News Scrapbook 1986-1988

Nf}/S ITNDER~s~·-------,-~--~---~----~~-----~-----~.--~----------------~---~-..---~---, ayor's Tr phy Game: Coaching, Crosstown Rivalries Renewed L.A. TIMES DEC

mg terms. ''They're a good team," Bran- denburg said. "They have good- looking fre hmen who will do nothing bul get helter. They're playing well for this time of year" USD is 2-3 and 1s cc.ming off a 70 54 loss at Boise State Saturoay. "San Diego State is a g ball- club with the potential to be bet- ter," Egan said. "They have a httle bit of everything. Right now they play with much more intep 1ty than we do." SDSU 1s 3-3 and 1s commg s,ff a 103-68 victory over Unit d Stat s lntcrnat1onal Dec 10. That ame avenged a loss w USJU last y ar Now Brandenburg will try to re- vcr c two con ecut1v loss.I) to USD (83-67 and 81 64). SDSU lead Lhe series, 15-7. For Egan, 2-1 agam t ~"D U, v1ctone over the Aztecs were "extra spc<'1al " For Brandenburg, it I the fir t game again t SDSU's main cross town rival. "Anytime you have anoth r D1 v1. 10n I program in your to n. players and coaches want to do well," Brandenburg said. 'H's a friendly, healthy rivalry"

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Egan on Brandenburg 'His teams are very, very sound. They play hard. They play good zone defense. He has played a lot of different ways and adjusts his personnel very well. He's a damn good coach.· They play hard. They play good wne defense. He has played a lot of different ways and adiusts his per- sonnel very well. He's a damn good coach." La t season. Egan and Branden- burg had teams in the NCAA tournament. This year, both are rcbu1ldmg and have struggled. But when you a k them about each other's teams. they speak in glow-

an 'You can tell a Hank Egan-coached team. They play hard, they play good defense, rebound well, have physical courage and mental toughness. I have great admiration for his ability.'

Music F ans o! former San Diego Symphony con- certmaster Andres Cardenes can hear him Sunday evening m the Los Angeles ihar:;bcr 0 chestra's performance of all SIX ran en- burg Concertos by J .S. Bach. . The La JoU Chamber Music Society, spon- sor of this annual event at the Umvers1_ty or San Diego's I aculata Chapel, learned Just a week before e concert that Cardenes would be concertmas for the performance Id Amid rumo that Sunday's concer_t wou be the last time he L.A. Chamber brmgs the complete Brandenburg cycle to San Diego as a re-Christmas offering, the society manage- ~ent has vowed to use. all of its negotiating skills w maintain tlilS hohday trad1t1on. , The conducwr for the sold-out concert will be Briton Nicholas McGegan, noted Baroq~e specialist whoe;e work with the Boston Ear Y Music Society has estabh hcd h1 reputation m this country. -KENNETH HERMAN

I Ang Jim Brandenburg (right), with Athletic Director Fred Miller.

F re committed Just eight turn- overs but made only 8 of 42 shots from th ra~ld for l!J %m th game Eg n remember the lo s Bran- n! urg r memb rs the noi o one co Id hear the whis- 1 .. Brandenburg said. "Th re Must have been five or six whistles ha nobody heard," Although Brandenburg holds a 1g dge over Egan, they are equal

m their re peel and prai e for one another. "You can tell a Hank Egan- coached team," Brandenburg said. They play hard. they play good defen e rrbound well, h ve physi- cal courage and menLa, to 1ghness I have great adm1rat1on for his coaching ab1hty · ay Egan about Brandenburg, 'Hi teams are very, very und.




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eadcr, hip qualities

The Bi hop Charles Francis uddy ward b pre ented an- u a 11 y to per ons Y.ho emonstrate high qualt11e of adership, initiative and self- 1diance in their daily lives, Can-


EC 1 9 1987 THE TRIBUNE ,JS7 OEC 1 NEWS FINDERS SUNDAY/20 2 p.m. - "Christmas Carol," San Dieguito Playhouse, La Paloma Theatre (closing per- formance). 4 p.m. - Chancel Choir and Laa Campana• dal C mino handbell choir, First Presbyteri- an Church, Oceanside. - St. Brigid Youth Choir and handball ringers, "Hanging of the Graen • ," Saint !3rigid's Church. 5:30 p.m. - Evening aboard Marietta stern- wheeler, in San Diego Parade of Light • , San Diego Harbor Excur- i ,Ssn Diego 6 p.m. - Rhythm 'n' blues with Kats Cara- van, Bella Via, Cardiff- by-the-Sea. 7 p.m, - Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Brandenburg Concer- tos, La Jolla Chamber Music Society, USO. "Holiday Star Follies," family caba- ret illusion show, Ea- gles Aerie. a p.m. -

Neighbor ( ·011linuc1l fruin A-1

fiffany-Marie, 8 - is a member of Imperial Beach Op- timists and National Conference ()f Christians and J cws. llixby praised the people who have aided her in her professional achievements, saying, "l have had the opportunity to work with man)' wonderful people - students, parents, leachers, com- munity kauers and, of course, three pastors who have each shared a little of !heir wisdom with me. They strongly influenc- ed my work." She said the greatest inspira- tion has come from her family and friends. Her advise to others is, "Never be afraid to take a risk. If you know what it is (that) must be don~ then do it."

1. t and educators in June, ~haring her ex- ~rti~-! 1n tlw areas of ccor.omics, !11w itml c,iuc::tinn with le.1oer~ in 5acramento, lescilying bettire the f\ , ,emby Way~ and ~cans Corn- n ;ucc in ~upport of educational b;J:,. !'ht 1r.orhcr of three chi1drm ,v11 1 , ;,, , JJuy, lj a,,.1 e.:umc1~1cal leaders





By Valene Scher Tribune itusic Dance Cntic Will LACO's Brandenburgs get the gate? forming Arts Center.

and purpose, as well as a keen in- volvement in the music's contrapun- tal complexities. Though the orches- tra used modern instruments, McGe- gan ensured that string vibratos and bowings respected 18th-century per- formance practice, and that the LACO favored leaner, drier and rounder tones. One suspected the results would have been even more impressive with additional rehearsal. Yet if pre- cision was sometimes sacrificed, phrasing rarely was. The two-note phrases in the slow movement of the Concerto No. 4, BWV 1049, carried

uncommon force. Tempos for Allegros could be ex- citingly brisk, as in the opening and closing movements of the Concerto No. 3, BWV 1048, or the Concerto No. 5, BWV 1050, featuring former San Diego Symphony concertmaster An- dres Cardenes, flutist David Shostac and Patricia Mabee, the capable harpsichordist.

The San Diego Symphony may try to fill the musical gap. Not an easy task, judging by the recent rendition at Symphony Hall. Yesterday, LACO and the Cham- ber Music Society encountered yet another problem. Last-minute diffi- culties with fire ordinances made it necessary to alter seatmg plans. That, in turn, caused considerable bewilderment and a late start for the concert. Ah, well. The Immaculata looked lovely with luminana out front and poinsettias and Christmas bows in- side. Brandenburg veterans brought a variety of padding for the pews, though few cushions were as un-chur- chy as my red plastic one from the Del Mar racetrack. The evening's conductor was Ni- cholas McGegan, a bespectacled English specialist in baroque music who proved to be cheerfully authori- tative. No mere timekeeper, he. His movement reflected clarity

Could it be that the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra's sold-out per- formance last night of Bach's Bran- de,1burg Concertos was the last of its kind in San Diego? It could. Though LACO's presentation of tne complete set of Brandenburgs has become a cherished tradition, new management 1s reportedly reconsid- ering priorities. "The orchestra is in the process of reviewing repertoire for next year," said Helen-Maria Erawan of the sponsoring La Jolla Chamber Music Society. "We're doing all we can to make certain the tradition continues, but nothing has been decided.'" Five of the last nine presentations have been at the University of San Diego's beautihlly ornate Immacu- lata. To lose the event now would be particularly sad since LACO's niche has been seriously eroded by the loss of its base at the East County Per-

USD Women Lose to Northwestern

SAN DIEGO-The Northwest- ern University women's basketball team took advantage of 21 turn- overs by the Umvers1ty of San Diego to pull out a 60-56 noi:icon- ference victory Sunday rught m the USD Sports Center Carrie Lawless led_ Northwest- ern (4-3) with 13 pomts. Ca_nd1da Echeverria led USD (2-7) with 16 points.

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