News Scrapbook 1986-1988
San Diego, CA (S 111 Diego Co.) S,111 Diego Union (C ,r. D. 217,089) (C,r. S. 341,840) NOV 2 0 1 87
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Friday, November 20, 1987 Ver bn: U.S. pledges $1.3 billion to prop up Texas S&L Continued from A·1 S S could not yet put a dollar limit on the ment, appointed by the bank board now worthless. money-losing Texas condominiums idencc in Rancho Santa re. only by the $4.5 billion bailout in 1984 amount. March 20, inherited a portfolio in For the next lwo years the 48- owned by Vernon Savings, and Rep. Montfort will be run by the SaJlle of Continental Illinois Bank & Trust The bank board closed the inshtu- which 96 percent of the loans were year-old Dixon wined dined and Bill Lowery, R-San Diego, for whom management installed by regulators of Chicago by the Federal Deposit hon because it was hopelessly insol- not paying. wooed San Diego's influential at the Dixon held political fund raisers and upon Dixon's ouster in March when Insurance Corp., a separate agency vent and its problems were getting Under the direction of Dixon, who exp nse, according to court docu- parties charged to Vernon Savings' Vernon was converted from a stale that insures commercial banks. worse, said board chairman M. acquired Vernon 1n January 1982, the meats, of Vernon Savings in order to expen. e, while Lowery innocently charter to a federal charter. Vernon's 10 offices will be closed Danny Wall He said the agency has institution increased its assets ten- win friends and political rnfluence reimbursed Dixon - not the ailing Tom B. Scott Jr., president of Um- today and will reopen Monday under no immediate plans to close any fold by making large, speculative de- and unload some of Vernon's prub- thrift. first Bank for Savings of Jackson, the new Montfort name, honoring the other large problem thrifts in Texas. velopment and con !ruction loans, lems on unsuspecting San Diego bus1- Dixon hved in a $2 million beach Miss., will serve as chairman pf same rates and terms on all certifi- Vernon's net worth had sunk to a ac rding to the bank board. nes men. house m Del Mar during that time, Montfort. cates of deposit. Depos1ters with less negative $716.86 million by Sept. 30 FSLIC filed suit in April for $100 Among tho e wooed w re: the and chalked up $1 million in per onal Vernon 1s the 16th association to be than $100,000 n the in titution ill and that was proJected to top $1 bil- million against Dixon and other for- Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego living expenses and charged it to liquidated by the bank board so far have immediate acce :, to their lion by next year. At the end of Sep- mer officers, charging fraud and Leo T. Maher, who was entertained Vernon Savings, court records show this year, the second in Texas. Ttle money Monday Depositers with tember, it had assets of $1.17 bilhon other breaches of the officers' duties. •in Paris, London and Rome at Ver- In addition, court records show board liquidated 21 institutions last more than that must apply for acce and deposits of $1.4 billion. Dixon smoothed his way into non's expense m 1985; San Diego de- that in 1985 San Diego-based Lenders year, and Wall this month predicted m writing. "The damage done to Vernon by prominent San Diego area business, veloper Doug Manchester, who ac- Corp. - then a Vernon subsidiary - that 33 liquidations would occur this Gravlee said a :.mall number of the management before March of political and religious circles with a cepted a free nde to New York in a was used to transfer $214,000 from year and more than 50 next year. deposits were above the msurance this year was irreparable," Wall said $3 million stock gift to thtl!:nive1¥s Vernon Savings plane and narrowly Vernon Savings to illicitly pay for Contributing to this article was hmit, but she said the bank board in a statement. The current manage- of San Diego in 1984 - a gift tha is escaped a bad deal involving some construction on Dixon's personal res- Staff Writer Susan Burkhardt
Los Angeles, CA (Lo Ang les Co) Times (San D1 go Ed.I (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. 55,573) NOV 2 0 1987
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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Newsline (Cir. W. 15,000) ov 2 4 1987
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Diego Sp
arge May Be Dismisse
..All~n '• P. c. e.
1c ,. 1888
But Walters Must Complete Drug Education Program
'ovember 24, 1987
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THE PEACE WATCH Sheehan speaks out at USO forum
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BASKETBALL Kevm Rembert,µ 6-fool 4-inch, 200-pound senior forward at ater D 1 High School h signed a letter n • • te o late on a basketball o arsh1p next fall, SD 'U Coach Jim Brandenburg said. "He 1st.he kmd or player we need to bu,ld a ohd progr m." Branden- burg 1d. "He can eome m here and help us." Remb rt. who averaged 11 9 pomt. and 7.3 rebounds for Mater De1 last eason. said he elected SDSU ov r Cal State Long Beach and San Jose late Rembert was the second player to commit to 'DSU In the early 1gn ng ~r1od that ended Wednes- day. The Aztecs signed lex Sund, a 6-8 forward from Golden (Colo.) High School last week. D Athletes m Action suffered its third tra1ght defea lo mg to the Umver it · of Oklahoma, 126-91, in an exhibition game at the Lloyd Noble Arena in. orman. Okla Harvey Grant's 26 points led six Oklahoma player m double fig- ures. Grant wa 12 of 16 from the field m Oklahoma' rst exh bttion game of the .ea. on. Lorenw Romar led AIA (12-3) with 20pomts.
by JimJacobson ,215< Daniel Sheehan, General Counsel for the Christie Institute (a \X'ashington. D.C. public interest , public policy law center) poke to a standing room crowd of O\'er 1,000 at CSD' Camino Theatre on. 'o\'ember l~ I'he event was spon- sored by the L'SD School of Law, campu~ student organizations and several local community groups. Christie has filed a suit in Miami federal CQUrt .against 29 defendants connected with the Reagan administration and the Contras. charging them with running a "shadow" l '.S. for- eign policy, conducting drug trafficking 10 support the Contras, assassinating political enemies, waging secret wars, toppling foreign governments, and sub- .S. Con titution Thedefen-
of management sty le by the President , combined with the excessive zeal of Oli\'er North and John Poindexter. The chair of that commh~ion, John Tower. was campaign manager in Texas for Rea- gan . He wenr on television ro declare that the U.S. ship of state had run aground. As everyone knows , when a ship runs aground, the captain has to ultimate!) be held responsible. They arc tr) ing to tell you now that the problem has been solved. The charter of special prosecutor \X'ahh, as drafted by Ed .'\kese, is limited to the narrow question of diversion of profits to rhe Contras from missile sales to Iran-a violation of the Boland Amendment. They don't
l .S. ttorney in the Southern District in Florida and instructs him not 10 go for- ward with the investigation of the Contr.1 wc::1p ns and narcotics smuggling, that is an obstruction of justice-a criminal offen c. Impeach. That is the word that should be on the lips of every Amc:rican and we must not allow thb man to simply le:n eoffict' in a normal term. He has pc:r- formcd an absolute and total outrage agaimt the Amc:rican public and our Constitution. He has to be rc:moved from office.'' For more information on who to\\ rite in Cc,,,ngress to stop Contra aid, to \"igorously pun,ue the Conrrascam itwes- tigations, or for information on the: c:ampaign to impeach Reagan, contact the Christie Institute, (202) 797- 8106; 132 • i\. Capitol St W, Washington, D.C 20002. Local groups involved in the campaign to stop Contra aid in-
elude: Friends of Nicaraguan Culture : -i ;9- • 6;0, and Ccmral America Infor- mation Center: 583-292;. PRISONERS FOR PEACE DAY: Dec. l You can take part in international support for imprisoned war resisters Tuesday, Decc:mber 1. War Resisters League Inter- national asks that you send cards or let- tc:cs of solidarity to those political prisonen,. The: messages ofsupport serve as warnings to prison and government officials that the war resisters are not iso- lated from worldwide: public opinion. The Prisoners of Peace Honor Roll this year has been expanded beyond those who are conscientious objectors to include people imprisoned for non - violent action against war prc:par.1.tions. To obtain a list of prisonc:rs and back- ground information, contact the Peace Rc:sourcc Center: 265-0730. Remember the Prisoners of Peace on December L •
verting the want the other issues discussed . dams include former \fajor Generd~l~,--~,..."The President knew all about the rais- John 1 n Richaro S"ecord . Con- mg of the 3 1 million dollars that went tra leader Alolfo Calero. bu. ines. man to the Contras from Saudi Arabia and Albert Hakkim, CIA agentJohn Hull, and other sources. He called (those who had former CIA operatives Theodore Shack- sent money) them into the Rose Garden Icy and Thomas Clines. and thanked them. He gave interviews to Sheehan said that evidence uncovered Contra contributors often thousand dol- by the Christie in\'estigation absolutely laf!i or more into the Oval Office. You say implicates Ronald Reagan and top offi- to yourself why didn't the committee ask :ials in the administration (including rougher questions? Of the 26 men who George Bush, Edwin ..\1eese, and Defense were appointed by the two political par- Secretary Frank Carlucci) and that the ties to sit on the select committee two- public needs to pressure Congress to thirds of those men had voted f~r full initiate impeachment proceedings (Rep- military aid to the Contras. The hearings resentative Henry Gonzales, a democrat were an embarassment. We know that from San Antonio, Texas, has introduced this affair is a cancer deep in the Ameri- an impeachment bill, H.R. 111). The can body politic, and it is one that will Christie case has received less than token not go away. These renegades-these coverage by the "mainstream" news midnight soldiers of the national secur- media, even though Congressional com- it} state-these are the men who will mittee investigations have utilized Chris- de troy our constitution. They estab- tic evidence and witnesses in their lished alliances with opium and cocaine inquiries. Miami U.S. District court has smugglers. Thq do not belie\e in the granted Christie broad legal authorit)' to American people. We're just going to say subpoena witnes es and obtain evidence ··no··co them. under a tough 1970s anti-organized ·'1t is important that you understand crime federal statute known as the Rack- that the agenda of the leadership of the eteer Jnfluenccd and Corrupt Organiza- Republican and Democratic parties is to tions Act (R ICO) completely ignore the basic issues. In the Addressing the 2; year-long activity of debates going on with presidential can- the 29 la\vsuit defendants known as the didates. they don't sav a word about this "secret team," Sheehan said, "Congress scandal-never ralk ~bout the corn.titu- docs not want to talk about the secret tional defiance of the President-who team They want to pretend that it is a we hired to see to it the laws were fully temporary, ad hoc group that was set up and faithfully enforced. What Reagan has by Oliver North. The Tower Commis- allowed to happen is a public breech of sion report tells you that it is nothing his oath of office, which is an impeach- more seriow, than a certain inadequacy able offense ~· hen Ed Meese: calh the
NOV 22 1987
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840)
P. c. B
LoyolaWomen Defeat San Diego ~~Marymount women's volleyball team closed out its conference schedule Saturday night with an easy 54-minute sweep of the Untrersity of Sar Diego to clinch second place in the West Coast Athletic Conference. The 15-4, 15-7, 15-4 victory raised the Lions' record to 17-15. They finished 10-4 in the WCAC. San Diego fell lo 6-20 and 4· 10. The Lions won their last six conference matches without losing a game and have won seven straight overall. Leslie Wohlford led the attack with 14 kills and Lori Rodman had 13. San Diego had a hitting percentage of .029. Loyola completes the season with non-conference matches Monday at UC Santa Barbara and Tuesday at home against Fresno State.
ov 22 1987
Jl.ll~n '• P. c. B
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....r:::: 4s0 SY.MPHONY ORCHESTRA - The group will perform Mozart's Symphony No 49, Lalo's "L'Aio D'ys' Overture Dvorak's Noon-Witch Symphonic · Poem and Pergolesl's Concerto Gros- so at 4 p m. today In Camino Hall at Unlvers,ty of Sa Diego "< '6 5"
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