News Scrapbook 1988

Carlsbad, CA \San Diego Co.) La Costan 0) (Cir. W. 5 ,00 Of c 2 1988

San Diego , CA (San Diego Co.) San D,eq_o Union} le - D 217 089 IL . 341 840) Cir . S. , DEC 3 1988 Jll~n·• P. C. B

._Alic,.'• P. c a ,au Silence i 955' By Scott ol t Sports Writ SAN DIE E

E,r. 1838

The Suckers (2-5). losers of back-'t back games which put them in the basc~ent of the Major Indoor Soccer League, w!ll host the Wichita Wings 7:30 Satuniay mght at the Sports Arena. "T had to read the paper upside-down Monday, because I couldn't bear it," quip- ped Sockcr coach Ron Newman. A highlight of the game will be last year_'s scoring champion. Wichita's Erik Rasmussen, going up against last season's Goalkeeper of the Year, Socker Zoltan Toth. The Sockers will be missing Branko Segota (hamstringl and Hormoz Tabrizi (back). ••• The lJSIU basketball team has al o open- ed al 2-0 with home wins over Air Force and Maryland Eastern Shore. But the going gets tougher for coach Gary Zarecky's Gulls. tTSIU is on the road for its next eight games, which started Tuesday night with a 97-61 los to USC . The Gulls have a date with yracuse, currently ranked fourth in the nation by The Associated Pre s, m the Car- rier Dome on Dec. 14. In a 20-day p riod the Gulls will travel to the slates of Indiana, l'.cw Hampshll'e, New York and Maryland m addition to road gaines within their home stale "One of the things I hear as a coach is that all the players dream about playing in the NBA. I told them that they're going to see what the .NBA is like in the next 20 da,¥s," aid Zarecky, referring to the pro circuit's hectic travel schcdul

Local Nltc·


The howl of the boister- ous cro\\-d that 1111 "The Pit," home of the New Mexico b.iskctball team, are never music to any opponent's ears. Nl•ither n• the honking, tooting and bl atin of u p b nd while the ball i i play, at I • 1 t 111 the cars of the NCAA, wh1rh m lulled a rule thi ·eason to pro- hibit uc· mu 1cal accompaniment. Torn I nn rone, Univer ·1t of 'an Diego's ulhletl( dm•l'tor, pomt<'d this out when th' Torern foll b •hind 13-0 to host C\\- Mexico m the fin I of th<• Lobo Classic on Sunday c·c·ordm to trud1tiorf ut "The !'it," the ('rowd tumJ rnd cheer and thr band con- tmues to play until the opponent scores . "H · know th C A rules pretty good and ht• ·ent word clown to the bench," said USU l'Oach Hank Egan. "lie took cure of on of our obJecllves for us, he gol the band lo . top pluymg and pretty . oon w were up I!) 17 .. USU eventually rulhed to score a 64-53 up. et victory 'rhc• Lobos r turn four starter. from their :.!2-14 quad of last y ar and w •re ranked 21th rn the nation in The portin ' ew prcsea on polls while being f vored to contl•n

Coast "I've always had a •onccrn for game management and crowd 10ntrol," Iannacone said . "Prior to the scasot. the r-vCAA did in- form everyone o he bad ru c It's my job to read those thing " To control ew Me co, Egan felt his team had to stop the f sl break and keep the taller Lobos off th board . The young Torcro did that in bot their tourney vic- tories, holding Lehigh nd • c\\ Mexico to 39.6 percent shooting 1veragc USD al o outrcbounded Lehigh ly three and New Mexico by JO. There ure seven fre hmen on the VSO squad, includmg startng guard Wayman 'tnckland, who led ti Torero with 14 pomts against the Lobo First-year players Gy!an Dottin 9 points, 9rebounds, 4 a ·s1Stsl and Kelvin Woods also ontributed "A good percentage them played with a great amount of poi " Egan aid of his young. ter.,' play in fr t of only crowd of 16,889. " think we competed better-than we played ' If nothing else, USO (3-0J caught the at- tention of the rest of the West Coast round the league," Egan aid "I know th re were ·ome calls mad around the league about scouting us and tuff." thlctic Conference. "We alerted people

to visit 1 Gauchos By Ric Bucher Slaff Wriler The University of s~•s un- derdog status in tal!ay'sgaine at UC Santa Barbara has increased. B~t judging by the Toreros' three p~ev~- ous performances this season, with it increases the likelihood of a strong USD showing. UCSB staved off a late surge by a highly regarded Loyola Marymount to win, 95-94, on its home court Thursday nighl "I think that Loyola is consider one of the best teams on the West Coast," said USO coach Hank Egan. "But Santa Barbara had a very good team last year ... I don't think a lot of people knew that." . Loyola Marymount rose ~o nahon- al prominence last year with 28-4 record including a 119-115 Victory over Wyoming in the first r~und of the NCAA Tournament. The Lions re- captured that attention last week with a record-setting, season-opemng 164-138 victory over Azusa Paci(ic. The Toreros, meanwhile, drew no- tice on a national scope with wins last weekend over Lehigh and the University of New Mexico in the lat- ter's Lobo Classic tournament. Egan attributed the first-half struggle Wednesday in a 90-64 win over Cal Lutheran, an NAIA Division II pr~- gram, to a combination of overconfi- dence and lack of motivahon from the first two victories. "In the other two games, the at- mosphere and the opposition made " E d "I you concentrate, gan sa1 . didn't like our execution (against Cal Lutheran). I thought we had great in- tensity. It just wasn'! very so_und." Neither were their practices be- fore meeting Cal Lutheran. Prepar- ing for the Gauchos has been differ- ent. Mike Doyle ancftfary Gray had six points each in a 14-4 run before halftime as UC Santa Barbara de- feated the Un iwmi•y 0£ Sao Diego 76-58 Saturday evening in the Gauchos' gym. College basketball Dovie and Grav fueled the deci- sive run that started with 7:03 left in the first half and gave the Gau- chos a 39-19 halftime lead. San Diego cut the lead to 53-36 midway through the second half. UC Santa Barbara's biggest lead was 27 points with less than two minutes to go. Doyle scored 19 points and Gray 13. They each cleared seven re- bounds as the Gauchos took a 44-.36 advantage. Eric McArthur added 12 points. UC Santa Barbara improved to 3-0, while USO fell to 3-1. Efrem Leonard scored 13 points and Dondi Bell had 12 for the To- reros. The Gauchos shot 49 percent and held the Toreros to only 36 percent. USIU 94, Tennessee State 85 Gary Williams scored 25 points and Eddie Hodges had six in the final 1: 14 as USIU held off Tennes- see State for a 94-85 victory Satur- day and third place in the Ball State CVC Classic in Muncie, Ind. Demetrius Laffitte had 19 points and 14 rebounds and Paul Wilson added 18 points for the Gulls, now 3-2. Tennessee State, 0-3, was led by Robert Neely's 22 (San Diego Co.} Times Advocate (Cir. D. 45,900} (Cir. S. 47,000) DEC 4 1988 fle,i 'a P. C. B f., r l&BB

Perry (29) leads Aztec women

mouth play for third place at 6. The Aztecs were never in trouble, leading, 48-22, at halftime. Brooke Meadows had 13 points and 12 re- bounds, and USD transfer Julie Evans 18 points. In other women's games;

Chana Perry had 29 points and 12 rebounds to lead San Diego Sta~e women's team past Baylor, 85-40, m last mght's first round of the SDSU Classic at Peterson Gym. SDSU coach Earnest Riggins, how- ever was less than enthusiastic. •-r' was a little disappointed," Rig- gins said. "I thought we would have gotten a much better challenge. Our kids played well, but it's tough to keep the intensity level up when you're up by 25-30 points for most of the night." . Still, the question remains_ for the 4-0 Aztecs - is the opposition that bad or is SOSU that good? «i don't know," Riggins said. "But I don't think we've had a good enough test yet that we can really measure ourselves." The No. 20 Aztecs play Tennessee Tech in tonight's final at 8. Tech beat Monmouth, 71-36. Baylor and Mon-

Solana Beach CA (San Diego c~.) The Citizen (Cir. 2 X W. 20,000) ore 2 7988

, C R


,.. • •••

Silence is golden in 'The Pit' for USO By Scott Holst _., q Cc'

[ 7 :,)

The Suckers (2-5J, losers of back-to-back games which put them m the basement of the 2\fajor Indoor Soccer League, will host the Wichita Wmgs 7 :30 Saturday night at the Sports Arena "I had to read the paper upside-down Monday, because I couldn't bear it," quip- ped Socker coach Ron Newman. A highlight of the game will be last year's scoring champion, Wichita's Erik Rasmussen, going up against last season's Goalkeeper of the Year, Socker Zoltan Toth. The Sockers will be missing Branko Segota (hamstring) and Hormoz Tabrizi (backl. ••• The USIU basketball team has also open- ed at 2--0 with home wins over Air Force and Maryland Eastern Shore. But the going gets tougher for coach Gary Zarecky's Gulls. USIU is on the road for its next eight games, which started Tuesday night with a 97-61 loss to USC. The Gulls have a date with Syracuse, currently ranked fourth in the nation by The Associated Press, in the Car- rier Dome on Dec. 14. In a 20-day period the Gulls will travel to the states of Indiana, New Hampshire, New York and Maryland in addition to road games within their home state. "One of the things I hear as a coach is that all the players dream about playing in the NBA. I told them that they're going to see what the NBA is like in the next 20 da,fs," said Zarecky, referring to the pro circuit's hectic travel schedule.

Sports Wrrt r


Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co .) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) DEC 4 1988

Local Notes

AN DH;GO ou. rrowd that fill l'1t," home of the ew Mexico ba kctball tram, arr never mu 1c lo my oppon nt' cnr c1 her arc the honkmg, tooting nnd hleatin of a p p ban I while th ball 1 in play, at lea t 111 the car of the NCAA, which in tailed a rule th1 sea on to pro- l11h1t ttch mu ieal accompaniment Tom Iannuconc, C:ntversity of San Diego s athletic

Coast. "I've always had a concern for game management and crowd control,'' Iannacone said. "Prior to the season, the NCAA did in form everyone of the band rule. It's my job to read those things." To control New Me ico, Egan felt his team had lo stop the fast break and keep the taller Lobo. off the, boards. The young Torcros did that in both their tourney vic- tories, holdmg Lehigh and ew Mexico to 39 6 percent shooting average. USO also outrebounded Lehigh by three and New Iex1co by 10. There. are seven fre hmen on the USO quad, including startmg guard Wayman Strickland, who led the Toreros with 14 points agam t the Lobo . First-year players G3, Ian Dottin (9 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assi tsl and Kelvin Woods also contributed . ' 'A good percentage of them played with a great amount of poi. e," Egan said of his young. ters' play in front of standing-room. only crowd of 16,889. "I think we competed better than we played •· If nothing else, USD (3-0l caught the at- tention of the rest of the West Coast • "We alerted people around the league," Egan said. "I know there were some calls made around the league about scouting us and stuff." Athletic Conference.

..Al~·. P. C. B

I U8



~~iega and



Farren of the Univer · D,.u:go a,hranced to the·-~fi""na'-:l~s.... o-=f':':th:"'e' San Diego County All College tournament at U D Noriega de- nted Joe McDonough of San Die- o State 6 4, 6 0, and Farren defeated teammate J.R. Edwards, 7-5,6-1.

Toreros beaten by C Santa Barbara Tne Assoc,aled P,ess --;J(l'3~

T~fi~als at 11 a.m. today, with the doubles followmg.

points and 20 from Alburey Doss. USIU took its largest lead, 83-63, on two Williams free throws with 6:17 left in the game, but Ten- nessee State·, behind 12 points by Neely, scored 20 of the next 25 to pull within 88-83 with 1:14 remain- ing. Hodges then hit four free throws and a basket and Matt Judd had a layup to seal the victory for the Gulls. Wake Forest 82, Wyoming 77 At Denver, forward Chris King scored 17 of his 19 points in the second half for the Demon Dea- cons in the first game of the Mile- High Classic. Trailing 39-36 at the start of the second half, Wake Forest pulled even with the Cowboys at 46-46 with seven points by King. Wyoming, 3-3, drew to within 78-77 before Wake Forest reeled off the final four points. Forward David Carlyle chipped in 18 points for the Demons, now 2-1. Wyoming guard Reggie Fox added 12. At Corvallis, senior forward Eric Knox.scored 18 points to carry the Beavers to a non-conference tri- umph. Knox hit a jumper at 14:43 to put Oregon State, 2-0, ahead 15-2. The visiting Wildcats fell to 2-1. Pacific 90, Cornell 76 Guard Chris Fox scored 26 points and backcourt teammate Reggie Ricks added 17 to pace the Tigers in the consolation game of the Apple Invitational. Oregon State 66, Kansas State 48

Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) DEC 4 1988

Los Angeles,CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir . D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) DEC 4 1988 t i ' p c B kft. .

1-mperial Beach 1 CA (San Dieg_o Co., Imperial Beach Star News ! Cir. 2 x w. 2t730) Cir. S. 2,5681 DEC 4 1988 18U . USO Never Ge Into the Game, oses Its First to Santa Barbara :2- \\- f From 1taTt a'ifd Wire Reports bounds and 4 blocked shots; Efrem GOLETA-The Umvers1ty of San DiP. o men's baSkelball t 'ti, attl!fflJl .P, lo get off to its first 4 0 tart s:ncc the program ent lo Leonard added 13 pomts and 5 steals, and CrBlg Cottrell added 10 pomts. Forv. ard Mike Doyle led Santa Barbara with 19 points and 7 rebounds.

.Jl/lt" '•

I ,r 1888

p C B

[ Chula Vista , CA


(San Diego Co .) Star News (Cir . 2 x W. 24,41 8)

DEC 4 1988 Jlllai ', P. C. B

NCAA Dms1on I m 1979, lost for th first lime this season Saturday, 76 58, at UC Santa Barbara The Torcros (3-1) fell behmd, 39-19, by halfllmc agamst the Gauchos (3-0) and were unable lo make up the deficit m the second half. "They took u out of every- thing." Coach Hank Egan aid. "They're a very good team 1th good quickness. Thi I the first team that flat came after us hke we've gone after other teams this sea on." USO shot 36% (20 of 56 its worst shooting mght thus far this season. Santa Barbara, which made the NCAA tournament f1 d last s ason, hot 49% (27 of 55) For USO, sophomore center Dond1 Bell had 12 pomts 8 re-

"We had nol seen that kind of deal (defense, full-court pres- sure)," Egan said, "and we re- sponded like a young basketball team.It Santa Barbara opened a 7-2 lead in the first 5 minutes and extended that to 21- IO with 7:23 remaining in the half on Eric McArthur's 2 free throws..,l'he Gauchos went up by as many as 22 points 37-15, with 2,02 log'> on a 10-f Jumper by Doyle. With 10 mmut s to play in the game, the 'l'oreros closed to 52-36 but couldn't get any closer.. USD made I of I I 3-pqmi ttempts and was outrcbounded H -~S) for the first time this season. The Toreros play host to Cal State Fullerton Thursday at the USD ports Center al 7:30 p.m



National City, CA (San Diego Co .) Star News (Cir. 2 x W. 3,336) (Cir. S. 3,301) DEC 4 1988

Ventura, CA (Ventura Co.) Ventura Star Free Press

(Cir. D. 43,588) (Cir . S. 47,063) DEC 4 1988

San Diego , CA (San Diego Co.) San Dieqo Union (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 4

Jllln. ·•

..Alle.i ·• ,. C. B / uc- ~v~l P.=~ Unlversi! 9. - At ~. Mi~e Doyle a~d Gf had six pomts each m a Gra)>efore halftime that launched run UC Santa Barbara Gauchos t}Je r the San Diego Toreros. . ovioyle and Gray fuel~d th~03df~t . run that started with 7. e ~iveth frst half and gave the m e I 1ft' lead Gauchos a 39-19 ha u_ne .d t UC Santa Barbara improve o 3-0 while San Diego fell to 3·l. fat. I BB& 6ss

P. C. B E.



P. C. B Err. 1&&8 ~Eyrt OF SAN DIEGO: "MI- i ;h~reeurgess, Prints and Draw- ings," etchings, wood-cuts and drawings of the human figure by Burgess, through Dec. 15 in Fo~ ders Gallery. 260-4600. Monday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. "Ire- land and the Hellenic Tradition," his- torical objects illustrating the Influ- ence of Greece on Irish culture, through Dec. 15 in the Copley Li• brary_ 260-4826. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a_JJJ. to 11 pm ~Y.5'~

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