News Scrapbook 1986-1988

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)

*Aztecs-l-- con,inued From D-1 a,:;;S last two games. ;7-- ·v As a result, the Aztecs romped to an 86-59 victory over Dartmouth (4-2) at the Sports Arena before 1,760 fans. SDSU is now 4-4. "We asked Caldin Rogers to accept the challenge, and. he met the task," Brandenburg said. "He played with the kind of intensity you have to have to guard a good shooter." Rogers, with occasional relief stmts by Hawkins and Juan Espino- za, held Barton to 17 points. But Rog- ers got Barton's attention. "He blocked my first shot, so men- tally that affected me a little bit," Barton said. "He did a really good Job. The guy just has really long arms, and I'm not used to seeing that." With Rogers playing like Hawkins, Hawkins played like supershooter Tony Ross and responded to his new role by pumping in a career-high 23 points. And he led all board men with 13 rebounds. But the craziest thmg was Ross imitated Hawkins by get- ting seven rebound . "Caldin made the adjustment, and that allowed me to go down low and gel some boards," Hawkins said. "We need that It was a challenge for him, and he came through and played." SDSU's inside gam worked well, with the Aztecs' Big Five Haw- kins, Rogers (11 points), Sam Johnson (11 points), Espinoza (10 points) and Mitch McMullen (10 points) all sconng mdouble figure.. Ro had 10 points. Bryan William had eight poinL~ and seven assists. The Aztecs outrebound d the smaller and less athletic Ivy Leaguers 53-28. They ea- gled thlS Big Green. "They just outmanned us on the boards,'' Dartmouth coach Paul Cor- mier said. "It was like men against boys in the first half." 'For one of the few times this season, defensively and - Jim Brandenburg As recently as Saturday, Branden- burg was saying almost the same thing after USO whipped the Aztecs. "The difference was we came out with an intensity we didn't have Sat- urday night," Brandenburg said. "We made some things happen. Our guys were communicating. We knew where the shooters were. And for one of the few times this season, defen- sively and offensively, we really played with purpose. That's the key to the team game - play with a team approach and ,play with pur- po . • Axt t control early with Ro , Haw nd Johnson clnpp- mg in ior a 9-0 ru to start the game SDSU stretched the lead to 45-23 at the half and that was it. offensively, we really played with purpose' Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Ci r . D. 217.089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) DEC 24 7

DEC 22 1987

Spring Vall y, CA (S n DI go Co.) Spring V lley Bulletin (Cir. W. 2,708)

Jlll,11 ', ,. c. e 1 au Turner leads Fullerton St. over Toreros 1'?) 1'' 'LLERTO - Henry Turner s~ored a career-high 33 points la t night, 22 m th fir t half, to lead Cal State-Fullerton to a 71-59 college ba ketball victory ov r USO. --- 1:,1

Aztecs on the rebound after big USDJoss By Ed Zieral ki Tribune Sportswriter F OLLOWL G San Diego State's big loss to USO on Sat- urday, Aztecs basketball coaches were furious ;ibout the Jack of rebounding by their big uys. It was a chin-scratcher, all right, but what could be done? It was like that TV commercial, the one where a sw1!11mer, a rower or some person takmg_ a shower gels inspired and sa. ''What 1f ...." In this ca e, the ~what tf' man was Aztecs forward Rodney Hawkins. "Hey," Hawkin. told the coaches "i(I have to go out and guard a guy on th rimeter, then I can't get ba k rebound becau ·e I'm in the poorest rebounding percentage area and too far awa from the bas- ket." · Head coach Jim Brandenburg looked at his a 1Stants and said "Hey, this guy's right." · Back in late summer, Branden- burg said there would be a signal when his basketball system was tak- mg_hold. ~e said players ould begin seemg lhmgs and making gges- tions. "Good coaches accept feed- back from their players," he said Here 1t was the , inter olstl<'e and. finally, on the yE'a1 shortest day the hght went on. Brand~n~urg made a change, not Just m his lmeup, but in his strategy. Rather an have Hawkins. his de- fen ve ac , guard the other team·s be t shocter, he a. signed forward Caldin Rl gus to Jim Barton the Dartmou h s ·ing man who entered la t night's game with a 29-pomt av- erage and a total of 65 points in his Please see AZTECS: D-7, of. I

D C 24 I 7

I 1

p C B

/ ~Ail

~1orton, averaging 25 points, cored 17 m the cond half and fin- 1 hed with 22 Danny Mean scored 13 for U D. The Toreros are at home Monday against Brown at 7:30 p.m.

San Diego, CA (S n Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)



D C 2 4

US]} gets a Titan thrashing

Even Hau laughed. Of course, blaming Haupt for T ner's outburst would be like blaming a ctrtam quarterback for a cer• lain team' five-game lo ing streak. Oth- ers har d in the blame We play team defen e," aid Means ' And we didn't help out much." But the main reason USD's record dropped to .\-4 - the same as Cal State Fullerton wa because the ho ts took advantage f their excellent quickness. Playing Jn aggressive man-for-man de- fense and pr ·ing much of the game, Cal State Fullerton forced a season-high 23 USO turnover·. "That team was just really explosive," 1d Meaas. "It could run off 10 straight point like that." And that's about what happened mid- way throngh the ·econd half After trailing by mne at the half (33-24) and seeing Cal lead to 12, the Toreros staged a mini-comeback, cutting th lead to five (47-42) with 10:16 to play. Plea e TOREROS: C-2, I. 4 tale F lerton !retch th

Dartmouth, which is favored to win the Ivy League, was on the final day of a nearly tw?-week trip, and it was playing back-to-back game after arriving from Hawaii on Satur• day. "That's a good basketball te~m," Brandenburg said. "With the trip to Hawaii and the game Sunday night (a win over USIU), that's maybe just a little bit too much road." Cormier agreed, saying. "We ended up not shooting well early and not getting any second sh?ts because they did such a good JOb on the boards." In the Aztecs locker room, some of the players were kidding Rogers. "People don't believe it, but Caldin Rogers is a pretty good defens1ve player," said Johnson, loud enough for Rogers to hear. Said Rogers: "I knew I got to him (Barton) early because the first time he shot, I got a piece of the ball. After that, I could see in his eyes that he really didn't want to shoot. Coach told me he was putting me up to a challenge, and I had nothing to do but get better." Next up for SDSU is a match to- morrow night at 7:30 against Rhode Island (f>-1) at the Sports Arena. "Rhode Island is an excellent team" Brandenburg said. "They're a' top 25 team on some polls. It's a top 20 basketball program. They have maybe the best guard combination in the U.S. (Carlton Owens, 27 points per game, and Tom Garrick, 17). They beat Virginia at Virginia. They beat Providence, an NCAA Final Four team. "We have a real, real challenge on our hands, but this is what we want. We want to play good people. We want to respect them, but we don't want to cower in front of them. And we can't be afraid to get measured. Let's test ourselves and let's find out what is inside us." • • • NOTES - After missing his first free throw of the season, Ross now has made 23 straight and is just 10 away from the Aztecs record held by Joel Kramer (1977-78). Ross was 2- for-2 from the line last night. • Walk-on guard William Dixion, a cornerback from the football team, saw two minutes of playing time last night. • Former San Diego High baseball coach Fred Carbone, now a West Coast basketball official, worked the game last night.

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed .) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573)

ROD rEY HAWKI 'S GOES FOR THE BLOCK Rhode Island' Mergin Sina pots up a shot




P c. B

F, 1888 $IVE~OF SAN DIEGO FQV~ ALLERY (Desales ~ll~ ), ontemporary paint- ings by Clint Stoddard. Show runs through Jan. 15. Hour~ are noon-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

"I was really impressed by the guy," said eans. "He did httle bit of everything. We happened to get ~im on one of those nights when he couldn't miss." Said Haupt, "One time I thought I had him. and he did this little stutter- step. I don't usually lose somebody completely on defense, but he shook one ,;ay, went the other and there was five feet between me and him. That's when he hit the three-pointer." The crowd's favorite Turner pro- duction came on a breakaway dunk. Coming from the right side of the basket at a 45-degree angle, he turned, put his back to the basket and reverse-slammed ''Did you see bow high he got up?'' said ean~ "Best slam I've seen in a while." The Torero , meanwhile, will try to get back up to .500 Monday when they return to the ports Center for the first time in three weeks to face Brown.

Egan. "We nt man-for-man for cholog1cal rea ns. I wanted to tay aggr slve Th trategy seemed to pay off. The Torerc,s made their run to cut the def1c1I to f1 ve And, even after the lead swelled to 17 late in the game, the Toreros chipped it back down to 12. For comparisons, Cal State Fuller ton beat USO' West Coast Athletic Conference rival. the University of Portland, by 19, and a respectable Utah team by 24. "We hun m and competed at a tlme wh n w could have packed it m" 1d Egan. onethel , when the season's over, the mehtal image of this one will be of Turner's performance. Hi prev1ou career high was 26; he had that w1tlr13-43 ltll to play. o of bis damage came inside whe c he used hi excellent leaping ability. But e a o hll some jumper from h oat id , Including his only thr e-polnt alt mpt

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Los Angeles Times (Cir. D. 1,076,466) (Cir. S. 1,346,343) OED 23 msl

,_Jl[{-,,i 's c-:-----===.:::::~~===-------===;;;;;;;;;;, 1 ~!l~~.~~~"Try to Remain Unbeaten at Home the road but unbeaten at home Peppe rd mc, 81 · 7 0, Monday The$ have been Jed by plays host to the Universjty of Sa~ guard Richard Morton, who aver- Dtego tonight l1i a nonconference F 1 ages 25.7 points per game, and g'linwat 7,30 mTitan Gym. u lerton, which h n ham- forward Henry Turner, who aver- pered by lrlJtm and illness will ages 14. San Diego (3-3) 1s coming off a probably be wi th out point guard Marty Munn, a forward wh Eugene Jackson for the second 76-53 victory over rival San Diego straight game. Marlon Vaughn is averages 15.5 points and Danny State, turday The Titans (2-4) expected to start in his place. Means, a guard with a 13-point _:::~~:::'"-:":~""""=--------- average, have led the Toreros. --~-- P. C B J:,r 1888

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