News Scrapbook 1986
AUG 14 19i6 1
.Jl/{~,a's P. C. 8
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)
/.rr 1888 --Local Entrepreneurs Speak ,-,s-'5 Succe, tut e ntrepren e urs free programs pre ent d b) ug ust 23 t the l.,~Sl t)
AUG 25 1986
of S·rn Dtt•go\ ( o,!Tfreii7e
llm,Md ind I inn I Ors \lancheste r the Entrepreneur 's \\ork- ( ent e r I he hop. -~ 1 ~... .Jl_ffert~ P.C B - Starting \\llh an order lr om \'o ns. th1 hu,hand and ,1 ifc team no" ha1 e o,cr 150 emplo) ec, producing n Ir /AN~ ., fn tre pre neur\ \\ orkshop 1s prc,c ntmg these speakers in an efl o rt to help rotent1al c n•rc preneur, b more clfec- 11\ e in ,ta rtmg thei r ne" bust- ne, c, f ur tree rcg1 tr.it1on o r to o btai n more 111formatio n t Patrick Dri- e · Lin a •·· nan, Political Sci- nee Department of •'J(• University of ,sJLlliega, was elected to the pres1- t!enc) of the World Affair Council of an Diego at the organizations ann1:!;:..--: -- _..,,-----1 al meeting. 'i tt urda.i, morn ng. - 11 a rn call 454-6861 / AUG 1 91986 San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) .JI.I{~,.'• AUG 2 61986 P. C. B 1888 7 1~~~i.!il.,,.~.L~!,~~~ll~~~ 8 !?.?rza_ .. II milton & &r1pps ha8 retu1ncd agency, Crust Advert18tng, and will ~ANUIEGO DAILY TRANS~R;_;_IP'-T'--_T"'"'U""'E=S=D~A~Y~,A~U"""G"""U~S_T~19~ 1 _1986 ___ 3A .Jl.ll~,a '• P. C B I HR~ I ,, ~c~g~its_J,rjal date A Fe . ~lilas been ~cheduled for the second of two death-penalty cases against David Allen Lucas 30 who is charged with murdering' si; people. S_upenor Court Judge Franklin B. Orf1eld yesterday scheduled the trial on charges of murdering Suzanne Jacobs, 31, and her son, Colin, 3, on May 4, 1979, at their Normal Heights home; and real estate saleswoman ~a~le Garcia, 29, on Dec. 8, 1981, in a Spring VaHey home she was showing to prospective rcr.ters. Lucas aiso faces a Nov. 3 trial on charges of murdering Rhonda Str~ng, 24, and a child she was baby- sitting, Amber Fisher, 3, in Strang's Lakeside home on Oct. 23, '1984; and Anne Ca therine Swanke, 22, a Uni- versity of San Dieg_o student last seen' aliiie Nov._ 20, 1984, walking toward her car with a can of gasoline on Parkway Dri ve in La Mesa. _l n th_at tria~Lucas also is charged with kidnapping and attempting to murder Jo toorza, Zle11uu1 & Metziier to plan and implem nt a public rela- tlOnti pro11ram. "The h1r1n11 of Stooria, Z1e11aus & M11t~11er 111ndies that our firm's markut1ng effort is being expanded s111n1f1canlly ," said Philippa Courtney, d1n•ctor of client rela- tion, for the 11t ond laryt:al law firm 1n Sun Vitli,'O Dbn Pt!oples will 1u~rv111e Luce, rorward's ac- count t.eum, which will include Krl Gilmore, 11Cn10r account ex• ecut1ve. and Donna Witherspoon, au1stunt account ext'cut1ve. The Gabh, Agency formerly handled the law firm's P.R account. • • • Seattle based Bayley Constuc- tion, which constructs all Nord- atrom at.ores acr08S the country, haa aelecled the U(!U'son A(ency Lo handle its marketing com munical1on11 and PH . Bayley recently compleled construction locally of three department stores 11t North County f'n1r and the Ir- vine Ranch Markel at Horton Plaza. • • • Handled by various volunleerd for the past few years, publicity ac- ttv1ttes for the Boy Scouts of Amenca Sun Diego Council will now be handled by Curter, Cot- ton, Daley & Morrow. "I've been one of the voluntetra for the 19.l!t three ytlurs," said agency principal Tom Morrow. "It was icetting so big 1t was icet- ltnll out of hand. f,'1fteen people go- mg m 16 different direction ," he said . Now public1ly for variJus Scout proJectb, such ab the annual O1stingu1shed Citizen Dinner and the Scout Fa,r will be directed by JUBt two people, Morrow and part- ner Jack Daley. • • • The Capener Company has been aelected by Mail Boll'.es Etc. lo handle its t.clev1a1on campatl,'n in Southern Califorrua. De!!cnbed aa "the alternative lo the post office," MBE has just 11one pubhc wilh its national franch1i;e of neighborhood poatal'aod bW1iness aerv11:41 centera. SYlrtrn11 thi11 month, 30-11econd spots"I>. ill be aired tn Los Angeles and San Diego. ••• San Diego based Mainatreet Productions has been contracted by La Jolla animation company Lion 's Den Ltd lo produce the soundtrack for tht! feature -length cartoon movie blari ng Shamu the Killer whale. Ma108lreet will also be the dialogue cont1ultanl and will cllllt voices for the $4 .400 million film. ••• Del Rayo Partners, Ltd has re- tained Ted Han11en Design As- aociatea t.o provide sales and mar- keting materials for the first five homes to be built aL Del R yo Down 11 at Rancho Santa Fe Farms • • • ue Ritchie hat1 joined San Dielilo based Alias Hotel" Inc. 1111 direct.or of advertising. R1t.c}l1e w 111 coordrnuLI! work with lhe corporn- tion'o out,;1dil lii,'tlrlCit!8 Sh,; will ovt,r,;te udverl111ing, l,'raph1cs and publlcny oerv1ces for IO holelo m Arizona, Cuhformu and Meuco and five rnore hotels under devel- opnrnnt an California and Wa&h• llli,'ton Prior lo JOllltni,' Atlas, Rit- chie was u sernor accQunt execul!ve al Stoorza, Z1t11!(11us & Metzger. • • • Pro Kennex, the world's leading racquet manufa.:tun,r, has namt!d Kevin Gilbcrl its nauonal sale; manal!(er. G,lberl comes t.o Pro Ktlnnell'.'8 San Owgo headquarters followrng two years us regional sales manager 1n Dallas • • • Newly appornted d1r<:ctor of de- velopment for Scnpp~ Mi:monal I lo~p1 t ulo Cardiovu,;cular1natitute is Sophill Gorh,un She will be rcsponi;iblt, for all fund raising ac- t1v1lies. Prior lo Joining Scnpps in JuntJ, Gorham hc11d1Jd SDG Con sultants, providing fund raising and public relal1ons consultationb to non-profit orgamz11l10ns. • • • Mark De Boskey has been named general sales manager of KyXy 96.5 PM. De Boskey returns lo San DitJgo from Frnt1no, where he was general manager of KKNU-FM. Prior to that he was gent!rul alt1t1 munu11er and then general mt1nager of K-BEST in San The Univ rs1ty of San Diego hu promot.idTerri Kelcbium D'Ac- Q Wito Lo special BBB1stant to the vice pre;1dent of university rela- llons. D' Acqu1t1to was formerly ass1i;tanL director of pubhc rela- ltoM for the pnvate university. ••• M. Goo,; & At1110Ciutes hllll hired Jim Schmal us an account ei,:ecu- Live. Schmal is a recent graduaui of the La Jolla Academy of ,\dvert1s- ing Arto, where he serve
Marketlnk by Hoyt Smith • Marketlnk----=----- 1contmu1Kl from Page 3A) ;;2_ 3:30 p.m. at Forum Hall, Un1vt rsi- ty Towne Center. The fee is $20. .. ., In lll!80Ciatio11 with~nd the "Melt A Million" community campaign last January 1n Nashville. More than 76,000 peo. pie participated losing a targeted 1 million pounds "This is an excitinl!' promotion," said Jack Berkman, "and we're lookinl!' forward t.o the opportunity to work with YJ.!.,na and (!tit mu- imum ei,:poaure for the diet." B&D Account Eitecutive Danna Korn said about 16 people in the agency office have gone on the Rotation Diet with a iroal of loainir 160 pounds. "If you beard we're trimming our staff, it's true," she said, "even tho4gh nobody's leaving." Don't ei,:pect the B&.D staff t.o tout as loudly the dangers of the Rotation Diet. Becauae it's a com- munity campaign, the San Diego Coun.!J'. .Hea..rt AsllOCiation says some J)tlople who ought not to drop down to 600 calories per day will be endangerin1t their health if they icet on the bandwagon. " I'm not a dietician, but the Heart Association does not endorse it," said Mark Miller, SOCHA marketing and communicutiona director. ''The scientific evidence has not been evaluated by the Heart As80Ciation. Dr. Katahn says you're not on a 600-carlori&- a-day diet the whole time; you're just on it for a while. ''The biggest danger for this campaign is we don't want the whole county going on liko he's done in Naabville. There are people wh~ should not be going on qieta, period, and J)l!Ople who should real- ly take prec,iutions. One danger ia they'll juat go on ttiie diet while on medication. Knowltoo 1nc ., Ber~ & D!!_niels is pushmg what is billed as "the largust grass-rooL11 health and fitnet1B plan ev.,r promoted." B&.D will be handling all promo- tions for the Vons Rotation D1~t campaign through October. Vons, the regional sponsor, plans to aet a record in the Guiness Book of World Records by having Southern California lose a total of 5 m1llion pounds, 1 million of it in San Diego. The supermarket ·will be providinic pamphlets on the diet, one each week for eight weeks. KFMB is the local media spo~r. Developed by Dr . Martin Katahn, of Vanderbilt University, the Rotation Diet was initiated as San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. o. 127,454) AUG 2 6 1986 .Jl.llert 's P. C. B I 888 I ,t ~~!amed SACRAMENTO - William C. Pate of Coronado, a lawyer in private practice, was appointed yesterday by Gov. Deukmejian to serve as a San Diego County Superior Court judge. Pate received his law degree from the University of San Diego in 1971. He has been a partner in the law firm Jennings, Engstrand & Henrik- son, specializing in general civil cases. He also has been an elected member of the Coronado Unified School District board since 1977. Superior Court judges salary of $81,505 a year. "We have re11ervationa about 600 calories a day. Aa u countywid.e project, it's a real danger." The Rotation Diet pamphlet doea not completely i.:;:noro the dallj'er11. 37 inches of copy in the brochure, a warning is supplied. The back of the pamphlet al111 1up- pli1;1e a warni prjnioct in nid. /
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