News Scrapbook 1986-1988
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)
NOV 2 1987
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p c e
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)
NOV 2 1987
~tt~n• P. C. B
l • g the costs and monetary f \ , USD will present .a framt_eworlk7·o3rO~emas~~he anchester C911ference benefits of health promo 10n a • · · "\ ... -::; Center, USO. Cost is $15. Registration requested. C)-- , , Helen Edison at Noel salute conversation a Walter Trevor look on 1,400 join in tribute to Globe's Noel Los Angeles CA ( Los Angeles Co J Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) 1n 1 1987 P, C. 8 n Wilson got a laugh with his mock grudge comment that 1t "must be wond rful !ling up in the morn- mg and gomg to work knowing you're g1v11g p ople pleasure." Changing p.1ce, he mentioned the "ennobling s t1 faction" Noel must r I "havm made a difference, a remarkabl difference" in the lives of n Di n . "We could a k for nothing more," said Wilson, "than life to 1mlia " Noel'.s art. Taking the microphone, the puck- 1Sh oel .-;ald that "one of the se- crets" of h1 succ , is that he has been "one or the weakest leaders the arts have ever had:' The audi- ence erupted in laughter, but he deadpanned his way through thank- yous, saying his career was knit with the good fortune of having su- perb staff and supporters. Special a knowledgement went to ''the strong women" that have stood behind "a weak man" over the years. He said the "Ds'' alone were repres ntallve of an alphabet of help - "Delza (Martin), Deborah (Szekely), Danah (Fayman), two Darlenes (Davies and Shiley) and Dixie (Unruh)." ummed up his reason for tage Friday night by plugging member hip in the Old He being on the hr 1888 • Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed ) (Cir. D 50 010j (Cir. S 55,573) Darlene Shiley greeting Old Globe's Craig Noel and Michael Byers. O'Brien and Hall gave Noel a memory book. Guests included Helen and Bob Albritton, Joan and Irwin Jacobs, Martha and George Gafford, Leslie Fox, Bobbie and Blaine Quick, Claire Tavares, Betty Jo and Hal Williams, Audrey Geisel, Mary and Dallas Clark, Helen Edison, Ellen and Roger Revelle, Luba Johnston, Marian and Walter Trevor, Hal Ste- phens, Jane Guymon, Katy and Mike Dessent, Marge O'Donnell, Gloria and Ed Self, Kathy Guymon, Mary Wayne, Gloria Melville and daughter Heather Melville, Merie and Glenn Bish, Linda Smith, and Katherine and Paul Black. Globe then left them laughing by admonishing that "as members, you should not ask what your arts' organization can do for you, but rather what you can do for your arts' organization." Pause .. . "Sen· ator Biden gave me that remark." The evening started with a pri• vate cocktail reception in the Sheraton's penthouse for upper- level Old Globe members. It ended with a dinner for the same mem- bers and champagne toasts by Sis- ter Sally, Bob Hays, Bob McGlade, Darlene Shiley, Bill Eaton, Jim Mulvaney, Dolly Poet, Jonathon McMurtry, Tom Corcoran, Delza Martin, Jack O'Brien, Tom Hall TorerosGet anEarlyScore, Hold On for a 7-0 Victory Th~~of San Diego secutive passes to advance his team football t~ scored on its first to the USO 31. possession and then let a stmgy "We knew we would have trou- defense an_d muddy field conditions hie with the muddy field," said take over ma 7-0 v,ctory over UC Brian Fogarty, USD coach. "We Santa Barbara Saturday afternoon were fortunate we scored early at Goleta. before the field got too bad." USO quarterback Brendan Mur- It rained throughout the first phy capped a 46-yard drive with a quarter and for much of the fourth 1_7-yard scormg run early m the quarter as both teams had trouble frrst quarter as the Toreros won moving the football. therr third consecutive game and improved to 6-1-1. Santa Barbara, which entered the game with a fou r-game winning streak Santa Barbara's 1ast drive ended when quarterback Paul Wright's pass into the end zone was knocked away by USO freshman cornerback Chris King (two interceptions) with two seconds left. On the drive, which began on Santa Barbara's 10-yard line with 1:15 to play in the game, Wright completed four con- dropped to 6-2. ' Santa Barbara turned the ball over SIX times, three on .mtercep- t10ns, and never drove ms1de the The Toreros were hm1ted to 134 yards in total offense, with Murphy gammg 71 of those yards on quar- USD 20. . . San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Newsline (Cir. W. 15,000) NOY 3 1987 Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.l (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) NOV 2 1987 q/lm '• P c e terback keepers. "The offense did Just enough," NOV 3 a87 Fogarty said. The USD defense did the rest. The shutout was USD's fourth of JU/f!n'• P c. B. Est. 1888 / National Lawyers Guild 50th (ru~fq!;{ni»io, former California Supremt C ourtJu,,ti<:e b featured speaker .11 the ';0th Anni\ er;an celehration for the .11ion.1I 1.1 crs ·(,uild . lht.: pro- gr,1111 folhmcd b, .1 wine and <.:heese n.Tt·ption \\ 111 l~e :n the l nht:rsil\ < enter, l nn-er;it, ofSan Diego (l SD) on Sunda} , member 8 , 1 P\I f'ht '1.G gulden .inni\ er,an ,, ill pay trilmtl' to lo c.11 tounder, of I.(, 'le. d Burner Jud} D1( ,cnnaro l~>u Kau ,\le. L111don Luther (,lHJd\\ 111 , laq llanq , John Poncr •tnd John Stephens rhc event honormg peoples' struggle,. includes a , idt·o histor) of , L<,, music and an h1storirnl photo cxhihll on the group. Supporter., arc cm:ouragcd to send a mes- s.1ge ot <.:ongrJtulations or ,olidarity to he prc,cmcd l\lai l or l 111 in your mes- s,1ge 11(,8 l nion St. , suite 10 I, San D ie go 9ll0 1, 1;; 1~0 1 • C ~llf!n '• P. c. B the season. E , , , sax / Lnlver,ity of San D lego law profes- appellate court r. a seat on the federal Senate Judiciary~ appear before the mation hearing Th om:;uttee for a con!ir- al spokesman said. 'W¾ ay• 3..>0ngress10n _ The heanng wurm!'r6 ( . ment on Bernard S k, the first move- the U.S. 9th Circ~~gan s nomination to smce President R Court of Appeals scholar's name to ;agan sent the legal ary. apitoJ .Hill m ru- v::a~at"s:at ~~c~~:sf~1J11t nomin~e for~ Congressional sour~e~ :;e~e Court. whose nomination has d iegan- cr1ticism from liberals-::n VJg_orous forced to wait while th S Y agam be Reagan 's newest highe enate considers Douglas H c· b court appomtee . ms urg. • Ed Baxter, an aide to S . DeConcini Roseville, CA (Placer Co.) Press-Tribune (Cir. SxW. 12,788) NOV 3 - 1987 ~lleri's P. c e r, ,ssx State bar better, still inadequate? San Francisco ~91$-5 The State discipline system for lawyers 1s improving but remains badly backlogged ar:d unable to handle complex cases agamst lawyers, according to a state monitor's report. "Notwithstanding the efforts that have been made, the statisti- ~al ou~pul of the system, the mvest1galive efficacy, prosecutor- ial thoroughness, and the State Bar <::ourt's adjudication process remam well below acceptable levels," said the report by Robert F~llmeth, a Univei;.sity of San Die~ law professor appointed as monitor by Attorney General John Van de Kamp. • •
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