News Scrapbook 1986
San Diego, CA {San DI go Co.) s n Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) {Cir. S. 341,840)
DECS 11986
,)lllm'• P c B
me Court candidate
James B. Scott Age: 58
David N. Eagleson Age: 62
Marcus M. Kaufman Age: 57
Holli• Best Age: 60
John A. Argu II • Age:59
Current position: Associate Jus- tice, 1st District Court of Appeal, San Francisco. Education: Bachelor of law degree, Hastings College of the Law, 1952. Career: Appointed by Reagan, 1974. Elected to Santa Clara Coun- ty Superior Court, 1968; re-elected 1974. Served as presiding judge 1971-72. Appointed Municipal Court Judge, Sunnyvale Judicial District, by Gov. Brown Sr., 1963. Member Sunnyvale City Council 1959-63, serving as mayor from 1962-63.
Current position: Associate Jus- tice, 4th District Court of Appeal, San Bernardino. Education: Bachelor's degree, UCLA. 1951; jurls doctorate, use, 1956. CarHr: Appointed by Reagan, 1969. While maintaining own law practice 1958-70, he periodically served as a judge pro tempore for the San Bernardino County Superi- or and Municipal courts. Research attorney for the California Supreme Court, 1956-57.
Current position: Associate Jus- tice, 2nd District Court of Appeal, Lo Angeles. Education: Bachelor's degree, business administration, USC, 1948; jurls doctorate, use, 1950. CarNr: Appointed by DeukmeJlan, 1984. Appointed to Los Angeles Coonty Superior Court by Reagan, 1970. Elected in 1972, re-elected In 1978 and 1984. Presiding Judge 1981-82. From 1951-70, main- tained own law practice or a part- ner for several Long Beach-area law firms Specialized In business, probate and other civil matters.
Current position: Associate Jus- tice, 5th District Court of Appeal, Fresno. Education: Bachelor's degree, Fresno State University, 1948; Juris doctorate, Stanford, 1951. CarNr: Appointed by Deukmejlan, 1984. From 1973-84, Fresno Coun- ty Superior Court Judge; appointed by Reagan, 1972; elected In 1974; re-elected 1980. Presiding Judge 1974-77 and 1979-80. Partner In Fresno law firm of McCormick, Barstow, Sheppard, Coyle and Best. 1963-73; with Manfredo, Best and Forbes, 1953-63.
Current poalt on: A11oclate Jus- tlc , 2nd DI trict Court of Appeal In LOI Ang le ducatlon: Bachelor's d ree In onomlca, UCLA, 1950; Juris doc- torate, UCLA, 1954. CarNr: Appointed by Deukmejlan, 1984. Appointed to Los Angeles County Superior Court by Gov. A gen, 1969; lected 1970; re- l ted 1976 and 1982. Appointed Munlclp I Court Judge. East Lo Ang I Judlcl I Dlatrlct, by Gov. Brown Sr., 1963.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)
DEC' 1 \986
an Diego, Wednesday, December 31, 1986
!~.~~e .~~.~!.~=~~t Califorma Supreme Court durmg its 1956-57 session and served periodi-
~-4 IBE$TRIBUNE ,,,11------------------'--------'
c..?~~dta~,~~ti= Cruz Reynoso nd Joseph Grodin, all appointed by former Gov Jerry Described by local lawyers as "nice," "conscientious" and '"conserv- ative," Benke spent her first mne years out of law school arguing crim inal appeals for the state attorney general's office before Deukmejian named her to the Municipal Court rn 1983 and the Superior Court in 1985. Other nominees are appellate court judges John A. Arguelles and David N. Eagleson of Los Angele , Hollis Best of Fresno, Marcus auf- man of San Bernardino and James B The State Bar comm1· 1·on that re- views judicial nominees has 90 days Brown. Scott of San Francisco.
I ~~g~eme Tnblllle StMf Writer ASan Diego Superior Court judge with three years' judicial experience is the biggest surprise on a list of ''moderate conservatives" named by Gov. Deukmejian as candidates to fill thr~ impending vacancies on the VU L, In addition lO local judge Patricia Darlene Benke, at 37 the youngest and least experienced of the group. Deukmejian yesterday selected five appellate court jwtJces to undergo review ror possible appointment to the state's highest court. The three vacancies on the seven- .member court were created when voters on Nov 4 refused to confirm new 12- ·e r terms for Cluef Justice /
for San Diego's largest corporate- law firm, Gray Cary Ames & Frye. Her honors include a managing ed1- torship of the San Diego Law Review and graduation from San Diego State Before entering law school, Benke was a student research assistant for the Gloria Penner public-affairs talk show on KPBS. Her husband, Donald litical science. now a studio supervisor. I f e coup e live in a w 1te rame- and-stucco house on a palm-lined street in Talmadge Park, a middle- class neighborhood ju t east of Kens- h. Benke was one of more than 100 judges asked by The Tribune to fill out a survey listing their member- ships in clubs and organizat10ns. Benke listed her affihat1ons in a handful of judicial and bar associa lions and accompanied the form with a handwritten note that said, "My life's really not as boring as this list After the Bar complete its inves- ligation into each candidate, Deuk who then are subject to confirmation by the chief justice, Attorney Gener- al John Van De Kamp and the semor state appellate justice, Lester Roth Th chael, 4, and Peter, 3 might reflect."
and send its rankings to the gover- as a very pleasant surprise," Benke said of the announcement, w 1ch came shortly after Deuk- n. Jian had received the Bar's confi- denlial evaluation of her candidacy for the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Diego. She said she had ap- phed only for the appellate posit10n, for which no vacancies exist. the California District Attorneys As- sociation. called the naming of Benke "a bold move," saying, "I ordinarily who's been around longer." But he added that Benke has been "a fast- Arguelles JS the only Hispanic and the only Democrat on Deukmejian's list. He was first appointed to the Municipal Court in Los Angeles by former Gov. Pat Brown in 1963, and was elevated to the Los Angeles Su- penor Court by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1969. Deukmejian elevated bun to the Court of Appeal in 1984. County Superior Court by Reagan in 1972 and elevated to the appellate court by Deukmejian in 1984. As a Superior Court judge, Best jailed and later released four editors and re- porters of The Fresno Bee who grand jury investigation. Eagleson was appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court by Reagan in 970 and was elevated to the appel- late court by Deukmejian in 1984. Kaufman is well-known as a con- ervative justice who once described himself as "a redneck with a high nor · It rising sta r."
cally as a judge pro tern in the Muni- cipal and Superior courts in San Ber- nardino County in the 1960s until his Scott, first appointed to the state appellate court in San Francisco by Reagan in 1974, authored the appel- late court decision - overturned "Onion Field" killer Gregory Powell. Benke, who has been honored reer, is remembered by one of her law-school classmates, Carol Fraus- to, as "fairly conservative.'' "It was the early '70s, and a lot of us were social activists; she was criminal-defense attorney After graduation from t~niver- sity at San Diego Law School inl974, Benke joined the state attorney gen- eral's office and stayed there until her appointment as a Municipal Her interest in the bench surfaced in 1982 when she took out nomination papers to replace Municipal Judge Lewis Wenzell, whose conviction the previous year for soliciting prostitu- tion made him the target of a recall represented defendants in Benke's court, praised Benke's qualities as a "There was no question that she was conservative, but she knew the law," Frausto said. ''She gave logical and legal reasons for her rulings. She's nice and conscientious." judge. by Reagan in 1969 Bird court -
appointment to the appellate court University with highest honors in po-
Jon Hopkins, executive director of Monday by a 4-3 vote of the outgoing George Benke, a college classmate,
blocking parole of worked at the television station as a student assistant the same year that she did. He joined the KPBS staff after graduating from college and is
ould expect him to put in somebody many times in her professional ca-
pretty convention I,'' said Frausto, a mgton Park, with th r two sons, Mi-
Rancho Santa Fe, CA (San Diego Co.) Rancho Santa Fe Times (Cir. W. 500)
Best was appointed to the Fresno Court judge.
Encinitas, Calif. ':oa st Dispatch
DEC8! J91
refused to reveal their sources in a measure.
Jl.flrn's - <'UNIVERSITY OF SA~DIEG - USO Founders Gallery~ · 260-4682. An art exhibition enlil Conta Kent. Serigraphs," featuring 20 prints depicting love, hope and optomism. This artist has created numerous works of art, her most famous one being LOVE depicted on U.S. postage stamps Noon to s p.m.. weekdays P. C B I ,t '"'
Defense attorney Frausto, who has meJian will nominate three Justices,
DEC 311986
of Los Angeles
Jl.llr" '•
P. C. B far. 1888 UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO - USO Founder's Gallti~Dier,o ? -4682. An art exh1b1tion enlil ed :C I a Kent• Serigraphs,··featuring 20 pnnts depicting love. hope and optomism. This artist has created numerous works of art, her most famous one being LOVE, depicted on U.S. postage stamps _Nggri to s p.m., weekdays. ::i- '1 5 "5
The Associated Press contributed
to this story.
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