News Scrapbook 1986-1988

San Diego CA (S, n Diego Co.) San Diego Unron (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) Df. C 6 1987

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. O. 123,092)

t:C 7


Jlllrn ',

P. c B r 8U / Take your pick from this large grab bag of holiday happenings It's Chi : t:1i~and you're bur- ticket information Don't forget pop- --:,:::::.:,-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._:_~-:,:,:-. ceeds benefit health and agricultural Street and folio Fig or Guava ave- ied under 40 ton of wrapping paper, ular local folk singer Sam Hinton, projects in El Salvador. Call 285-1416 nues south. Remember to bring your fruitcake and th~ sticky bows ~hat who'll sing Christmas folk songs for reservations. Help the nonprofit sungla es; th lights might blind clmg to everythmg but the gifts. from around the world at 11 a.m. Sat- Vista Hill Foundation treat those you 1 What's a San Diego Christmas Does thi mean you shouldn't do fun urday at International Gallery, 643 G with alcohol and drug problems by without boat lights? Oceanside will thing ? O'. We've got a whole lineup St. Call 235-8255 for reservations. joining in the "Candles of Hope" ' toot its horn in its Harbor Parade of of activities, sea onal and not-sersea- He'll be singing again at 11 a.m. Dec. candlelight proc.-es ion at 7 p.lT\. Fri- Lights at 7 p.m Dec 19 Call 727-0611 sonal, to help you have a good time 19 in Enclnitas at La Paloma The- day in the nter court area of for information. The Mission Bay Pa- thi Christmas. ater at First and D streets ID Encini- ~=========~= Grossmont Shopping Center in La rade of Lights is scheduled for the TRA-LA-LA: Come hear the Old tas. For tickets call 436-4030. Mando- - Mesa. There'll be carols and local c - same time, same night. There's free Glo~e. Madrig~I Singers perform Jin mui;1c _plucks the strings of your SCENE AHEAD lebrities, such as former San Diego viewing from beaches around the traditional Christmas carols from 2 soul. Thats what the 35 members of ..••••••••••--' Charger Rolf Benirschke. A$20 dona- bay. Call 488-0501 for more informa- to 4 p.m. Sunday at Villa Montezuma, the San Diego Mandolin Orchestra tion buys a candle. Call !>63-1770 for lion. The biggie is the San Diego Bay the Htstorical Society's historic Vic- lie 1eve. They're g1 mg their monthly 9 a.m. or noon Thursday or at 7 p.m. more information. Parade of Lights, with Navy ships torian home at 1925 K Sl Cost is $2. free concert at 1 p.m. Sunday in Squi- Friday. The North County Christian NEIGHBORHOOD CELEBRA- and the Star of India all decked out Christmas mu~1c and candlelight is bob Square in Old Town. Youth Theater is presenting the show TIONS: Some of the best holiday beginning at 6 p.m. Dec. 20. The pa- t~e fa~e offered by the Grossmont ll~KKAH HOLIDAY: Cele- at the old TGY store in Escondido hoopla is in San Diego's neighbor- rade starts at Shelter Island, winds Smfoma at 7:~ p.m. Sunday ~nd brate the first day of Hanukkah and Village Mall in Escondido. Call 743- hoods. Hillcrest is throwing its bash past Harbor Island and ends at onday at Ftrst Presbyteri~n the second Hanu~ah c~ndle In a 7392 for tickets. Kids of all ages are from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday with choirs Seaport Village. Call 224-8211 to find Church, 320 Date St. Child care will concert by Robboy s Jewish Orches- invited to hear Christmas and singing Cbri tmas and anukkah out more. be ~'.fered. W~at's Cbr~tmas without tra at 7 ~0 p.m. -~· 16 at La Paloma Hanukkah stori a 7:30 p.m. Thurs- m ic, food a toy dri e nd anta ID the Mess1 h ? ~he Umvers1t,r Theater in Enc1nJtas. For tic ets call day at Drow a · ' Coffee a vintage r tte. Pacific h is ego C mmun1ty Ch 43li-4Ulsu.-='-~ , 89 n1ve ity Ave. Th o- celebrating i ntennial with a for art 1 of th_e ch?ral mastec• FOR KID Show your ltl there's rytellers of San Diego will present Christmas parade at noon Saturday piece at 8 p.m. Friday m the Foun- more to Cbri tmas than mega- h1z- stones for a winter's night. Santa that will wind down Garnet Avenue ders Chapel. Cost is $5 general ad- bang-pow gadgets and sticky candy will pose for photos from 11 a.m to 2 from Haines Street to Ba ard treet. mission, $3 for students and $2 for canes. Dancing marionettes and pup- p.m Dec. 19 at the Hotel del Corona- Downtown is timing i parade at children under 12. Hallelujah' If ~ts are just ome of the treats for do. ''Santa on the and" 1Dclud a noon Dec. 29 the day before the Sea !hat' ~ot..en?ugh for you, join in on a kids during the Puppet Lady's annual puppet show, hot dogs and Christ World Holid~y Bowl. The downtown Messiah Sm&-Along at 1 and 4 p.m. ,Merry Christmas Show at Marie cookies for sale. parade will go from Broadway and HOLIDAY B EA : If you'd like a break from the hohday, San Diego kai i · holding an open house from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday at 2527¼ Un1Ver• I "

1ty Ave. The free open house in- cludes food and demonstrations and films of the art of Atkido. The event is open to the public. If holiday drink- ing is making a bad problem worse, the North County Psychological Group will present a free workshop that might help. "Managing Problem Drinking" is set for 10 to 11 a.m. Sat- urday with an optional discussion afterwards. Psychologist Brian Storrs will lead the program in Suite 102 at 9606 Tierra Grande St. Call 695-2237 for reservations.

Eighth Avenue west to India Street. Bands from around the United States and Canada will compete and there'll be fun afterwards at S~aport Village. Call 234-0331 for more mfor- mation. Chula Vista again has turned two streets into Candy Cane Lane with its traditionally vast array of Christmas yard art. To do some free viewing Dec. 19 through Jan. 3 take Interstates 5 or 805 south, exit at E


L James-by-the-Sea Hitchcock Puppet Theater in Balboa

Sat_urday al

Episcopal Church, 743 Prospect St m Park. The marionettes perform Christmas is a time for giving and

for thinking about those who have Jess. Mireya Lucero of El Salvador will present a program about peace in her country at 7 p.m. Friday at the fourth annual Holiday Dinner for the People of El Salvador. The benefit takes place at the First United Meth- odist Church and includes dinner, slides and child care. Cost is $10. Pro-

through December at 10:30 a.m. Fri- days, and at 11 a.m., 1 and 2:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. After Christ- thing in "The Gingerbread Man'' at 11 a.m., 1 and 2:30 p.m. Dec. 26 to 30 "The Wizard of Oz" is right for every season. Bring the kids to the show at

La Jolla. Mu ic wtll be led by the La Jolla Civic/University Symphony and Chorus Bring your own score or

buy ,one at the door. The _San Diego mas, the McKay Puppets do their

presents its annual

Mens Choru

,---~----_J "'Tis the Season" concert at 8 p_.m.

:. 19 and 7 _p.m. Dec. 20 at F1~t For ticket information call 466-7128.

ted M~thod1st Church, 2111 Cami- de! Rio South. can 296-7829 for

- Sarah Pattee

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0. 123,092)



)ff;;;;~t ha;;;"';Jfh'· 1 Toreros' victory over Division II team By Don f'.orcross ,. Tribune Sportswriter

Trainer Carolyn Greer said Colvin, who sprained his right ankle, was doubtful for Saturday's game at Boise State, but that he would probably play the following Saturday agamst San Diego Stat~. For Egan, the bo m line w s he wasn't happy. "We looked li)f.e a Chinese fire drill, and I'm at fault for oot preparing the kids," said the head coac . Coaches aptl players agreed a blowout win would be mce for a change. (The Toreros' other victory was also by five points.) "It's re 1 stressful for us as Well as coach," said Munn. They might get used to it, though. Said Means, "I don't think any, games are going easy with fhis team."

point because of foul trouble. "It was an unfairly called game in the second half," said Zech. "The refs took Brewer right out of the game." The Toreros, who trailed 33-31 at the half, averted the upset thanks to excellent second- half play by Marty Munn, Danny Means and Pelton. The 6-6 Munn, who normally camps out at the three-point line, went inside and scored 11 points in the second half. He fin- ished the game with 18. Means, the Toreros point guard and only returning starter, hit 7-of-8 free throws and finished with 13 points. Coming into the game he was 5-of-9 from the line. Pelton took up the slack from Colvin's absence and scored all eight of his points in the second half.

overs. Asked how be thought his team re- sponded to the pressure, Egan said, "It was a mess." When USD baseball coach John Cunning- ham told him to smile, that he'd won the game, Egan replied, •1 canl smile, 'cause that's exactly what it was. "We lacked organization. You've got to do things the way you do in practice. We had a whole bunch of guys going solo. Nobody knew where anybody else was. And they're (Puget Sound) so darn well-coached, l felt like somebody was at my throat." Puget Sound coach Don Zech felt some- body was at his throat, too ... the refs. Zech's 6-9 senior center, '1'ay Brewer, who came into the game averaging 20.3 points and 8.8 re- bounds, played 10 minutes and didn't score a

"I saw the elbow coming and didn't see anything after that," said Pelton. "It wasn't right across the bridge. A little lower. Kind of on the mushy part." The Loggers put up as good a fight on the scoreboard as they did in the ring. The visi- tors led b_ four points in the first half and had the game tied as late as 11:15 into the second half. But thanks to some accurate free throw shooting down t e stretch, the Toreros pulled away for a 71-66 victory be- fore an estimated 900 fans at the USD Sports · The Toreros improved to 2-2 and Puget Sound dropped its fourth straight, falling to 2-4. roblem was handling Puget Sound's press, which forced 15 turn- Center. USD's l,1gg .

Upon confirming Division II Puget Sound for his 1987-88 schedule Hank Egan hung up the phone and said, "That was a mistake." Gettmg his players to have the same re- spect ft 1 th Loggers v s a different story. "Yll ar a team·s Division II and you your eyebrows and ~mile a J'ttle bit." said USD senior center Jim Pelton. Seven minutes and nine seconds mto last night's game against Puget Sound, the smiles had been wiped off the Toreros' faces. Freshman center Keith Colvin had left with a sprained ankle. And Pelton departed with a bloody nose, courtesy of a stray kind of r i


San Diego, CA (San Diego C~ .) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217 ,089) (Cir. S . 341 ,840) EC 10 1987 Jlllert'• P. c. a E,r

'su G!~~Jfi220 candles makes eyening festive the 58th - was truly a from 250 _of SiS t er Virg1ma s admir- and Peter Hughes, Pat and Edward candlelight ball. 1-------- ers. And 1t.e_arned ~lose to $30,000 Keating, the Jim Mulvaneys (he was Five hundred and twenty candles ~~~-:.?/! Burl for her ~aitian project. . master of ceremonies), and Sharon ickered on tables 1n the ballroom Ph~llts and f ohn Parrish, the LeeMaster. at the La Jolla Marriott, where 5 20 ,.a..,..~ S tJ• ff party s co-chalfillen, decoyed the .Sharon pointed out that "Sister partygoers gathered for a massive gueS t of honor to th e Marriott. V1rg1ma was my eighth-grade teach- infusion of the holiday spirit _..._.-..:..________ On hand to shout "Surprise!" were er at Forest Ridge in Seattle. She The celebration was staged by the Ce_Ieste a nd Gene Trepte, Nancy and was only 10 years older than the uxiliary of Scripps Memorial Hos- Music, the Crusader Bell Choir and Skip Starkey, the Ross Tharps, Cathe girls she taught, and she told me pita), La Jolla, with profits ear- the Evans School Ensemble contrib- Burnham and Clm_ton Walters, Judy later she lived in fear we'd figure (narked for the Trauma Center uted yuletide airs to the festive an? Dr. John Comito, the Philip that out." Chairwoman Kay Ta,lor Hopkins night. Cnppens, Jay a nd A~ th ony Ght0, Lu L uncbing at Neiman-Marcus: and her husband Dr. Bruce Ho k" a nd Ray Harmon, Rita a nd Joe Sue Teasdel and Nancy Bell- •tood at the head of the •rarr1·optt' 1sns, 'I Neeper, !he Paul EngSlra nds ' Kim man ... Dorothy and Worley " went out yesterday and and Ma I Fl t h d Ma mirrored escalators to greet a b n yn e c er an rlena Stewart ... Brenda Mason Carter ~ught wate_rproof mascara," and Jeff Brown lack-tie crowd that included Rita Linda Alessio confided. "I'll · and her mother, Pricey Hollar ... nd Dick Atkinson the Vincent Ben- b bl Jeff produced a spellbi nd ing pro- Liz McCullah with her daughter, , pro a y throw it away after this, gram that t Id s· t v· · · ' StPads, Drs. Sarita and Brent East- but l knew I needed it for tonight!" . . 0 is er irgima s Lisa El-Khoury, and grandson, Ni- Jllan the Ron Carlsons, Nancy Linda and Frank Alessio were story m sl!des and song. Tom Burke, cholas, who will be 1 year old Dec. Whitcomb and Joe Jessop Jr., Valer- chairmen of a surprise salute to Sis- Hoang Tamg and Betsy Manchester 22. ie and Carl Lempke, and the Doug ter Virginia McMonagle the Sacred sh~kMie. b~1efly, a~d Gene_ Regard and Dining at Vic's in La Jolla: Gerri Manchesters , is ss1on Choir supplied the music and D A 1 F k · Heart nun who will soon leaveUSD fro "Y L. ht U O . r. an egars Y with his Eileen and Howard Bugbee were towork with a hospice and orphan:-' - m ou ig p ur Lives" mother, Edna Finkelstein, in town lhere (she was co-chairwoman), age in Haiti. ~,o the Sacred Hea~; alma mater and from Palm Beach to celebrate her lllong with Linda and Dr. Jeffrey (Sister Virginia's sister is a Sister Joy to the W~rld. 80th birthday . . . Joan and Irwin Rutgard. Marianne McDonald and of the Sacred Heart, too, and their Applaudmg it all were Monsignor Jacobs with Elene and Herb Solo- pr, Adrian Jaffer, Joyce and Dr. brother is a Jesuit Brother. Both Sis- I. Brent Eagen, Anne Evans, Steve mon, sampling the after-dinner jazz. ichard Tullis Marcia and Dr Joh t M Garvey, Marge Hughes (Art was out Lunching at Al Rawsha on El rombold Gingie and the Rev·Ga n er arguerite and Brother George of town), Tm~ and Joe Cutri, the Cajon Boulevard: Channel 5l's Stan-

Charles Melv1lles, Dr. Anita Fi- gueredo an_d_ Dr. w1·111·am Doyle, the Dan Mulv1h1lls, Monsignor Patr1·c Fox, Mary Jo and Leo w e, Dori's

ley Siegel and Debbie Lechner sa- voring the Arabic fare. "I'm a cof- ee-. s_ op swinger," Stanley said. "l e I c eap, and I like it good." ' f h Jik t h

McMonagle were part of the surprise package.)

t1nstead.' Eva Hough and Saliy a rdy




The San Diego Union/Bill Romero Candlelight Ball chairwoman Kay Taylor Hopkins greets guests.

John Thornton.

e dinner dance at the La Jolla mo was a eart- ug~ng tribute -.,---- · tt h t · _ _ Ma

L Mall ·n and h1·s Sou ds of


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