News Scrapbook 1988
s n D1ego, ( n D1 S!.N DI CO
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 10,000) AUG 4
Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co .) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir . D. 50 ,010) (Cir . S. 55,573)
J/fot'• P. C. 8 fa r. 1811 1aw FirmProvides Work ForLfwJers On Contract Basis To Open Office Se t. 1; State Bar Investigates Issue Of 'Fee Splitting'
L~~,,!~~-~~ su~!!~!~~'""''"'' ....., dit1onal $10 per hour for each hour there. the consultant works. Now lawye rs like to move Turek said the consultantb around more and take mort! time might assist with civil liti!{ation away from work, he said. discovery , make law and motion Walker'g friend, attorney Robe rt r C. Webster, had a sister who was appearances or penorm some pecialty work such as handling a also a lawyer and who was con • k · t t r suiting, or contracti ng, with fir ms. patent , trademar regis ni 10n o - · Shr. did it by word of mouth l! nd ·peels ofsecunties litigation. 1hl' J.rn firm has hired Carole connections, though. Wal ker, an Ornes, a recent University of San aerospace en!{meer t hen who ~ad Deigo paralegal graduate, i1s both done independent contracting Associate Counsel's administrator and hi red other contractors in that and sole employee. It has rented of, hus1m·ss, innoce ntly aRked why lice spare for the company on th(• Webster's sister didn't use an 19th floor of the Great American agency to he lp her find indepen• building, two floors below the law dent contracting opportunities. firm "Evnybody said t hey'w bePn Turek said charging the $10 thrnkmg of doing that and a light hourly fee solely from the "hiring bulb Just went ofTin our heads." law firm" and taking nothing for Associate Counsel camP about the 111depundent contr,.icti i g hPre becam;e Endeman, Li ncoln, law •er 11vo1ds fee sphttrng. Ht• sa id 'l urek & Ht>ater hnd a surge of similar outfit ·do it the same way cases and we nt looking for law Enc Walker, a non-attorney co students to hrlp out. Finding founder of 4-year old ThC' enough nf tlw ri ght µeopl turned Lawsm1ths in San Francisco, out harder than expPcted and, "W' which Walker sa id is the second would ha\'e used a service if t here olde t firm of this type m the coun had been one," so they decided to try behind om· m Washington form one. D.C , agreed that's the general fpp "Now copy cats are popping up arrangemt•nt ove night," said Walker ,\,!any on- Walkers company, which has of- h la t six months, h said, and fices ti Lou Angeles and • w York, soml' appear to say they have more plan 1 next one iu Detroit and attorn<'ys in their portfolio of em•1s10 s one in ev, r · me\ropoh- availablP contractors t han they re• tan arf'ft varies the ratP hy region ally do. "There's a difference be- up to 15 per hour , he smd tween tht• number of resumes "In most profe~. 10ns," he aid, received and how many meet our "it's been standard for firm to US(• standa rd,.' ' he smd. Of Counsel rndependent contractors when Inc and Pro1ecl Professional pro- wm kload - spurt up nnd down. And vie! the L , vice in Loo Angeles. ifs accepted practice for a company Lawvers On Call in Detroit has to be paid to centralize and ra gon~ out of business, he said. tionalize the finding of these peo• The concept t ook its worst pie But there's no such thmg in beating when the New York Asso- the legal profession! d CJation ol the Bar issue a con• "Up to 10 maybe even live ye_ar 0 . troversial statement sugge.tmg ago operat i
AUG 1 1988
~UG 4 198~
f,r 1818
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Eu. 1888
P. C. B
· San Diego Sports et Cetera La Jolla Tips Poway, Makes ~l~:!,~m~ an IS-footer at the buzzer to upset top-seeded Poway, 77-75, in the Division I semifinals of the Police Athletic League summer basket- ball tournament at Municipal Gym. Adam Kleid scored 22 points for the Vikings, and Berteaux added 17. Gabby Awbrey of Poway led all scorers with 26. In the other semifinal, center Aaron Wilhite scored 29 points as Lincoln held off Point Loma, 84-72, to advance to the final against La Jolla. Jim Griffin had 23 for the Pointers. In the Division II semifinals, Serra's balanced attack and good defense enabled the Conquistadors to defeat i ion Bay, 50-46. Keith Ladue (13 points), Conrad Jones (12), Dezi D1Xon (12) and Chris Ireland ( 11 ) were in double figures for Serra. In the final, Serra will play San Diego, which beat Crawford, 78-55. San Diego's Raynard Wells led all scorers with 24 points. Chris John- son had 23 for the Colts. • The University of San Diego announc~Randy Bennett, 26, to assistant coach under Hank Egan. Bennett replac- es Charlie Katsiaficas, who was named coach at Division III Pomo- na-Pitzer College in Claremont after one year at USO. Bennett served as a volunteer for Egan in the 1985-86 season while earning his degree from UC San Diego, where he played the previ- ous two years. The past two years, he was a graduate assistant at the University of Idaho before return- mg to USO as a volunteer ass1Stant. BOWLING Averaging 230 after 42 games, Wendy Macpherson of San Diego is in second place after the sixth and final match-play ro1,1nd in the $35,000 Fair Lanes Denver Classic on the Ladies Pro Bowlers Tour. Macpherson, 20, was leading after the fifth round by 37 pins over Robin Romeo of Van Nuys. Macpherson will join No. I Lisa Wagner of Florida, Romec, Jeanne Maide of Ohio and Lorrie Nichols of 1llinois in tonight's stepladder final.
The firm s ne"' c p:iny, to be called Ab
the middle man firm makes - under the threat of the middle-man removing that lawyer from its list. w -·ker counte red that this temptation exists and is adequate- ly dealt with in every lawyer client relationship and is no stronger in independent contracting. The American Bar Association has a study going now that some expect will come out in October. Walker said he somehow has learned that the study will say that legal independent contracting "is an important and useful resource."
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (C ir. D. 10,000) ALIG 4 1988
Jl[la.' 1
,. c. 9
E,r 1888
Trepte AddingAddition To USDLawLibrary
re~odeling of the existing
Trepte Construction Co. has received a $3 million contrac t ~o c~nstruct a_n addition to the ll.,niversi~ of a n Dieg~ 8 La':" Li~rary and Legal Researc h ~~nte_~ buildmg. Mike King, Trepte president, said 1 ~ will be the first phase of a two-phase project to mclude the 25,629-square-foot addition and a
building. Work on the new addition began in June. King said the library building will be fully operational during the first phase of construction designed by Simpson, Gerber & Schulnik and slated for completion in June next year.
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