News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,0119) (Cir. S. 341,840)

NOV 1 1986


JUl~n•• P. c. e

Saturday, November 1, 19M

Lst 1888

Bird: Court wouldn't change drastically, legal expe~!! !~!,,. ,wm., 5( '?, goes beyond the court's liber~l labeL current court. back and _forth"_ be_tween Libera~ and Cootio11edi'roef..\-20 n.ia Supreme Court." activists who make law rather th an "A '·beral Supreme Court IS not a conservative thi.nkmg, he saui. 'The b I · t t ·t, '"""t court observers be- u Judges, who are sup~..... to in_ ter· "ed to __ .. ft ed in 1977, and no dea h -,catence ""The court is likely to be muc ess m erpre 1 ,...,~ . phenomenon that started with Rose l"'=u forces have been unleasu IJJdA<' actually been r:: 1 ned out in Califor- concerned about individual nghts in heve the precedent will be damagmg B;~d. It goes back 30 years," said pret the law tbe way it IS wntten, this· a regular event every four bo ,,. · d d to the 1·nstitution u w·,11 be more concerned about bow rua •r.~e 1967. cnmmal as well as ·the civil area," 1.1.1 to JU ges an · Gerald Uelman, dean of Santa Clara years." Although legal experts do not. be- said Robert Simmons.. a Universit!_ "I sense this gnawing hunger to Law School, and a proponent of the the p11blic wants it enforced, UelmaD heve a "new' court would aiiirm of San Diego Jaw erofessor, who sup- change this court is going to go_ way, every death sentence, they agree the ports all the justices. way beyond and invite retaliation number will increase even if Bird is Although tlle opposition claims tbe down the line," Van de Kamp satd. 1 the only one to lose. attack on the court IS a one-tune Some say the voters desire to do ··we can expect a rather balanced movement brought on by the liberaf away with Bird and other justices court but stJII with a basically liberal I

majority" 1! Bird is the on!y one to lose, said Stephen Barnett, a law pro- fessor at Boalt Hall School of Law at UC Berkeley who opposes Bird but upports the other five justices on the ballot. f t o J ti I , the balance will be with the conserva- li vcs, he said. new narrow margm of Judicial conservatism would brea what one 1°gal expert described as a 10-year trad,lton of liberal-dominated -to-3 de<..·is1ons. Barnett said that Associate Justice Stanley Mosk, a 22-year court veter- an who e confirmation appear., as- ,ured. and Grodin, if he survives a nip-and-tuck contest, wlll play key parts in "modulatmg between liberal and central." • It is speculated that Associate Jus- tice Malcolm Lucas, a federal court Jurist who was Deukrnejian's first appomtment to the high court, will be named chief justice if Bird loses. Lucas :s a sohd conservative, but the governor's seeond appointment to the court, former state appellate jus- tice Edward Panelli, is viewed as m0re of a moderate. Democratic Attorney Genera"! John Van de Kamp, who has declined to take a position on the Judicial elec- t,ons, has studied DeukmeJian's ap- pl'llate court nominees as part of a, thn•e-member Commission on Judi- cial Appointments. They have ·•gen- erally been moderate to conserva- tive but not terribly ideological m the sense that they appear to have a he~vy fixed agenda," he said. The governor has not pubhcly dlli· <·us.sect possible replacement for Bird Jnd others but did allow a glimpse at the kmds of people he might consider when looking last year for a replace- ment for rctirmg QUo Kaus He sub- mitted si x names - among them a woman ,mJ a Hispanic - to the State Bar for evalualton Five, mcluding Panelli, were state appe,ate court jw;tlces. All had more ~han 20 years of legal and judi- cial eipenence alld were described by the governor's office as sharing a common high concern for public safety Those considered included Appel· late Justice John Arguelles of Los Angeles, Hollis Best of Fresno and Marcus Kaufman of San Bernardino. Kaufman wrote a concurring opin- ion m one of most controversial di- vorce cases of decade, which said that a woman who helped put her husband through medical school did not deserve to share in his income after theu- divorce Also on Deukmejian's list were Judge Pamela Ann Rymer, appomt- ed to U.S. Dtstnct Court m Los Ange- les in 1983 by President Reagan, and San Francisco appellate Justice James Scott, who wrote the majority opamon - later reversed by the state Supreme Court - upholding the con- st1tut1onahty of a law cutting off Medi-Cal payments for abortion. Van de Kamp predicted fewer rul- ings ba~d on state legal grounds and greater Judicial restraint with a DeukmeJian court.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

Mission Valley, CA (San Diego Co) San Diego Weekly News (Cir. 2XM 20,000) NOV 5 1986 ..Alkll ·• P. C. 8 Ell I 888

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p ···--··. /oela:are Leads With Law On Dif~ctors' Liability Limits - ---~

u,1v1 UdUVll . LJY~ J LUL,



< Thru Dec . Sculpture,"

I l - "F1gurat1ve

an e,h,birion by T.J. Dixon. known worldwide for her work ,n terr,-cotta. Fr /

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Freeman & Dubina as a superviilOr m the tax department. Sam (Said)., Etemad hlill Joined EJR Plalltics ll!j controller of the company. Laura Hyman has Joined the inve11tment firm of Smith Barney a,i account executive for the San Diego branch, 40 I B St. .... Ed Blitz and A11sociate1 h88 merged with Anne E. Breight, CPA, with offices now located m Scripps Ranch and Miasion Valley • • • Toucbe Ros11 reports several transfers to the San Diego office. Melinda Mitchell, formerly at the accounting firm's Memphis office, has moved here. Mark J. Johnson has moved here from Detroit, Jeanne Shannon from Loa Angeles, and D'Aun Martin from Albuquerque. • • • Stere11, Alpert & Carne, at the annual partpera' meeting, re• elected Robert E. Carne as managing partner for his third three-year term. The CPA f,rm haa offices in San Diego and Solana Beach. • • • The Pacific Corporate Group Inc., an mves ment banking firm, has announced that two of 11.8 member ftrms have new names: Pacific Corporate Financa Inc. (formerly La Jolla Corporate Fun- ding) and Pacific Corporate Valua- tion Inc. (formerly Christopher Bower Associates). • • • TCS Insurance Services has been ranked 27th in the nation and first m San Diego County for per, sonal lines product10n by Safeco Insurance Co. of America, a large insurance conglomerate. • • • The GlllllllJllp Quarter Council plans a Nov. 14 conference on future tax strategies available under the new tax laws affecting historic preservation. Held at the Hort.on Grand Hotel from 10 a.m. to 4 p;.m.., UI conierence will fea- ture Tom Coughlm, a historic preservation specialist, and other i!Xperts in the field. li'ee will be $75 per person. • • • Richard Levy, a marketing ex- pert who has licensed more than 30 of his creations to leading firms, will gwe a semmar today on "How to Turn Your Ideas into Millions" at the Learning Annex from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Levy's lat.est invent10n 1s a board game about Martin Luther King Jr. • • • Mark Stacy has been appointed direct.or of insurance services for Private Ledger Financial Services Inc. He is responsible for the for • mation and operation of the firm's new.-ruiurance department. /

With good puy, not•too-arduous labor8, and plenllful perlui, ouh,ide company directors uoed to enJoy their Jobs, but now they keep look• mg nervously ov"r their shoulders, negligtmcti lawHuit.11 may be gain• ing on them. To the dibnllly of the Sticunl1es and Exchange Commul- bion, which approve& the concept of ouL,ude directors, many of them have 1oimply thrown 111 the sponge. Negligence insurance to protect director8 and officers 11 either not avallable at all or carries a pro- hib1t1ve pnce tag. The risk jUBt isn't worth · 1L Recently, two wealthy Sun Diei:anb, Larry Lawrence and Robert Peterson, resigned as directors of Yuba Nat- ural Ret!Oun:es, ltavi ng thn,e com- pany executives as the only board member». Firm~ incorporated in Delaware, as 42 percent of NYSE firms are, can, 118 the n,sult of recent legisla- tion, now see the hght at the end of tbe tunnel. Effective Jul} l , a Delaware statute allows lirm& rncorporated 1n the l>tate to seek shartholder approval to hm1t the personal lia- bn1ty of their directors for breach of fiduciary duty . "The Delaware law is a st.ep in the right direction," sa~at, Marwick Chairman Larry~ Ho~ide directors are the pillar of our corporate governance sy11tem. Over the past year or 80, many directors have hesitated to serve oo corporate boards because of the difficulty and expense of ob- tarn1ng insurance to protect against personal ltab,ltty claims from shareholders and others." The Oelawart legisl11tion does not prof.eel bad directors against breaches of loyally, fur bad faith or mtent10nal misconduct, illegal acts, or for improper personal benefits. It 1s said California, New York, and Utah are considering legislation similar to Delaware's. . . . The University of San Diego's 1,6anchester-Exetlltl \iii-Cebu. · 11 be the location tomorrow of a sem- inar on the implications of the new tax law. Lasting from 3 to 5:30 p.m., the seminar is fr&e but reser- vations are needed. Prof. Lester Snyder, who head~ the graduate tax program at the law school, will be . • assisted by four other experts. • • • J.H. Cohn & Co., the accoun - ting firm, has moved to new offices at 1420 Kettner Blvd. The firm has . its headquarters 1n New Jersey and other offices in Ni:w York. • • • Sigrid U. Pate has joined Prudential-Bache Secunties as vice president of investments at the duwnt.own office at 701 B St. Gary C. Crane, a CPA, has Joined the professional 111.aff of Fitzgerald,

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Ocean Mission Pacific Beach News (Cir. 2xW. 21 ,600)



MoneyMinders by Herbert W. Lockwood

Jlllen 's

P. c. e

I ,r. IHU

•a workshop-hiven by the I~s_p.tµte for ChristG~ Minist~ "lrelm 6:30-9:30 p . , Nov. 13, 14 and 17 in Serra 204 at the Univenaty of San Diego in Alcala Park. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Eugene LaVerdiere. The cost is $20 for registration postmarked by Thursday, Nov. 6, or $25 at the door. For more mformation, c~ 260-4784. /

La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,040) NOV6



P. C. B



~D schedules weekend reunion ~C(5'") The University of San Diego has invited a.II its alumni to attend a variety of activities during homecoming weekend, Friday through Sunday. A TGIF party, an all-alumni luncheon, a dinner and dance, a football game, a champagne brunch and a workshop on values, dreams and visions are among the events planned. Reunions scheduled are for the classes of 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977 and 1982. For more information please contact Joan Murry at 260-4819 or John Nunes at 260-4682. /

Those who expect an abrupt change in rrime or the Jud1c1al sys- tPm lrkPly will be disap!)Ointed. sav experts, who noted that judicial con- servatives are not as quick to wipe out bad or recent precedent as are Jud1c1al liberals. "To the public in general there will be a psychological difference, but they won't see a difference in (the amount of) crime." said Stanford ~w professor Michael Wald, who supports the present court. Van de Kamp agreed, saymg: "I have never felt you could lay crime rate figures at the feet of the Califor- \

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