News Scrapbook 1985
San DI go, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454}
AUG 191985
.,)Wm', P C B ,s • 12 grants boost area ~is.ts El ven San Diego County artists and one art group have been award d rants by th California A Council ( A ) for 1985-1986 Th y r Viviana nnque, San Di •go, danc , Barb ra Alba, San Diego, dance, Elizabeth Bergmann, Del M r, danc ; Ricardo Bielma, n D1 go, mu. ic; Ricardo Sanchez, n D1 go, music; Sara Jo Berman, n 01 go, oth r m dla. Also, arco Contreras, San DI o, th ater; David Avalos, Na- tion 1 C1 ty, v1 ual arts: Gen Lock- I r, n D1 go, vi uni arts; Victor Ochoa, San Otego, visual arts; nor Simon, San Diego, vi ual arts; and 3' Company & Dancers, a dance company at 3255 Fifth Ave., an Diego. The r cip1ents applied last spring th rou h th council's Arti t in Res- id nc program. Th y have been w rd d rants v rying from $3,000 to mor than $10,000 for peri- o San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) Tribune photo by Jerry McC/ard LENORE SIMONAT HERHOME STUDIO AUG 21 198~ lJ/l,n'• P. c. s. Est. 1888 vReal Estate, Construction Disputes Subject For Arbitration Conference ,,zc,- Eureka, UT (Juab Co.) Reporter (Cir. W. 356) AUG 2 2 1985 VICTOR OCHOA DAVID AVAWS centers. schools, hospitals, youth clubs, parks and other community and neighborhood organizations. Th program offers its partici- pants a chance to learn from and create with practicing professional art1Sts. The California Arts Council was established to promote artistic awareness and participation in Cal- ifornia. It is a state agency de- signed to provide grants and techni- ._A/le,i 1 1 I 888 P. C. B / <1 cal assistanc to nonprofit art or- ganizations. Grant applications are reviewed and rated by outside peer panels and receive final approval from t he appointed 11-member council. Artists and sponsoring organiza- tions wishing to apply for Artists in Residence grants for 1986-1987 should contact the Arts Council at 1901 Broadway, Suite A, Sacramen• to, Calif. 95818. / - Jan Jennln~ Laura Blight ..2.:'t S5 earns degree Laura Ann Blight completed her studies for a Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of Utah on Thursday of last week. Her major is psychology with a minor in sociology. Her parents, Alexander and Maud Blight, hosted a dinner at La Ca ille at Qua ii Run in honor of the occasion. Special guests at the dinner were her grandmother, Ann Siler from Long Beach, Calif., and Miss Dena Carpenter of Eureka. For graduate work, Laura Ann has been accepted at the Universjty of San Diego, where she will take paralegal studies during the winter and spring quarter of the 1986 school year. This reporter compliments and congratulates Laura on her ac- complishment and wishes her continued success as she pursues her goals in graduate school at the University of San Diego. San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) In 1980 the American Institute of Real Estate Appraii,ers awarded a grant of $5,000 to the AAA to help defray the costs of establish- ing real estate valuation rules which would provide a set of uniform procedures for the resolu- t10n of real estate valuation disputes. The intent was to involve professionally trained and experi- enced real estate appraisers in the arbitration process. The AAA Real Estate Valuation Arbitration Rules went into effect March 1, 1981 and are applicable in those leases and agreements us- ing their arbitration clause. To help implement these rules the National Real Estate Valuation Council of the AAA was organized. Keith Brownell, consultant in real estate economics, is the coun- cil member for the San Diego Region. He was appointed in 1984 to be chairman of a committee to foster implementation concerning real estate valm,tion disputes in San Diego. Four general areas where ar- bitration cases may arise which will involve real estate-oriented arbitration include land/lease agreements, space/lease renewal, purchase options and buy-0uts of fractional interests. • That seminar begins with registra- tion at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 4:45 p.m. Faculty for the two-day event in- clude Keith Brownell, AAA Real Estate Valuation Committee chairman; Jan Goldsmith of Kirby, Hallen and Goldsmith, Thomas Roberts of Princeton Financial Inc.; Terry Harper of Miller, Boyko and Bell; Harvey Rogoff of M H . Golden Co.; and Joyce Wharton of Hillyer and Irwin. The cost for the full conference is $125 for AAA members and $140 for non-members. The real estate seminar only is $85 for AAA mem- bers and $95 for non-members. The construct10n seminar only is also $85 for members and $95 for non- members. Checks should be made payable to the Amert an Arbitra- tion A.!.sociation. Th _ American Arbitration Asso- cial iou, founded in 1926, is a puLlic service, non-profit organization dedicated to the resolution of disputes of all kinds through ar- bitration, mediation, democratic elections and other voluntary methods. The AAA provides administra- tive services for arbitrating many disputes at reasonable fees. It does not decide cases but supplies lists from which the parties mutually select impartial arbitrators. Ar- bitration is conducted by specific rules and procedures and the awards by the arbitrators are AUG 21 1985 .Jllf~,i ' 1 p C. B / 8H8 ~ sbestos Settlement Negotiated ,:2.. ... 5 Richard rry, of Casey, / 1. Diego School pf Law; and Gary Klem, labor and international law expert who served on the Presi- d nl's Tran it1on Team on Labor Policy rn 1981 Also on the stnff are. John San- cher., labor law rn ructor at three universities, formerly with Jacobs, of Delgates annual meeting here Sept. 27-0ct. l. Lawyers Club of San Diego has arranged with the Mission Valley YMCA to have its staff supervise children from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and babysitters will be available evenings and on Monday. Ar- rangements must be made in ad- vance. • • • Should the state bar Conference of Delegates support a U.S..Soviet Crises Management Center? San Francisco attorney Donald Altschul thinks so, and is 'IO!iciting public opinions, with an idea to raising the issue at the state bar convention in San Diego next month. Though noting that a ma- jority of delegates at last year's conference rejected formation of the center - fearing involvement in political issues unrelated to law - Altschul maintains lawyers have a duty to serve the public with their knowledge of crisis management. Comments may be mailed to him at P.O. Box 5842 San / Francisco, 94101. ./ Gerry, Ca ey, Westbrook, Reed & Hughes, ha negotiated a $279,300 ettlement with more than a dO'Zen ·• bestos m nufocturers in the death of a ' 11 Diego man The suit wa Lroui!h ,ast year on behalf of the wife 1d children of Ralph Law Briefs by Pauline Repard Pt-arman, who died of cancer at age 76. Aft r Navy retirement he worked 15 years as an auto mechanic, exposed to asbestos brake materials. One defendant, Johns-Manville, is rn bankruptcy and so was not part of the Aug. 7 ttlement Gerry is on the com puny' creditor committee. ••• F,th1cs opinion of the an Diego 'ounty Bar Association have been rncludl·d m the updated "Callfor• nla Compendium on Profes- ional Responsibility," available from the tate bar's Office of Pro fessional Standards. ... * Attorn y David zumow ki ha won th • Irving Diener Award from the Blinded Veteran A soci tion for his wor k on behalf of blind veterans in the San Diego area. An Army veteran, Szumowsk1 was blinded in action 111 V1etn m in 1969. After recov- ery, he graduated from Denver Univer ity Law School and became active m the Blinded Veterans As- oclat1on In San Diego, he was a Veterans Adm101stration benefit;; counselor, directed the Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program and went mto law practice in 1982. • * • Eight pr fe Sor have been add ed to th r 1dent faculty staff at We t,•1·11 , lute Umversity College of La" '!'hey are: Ell n Batzel, tax 11Uorn y from Bushkin, Gatm:,, (tune & Jone ; Michael Cane, hu m ss and t x law attorney from •wport Bench and Honolulu, J.'rank Doti, tux law in tructor at hupmnn C:ollcg ·md Cal State Donungu z Hills nd consultant to Leo Burn tt Co, udvert1sing agen cy, Ho b rt Dreht•r, rea l property 10 tructor from Umv • · of San Weiser, Kane, Bullmer & Berkman, William Statsky, co- 1rnthor of "{.;a e Analysis and Fun- damental of Legal Writmg," and former tandard Oil tax attorney, who \\Ill run the law school's legal analy I program and Ronald Talmo, conslttuhonal law adjunct profe r for six years and a specialist " child and spousal abu e law The hirings are part of an expan ion effort to receive American Bar Association ac- creditation. * • ,. Luce, Fornard Hamilton & Scnpps has named Robert Durham Jr., formerly of Durham 0 m, a p rt er in its trusts, e tale nd probate department in the La Jolla offic He 1s an author lecturer, adJunct law professor and a graduate of St11nford Univer ity law hool * • ,. Un~lt_Lof San Diego's Law Legal Clinics re to receive $54,629 th1 year from the tate bar's Legal Service Trust Fund Program. A total of $10.4 million rn the fund will ho distributed in 1985 6 by the bar's Board of Gov- ernors S.m Diego, Orange and Los Angele counh count almost half the st 1te's poor, and will get half th1• fund dt bursement to provide legal rv1ces to those poor. • * * Smaltz & , eely, Los Angeles tnnl pract1c firm, has merged with Hahn & Caz1 r to form a 44. attorn y law firm now known as Hahn, Cazier Smaltz, with of- fices t 101 \\ Broadway, San Die , ndmLA . ,. . Laura Ann Blight
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