News Scrapbook 1988
San D
al I.
5an oiego, Calii. Southern Cross \Cir.IN , 21.soo)
Union ,re D 217 324) (C1rc S 339 788)
Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) limes (San Diego Ed .l (Cir. O. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) ~O\J 1 '1 ,988
N~ Jl[l~I
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,336) NOV 1 7 1988
NOV 1 7.1988
NOV 1 8 i988
.)I.Um'• 1888
P. C. 8
~u-• • P. C..
/uso Gets Marine Studies Grant Fr~m oceans f oundat1on i:/'::J½:" san Diego SAN blr.G~i-;;-n presented. a oceans Found~ t the....Univers1ty grant ol _$i0,?0 Ma~ine studies pro·
.JI.(~'• P. C. 8
Business Seminar Serles, continues Dec. 2 with "Marketing Within the Organization:' Cost for one session is $15. Each seminar Includes presentation materials and contlnental breakfast. For lunher information, call Jackie Frleberg, 260-4644. Distinguished speakers series, a lecture series focusing on the business activity ln the United states, the Pacific Rim and Me>
Esr 1816
SKETBA~k rJ-flni? ~ ity of San Diego announced tlial Shawn Hamilton. a 6-foot 8-mch 225 -pound forward from Mesa, Ariz., has signed a letter of intent to )0111 the Toreros for th 1989 OOseason. Hamilton a ttended orthern n and started , averaging 3.9 pomts and Anwna 14 gam fr
1/The l 'ni~e"ir f . Orehesrra wifra Y O San Bie~o at 4 P n, PPear in cuncen · - on Nov 20 Camino Theatre. · at the USI) w,IJ Perform The orchestra works fro . ~en, Dvorak a d m Svcnd- information, c~ill ~~-:~"Jl;9'~
-8 prospects UCLA Des rt Cla ic Im,tat onal women 's tournament 1n Palm prmgs. Ariz na State's Pearl mn medalist at 211. U lU hnJShed 1 th t 929, an Diego State tied for 14th t 934. B akatb II clinic - USIU coach Gary Zarecky nd Sweetwater High coach Dave Ybarra will host a fr e pubhc clime Saturday at Sweetwater from 1-3 p.m. A USlU intrasquad c mm g will follow . Vol ybell - Terry L1 kevych has be n retain d to coach the U.S. wom n's team through the 1992 Olymp1c (; am in Barcelona.
ol san D,ego s
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) University City Light (Cir. W.)
gram. t d to rnal
3 -1 rebound . He 1s pl aying his sophomore season at Mesa Com- mumly Colleg m Arizona.
NOV 1 7 1988
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The Universijy of an Oleg Orchestra will appear in conc!1 ~a 4 ~-m . on Nov. 20 at the USO . mino Theatre. The orche;tra will perform works from Svend- sen, Dvorak and Attenberg Fo information, call 260-4(, 82 _°.;?_~
PJ' s Cale in/
accepted tne rnonY at sea
/ ____.
Ext. 4261 .
San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross {Cir, W, 27,500) NOV 1 7 1988
Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.) La Costan (Cir. W. 5,000) NOV 1 8 1988 ..ALJ...~ ,. c. e E,,. ,au / u IVERSIIY CF SAN DIEGO ORCHES fo s m b s i.JS c y vendsen Dvorak ano All b S1,,r day Nov 20 at 4 p m at USO C Tickets are $5 general adrr ssion a
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) University City Light (Cir. W.)
P c. B
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NOV 17 1988
TRA Per- er erg or
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P. c. B
1 , 1R88
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am l"'O Theatre an1 :,re avarlable at the door For mo~~ $~ for seriors 2&. c or 260-4682 ,.:;;;:.f Tt,on call Rebel Priest Matthew Fox to Speak at USD
~hele Burg~~ Prints and Drawings, " JJt through Dec. 15 al_the Fou ders Gallery, USO. For information, call 260-4600:"
e e r
Tickets arc $3 for the general public and $2 for USO students. Tickets can be ordered through the USO and Old Globe box offices or purchased at the door. For further information call 260-4682 ,/1
For his comrovers1al work he will be prohibited by Roman Catholic authornies, beginning Dec. IS, from speaking publidy or publishing his writings, according to a report in the National Catholic Reporter, a liberal weekly published m Kan. as Ci1y. Fox believes that "Deep Ecum msm" will unleash 1hc wisdom of all the world·, religions which holds the on~ias1 hope tor !he survival of !he planet." Fox teaches that "...there 1s nu such thing as a Lutheran sun and Taoist moon and a Jewish ocean and a Roman Catholicfon:sl " "When humanity learns thts," he says, "We will have learned a way out of the dilemma that is boring our young, killing our ouls, trivializing our war.hip, amt exterminating our planet." As a Dom1mcan priest, Fox found..:d and directs the Instilutc in Culture and Creation Spiri tuali1y mOakland. Fox's San Diego Schedule 1s as follows: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 , " Pcacemalcrng m the M1ds1 of Crisis" a1 _the First Unitarian Church, 4190 From SL, San Diego. 8:00 a.m. :-,,ov. 17, "A Paradigm Shilt lor Western Religion" at the Univcrsn~ of s~111 Diego, Alcala Park off Linda V1,ta•Rtl. 12:00 noon, Sov 17, ··Rcnat"anc..: ol Sex ual ~>sllc1sm" al San Diego StJtC Universi1~. Montezuma Hall, San D1..:go.
lloang Taing (It/I) with htr Fretdomr Foundation award (Phom By David Barak) Peace with Freedom •fly :Hoang ' • r1aing II have 1hc common mteres1 ol worlu peace.
ggeans_ide, CA No~hDctgo Co.} BcliJde Tr?~~ty l •r. D 29 ne Cir s · 30 4,089) . · , 98) NOV 17 1988
l-tJ11or' s Note Un1\/('rs1ty of San Diego student /Joung K. I uing received un awurd from the freedoms Foundation at 'valley for e for the following essuy . 1 mn . 11,/w comes from Cambodia. won/or her rury in the Mi/Hury Es uy c<11egory in a nationwide contest I n lhc mtcrc t ol world peace, I would lo hare with you how I felt about ce when I was a child, the experiences ol my pa t through war, and most of all, my mtcrc t m world peace with freedom today. A a httlc girl. I had lovely parents and the mncr peace and harmony of a wonderful ram1ly hfe. But the Commum took over m d1 in 197 Many people were .killed, 1ncludmg my brothers. I had to run to an underground helter to protect myself, The Communist did not give us any fr dom at all. There was no education and no pnvale owner. hip. Everything belonged to lhe Commums1 govcmmcm, which pul u through extreme misery. In lhi way, war 1s evil, and war is sad. Becau e of war I was forced to pick up fruit from LraSh c~s in order lo eat, walk in a dark forest without h . lccp along the road~1de without a bed and escape to other countnc , Thank.., 10 God for everything! Today I am here, hvmg in the U.S.A., where freed m reigns I can hve in peace, and my freedom 1~ guardntced under the nghlS of 1hc Con titution. Thi mcludc my freedom of pc ch. rehgion, cdu auon and most 11nponant, 1h freedom to hve m peace with oth r In order 10 have freedom, ea hone of u~ mu t take !he re pon 1bility to vote, be ,1 good cmzcn and to uind up for what we behcvc Although we arc o f different nauonahu and from every walk of life, we
We should not let details ofpast wars and the threat of future wars take away theJun andjoy we have of working to gain peace. I've personally nouccd various nations and lhcu people participate m peace rallie s and talks when I U-a\·cled to such countries as Vietnam, Malaysia,Taiwan, Hong Kong. Japan , England , France, Mex ico, amt Canada. I went as a goodwill ambassauor for peace lO mos!of these countries 1, isll¢d. I am a cadet m the United Sui1cs Air ~oree ROT<;, and by auc nding an msbtution of higher learning, I am not only learning new knowledge, but I have also come to lhink things out in an open-minded way. As a member of the Air Force, I feel that "we arc not seeking to win war, but to gain peace." And we should not let de1.a1ls of past wars and the threat of futurc wars talce away !he fun and JOY we have of working on this challenging task. This 1s a glonous world because there are people we love and pleasure to be shared. My mtcres1 in world peace is so deep. I strongly believe that one day this world will have peace because our wise leaders will "have brought us a long period of peace and many ncce ·sary reforms which arc being made for 1he good of our world ." (Acts 24:2) I can sec in front of my eyes that all God' chlidren , Ru ss ian , Ameri ca n, Chmesc or Cambodian. will li ve m th ts happy world, Join hands together anti smg the song of pc.1ce
/2 --
fl. C 8
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forms musSIJy CE SAN o Sunday N ,c by Svendsen IEGo ORCHE Tickets are°is 20, at 4 Pm ~~o~ak and At~:,~A Per- and are gencra ad SO Cam erg on ·-60-46ot"a i:lb/e at lhe d mission and $4 '70 Theatre or 260-4682 oar For more , f or seniors
San Diego C (Sano·, A E . 1ego Co) ven,ng T . • (c;, 0 rtbune . . 123,064)
..-<,7,S,Smat,on Cali
Matthew Fox T he University of San Diego will host 1wo of a scnes of talks rebel priest Mauhew Fox will deliver m San Diego th is week. An intemauonally known lecturer, author of twelve books, and editor of Creation maga1.1ne, Fox has su rred comroversy with his me sage of "Deep Ecumenism.'" a mixture of social concern and Christian mysticism. £•.-~ ,-,1 o ,11 u.:::-s, .4 /J"z..v-;;
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San D iego CA (San Dieg~ Co ) Sa!! Diego Uni~n (C!r. D. 217,089) (Ci r. S. 341,840 ) NOV 1 8 1988
JO seUnN IJ\4Of JO 009tr-o92: JO JOJO)/ 'JQ //0:) ·uo{IOWJOJU/ e1ow }0:J I'S puo /OJ0U0B gs S/ UOISS/WP \/ 'JOOP 04/ JO 0 /QO/fOAO S./0,P/1 fD 'W"d ,, JO W2Y92 IQ eq lj/M 1010>1 lvu0H 10 Jo uoij :>eJ/P 134110p un ·oi1se4:>JO 06e1a ucs Jo A11SJeA1un e41 Ol Jaqwal\ON SJU0WOUJO puo 'SUO/jOJO:>ep 'SAO/ 'S/.JJB p0J04:JOJ:) 'lg J!WI :sweJ/ peJ.JOKJ pu04 /IV rrtri:-fUi: ·0,.,v µeq.ieH ·1w Ofgtr '4:)Jn4:) 1s1po41evv pe;µn JUOW8JID/:) 4µ0N 8lU JO w·d tr 'W'06 ·e1DS 9)109 puo JOOZDQ SOWISJJ4:> 1onuuv 'SJO/U8S ·ee. u0peMS M0N llq pe1osuods-O:) '01/0841 OU/WO:) .aso
.JI.I~'• P. C. 8 Est. 1886 UNIVER~ITY OF SAN DIEGO 0 CHESTAA ff. by Dr H - The orchestra, directed by S . ;nry Kolar, will perform works 4 P ,;e~ ~n, Dvorak and Atterberg at ate;. . un ay;,n ~S5 s,f-amino T/
. THE NAMES: Maybe the first nm~ weeks are the toughest. Chief Bob Burgreen leaves Wedn_~sday for a two-week Hawauan cruise.. . . KFMB's Joe Bauer won El Cajon City Council approval to install sewer pumps on a plot he owns in East County But Mayor John Reber wants payoff: "Now," he told Bauer after the vote, "we'd like to see our Frequent Listener numbers called." ··· ~dents have booked a warm-up act for finals ~eek: Emmy-winning TV come- .-l·~n R~ch Hall on Dec. 2.
6 -8 JaqwaAON
Sal"\ Diego Calif. Union (C1rc D 217,324) (C1rc. S. 339, 788)
IANNOUNCEMENTS\ JJJ. jJ ti r $.. W __t) e V • 1-:L I 7ti
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064) ~>l 1 g 1988
Jll~ ,. c. a
NOV 201988 Jllm's P. C. 8
i:.,. ,us 1888
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