News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0 . 127,-45-4)
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Son Diego Union (Cir. 0 . 217,32-4) (Cir. S. 339,7881
A 24 1985
.JAN 24 1985
._Al/-,11'• P. C. B
f' Jlll~,.·· P. C. B Est. 1888 ~11/i.~~b,!!:.f!:.!!!:~~~ rn~ym!? cabinet f Or Fox- ~~!!!!.,~l!..!.!!?.!!c,m~!!!!..., ny's $6.5 million fund-raismg campaign, has nam d Hugh Fried an, = - piarust, who received $100, will perform with the orchestra _at the Young Gordon Luce, David Copley, Paul I. Stevens and Dorene Whitney to his People's ~o~certs on May 31 and Ju~e 7. P1amst H1roko Kumtake came m ~wanke case reward in doubt for in- formation leading to college student Ann Swanke's killer may not be paid m full - even if the suspect charged with the slaying is convicted. San Diego Crime Commission di- rector Roger Young said the prelimi- nary decision not to relc ase any reward money for inforrpation lead- ing to the a.-rest of the suspect is because the arrest was due to good police work rather than assistance from the public (Rewards are some- time.s ~ven after arrests and do not have to be based on convictions.) "That really was the key - (the arrest) came from extraordinary good police work. Again, we are a long way off from making a final de- cision. The matter is still open," Young said. Swanke, 22, disappeared early Nov. 20 after her car ran out of gas on a La Mesa street. She was found dead. her throat slashed, four days later by a hiker in a remote Spring Valley area, A $5,000 reward initially was of- fered by victim's father and several others. After the body was discov- ered, an anonymous donor offered a $20,000 reward and the 10<.'al Crime Stoppers Program added $1,000 for tips leading to the arrest. On Dec. 16, sheriffs detectives ar- rested 29-year-old David Allen Lucas at his home in Spring Valley. Lucas has been charged vith the murder of Swanke as Wf'll as the Oct 23 throat- slashing deaths of Rhonda Strang, 24, a.. r.ol ,gir I, Amber Fisher, whom Strang was baby-sitting in Lakeside. . Young said the donor of the $20,000 has not been contacted on his wishes. He said he also has not discussed the matter with the Sheriff's Department or officials at the Universit_y of San Diego, where Swanke was an honors music student spokeswoman at the university The $26,000 rei,${f;?ri.ed Vi I • s h a e r I e C e r ------------'~----re campaign cabinet. Their task 1s to raise money to endow operate and reno--, val the Fox Theater, due to become the orchestra's new borne - Symphony ''I am confident that, with this outstanding group of cabinet members for t campaign in place, fund raising for the symphony 111 move ahead on id late last week. "Their experience, talent and dedication to th arts will be mvaluable in our efforts to renovate the Fox Into an Symphony Hall " cordmg to Smith, each member will concentrate on a particular seg- m nt of the community d1 t h1 efforts toward the government sector. Luce, chairman and chief xecutiv officer of Great American First Saving· Bank, will focus on the city bu in and corporations. Copley, semor vice pre ident of The Cop- 1 •y Pr ·, Inc., and pre 1dent of the James S. Copley Fo dation, will be in l·~ rge of It llahons among San Diego's foundations. icv ns, chairman of the board of Rancho Santa Fe attonal Bank and board chairman of the an Diego Symphony Orchestra Association, will seek donat10n · from the symphony's board of directors. And Whitney, an experi- enced fund ra r for non-profit projects, will orgamze th orchestra's gala opemng concert on Nov. 2 at Symphony Hall. Hall - in November hedul ," Smith internabon I c Friedman, a lawyer and law professor at the U · · · , WIii second, pianist Andrew Campbell third, and trumpeter Ryan Anthony and v101imst Tiffany Modell were awarded honorable mentions ... Neal Stulberg, the Los Angeles Philharmonic's assistant conductor on the Exxon/Arts Con ductors Program, has become music director of the ew Mexico Symphony in Albuquerque. MUSIC/DANCE CRITIC NEW RECORDINGS: Hakan Hagegard's name may be hard to pronounce, but his voice is easy to listen to. The blond Swedish baritone has a sound that is smooth yet focused, strong yet expressive, with a sweetness reminiscent of Competition, named after the late American diva, IS accepting apphcations from singers who will be between the ages of 21 and 32 as of June 17, 1985. Regional quarterfinals will be held in a war1ety of U.S. and European cities, the young Fischer-Dieskau. Hagegard is known for his work in opera (he was Papageno in Ingmar including San Francisco (April 22) and New York (May 8). Twelve singers wili Bergman's film version of Mozart's "The Magic Flute") and with orchestras be flown to Spoleto, Italy, for the semifinals and finals in June. (he'll appear in New York next week with the Boston Symphony). Yet as two The I/inners will receive cash awards totaling more than $25,000 and will new RCA releases indicate, Hagegard is also a master of art songs. perform at the Teatro Sperimentale in Spoleto. Deadlme for applications IS In works by Richard Strauss and Hugo Wolf (ARCl-5320), he comunicates Feb. 28. For more mformation, ite Elayne Duke at the Rosa Ponselle the meaning as successfully as the notes. Sensitively accompanied by pianist Foundation, ''Villa Pace," Stevenson, Md 2 153 Thomas Schuback, he probes the psychological depths of Wolf's "Verbor ON THE BEAT: Josephme Barstow, af r starring in tbe San Diego Opera's genheit" ("Secrecy") and unleashes the surging emotion of Strauss' "Anbe~ production of "The Merry Widow' next onth, will fly home to England to tung" ("Adoration"). receive the honorary title of "Commander of the British Empire" from the _ _____________ queen.... Due to scheduliltg conflicts, the Feb. 11 performance of the San -- Diego Chamber Orchestra, with baritone John Reardon, has been canceled ... Yu-me1 Wei, a sophomore at Coronado High School, placed first in the San T LENT EARCH: The second annual Rosa Ponselle International Vocal San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) A 22 1985 .JlllM'• Pc . e '" i8U V • ~{(55 Trepte To M?,nag~ Construction Of$9Million USD ~tl!dent Cen_tei: _ Trepte Construction Co. has been selected to manage construction center for student orgamzabons and publications. D signed by of the $9 million University Center to be constructed beginning this Architects Mosher/Drew/Watson/Ferguson, the building will 'summer at the University of San Diego. The two-story, 74,5()(). feature a Spanish Renaissance style with large archways and a red square-foot structure 1s o mclu ea student dining hall, a faculty tile roof. Blaylock-Willis & Associates is structural engineer, Merle dining room, student government and student affairs offices, a deli, Strum & Associates is mechanical engineer and Van Buren & As- a sundries store, a lounge and multi-purpose pr'?Jfr~ i:o~m and a sociates is electrical engineer for the project. said a music scholarship has been started and the money could be transferred to that fund if it is not given to tipsters. Young said he would be against the total reward going for tips because "it was not a case of a single individ- ual calling and literally solving the crime." But he said there is "a good possibility" some of the money might be paid. A lot will depend on what the anonymous $20,000 donor wants done, Young said. /_ San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0 . 127,-45-4) JA 3 0 Escondido, CA Daily Times Advocate c; (Cir. D. 31,495) (Cir. S. 33,159) .Jl.llni'• P. c. e "f. JAN~1 198 .Jl.fl_,'I '• I , 1888 /(JSD gets Signal grant SAN DIEGO - Thi: University of San OJ£go will receive a $1.2 mil- lion challenge grant from the Sig- nal Cos. Inc. of San Di~~fficials say. ~i Forrest Shumway, S gnal Cos. board chairman, announced the grant Wednesday at a luncheon of USD's corporate associates on the Al la campus. P. C. 8 Lemon Grove, CA (San Diego Co.) Lemon Grove Review (Cir. W. 7,004) Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Son Diego Union (Cir. O. 217,32-4) (Cir. S. 339,788) A . .. JAN 3 1 1985 Jl/lm's P. c. B ,, 1085 Jll P. c. e l un 1888 '• hr. 1888 ,, Business Up_date Sesi2ns Offerec. T~'tti'e~h series of Busi• ness UPDATE seminars Will be offered by the faculty of the Ulliversity 9f SE! Diego School o,f Business Adminis- tration beginning February 8. Sessions wi!i be held Friday mornings in the Douglas F. Manehe.ster executive confer, e11ce center. Business CPDATE breakfast seminars are ~cheduled each year to give San Diego busi- ness people an opportunity to interact with each other and lTSD faculty members ana be- come aware of recent develop- ments in the changing busi- ness environment. For costs and information, call 260-4585. - arches and shaded walkways w.,uarr!>rk the $9 million University Center at the UnQ(_§lrsity~ Diego. University officials piafi1'c, break groCT'nd next summer for the two-story 74,500-square-foot facility, which will house non-academic activities for stu- dents. Trepte Construction Co., construc- tion manager on the pro1ect, said Blay- lock-Willis & Associates will serve as structural engineers, Van Burren & Asso- ciates, electrical engineers, and archi- tects Mosher/Drew/Watson/Ferguson. Completion is planned in the fall of 1986.
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