News Scrapbook 1988

Spring Valley, CA (San Diego Co.) Spring Valley Bulletin (Cir. W. 2,708)

San Diego, Ca lif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) OCT 20 1988

OCT 201988

San Diego, CA (San Di f10 Co.I Dail y Transcript (Cir. O. 10,000) OCT 19 1988

...._.Jlf l~,. '• ,••~ o Grant to USD ( For Study of ~c; Marine Life .. r P, c_e _ , ,.


I 1. 1888


P. C. B

OCT 201988


' · C. I

USD _ __, Business Seminar Series, continues Oct. 28, 7:30 am., at the Manchester Executive Conference Center. Topic is "AIDS: Tackling a Tough Problem." Cost for the entire series is $105. For one session, cost is $15. Each seminar includes presentation materials and continental breakfast. For further information, call Jackie Frleberg 260•4644. Distinguished speakers series, a lecture series focusing on the business activity In the United tates, the Pacllic Rim and Mexico, continues at the Manchester Exectuve Conference Center, Nov. 17 and Dec. 15. Topic for November Is, "Advising Japanese Business Clients." Conducted by Christopher Walt, a partner with Luce, Forward. Cost is $15 per session. Call 260·4644. Social Issues Week, continues with a lecture on "Universal Declaration of Human Rights and What it Means in the Americas." Sponsored by the Associated Students Speakers Bureau and Amnesty International. Call 260•4600.



Jllfo. '•

r h 'M;M;h~:•K;eps c,·,.,,,.,,u/1',l/,.om /',igt• IA> 1888

P. C. 8

/4cMahonStands Out A~b%Elite Civil Litigators Driven By Prrparation, 'Fear Of Failure'; Even The Slwf's tlly Polished lly,JOR NADDEFELO _q•n 1'ir10 Ottlll Tr11n u,111. tttff lhilrr So what 1f t:rrnld ",Jerry " Mc M11ho11 "•l• on mo•t ltKl• nR on· of S·m ll11•go'R 1110•\ elite lnwyl'rff, Nev •r mind thnt MrM hon cr1•11m cl 11notlwr hcavyw ·i1,:ht, Brian Monagh n, m 1on11gh11n'R own hnckynrd, wro111(f11l lC'Tm1111, hon ~:vnyhody had p1ckl-rl Mona i:h n to wi11 McMnhon, a pu1t1wr nt, •lt,i•r, Cnplnn. Wilkins & Mc t hon, hnd !'vcn ollcrcd $1 mil 1i1111 •tllt-tnl'nt e11rly 111 1111• tri I to •11d thP thmg When Mun,11

1 Grant to USD For Study of qSc; Marine Life 'r ,...,.._.-::,-_---l The San Diego Oceans Foun- dation presented the Univer- sity of San Diego wfth a Sl0,000 grant October 4. 1 he grant will be used to establish a graduate SC'holar- ship fund supporting the Uni- versity's Marine Studies pro- gram. The C'heck was presented by Seth Brown, president of San Diego Oceans Foundation. Ac- cc,ptmg the check at a br!Pf ceremony held at Sea World's PJ's Cafe was USD's pre•l• dent, Dr. Author Hughes. The grant represents the be- ginning of what officials at both institutions hope will soon become a much larger St'holarship fW1d . "We are delighted to make this contribution to the Uni- versity of San Diego," said Brown. "It is our hope that the Foundation Endowed Ma- rine Studies Scholarship fW1d will one day exceed $100,000 and wilt finance the studies of many deserving students o, er the years." The scholarships, the first ol which is scheduled for the fall of 1989, are intended for lISD students whose studies will help improve the manage- ment of the ocean's resources. Encouraging wise use of the ocean through education is a major goal of the San Diego Oceans Foundation.

Coming At You---

The San Diego Oceans Foun- dation presented the Univer- sity of ,Sao Diego with a $10,000 grant October 4. The grant will be used to establish a graduate scholar- ship fund supporting the Uni- versity's Marine Studies pro- gr,tm. The chrck was presented by SPth Brown, president of San Diego Oceans Foundation. Ac- cepting the check at a brief ceremony held at Sea \'\l'orld's PJ's Cafe was USD's presi- dent, Dr. Author Hughes. The grant rep :,c nls the be- ginning of what officials at both institutions hope will soon become a much larger scholarship fund. "We are delighted to malte this contribution to the Uni- vnsity of San Diego," said Brown. "It is our hope that the Foundation Endowed Ma- rine Studies Scholarship fund will one day exceed $100,000 a11d wm finance the studic-s of mlfny de-serving students 0\'er the years." The scholarships, the first of which Is scheduled for the fall of 1989, are intended for lISD students whose studies will help improve the manage- ment of the ocean's resources. Encouraging wise use of the ocean through education Is a major goal of the San Diego Oceans Foundation.

Monnghnn Rnid, ••1•m not even sure if it was (McMahon) who of- fcrcd that" Ile indeed found it highly unus ual. llr sa id il's not

( orf!nni1,ing, he pn•1>rurs. Done wlth

Jlrl'""""'' You km,w,

thnl, hr organi1.1•~ ngnm

C:111 v,•y Anl l of

~~ven his hoxin(( couch says that Winner of th<' 1!172 h.-0117.f' medal in Munich nnd now a Channel 10

that A!'lllpt 111 I'll . mom m,.t npph• ,.11 you MOlllf' "'" '"'"'"'" hnlo. "Now, 1<:arvpy'~l lll'tlPr lookin1i, '1rhf'I'," throws hn t'k McMa I"'' 111111


an unethical

neccssnri ly

howevC'r. It depends on the details



rnml'rn 111 nn, Vnldf'z

nf it aml how iL's made.


lloxNcisc clnss


hon .

McMnhon agreed such n tuclic is n't common. hut "it can be done in various ways that it can be made proper. In fact, it was done in the $40 million (J. David) Rogers & Wells settl!'menl. ... Any conversa- l ion along that line would have be-en on the basis of if it's ethical lo Mohaglwn hacl sewn up until the jury returned the verdict in favor of "I kn ow he expected to get vir- tually hamnwred." recall ed Monn- Whnt did McMahon ,lo to pull it out of the lire? "Why don' you ask him and tlwn tell nH'," said Mona• ghan. "One thing he doe· is have a consi~tent theme and h<' works Huntington, who faced McMa- hon in some clivorce cases, said, "Whe n J went to court, I always had n couple of people with me just to hnve enough ns him. I came with an associnte and two paralegals and ,Jerry had tll'O associates and Strong Legal Team 1\lcl\1ahon attributes a strong tram al Seltzer, Caplan, where he hns workerl since leaving law school 24 yrnrs ago. "Altogether we try lo hr one good lawyer," he snid Isa, he Pdits the sup ort of his fA i y: his wife Donna, whom he met in college, daughters Maria, 31. a, d Angela, 13, and sons · hael, 29, Mark. 27, and Mntt, 24. The kids 111clucle a dPn 1st, a tPachcr, an accountant and "the world 's hest bartender in Ocean Beach," fin id Pop. lie snirl his greatest pride is that the law firms that once told him his University of San Diego law degree wasn't good enough for lhPm now "like to usP mP as their lawyer.... It's not a larl(e part of my practice, hut I've rC'prrsented all the major law firms in San Diego.'' He left Ohio for USC, he says, "because it wns a long way 11v, ny ·· Aftr, getting his hachc,lor's clegree 1n business aclministration and then flying with the Navy, he worked a stint for Conva r. '·Frankly, I didn't get 11 thrill out of man ,focturinl(. I tlvmghl I'd be interested III somethrng closer to service, dealing with people, t ying lo solve their problems." So. he went to USO. "Tnal work has a forensic aspect to it. Almost nil trial la1••_vprs arc, ns one juror snirl ovc1paid actors. I was always good at drama and ac- ting." His last performance in theater was in high school in "The Valienl." McMahon played the prisoner condemnecl to death. P'lt McCartan was the priest who had lo usher him to his killing A nun named Sister Rosemary, the school's speech and drama teacher, enticed the two into the- ater. McCartan is now senior litiga- tion partner with Jones, Day, Revis llr Poqpo in r1 ... ~.,..1., .... ..1 ../ two paralegals." McMahon. h g an. that and over becomes 11 in your head." four months it theme song that you get do it. " The AM [ case is the one

mornrnl-(• per week nt the San l)oC'gOAthletic Cluh 1 he students jump som!' rope and hit a bug a helmets and glo\'eB and go n few rounds with the champ. llowcvrr, only they gel to punch. Valdczju~t dodges (fo r the most part, anyway). H. snys he cnn rend a lawyer's lawyer boxes. With M~Mahon, it's like chess, every move fully while to warm up, then don

l'l'h•· lntt...- c·cuild 1,., do•r Whnt'A


clrivP, n BMW


right? Ill' turnNI in h,s l'orHche 92 5 fnr Umt. IIr toAA!'d his ,Ing when it conkC'd out 0IH' too mnny limes in th•· mi1hll<' of Fifth Avt•mrr up


loo mnny timrs?

(Wlwn'e n,w

When punkR in nn olcl VW v1111 gel

lo thin hy nipping th· hird nl th e · courtroom style by the way the

µuy nnnwd McMnhon IN•ring nt his

demi ,ft11,:, th t'R whrn.l

thought out.

" Evrn wh,,n (Gnrvey's) nrm wna 1n n cnst, h · could hit helter than

Plans His Moves

1," co11t1nuen McMnhon. Yn11 might r1•1ncmlwr

" Jerry boxes like nn attorney.

too that

lie thinks out

lle's very Rmnrt

McMnhon, li3, and fit from boxing th11••• clays n wt•rk with nn Olympic hrnn1.1• mednlist nnmPcl Jesse \'nlcb. lih~ what he's doing. ll<·acl that lo mt•1111 ht· plnns to kN•p doing it, to who1•vt'r needs it " I don't know whnt I coul cl do with my ti11u• Ihat is mon• interrst 111g or fun If I fond it, I'll cit> it," he, clone Io t hf'm So says U 8. llistrict ,Judi:· Willi 11m Enright, ('ouuty llar President Mcl11tvr1• of (:rnv, ( nry, Ameq & Vt yc-, formc,i Bur l'rt•sident Dan llrnclPrick, mnior IC'aguc d •fen•" 11t to11wy Mill 8dvcrn11111 .Ir nnrl a NNI lluntington, 11,nnghnn, Ed " A w1•nl< 1111• 81lvrrm11n. " I'd hn\'ll tu HUY if there is 0111', I don't know whnt it is.• 8omf' pcoplP wondPrl'd J11st w hnt w •nt 011 in the PttlPmrnt oiler McMnhon mncle 111 Durh11m 1111c/ ScrrC'n v. AMJ, the wrongful ter mination rnsr. 111 which M11hn1,:hnn n•prcscnt,•d the pl11int1ffs and McMahon hosp1tnl owner AMI. SuggeHtions mo!i!' thnt McMnhon 11111y huv • swung h low the bell. Ahn! spot?'' The negotintions OV!'I' roughly $1 million settlt·111rnt olTl•r included slipulutwns that Mona ghun agree to not rPpres,•nt any new clients III the snme ulleg.itwns nguinsl AMI. Sonw s uggcst that on:tghun's int.er1•sti1 ngninsl hill current cli_ents': They'll wont to the pits tt ,id . Hight. 11.Jllsl how does he do it? Orgnni1 tion 11nd prepnrntion ho. t of otlll'rs W h ,. 11 Mr Mn hon

what he'll do, plans oul his moves

before he mnkesthem»

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co .) Reader (Cir. W. 100,000

"I put a lot of emphasis, n great denl" on bcrng prepared, said Mc Mnhon "Being pr pMed lets you tuk•· ndvnntngc ol lhe dozens of op- se lves in the cour«P of an argument or exnrnination of~ wit ness" Whal about hiu1 makes him so taught you to do," he answers "That's whnt you're supposed lo porlunities thut present them- orgunizt•d? "Tha 's what they

B,g ,1 · ,I if 8oullll'rn (' 1hfornia ~:dlllOII oul(ht out l\11'M.il1on 11g 1t~ 11un to tnkr on 81111 D1,•µu ( :ns & ~:lrdnc in court lo l(P\... 81>(:&E'• har1•holdt•r Ii•l. Sol l'r1co us,• McMahon lo do hi• 11.'gal wn·. tling with on Larry Price A rabhi f 1r,oi: !'xpulsion fo1- hrc11ki11g from lh" tr11d1lton 1 h ir rchy tul,h cl McMahon to plead hi en 1, ht'fore u jury of ju l 55u v ry trnrlitionnl rabhiA Nev •r mmd that you'll hml Mc M11hon d fcnrling u mujor wroni:ful t1>rminat1on Ruit og11inRt K nrney M""" Fntd nd Hs ownM, A rnn Feldman'~ Sunluml (l,oup evening, Goldrne Trrnfel cull ·d McM hon ..,-hen h ·r duught r Allf'd her lo tuke hnck control of Toyotn of ~:I Cnjon, unt i I nol long ngo the hot• tt•sl 'foyot d<>n!yahip 111 th · coun• try. - Jmed hirc•d McMnhon wh n it needed help agoinAt the Jfogli Ah Boodly boodly thnt no "hig" Son Diego firm would hire McMnhon aft r grnduation from a "no-name" 6chool - Un,~ly of Sao Ilirgo - and now every ont• of those big firms hM come McM11hon to defend them in lcg11l mntterR Ruch aamalpractic •cnaea Forget all thnt. ,lust remcmb 'r, "the moat ap, palling thing about him is he can try a case for four months and atill hnve his shoes shined every day," Mys Monnghnn. Some folk say he a orts a Steve (Contmut-don ,gc4M ulurdny

OCT 201988

._Allc,i', , . C. 8

Est. 1888

"A Pea ant of El Salvador," Peter Gould and Stephen Steams have wrmen a play that depicts the struggle of a fanner and h,s family 10 mamtam thcrr \ of hie amid the social and political 1unno1l of El alvad r. S1eams and Gould create sixteen J 1fferent character.; in the play, which includes mime and music A p rfonnance is scheduled for next Thursday, October 27, 7 p.m., Camino Theatre, USD, Akal1 Park, Linda Vista'1<0ad, Linda Vista. Tickets will be available at the door, or call 260-4798. The performance is sponsored by the USD Faculty Soual Issues Committee, USD Associated Students, and Carµpus Mmistry. ~!31/ --~--;'_ engineering classes and arranging lab time, Rudee said. Engineering is one of the most popular majors at UCSD, he said. More than 3,000 students, or 23 percent of the student population, are enrolled in the engineering program. The engineering division offers undergraduate degrees in applied

' '


IIH lhnt.

br." Simpl

h, ml, " F'enr of failure," he

sai d wi th n chuckle.

s hin!'d shoes, why, " I

As for th

them nl nignt," he explained

sh in

to , 1or •chuckling

Mc Mn hon 1s of mC'dium heighth and fit looking with rlnrk hair and looks of n l Gnrvey or a colngn(• advertisement model. His clcsk in his spacious, well nppnmted office had nothing on ,t but n pen set and n phone. Ile worr 11 white shirt nnd n dark pinstrip d suit. His voice wns sure nnd dl't'per lhnn exprrlecl. Whc,n McMahon cross exnminl'd Broderick for an instruction video tlwy produced for American Inns of Court, Broderick ~nid he frlt "ve ry unplensant. I fl'lt likP I was u dog nth a muzzle 111 his mouth. lie naked questions that I ahaolutcly to nnswer with whnt he wanted me to say. 'I hmgs like, ''Jsn·t it true thnt . ·" Enright sat :us the judge. Silv...-man was oppos- thl' ch isr ll·d, mnnly hnd thcr nnd 8 department sale~ lady rnothPr, l\1cl\lahon participated in ,vy ROTC in college nt the __ Uni,·erisly of Southern California mrl became n N11vy fil!hter pilot, flying olT the carric1 s KC'arsnrge nnd Honwl. One rarely meets an unorgnn,zecl fighter pilot, al least a live one. Comments about Mcl\!ahon tended toward Silverman's, "I think he's one of the finest lawyers I've ever seen," Enrighl's, "Judges know he will be extremely well prepared; if a question arises, he'll be able to answer it," and Mona- ghan's, "I don't know how he does it, but if it's som thmg he eats or drinks, I'd like lo know what it is." One must find his Achilles' heel. "Thal could be fun," he invited in a playful way. "I'd like to see what you can come up with." What Weak S pot? llw ingcoun el Born in Youngstown. Ohio, of a steel rou,p:iny hipping clerk fo

La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,336)


JU~,. c. a



engineering physics and systems science. The building is located east of the Central Library in the same complex as the Center for Magnetic Recording Research and the Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Laboratory, both major research facilities in the engineering division. / ,....


mechanices, bioengineering, chemical engineering, computer engineering, engineering science and systems and control engineering, among others. Graduate degrees are offered in applied mechanics, applied ocean sciences, bioengineering, chemical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering,


Contino d

pleted by , I financed ....,th sLlt dm_g to Rudee.

, accor-

The new building has relieved some of the crowded conditions for engineering students, who have had trouble getting into


-~::,u:ips SW:llSAS PUl? S:JfSAqd 8U!l:l:lU!8U:l


\ se.~tl,e, h_c wont. Rurpris d.

Co_mm~. fro.m Jerr~ s firm, 1 was

Sl:lll!J Ill? (uopuwJOJl' J l! :lUil?li :iq1 JO :18u1s :lUIOS UJ,. "Uf:l(UJOH UOA SAUS ,::isnoq liupl?:1[:J UO!ll?WlOJU! UU JO pU!){ S,ll,. !8U!PJ!nq aq1 01 ·U! liU!AOUI Sf UilJJ l'BtjM !p:!::>JOAJp hJlU:l:J;)J S! oqM !oqM 8Upl?p :iq 01 SlUUM OtjM !oqM liupup SJ ,:1no liUJAOW SJ UIJ!J q::i1qM

s111d lluntmglon

:pow tll!M "•J:imo1sn::,


-ojj Sf l'BtjM SMOU)( Shl?M[l? :l:l'],. ·pil?;iq ;iq Ull:J d!SSOli :l::>!JJO JO ;i::,;i1d 1sa1u1 :iq1 :ii:iqM :l::>llJd liup:iq1~li Jl?l!U:l:J U Sll l:!100:J J:ll'BM :Jtjl p:!::>Uld:ll Sl?tj :llOlS :l:JU:IJU:IAUO::> ·!UfUI :ltjl ':!UIOS JO;{

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·lOOp a41 4linOJtj' :lUOhJ:lA:l 1110,1 ...,o '"'"" "' nr n no;

·/SJ:lftlU OJ peq 11 u paiueM -">IQL:)cr


··~--- -~







Escondido, CA (San Diego Co.) Times Advoc.,te (Cir. D. 45,9001 (Cir. S. 47,000)


t laser used in ceremony.

d .

Graduate student Steven Green a ]US s High-tech dedicafon needed a hand

OCT 201988

, C. 8

._A(l.,. '•




"One of the hopes f_or



Bl DEBRA ROSEN Light Staff Writer . U,CSD~ $46 million en~hreering building - the largest building currently on campus _ officially opened last week with only a few mmor _glit- ches marrmg its high-tech arnval. The more than 200 local engineers and business lea?ers_ at- tending Friday's ded1cat1on ceremony shared a laugh w~en the highly ·hyped ribbon cutung ceremony, which bypassed the use of traditional scissors for a laser beam and superconductor to release a handful of yellow a nd blue balloons, went awry• De,pite hours _of ~areful preparation and a bnsk wutd, the tether holding the balloons snag- ~witch and had to be .

Peace Award. Judy Rauner, director of volunteer ser- vices on campus, said their aim is"to heighten the awareness of what's going on in El Salvador." "A Peasant of El Salvador" plays at 8 p.111., Oct. 27 in Camino Theater on the USO campus. Tickets are $5 and avail- able al the door. Call 260-4682. "Yellow Fever," presented by UCSD's University Events Office, spoofs the private-eye film genre. The Pan Asian Repertory Theater produclion features detective Sam Shikaze trying to unravel the mysteries of the Missing Cherry Blos- som Queen. Pan Asian Repertory, now in its eleventh year, is the only company of its kind on the East Coast. It is also the only company in -America with a resident ensemble of Asian-American performers. The plot has elements from several of the inde1,>endenl investigator stories. Sum wears a trench coat and snap-brim hat, both much the worse for wear anrl longevity. He has an ongo ing rivalry with a police officer; and a female reporter who covers ,he case may be more involved than s11e claims. The showdown is as tough and surprising as any Bogart film . Pan Asian Repertory , now in its elev- enth year, is the only company of its kind on the East Coast, It ls also the only com- pany in America with a resident ensemble of Asiun-American performe rs. "Yellow Fever" plays al 8 p.m., Oct. 30 in Mandevi lle Auditor ium on t he UCSD campus. Tickets, available through T ick- etMastcr and at the UCSD box office , are $8, $10 and$ 12. Call 534 -3120.

rele ased mamally. Such is t e l way of the best laid pans. M. Lea Rudee, UCSD's. de~n of engineering also got a ~u of the crowd after menu~mng h t ms that many of the high te~ i e • t fl ·rms and placed in a time capsule four years ago to be ope~e on the university's 100th brr th day d The concrete and glass building, simply ~amed Engineering B~ding U_mt 1, _hr- ings· research taborato_ne mmg with $8 milhon m state-of- the-art equipment) and engineer- ing offices under the same root (bnm- donated by local engmeenng are already ob~olete.

building is that by havmg our

Farce, politics and mystery on - Spcw110 me Times Advoc"'h: _, }-..~ M ost c,fthe new shows uround !he county within the next two weeks ol)l:n on cu,npu,. Near or far, the choices are great. A British btdrnom comedy ploys 111 Oceunsid1·. SunJlli:gu S!..!!,te U111verbity prc,ents a locully devcl - "oped how I he University of Culifornia San Ihei:u and lloivttrsity of Sun ))iego host tuurmg comp1111ie . "Bedroom 1-'arce." nt M,roCosta Col• lege, is Alan Ayrkhourn'• lute,t look ht modern marriage and how to urvive ,t The two most likdy not to urt· 'l'n•vor 1111d Susannah. While their rel.,t,on~hip cnun• hies, thev behave lik!- ''rnrricrs" und t:x po et heir friends to the umc 11nsdt long influ, nces. In the courSt: c,f 1111 ev 111ng, Trevor ,md Su unnah invade the bedrooms of the other . Amon)( Ihu,1; on whom th1·y in- flict their m1 •rn· ure 't rcvor's purents and two couplt• who have their own ten- sions. Mary Lou ( :omhnr directs tht· furcica l hut ,. u he proc·t•eding , with Hick i'eter• and Ann~ W1mberly , Hohinso11 a. the qunrrehngcouple without u hNlrc,om lo 11111 the1r own. John llc,bnt 'l'nrdihuono .,f F condido is in th1 c·11>t thnt i11d11dcs Kri tin Bradley, 1'11111 C'unal ·tt,. ,Judith C'apotoato, Tr11cy Cuthllt'rt 1111d Holl!'rt Nannln11a. "B droom J,'arce" plays ut M iruC0Ml11 Colleg Th ater,(kt 28through Nov,6. Performances are at 7::HJ p.m., Friday and S turday; and :l p.m., S11ntl,1y, Tirk- el11 are $6, available at the door or through the colle11e lheutcr l,ox office. ('11114:19 7932. " I> p R iv r," at, llSU, 1 by David McF11dg n, who deve loped the play for the Larnl,'K l'l11yer11111 Nutional City


Thealer on campus

vanet_y of






disciplines together, we .wi. some productive, symbiotic m- ~e teractions," said Ru ee. fhe 128,700-square-fo_ot_ fac1h- . . . ty is also the first UCSD's campus to be financed w1·th state funds in 10 years. The building was approved by the Board of Regents in 1984. Co~- struction on the site began m Ul mg UC d b ld on



June 1986.

Plans for a second engmeer~ng


are currently


developed. The second building would be two-thirds smal)er t~an the newly dedicated enineenng

e com-

tructure and should

smce. the





Please see LA ER, AS

engineering division was olflcial-



ly established in 1982.

San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500)

La Joll a, CA (San Diego Co.I La Jolla Li ght (Cir. W. 9 ,336) OCT 201988

Gregory Adams and Jeannette Thomas star in SDSU's "Deep River ."

OCT 20 1988


P. C. 8 EH. 1588 ~orum to focus on growth ").J?S,k< . 11 be on hand representative Kim Kilkenne~.

Jlllen 's

"Deep River" plays in SDSU's Rxperi- mcnlal Theater at 8 p.m.• tomorrow, Sut- mduy and Oct. 25 through 29. Tickets, at $5, $6.50 anti $8, are available through the Aztec Center box office, 594-6884. "A Peasant of El Salvador," created and performed by Peter Cold and Ste phen, teams, plays a single performance ut USD. The two actors !,)lay 16 different churaclers in the comedy drama about a farmer's struggle to survive the current upheaval in the Central American coun- try. The USD Faculty Social Issues Com- mittee, Associated S tudents and Campus .M inistry join to sponsor the p lay, which won the 1985 Denver Global Justice and

P. c. B

Md•'adgean 111,o wrote "K1ltH," wh ich pre- mic-rccl recently ut the same company. 1-fis interest is still in lilt Midwest, this time in a smull ln,linna town threalem•d hy flooding. Along with the possible loss ol their home and their lives, a widow and her duughtcr !',,cc othc•r dimgers from tht•1r nt-ighbors. '!'heir survival clepencls on community loyoltie und the enforced cooperation common dnnger hringH. The play has humor os well us gloom. Before the river starts to rise, one of the lo 1concc•rn. 1, the pursuit of a legend- ary ao pound catfish that hos eluded ull fishermen for years. Carol T. Henegar directs the play as a Master of Arla thesis project.

h t


rw'o-man drama set for USO performance ,,,.

Roberts chaired the committee

Fofir spea cers wi



the plan

that drew up

for a growth managemeni foJrulf

ant of El




modified by the City Council into Proposition H. Wolfsheimer and Navarro both favor Proposition J the citizens' initiative. Kilken - ney is opposed to both measures. , Birdwatchers, the La Jolla Town Council, the La Jolla Community Planning Association and the La The forum i~ sponsored by



Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. at


Salvador "

' a two man, 16-c aractcr play


High Sch o O l' s Par er

h' l'

will be performed On 27 7 111vers 1ly of S- 111 Dicn-o' U . . . · ,

p Ill , ,ll I


. .




Speaking on Propositions






t wo growth manage-


d J







ment measures on t~e


T h..- performan

s c~ IS cosponsored by the

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Jolla Shores Association.

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