News Scrapbook 1985

Escondido, CA Daily Times Advocate

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

San Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) f:

(Cir. D. 31 ,495) (Cir. S . 33,159)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

JUN 1 ti 1 5

JUN 151985

JU 10


11(/ Jt. ~II s P. C. / '

fa t. 1888



P. c. 8

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~rial opens in case of d2~1-rape A prosecutor has told a jury that Nathan W. Hood kidnapped and raped a stranded woman motoris whose complaint that police ignore her for hours has focused increased attention on stalled cars. The prosecutor, Deputy D1Strict Attorney Harry M. Elias, pointed to Hood, 31, yesterday during an open- ing statement in Hood"s Superior Court trial on charges of kidnapping, rape and robbery. Elias told the jury that he will prove that on Jan. 21 Hood stopped' alongside the disabled vehicle of the woman, a 27-year-old legal secre- tary, offered give her a ride to a tele- phone and robbed and raped her. The woman's car lost power as she drove south on Interstate 5 down- town on her way to her Spring Valley home, Elias said. ''The car wouldn't move. The lights didn't work," he said. "She decided to stay with the car. As you'll recall, this was shortly after the incident with Anne Swanke. By Mike Konon Tribune Stall Wnter Swanke, a Univers1t~ of San Diego student, who found s ain ov. 20 after she left her disabled vehicle in La Mesa to seek gasolme. ''Many cars passed her," Elias said of the woman stranded on I-5. "She waved, but no one stopped. The woman waited four hours be- fore a man in a van stopped, Elias said, and told her he wa a mechanic and would drive her to a tow yard. "She replied that was not neces- sary but she wanted to call her hus- band." he said. After being promised a ride to a phone, the woman got into the van, Elias said. but miles away the man showed a gun and said: "This is a stickup."' The man drove ber to the Brown Field area, sexually attacked her, then drove her back to her disabled vehicle, used jumper cables to start the car and left, the prosecutor said. Elias said Hood told police they had sexual intercourse with her con- sent I



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USD seminar will focus o~? t«?-day's spirituality Unive~i 2· of San Diego facult ·11 · · • Spiritual sifuatron orthe Age" FrJa;!nl:a~!cdate t~ha :minar on "The _The seminar will open at 9:30 a.m. Frida ~ii: e SD Law School. H_111~an of the philosophy department on ..fhe F t talk/~ Dr. _Lawrence Luruts of Individual Response to Contemporary Mo~a~r;, obi e yll"tues: the . ro ems. Defense Initiative or "Star Wars" pr!a s~s emt social Justice, the Strategic ity and Nicaragua. posa •con emporary Christian spiritual- The speakers will be Dr Joan A d f th . :atr;c:o D~inan, palitical ~ience; ~isei:o~a~ly ;:~~o::;istepl~~mfut; :: ;: t ro a, sociology; and Joseph Colombo religious studies ' ' · e ee for the sem111ar is $40 in advance $5' 0 at the d . Conference speak ·11 d' ' oar. and economic issues~rs w1 iscuss how spirituality affects political, social Other lectures will be on the le I t .

/ 1

D offers summer sports camps SAN DIEGO - The J.lD.Jverslty of San Diego will offer astftnmer sports camp program In Ju'?i; July and August. -JtJI,-. ay and resident sess ans are of- fered In girls and boys basketball girls softball, glrls volleyball, foot'. ball, competitive swim, tennis and a special soccer camp featuring In· st ructlon by members of the San Diego Seekers. Information about these camps for boys and girls 8- 18, call or write for a free bro- chur~: USO Sports Camps, Sports Center, Alcala Park, San Diego 92110. Phone 260-4803. 7r D •"-.:;/'?, For more

Unive an DI go will off r a lecture on "Liturgical Renew- al Wh re ar We Twenty Years Latt>r?" by James Empereur, Jesuit hool of Theology, Berkeley, from 7 to 9 p.m tomorrow at the Dougla Manche ter Executiv Confer nee Center on campu . For reservations tty of

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call 260-4585.


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

JUN 171985

JUN 19 1985

JUN 191985

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...-o The Univer lty of D Diego will hold a conkrencc on "The Spmtual ttuation of the Age" Friday and Sat- urday on campus Co t ts $40 iIJ..,,ad• vance or 50 at the door. E 4'£i>r- mahon call 260-4600, exte 4281/


P, C. B far, 1888 Speaking of spirituality "The Sp~~ation of the Age" will be the theme for a two- day series of seminars that will he l'Onductl•d by the l · · · ·· of .San Diego

P. ~. B

far, 1888

.. !~~~:!!! day 5t:nes of semmars that will be conducted by the Uc!!versity of San Diego (USO) faculty June 21 and June 22. _Thhmkshups, which will be held on the campus of the school focus. ~n the ways in which religion interacts with today•~ social, political and economic issues Topics to be discussed at the e;ent range from the justice system to the nuclear-anus race. . Fathe~ Ron Pachence, director of the USD Graduate Program m Practical Theology, said that the group decided to sponsor the conference ~use "authentic Christian Spirituality involves more than saving one's own soul. · '·Getting outside of ourselves and addressing the needs of people and proble~ of the world is what our conference is about " Pachence ~d. _"Our lives should involved the renewal of all life:" The groWUlg mt.crest in the convergence of religious and social c?ncerns prompted the group to organize the workshops accor- ding to_ Dr. Helen deLaurentis, director of the graduate r~ligious- educabon department. The co~erence speakers, selected by Joseph Colombo repre- sent a ·anety of disciplines. ' Co!ombo is hopeful that the seminars will foster dialogue con- cernmg a number of issues in the forefront of today's society "There's n~ seamless garment to be presented at the ~on- ference, but sunply an attempt to raise the questions in a public '.',Nicaragua: An Economic Experiment with a Religious ase,.. by_ Dr. Joan Anderson, associate professor of economics. (? _ Fai.t?, Star Wars and Charity," by Dr. Patrick Drinan political science professor. · D "The Justice System: Power and Hope," by Sister Sally Fura~; USD Provost and professor of law and English. [ The Future of the Virtues: The Limits of Individual Response to Contemporary Moral Problems " by Dr Lawr M Hinm hil • . ence . an, p osophy professor. Sa The conference~ be~ at 8:30 a.m. Friday and end at 4 p.m. turday. All sessions will be held in the Grace Courtroom located on the third floor of the USD Law School · Pre-re~~ation for the seminars is $40. · F~r additional details about the series of talks call '>""-A"= _ tension 4281. · • ~. ex forum," Colombo explained. Topics and speakers include: B D

The growing interest in the con- vergence of religious and social concerns prompted the group to organize the workshops. according to Dr Helen deLaurenti:;, director of the graduate religious-education department. Pre-registration for the seminars is $40. For additional details about the series of talks. call 260-4600 exten- sion 4281. ' ~----"

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

JUN 2O1985


P c. 8

/ _, La 1f lla society seeks to salvage LA Chamber series T n:Ji.1 good news from the La Jolla negative thing. We'll give subscribers their -----------, _ Old Globe Theater. tuned. Chamber Music Society. money back if they want it. But we hope that \ / / , The three remaining programs will be ON THE BEAT: As part of its 100th birth- During an emergency meeting yes- they will support us in this exciting new ven- Va er l e held at the Horton Plaza theater, which has day celebration, the Boston Pops will play tcrday, the society's board voted unanimous- ture." not officially been named. The Romeros Gui- U.S. music at Washington's Lincoln Memori- ly to salvage next season's concert series at Added Doreen Bauman, ECPAC's general s Cher tar Quartet, a musical family living in Del al on July 14 and perform at the White House the East County Performing Arts Center manager: "This is the beginning of an im- Mar, will perform Jan. 17. the next day. San Diegans will have to wait (ECPACJ io El Cajoo by fe,tori,g othe,

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