth or- tions requ1red with, Pat Crossman: "The Venture Capitalist's Role as All this, however, involves com- gamzation, but three different types 421-6900, extension 288. Fee: $20. a Director of an Emerging Compa- municat1on and understanding, and of weeds may crop up,' comments "Get Organized!" workshop, ny," panel discus. 10n, Feb. 9, 5:30 this in turn makes for good leader- Lundy "The first weed IS territory- Wednesday, 7-10:45 p.m., Residence p.m. wine and rhce e reception La ship and teamwork - and a great itis - this-i -my-domam-and-mmd- Inn, 8901 Gilman Drive, La Jolla. In· Jolla Beach and 1ennis Club. Direc- cathedral. says Lundy. your-own-busmes attitude, The s c- formation and registration with Ilene lions and reservations: 452-5183. Cost· Lundy will speak on "Leadership ond is domain poisoning Our Lieberman: 226-5856 Co. t. $50. $30 non-members, $20 members. and Teamwork: Bricks or Cathe- domam and we want to protect it, "Hot Inve tments for the Winter," I 988 Financial Forecast with Bill drals" at the l:niYersity ol_San Die o. keep our people m and not let them free symposium, Thur day, noon, Holland of KSDO and Kidder Pea- Th.e.lecture will be at 7:30 a.m. ri- be promoted'; and the third weed, Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club. Club- body," dinner and lecture Feb. 18, da witn a continental brea.kwt dedicated IH>ptimizmg 'W mn hou, e, Rancho Santa Fe Reserva- 6:30 p.m. cocktails; 7:30 p.m. dinner; presentation in the Manchester Con- our department a certain way and hons required with Rhonda Harris: Radis on Hotel, 1433 Camino Del Rio ference Center. will not interrupt the schedule to ful- 756-3785. Complimentary lunch will South, Mission Valley. Sponsor. Asso- "A definition of a good leader is fill another department's customer be erved. Spon or. Prudential-Bache ciated Builders and Contractors. one who has followers and inspires requests.' Secunlles. Reservations: 283-2211 T1ckcts $24 followers as well," Lundy explains, "In order to provide a better team- ''Tax-Sheltered Income Alterna- at the door, $20 y. 1th r ervat10ns, adding that "a manager who is not a work environment, individuals tive ," free eminar, Thur day, 7:30 How do you determmc all of the good leader may have a lot of subor- should ask questions and listen,' sa s p.m. La Jolla Village Inn, Confer- options worth considering in taking dinates and few followers. Lundy. "This 1s important in order to ence Center, 3299 Holiday Court, La out a loan? A handy slide chart d - "Good leaders respect their associ- sell to lead and improve colleague Jolla. Sponsor: Sutro and Co. Inc. In- veloped by the Credit Union National ates and deal with them in a sense and family relationships. formation: 454-3888. Association and Affiliates can help. that the ·e people will have a sense of "I see a lot of similarities between ·'Make Your Dollars Count," free It aids in determimng the monthly self-worth and accomplishment. A spousal and business peer relation- money management workshop, Sat- payment and total finance charge for way to engender these feelings is ships as well as between parentirg urday, 9-11:30 a.m., Scottish Rite Cen- almost any size loan, interest rate through participalive leadership, and leading," he says. "I think we ter, Doric Room, 1985 Camino Del and loan maturity. Send a self-ad- where!>y the leader respects his or should be more supportive of o Rio South, San Diego. Sponsor: Con- dre sed business size envelope and $1 her subordinates and seeks their ad- children as well a. with our ubordl· sumer Credit Coun. elors of San to Credit Chart, CUNA Public Rt>la- vice,'' ~ay~ Lundy. nates." Diego. Re ervations: 234-4118. Dona- tions, PO Box 431 !lfadison, Wis Many people believe leaders Reservations for the lecture are bv lions accepted at tne door 53701. should have all tlie answers and be request and can be made \\tth Kathy '·Valuing a Business,'' continuing tough and mean. Lundy doesn't be- Hare at 260-4585. The cost is 15 or education program for CPAs, finan- lieve that. Three of his favorite lead- ers through history were Dwight Ei- ----~--- senhower, Winston Churchill and Ross Perot.

The official Escondido street map published annually by the Escon- dido Ch amber of Commerce 1s now available from the chamber office. Copies are 50 cents plus tax. A large wall map-sized version is available for $7.50. * * * "Federal Sector Labor -Rela- ~ions: Past, Present and Futu re" 1s the topic of a seminar at the Kona Kai Beach & Tennis Resort this Thursday and Friday spon· sored by the Uoivecsily of San Diego. The seminar will explore tiie nature and problems of the Civil Service Act on its 10th anni- versary. Scheduled speakers are Attorney General Edwin Meese, Rep. Patricia Schroeder, former U.S. Department of Labor secre- taries William Usery and William Wirtz. Call USD for more informa- tion. * * A pre-business workshop spon· sored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives will take place at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at Na- tional University in Vista. Fee is $15. Contact the Small Business Administration for more informa- tion. • * •

significant, as only about a third of those companies listed on the Inc. 500 this year w re on lhe listed the previou!I year," said H. Michael Stansbury, NOS' chairman. " O$t companies have a difficult lime sustaining continued rapid growth." The Inc. list is based on a com• r,any's five-year growth. This yc11r's ranking places NOS 234th on the list with a five-year growth rale of 1,100 percent, while last year 1t wa 138th with a 1,600 per- cent rate. "We .. ur integrators of data, solvi ng companies' marketing pro• blcms by being a single source of information," Stansbury said. • Heather L. Keywan has joined Property Tax Management Group as a sales representative. • • • Hoffman & Hauser, a distribu- tor of portable and modular exhibit systems, has signed contracts with San Diego companies - Buck Knives, Naval Ocean Systems Center and Sea Quest - totaling $150,000. • • • The United Federation of Small Business ha~ elected new

dt. advnntngcd (minority-owned) bus,m ·l's ta,; subcontr· clors arc ofll'rt'd the uHSt tnncc nd qupport

minislrnlt0n Servic ·s Man ge- mcnt Areal, , un Diego, und lhe U.S. Small RusirH·ss dministr lion, rel1ccl lht· compuny's policy of cn!lurtng that sm 11 companies n·c<·iv lhe maximum opportunity lo compf'le for its hu 111 • • "Acht ving llw high l DOD rntrni: 1s important to our com• pony, h cause it rcpre. nt. a 1gn1fic nt conlril•ation in improv- ing th(' 1ndu,tr"'l base for small 11nd diRadvnntngcd busin ss," suid Donnlcl Slt•lzer, gcrcr I manager ofMGS. MGS 1. a wholly owned ub- idwry ofM/fl. om Inc., 11 producer of II wide r·rn,:e of m1crownve com ponenls for manufactufers of cqu1p11wnt u cd in th dcfc'nsc ond commcrc1nl t I commumcalions mnrkl't. M/A Com is aLo leading upplu·r of digital communications y LPms for th•fon. e application.. . " ' ~eci-

"Your role in keeping and building business: Customers relations communication," a seminar, will take place Friday at the U.S. Grant from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Guest speaker will be Judith Enns, business development direc- tor for Eastridge Temporary and Personnel Services. < 7

Lundv's mail' thrust is the "chal- lenge for interdepartmental commu- nication and cooperation which ex-

La Habra. CA (Orang_c Co.) Daily Star Progress (Cir. D. 6,036)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500)


P. c. a

Lawton's detour on road to success inc es route to a special recovery

1 1 88



P C. B




,: CONFERENCE: Edwin Meese, Merri Systems Protection Board Chair- man Daniel Levinson, former Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz and National Treasury Employees Union President Robert Tobias are among the myriad of scholars and government and union leaders slated to speak at a Federal Sector Labor Relations national conference. The two- day conference, to be held at the Kona Kai Beach and Tennis Resort, is being sponsored by the Center for Labor Management and Employ- ment ~aw at the .U~chool of Law in coopera- tion with the Fe~ediation and Conciliation Seiv1c_e and the U.S. Department of Labor. For more information, contact Mel Rafferty at 260- 45B5. L,2ff:5.S"' L Attorney General

By Barbara Glaaone DIP Ing Etlllor

department. Re-entering the La Habra de- velopment scene, Lawton re- members growing up at the family home, built in 1912, on North Harbor Boulevard. "We often chased animals on the property and never had to worry about making too much noise. There weren't very many neigh- bors." Today, the Lawton property, owned by Michael's parents, attorney Robert and Gussie Law- ton, is surrounded by condomi• niums, a shopping center and tract homes. "Mixed use" defines what Lawton bas discovered on his return home. "We have a helter-skelter city," he says. "That's not to say it doesn't have potential; it just needs a more focused plan to fit the future." Lawton adds, "The diversity of commercial uses here is helter- skelter. Retail and shopping cen- ters have been allowed to spring up anywhere. They've forgotten to establish a commercial corri-

dor. Lambert Road and La Habra Boulevard should have been left for residential planning, while Imperial Highway and Whittier Boulevard should have been the main commercial corridors." Lawton, whose father served on the La Habra City Council years ago, hopes through his work on local investment prop- erties to encourage mor e busi- ness to help fill the present 100 commercial vacancies within the city limits. And there are other goals. An avid bike rider, he's anxious to return to daily rides. With en• couragement and a planned re- covery r egimen, there's no doubt among Lawton's acquaintances that he'll soon be back on the main highway, working longer days and enjoying good health. /

three months time, it just kept getting larger, so a tumor specialist was called in. After a needle aspiration and six weeks of testing, doctors concurred I bad Hodgkin's disease. "That was devastatingly se- rious news," recalls Lawton, whose young career in the San Diego land market was on the rise. A graduate of th~ Un jyersi• ty of San Diego Law School with a Juns torate, he was en- veloped in a mixed-use commer- cial project in San Diego's Boni- ta area. He found it difficult to put his goals aside and face the unknown. In October, with the support of many relatives and friends, Law- ton underwent surgery at a Los Angeles hospital. The daily follow-up radiation and testing necessitated a move to La Habra - within driving distance of the laboratories. As his strength gradually re- turned, Lawton discussed join• ing his brother-in-law Greg J ones, an associate with Villelli Enterprises, in the commercial/ industrial real estate brokerage

LA HABRA - Michael Lawton agrees his recent affiliation with Villelli Enterprises is a homecoming of sorts. And he's the first to praise the 34-year-old La Habra real estate firm for taking him on board Dec. 1. It's just that his planned road to success in the · San Diego County development arena bas taken a temporary detour that's brought Lawton back to his roots. In an unplanned battle with malignant lymphoma, the 34-year-old's postoperative pre- scription calls for a three-hour working day 1 Seated over lunch at a local restaurant, Lawton willingly dis- cusses his slow road to recovery after major surgery and a "bombardment of radiation." A positive attitude and contagious smile belie the pain the La Habra native bas endured in the past six months. "It began with a small swelling in the neck," Lawton explains, poking at his chers salad. "In

San Diego, CA (Sen Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)

FEB 1 198 Meese heads roster of U.S. leaders attending yso labor-law meeting By John McLaren ti\ q 7 ') · Tnbu,,eSt;iffWnter er ( The Center for Labor-Manage- ·ence or take part in pa I d. ment and Employment Law at the s,·ons. ne iscus- Top present and former federal of- fici;ils will gather in San Diegos ScahooD~ of Law of th ~ JJ~~vecsitL?f Apurpose of the conference, which Th d d F 'd f ::,an u1e1rn_o 1s spo_nsormg e event m is to run all day both days, 1·s to en- ~rs ay an n ay or a two-day ----r h g nati~mal labor-relations conference coopera ion wit th e U.S. Lab~r I?e· erate ideas for better use or reform

\\edne day, Februarv 3, 19811

th e Federal Mediation

of regulations that govern federal Mal Rafferty director of co f ing education at USO, said then ering also may help clarify the i~tent of complex laws governing labor re- lations within the f d 1 e era govern- In helping set up the meetings he said, USO has "pretty much cov~red t~e ch';Ckerbo!U'.d" in getting many v1ewpomts reore oted. . 'Thi as a~ opportunity to bring 1~ ,a lot.of people frolJ! disparate po- sitions, ~afferty said. A registration fee of $125 will be charged for attendance at the confer- ence. ment. labor relations.


ma:king the 10th anniversary of a maJor revision of civil-service Jaw. The scheduled participants include Attorney General Edwin Meese who is in the midst of a controversy' over his. role in an Iraqi oil pipeline man of the Merit Systems Protection Board, and two former secretaries of labor· William Usery and Willard The conference, designed to ex- plore how well the Civil Service Re- ct of 1978 is functioning as a basis for federal government em- ployment, will take place at the Kona Kai Beach and Tennis Resort on Shelter Island. p o t D . 1 R L r Jee : ame . evinson, chair- Wirtz. f A orm

'i!IJc iJ.m Dugo Union



a nd Conciliation Service. Meese, a former member of th e usp law faculty, has been link~d to a series of scandals related to _his role kas atWtoh~teyHgeneral,_adndtearpher,_ as a R~agan. E. Robert Wallach, a good friend of Meese, had a financial m- terest in the Iraqi project and sent the attorney general a memo citing a plan to pay off a top Israeli official in return for a guarantee that Israel would not bomb the pipeline, sources close to the investigation have con. ey I e ouse a1 e o resident In addition to federal officials labor scholars and union leaders also' are scheduled to address the confer- firmed.

(Slar-ProgNIM pllOIO by Barbara Olaone)

F.Y.I. San Diego

BACK HOME - La Habra-bred Michael Lawton, who left his San Diego comm rcial development position to undergo major surgery, has J nea Villelli Enterprises· ndustrial/commercial brokerage department Although he must work a short day, Lawton hopes to help reduce the commercial vacancies within city limits.

NAMES IN THE NEWS: Robert T. Campion has been elected to the University of San Diego board of trustees.


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