News Scrapbook 1988

Lemon Grove CA (San Die.90 Co.) Lemon Grove Aeview (Cir. W. 2,884) OEC 8 '988

Lemon Grove, CA (San OieJJO Co.) Lemon Grove Review (Cir. W. 2,884) 1EC 8 1988

La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,336) DEC 8 1988

Los Angeles,CA (Los Angeles Co.) 1imes (San Diego Ed .) (Cir . D . 50,010) (Cir . S. 55,573) DEC 8 1988


P'. C. a

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1&&8 -John Kelly...-, b 1,"'c~) La Jolla resident ~hn ~1cnaei

Spring Valley, CA (San Diego Co.) Spring Valley Bulletin (Cir. W. 2,708)

s - No

Spring Valley, CA (San Diego Co.) Spring Valley Bulletin (Cir. W. 2,708)


Kelly ha~ eep : r ~ ,,o dent Jr

Jllkll'• ,. c. a



ed vl

f.JI ,

1'reshmanDottinHelps DGrowUp Q icker


hours and Just stare at the paint 1ngs," he said. He cho e USD becau e or its reputation as a top bu mess school. "You can play ba8ketball al any chool, but education comes first," hesa1d. Egan said• "The guy who was really !ugh on him was Mike Le- garza, who heads our recruiting. We recrwled Gylan very hard and stayed Wllh him. '[The Dolt.inf family handled the ecru1tmg process as well as any amily I'v ever seen." Recruited by most or the Pac-10 !Ind Big West teams, Dotlm chose USD. , "I've adJusted fme." Dottin said. Coach Egan and some of the older :UY~ have really he ped me out.' V. hile Egan kn ws Dottin and Its team will mature Dottin also kes to lh.nk he's still growing m ture "I think I've rown a calf n mch smce I've been here ' he Id Maybe, hke the re t o tl'e asketball te m, he's Just walkmg ti taller these days. D Fullerton is coached by John need, a former San Diego State 1s1stanl who replaced George cQuarn when McQuarn unex- •ctedly r signed last month. Fullerton also lo t the top SIX corers off of la'lt. year's 12-17 team, but still upset tah, 59-57, In 1ls opener. The Titans then lost to Pepperdine, 71-67. Egan 1s fearful of Fullerton be- cause, ' They come after you. The way Santa Barbara did to us, and the way to New Mexico."



real estate~J.s - Hamb1rgers and Self Service Drive Thru Inc. Kelly will be responsible for working with the brokerage and development communities to ac-; quire land for high · volume Rally's locations. Prior to joining Rally's , Kelly was a senior sales executive at DaumJohnstown American in La Jolla,"'spec1ahzmg m retail and commercial leasing. He is a graduate of the Univer- International I Council of Shopping Centers and the U~iversity_ o l San D~fo • A ni Assoc1at1on . , I '.I. • j" 1 sity of San Diego member of the and is a



Jl l/~11 's P. C. 8

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Hoopste rs Earn espe_ct fo r us~ On East Coast,f ihel·ni,~ 1I' • ) I w om c n •s h s}:ct, 11 tr 1 m w~ - :t\n:y from t;JC fa- 11'1 lr,r tting of San Dicp,o 0 , r f' 'Thar,kEg)vlng wcc-kQnd, "h!!I' (·omi,,'\,nf( in the Down• c,•. ,t \ulo Cla.,~i jn 01 ono, !\I,1in •. . Tl,e° 4-t~am tournament wa hosted by tl'<' l 1··c1~•1tv of Maine Orono 1 •• !Ol; and in• eluded East c r n \\'tlshl•ir:u n and Duke. USO d C\, ttic tour• ru,m••nt's hosts fol" th.! fn st round. • A tenar:ious defen,'.! l7l'ld th" UMO squad to a tot11l vf 3 points in the gam"•~ firct 8 minutes. Maine MUI d baclt, cutting the defirit to one point going Into halftin:e. USD played well in a com- petill·, e second half and w o_n 5249 to aclv~nce to Satu•·d.i:,· s fin'•l :igainst the Lad)' s:u<' Dt:,lls of Duke Unihi slty, and this time it w; s U. I, that came 0 µt cold to start tne game. t.:SD trai)ed by 8 at half· time anrl coul'1n't i:::1in any ground n the second half, los- ing the contest 61-56. 'The 'forerai-· second place finlsn hlghli~htc

Thal such a t, gmmng Is po om what amazing cons1denng ages of the per onnel bemg u d Dottm, a fre hman who will be lS Jan. 10, far from the youngest Torero. F1v oth r freshmen nre younger: on 1s 2 months older. Five other pla,yer ar sophomores, ang there are JUSt two seniors and one ju Llor. It is an' young t t am In 1 yet.r a D1v1 10n 1 coach. So when will th young matur the potential be r llzcd? When m1 ht lh1 tc m b good rather than prom! Ing? Egan w111 tell you tho e ques- tions may never b nnsw red. But Gylan Dottin (GUY-Ian DOTT-en) 1s helping make them em le trouble om than they w re 2 w ks ago, befor U D traveled to "Th Pit" and won a tournament at th Univ rsltyorNewMexico. With ~I po1n and 12 re unds m victories over L-chlgh a ew PleHe DOTl'IS, P Je 11C Ible 1s th

!'3G.12 peop

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r 560.


ell! er~. i,1jtu·c•J.

,S, sr t'rlll Yictims 1 of ' drunk driving crashes \\/Ill spea!· of the loss caused l:i;v..: a dnmk driver. '· Local c!(•ct••d officials also expected to be in atteM al)ce. A bulletin board will ~s:' play photogpµh. of vlcti~. 1 - l '1 .

John Kelly

Oceanside CA (San Diego Co.) North County Blade Tr ibune (C!r . D. 29 ,089) (Ci r . S. 30,498)

S,in o,crio. CA (San Diego Co.l S,m D1 !lO Union lC1r D 217,089) [Cir S. 341.840) DEC 8

La Jolla, CA {San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,336)

the Wt'ek. The 5"7" nall·:e of Chino CA, was a V{CAC All- p1 c·h~an ~Jection in 191:!6-8'1, r-nd has won \VCAC honors as a scholar athlete for the past



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P' C 8

... C. I

Jllle. '•


F.,r. ,,"


San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W 27,500)

2 years.



, . C. B

Eu. 1111

Jriday, December 9, 1988 Rebel ., 'Cats duel in West usrf f6ie? lead, game to Fullerton has some worries of his own b~~h defensi~ely and offensively'. There 1sn t anything different ~\><>~t what they do offensively its Just that they come at you s~ ha rd ' they love the transition game, they're quick to pull up for the t~ree-pointers," Olson said Pomt guard Greg Anthony the Rebels' leading scorer with a 15.7 average, and fellow guards Anderson Hunt (15.3) and Clint Rossum (~.5) are close behind. Tarkaman also has Stacey Augmon, a 6-7 sophomore who played_ on the United States Olympic basketball team and likely will draw the assignment of guarding the 6-8 Elliott. Full~rton St. 68, USO 66 ~edric Ceballos scored 18 pomts _and Derek Jones added 13, mcludmg the game-winner with two seconds left to play, as F1;1ller~on State defeated S,1m Diego 1'1: a non-conference game. ~an J?iego led by as many as 14 pomts m the first half and held a 29-35 halftime lead but made just 11 of 29 field goal attempts in the second half. :4,-~ter a steal by Wayne Williams, Jones evened the game at 66. apiece with 1: 16 left when Dond1 Bell was called for goaltending. _Williams made another steal w!th 40 seconds to go and the Titans worked the clock down to :02 when Jones launched a left- handed leaning jumper off the glass that fell to close the scor - mg. C-3


USD sriccri. trio is honored

Imperial Beach) CA [San D1e99 Co. Imperial Beach Star News (Cir. 2 x w. 2)730) {Cir. S. 2,568

The University of San Diego Communit9 Concert Choir will present a traditional service of Lessons and Carols. Perfor- mances will be at 8 p.m. on Dec. 9-10 in Founders Chapel on cam- pus. For information,_~ ~~ 260-4600, ext. 4456. ?-"1, '?'



Mos had been the runmng- backs coach at DSll smce 1986 but wa ono. of hve a i tan ts new coach Al Luginbill dCCJd d not to retain after replacing Denny Stolz two weeks ago Fighla ton ght Texas wel- tcrv. e1ght Oscar Pena who ha red 14 knockouts in a 17-2 career, will m l San D1egan Gilbert Baptist (14-8) tonight m the main event on a scheduled 34-round boxing card at El Cortez Convention Center San Diego iumor lightweights Hugo Orozco (6-1) and Carlos Nickola (7-1) are paired m a bout on the undercard, which begins at 7:45. , 34

~lle11 '•


P. c. B

DE ! /Im '•

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'""--.--- USD community choir has Christmas program ALCALA PARK -.The University of San Diego Community c"oin:t,rt-Choir will present a traditional serv~ oflessons ,md carols. ;:z,.CJ,5!:' Evening perfom1ances begm 8 p.m., Dec. 9-10 in Founders Chapel. The program will include settings ol traditional English carols, as well as music by choir director Father "icolas Reveles, with accompaniment provided by University organist Janice Feher. Admissio1 is $5 for the general pubrc and $3 for senior citizens. For further information, call Father Reveles, 260-4600, ext. 4456.

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Chu la Vista, CA (San Diego Co.I Star l\'ews (Cir. 2 x W. 24 418)


National City, CA (San Diego Co.) Star News (Cir. 2 x W. 3 1 336) (Cir . S. 3,301 DEC 8 1988 Jllkll '• P. C. B

Mo••• hired

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co .) San D,e.q_o Union (Cir D 217,089) (C ir·. S. 341,840)

Fonn r San Diego

tat a lstant football coach Wayne oses was hir d as n offensiv as- lant by New Mex! o this week ____ ,,,




Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co,) Los Angeles Times (Ci r. 0. 1,117,952) (Cir. S. 1,022,423) DEC 8 1

Esr. I 888


P c. B

he University of San Die o oir will present a traditional service of Lessons and Carols Dec. 9 and 10 at 8 p.m. in Founders Chapel. For more information, call 260-4600 ext. 4456. .?-7' ../'. ••• /' I Community oncert


f,r . 1888

- Scott -~:~:~~::u~ad a season-high 20 points, and each San Frucisco player scored in a 99-66 rout of visiting Chico State (2-4). For- mer JJSD coach Jim Brovelli (4-2) got his ~OOth victory.. . Alex Austin's 19 points led visiting Arizona State (4-1} to an 81-75 victory over Texas Tech (1-4) ... James Scott's 20 points led host Arkansas-Little Rock (3-0) to a 91-66 win over Colorado (2-4), which had 21 turnovers ... Guard Raymond Dud\ey had 28 points as host Air Force (4-2) beat Idaho State (2-4), 71- 57 ... Mitch Smith's 22 points and 16 rebounds led Utah (2-5) to a 66-63 vic- tory over Weber State (3-2) . .. Randy , White's 23 points and 12 rebounds helped visiting Louisiana Tech (5-1) to a 94-87 overtime over Oral Roberts. '1 5


..Alt...'• , C B


roncoWomenCagersWill Meet SanDiego ter Andre White (6-5). Porter is averaging 16 points, White 10.4 points and 8.8 rebow:ids and Turner 7.2 points and 5.4 assists.

two NCAA Division I opponents in Louisiana against Southern on Sat- urday and Grambling on Monday. With its 82-61 loss to Kentucky Wesleyan-top-ranked In the NCAA Division 11-last week, lhe Golden Eagles are 2-3. Southern entered the week at 2-0 and Grambling was 0-4, includ- ing losses to UC Berkeley and Memphis State. The fortunes of the Golden Ea· gles may hinge on lhe ol'ldition or their leading scorer and rebounder, 6-4 senior forward Rhodney Moore, who -has been suffering from bone' spurs in both feet and did not play in the team's loss to Kentucky Weslefan. But Moore, .who averages 33.3 points and 11.8 tebounds, is expect- ed to play against Southern and Grambling. Besides Moore, lhe Golden Ea- gles have been led by junior guards David Porter (6-2) and Bruce Turner (6-3) and sophomore cen- ----

are 6-0. but we arc far from perfect," Bronco Coach Darlene May said. "We are still workmg on the chemistry of thi unit and we expect that strong competition will makP us better" Maybe so, but the Broncos have been impressive in winning lhe Cal • State Fullerton Converse Classic over Division I teams and defeating D1vls10n II powers West Texas State and Abilene Christian. The Broncos have displayed bal· ance w1lh all five starters averag- ing between 8.7 and 17.8 pomts. Three are averaging in double figures: guard Cathy Gooden (5-5) at 17.8 points, center Niki Bracken (6-2) al 16.7 and a team-leading 8 rebounds and guard Carrie Egan (5-8) at 10.5 pomts. The other starters, forwards Stephanie Coons (5-10) and Susan Luckinbill (5-9) , ar wcragmg 8.7 points. M Angeles men"s w I f C{" It• only

After a ~~eek break,. tl!e undefeated Cal Poly Pomona women's ba: kcthail team will take a 6·0 r core\ into a non-conference game again l the U\llcvc.w41 LILSan IJI.CiD,-.U..1:30 p.m. Saturday at Poly Pavilion in Pomona. an D,ego, an CAA Division I team. h a 1-1 record after a second-place fmi. h lo Duk m the Uo n ast Automobile Cla c al th UmversityofMam •. The 'l'oreros, who sutrcred a ,GO Joss lo Pomona I sl year, arc led by 5-7 iumor guard Candid bchevcrna w1th an av<'rage of 20 po,ntJI ancl .5 rehounds. A top player for S n Diego. center Christi Engll h, will mlsl th g me be• ca of a Hprained ankle. Pomona, which rcacht~d the D1• on II quarterfinals last season, hi) been wmnlng although one of Its top players-all -conference forward Marcme T•~dmonrls-1s out with a kn injury. "I am ccrtmnly pie· <'d that wt•

The Louisiana trip will be a homecoming for White and Cal State I. A. Coach Henry Dyer. White's hometown is Baton Rouge, where Southern is located, and Dyer played football at Grambling under longtime Coach Eddie Rob,- inson, who is also lhe schools athletic director.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064) DEC 9 1988

Jtlt... '• ,. C. 8



Founder• Gallery - "Michell• Bur- gess ~rints and Drawings," through Dec. 15. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Informa- tion: 260-4600, ext. 4261. ~/(5'>


Escondido CA (Sa n Diego' Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. D. 45 900) (Cir. S. 4 7,000) DEC 9 1988

San Diego, CA \San Diego _co .\ Evening Tribune) (Cir. D. 123,064 oEC9 w,se

.Jl/~'• P C B

F,r 1886

.)llt...'• ,. c. B

F.,I. 1888

- Father Nichole • -~•lea leads Comiilumty concert c~ ~':'.!' Feslival of Lessons and Carols" p(ogi\im, 8 p.m. Dec. 9 and 10. Founders Chapel. Admission: general, $5: senior citizens, $3. Information: 260-4600

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