News Scrapbook 1985

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 20,000) SEP 9 1985

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

SEPl 11985


P. C. B

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• • • Author~onomist Dr. Michael Harrington, co-c.J>.,~ Demo• cratic Socialis~a and po• litical science professor at Queens College, will respond to the Bish• ops' Pastroal letter on "Catholic Social Teaching n the U.S. Economy" in a public forum at USD at 8 p.m. Sept. 26, in the bammo 1 heater on campus. -~---· ..

R hh rt T. l•uch to forre, Pin pre 1d nt . (,arel B. ('lark ha enior \ 1cc prc~ident and hc111I ol Ca/1/ornia f ,r t Hank 'I statewide t1duciary ~crv1cc gr up. )onald G. Harmon to \outh1;·e.1t Rmik 'f urlsbad office a vice pre 1dent manager. lice M. earle to atumal Bank of l,a Jolla as 111cc pre 1dcnt. adine John on to Sun Savmgr ancl l.oan A 11ociation a \ICC pre idcnt controller .. Oougla H ter to F,nt lr11n11atr Mortgage 11., San D,ego. s1stant vice president • Jim Kennedy to \1111. a, rng1 and I oan 11oc1ation as 111cc prc~id nt construction loan mana• Ina M. Rempp to National Bank be n named .1 Equia orp.







Weston to Weston Trucking Company as president. He also has been elected to the board of directors, American Truckers Association litigation Center; Raymond C. Bruce, Ph.D. to the Stich/er Design Group, Inc. as general manager; Robert W. Lisi, AJA, to the Stich/er Design Group, Inc. as director of production. HEALTH Patricia Rarus to Palomar Pomerado Hospital District as communications specialist.. Ronald O. Battle to Sharp Memorial Hospital as director of fac1li- ties...Joseph P. Graskemper elected as a Fellow of the Academy of General Den- tistry and American Endorfontic SocielJ Frank Huennekens has been elected by the National Ins1itu1e to receive an "Out• standing Investigator Granl" ... Lois Humphries to A ',,ff C/airemonr Com· munity Hospital as director of, olunteer services. LAW Willism C. Pate to the board of direc- tors 01 Jennings, Engstrand & Henrikson . .Ann Gretsinger to Luce, Forward. Hamilton & Scripps as an associate...De- bra A. Baker to the San Diego office of Rogers & Wells to specialize in profes• sional malpractice and hazardous waste Jitigation... Robert J. Durham to Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps as a partner in the trusts, estates and probate depart- ment. MEDIA Craig K. Collins to public affairs of Aerojet General as communications spe• cialist. REAL ESTATE Dennis Heine to Dunphy Construc1ion Co. as director of marketing and sales. Stan Haynes to the Tri-Cities office of Corky McMillin Really as field training manager...Richard D. Quinn to Brehm Communities as construction manager. Jeffrey B. Harris to The Building Indus- try Association of San Diego County as director of association activities. Correction from September 2 issue.

John Flacketl, W. Garrett Flickinger, Jerry Kasner and Michael Lang a visit- ing faculty in the law school; Richard Casey, Carole Congleton, Fred Hickling, Linda Jenks, Dorothea Olkwoski, fodith Liu, Linda Perry, Lawrence Ruiz and Y1.1· Yun Kuo as new faculty in art and scien· ces; June Lowenberg and Sister Mary Quayhagen as new faculty in the school of nursing. GENERAL BUSI ESS For Horton Plaza Merchants'A.ssocia• tion: Betty Hines as president; Carie Pearl as vice president and Janet Storton as chief financial officer...Teddie Curran to Gifted, the Executive Shopping Ser· vice as an account exccutive...Maureen Martin to Roberts ofCalifornia as execu- tive search counselor... At Truesdell Art & Design Inc.: Stacy Brennan for public relations and productions control and Anna Vranesh as a layout artist ...Denise O. Dornfeld to Patti Roscoe & Asso• c,ates, Inc. as national sales manager in the association market ... Douglas J. Peacher to San Diego Opera board of directors...Stephen T. Coury to the 1985- 86 class of LEAD San Diego, Inc. ... Frank Trovato to Dennis Conner Inrertors as vice president and general manager... David Hilton Wise to Pountney & Asso· ciates, Inc. as a staff civil enginecr...Su• zanne Swift to the board of directors of the University Club of San Diego... Ed· ward J. Garland to Kyocera Inter• national Inc. of San Diego as consumer products marketing manager and member of the corporate sales staff...Jeff Lee to the 7-11 Store Zone in North & West San Diego C~unty as zone manage ... Guy (Hoots) Goettsch to Membrane Devel· opmenr Specialists, Escondido, Califor• nia as general manager...Jan C. Winn to Expo Industries, Inc. as manager of the new products division...Jim Teghtmeyer to Pacific Insurance Agency as an account executive...Robert D. Rambelle to Fred· erick Engineering as a project engineer. Jeffery Cappon to newly-formed San Diego Automobile Dealers Management Association as president ... Dann Mallec to Rick Engineering Company as princi• pal project planner...Judy Carlson to Museum of Man as development officer. Steve Wall lo Museum of Man as presi• dent of the board of trustees...Robert 0.

of I.a Jolla a commercial loan officer. ED CATJO Al the University of San Diego: Jae• queline Brown a~ new- ttculty member and James Hart, Kerr lnkson, Mohan Lal, l.eo O'Connor and Michael Smith as vi 1t1ng profc or m the business school;

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

Sandy Taylor to Phillips-Ramsey Advertising & Public Relations as asso-., ciate media director.

SEPl 11


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p C. B

,,,.Partners, Reception, CTLA Convention, Judge Pyle Two ass:7?fi.~/ at Schall, ernment law, and John Ryan, Poway,.92064. Boudreau and Gore have been emphasi:z:ing business and • • • named partners m the law firm: securities law. The State Bar wants public Vincent Paul Di Flglia, 43, grad- • • • comment on the use of its Legal uate of Dartmouth College and San Diego Trial Lawyers As- Services Trust Fund Program to USC law 8Chool, and Robert A. sociation raiBed more than buy real property. The board of Pete on, 38, graduate of UC $30,000 for the Red Boudreu


purchases with the funds. Written comments may be sent to the bar program, 555 Franklin St., San Francisco, 94102, by the Oct. 18 date of hearings in the state bar'e Los Angeles and San Francisco of- fices. • • • The. 1 ISP Law School has begun a clinic whereby students are · defending juveniles in criminal ' cases, apparently the firBt such·· program in California. ProfeBsors Rick Barron and Laura Beread ·• will advise stu

governors has imposed a morator• nun on real estate acquisitions by the agencies which provide legal aid to the poor. The board will con- sider three options: To allow agen• cies or clinics to use their share of the funds to pay rent; to allow them to buy land that exceeds fair mar- ket rental costs only under certain condit~ons~ or not to allow any land_

LawBriefs by Pauline Repard

Room at St. Vincent de Paul Center with its roast of local law enforcement agency beads Sheriff John Duffy, Police Chief Bill Kolender and FBI Special Agent in Charge Gary Penrith. * •• Harvey Levine, running for president of the CTLA, will be a guest speaker with candidate Brown.; Green tomorrow ni 6 ht at the Orange County Trial Lawyers AAsociation. • • • Lawyers Club of San Diego's monthly luncheon, on Sept. 28, will feature attorney Pat Phillips, of Hufstedler, Miller, Carlson & Beardsley, on "Women in Lead- er&hip in the Bar." Reserva• lions for the 11:45 a.m. lunch at Tom Ham's Lighthouse on Harbor Island are due by Sept. 23. ••• The Community Associations Inatitute has set its annual legal seminar for Sept. 21 at California Western School of Law, Moot Court Room, 350 Cedar St. The program will include discussion of small claims court, the Corporations Code, assessment liens and legisla• tion aimed at homeowners a880CiB• lions. Reservations must be in by Sept. 18 to CAI, P.O.Box 161,

Berkeley and.!!~ings College. Di Figlia w1il remain m the ltrm's San Diego office, Peterson is to remain in the Newport Beach office, moved recently to 5000 Birch St., suite 2900 • • • axon, Alt, Brewer & Kin· cannon are hosting a reception today t the California Association of Thrift 11,,d Loan Companiee' an• nual convention st the ~cho Be~do Inn. The law firm ·"1f' counsel to more than 50 Califor- nia ba d financial inlltitutions • • • The California Trial Lawyer11 A oclation convention is set for Nov 7 10 at the Sheraton Palace Hotel, San Francisco Thirty ee11- eions are planned, featuring about 170 attorneys, judges, doctor,, leg1slators and experts. Register through CTLA, 1020 12th St., Sacramento 95814. • • • Roa Pyle, former Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court in San Diego, has joined the law firm of Jenning , En1atrand & Henrlkaon, pecializing in bank- ruptcy reorganization and com- merc1al law. Other new memben are Urban Schreiner, pecl8li.zing m municipal bond and local gov-

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