News Scrapbook 1985
Santa Ana, CA (Orange Co.) Register (Cir. D. 279,452) (Cir. Sat. 246,128) (Cir. Sun. 311 ,062)
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. "' . 9,293)
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P C. 8
Margaret Burbidge is named woman of the year 95"q
How to protect property rights for the future By Tibor R. Machan ia_q$", A n interesting concern ex- pressed through numerous media outlets has to do with whet her we are taking care to enable future generations of people to live on Earth. This is not futurism, a ·omewhat offbeat field where people ~xplore what is likely to be going on in the near future. This concern is more basic. Will our children or grandchildren be well-fed, find room to roam and build, have precious metals. miner- als, fuels and other life-supporting matenab available to them? This concern is often dubbed as one Corporation; Gloria Lane, founder and president, Women's International Center; Sharon G. Rea, vice president/regional operations manager, California Fillt Bank and DorothyL.W. Smith, member, board of educa• tion, San Diego City Schools and Instructor, San Diego City College. nommees for Woman of the Year were: Dr. Joan B. Anders on, associate profe sor of economics, University . of an Diego; Dr. Eloiz'a--cisneros, assista nt superintendant, Area IV, School Operations Division, San Diego Unified School District; Lois C. Cyr, assistant vice president, B nk of America; Sue Gay, in• structor or child development, San Diego Community College District; Pamela M. Hamilton, assistant vice president of opera• tions, Centre City Development as assoc1at1on o f more than ) 30,000 members some 30 coun• tne around the world. Burbidge ha been honored locally by being awarded the status of university profe. or and in recent months wa honored nation lly by the merican Astronomical Society who named her the Most mi- n nt tronomy Re earcher of theY ar. She h been named th Henry Norri'> Ru. sell Le turer u a result of that honor . n February she wa awarded the National Medal of Science by Pre ident Reagan in Washington, D.C. Burbidge earned a doctorate of philo ophy degree from the Univ r ity of ondon Obser• vatory and ha received eight honorary doctor of science degree from variou universities in Engl nd and the United States. She al o erve on local science and Univcr ity board· and committees. She i married to Dr. Geoffrey • Burbid , al o a prominent stronomer, and ha a daughter, arnh, a lawyer in San franci co. Other Women of chievement San Diego, CA (San Oiego Co .) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0 . 127,.454) R 2 w 0 ._Allen'• P. c. B 1888 / ucas lawyer see s hree-month delay _-:;AJ --s- . ByMfke Konon come up with a compo ite drawing Tnbune St.ill Writer of her attacker; and social worker Attorney William B. Saunders, rep- Lucy Berliner of Seattle, who bas resenting David Allen Lucas on three counseled Santiago. of ix murder charges he faces, bas The motion to disqualify Miller's asked for a three-month delay in a- office is based on the involvemen in preliminary hearing. the case of district attorney's mvesti- Saunders, of the public defenders gator William Green. who bad par• office, filed a series of mo ions yes• ticipated in the original investigation terday to be heard April 22, the date of the Jacobs killings as a police de· tective and witnessed one of Massin• Escondido. CA Daily Time Advoca te (Ci r D. 31,495) (Ci r. S. 33,159) gale's statements. the hearing is scheduled. In addition to a postponement to July 15, Saun- ders seeks to disqualify District At- omey Ed Miller's office from the cnse; to subpoena six out-of-state witnesses, including a man formerly charged with murdering two of the victims; and to obtain access o all investigative reports in the three Lucas, 29, is charged with murder• ing Suzanne Camille Jacobs. 31, and her son, Colin, 3, May 24, 1979 in their home in the 3400 block of 1 Ar• thur Avenue m Normal Heights; and with murdering Susan Garcia. a real estate saleswoman, in the bedroom of a home she was preparing to show to potential customers Dec. 8, 1981. /i The defendant also is awaiting trial in Supe or Court on charges of murdering l lniversity .oL.Satuliego honor student Anne Catherine Swanke, 22 of San Carlos, on Nov. 20; murdering Amber Fisher, 3, and her baby-sitter, Rhonda Strang, 24 Oct. 23 in String's Lakeside home; and t- tempting to murder Jody Santia , 29, of Seattle, June 9. Attorney G. Anthony Gilham has been defending Lucas against those charges. . The out-of-state witnesses Saun- ders wants available for the prelim1• nary hearing include Johnny Massin• gale, 30, of Harlan, Ky., who spent n~arly a year in county jail awaiting tnal on charges of murdering the Jacobses. The charges were dis• missed Jan. 8 when Miller's office d~tennined that evidence against him was insufficient. Saunders also seeks the testimony of Kentucky State Trooper Denny Pace, who took Massingale's initial confession to the killings; and Jimmy Joe Nelson of Huntsville, Texas who said Massingale bad boasted of kill• ing a woman and child. he attorney also seeks the testi, ony of Sa.atiago; Seattle detective Michael Gilhs, who helped Santiago c~ 0 . \ \Son Diego C~ 0 . 0 Union Son ,eg 3'241 le . O 2'7, '.' · S 339 788\ \CII- . . 0 CA Son ,eg ' "I am informed and believe that Massingale, through his attorneys James R Tetley and Timothy Rutherford, has filed a $6 million c aim against the city and county of yesterday. "One basis for Massin· gale' lawsuit is his contention that bis confessions were involuntary due to threats, pressure and coercion he ~llegedly suffered at the hands o7 bis interrogators, one of whom was Green." L' 1 · San Dieg and the tale of Kentuc- ky," Saunders said in papers filed A 12 1 lltlrn P C e < I IHR~ I 888 ' 111( p C B f ,, .ft en• / •THE PAJAMA GAME' - The mu· slcal comedy about a labor dis· ute In a pajama factory wlll be P sented by the University21,..san p~e ~al Theater 0epartmen ~tJ'~.m. Thursday through Satur· day and at 2:30 p.m. next Sunday In the Camino Theater, uso. Rob- ert Austin and Pamela Smith Con· nolly have directed with cho~~ raphy by Marilyn Green .;:l.'f · • C 11 • ) El Cajon, CA (San Diego Co) Daily Californian (Cir. D 100,271 I l 2 1 ...Al~n '• E-,, 11u P c e Jl,llm'• P. c. 8 F., r. , 888 Pajama O me .- The Bro dway mu• alcal "The Pajama Game" v.111 be pres- ented by the Unlverls of San Diego Musical Theatre partmen p.m. TllundaY In Camino Theatre on the USO campus on Linda Vista Road In San Diego. The production will be re- peated at 8 p.m. Aprll 19 and 20 and at 2:30 p.m. April 21. Ticket,. which may purchased at the door, are $4 for dults, $3 for senior citizens and $2 for tudents For more l~torm !Ion, c11II 01 0 presents Ha· San Diego ,n a University of s;n tiooel eatnn Aca emY /\pril 13, Repert?rv Perform~~~~e camin Theatre. t,eginnong al B p.m. . eludes worl ..,~ 60-~600. Son Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Ci r. o. 127,45.41 JI.lien'• P. c e F.,r. , 888 Area Je~ s to note Holocaust, Israel's birthday S ~gO-:~re com!Tl( m,Jrat- the Second Gener hon of Holocaust April 28 a M. Larry Lawrence formed by '."::ntor Sheld'~ Merel. in th 40th anniversary of the liber- Survivors will be n display at that Branch of Lue Jewish Community The fre concert is open to the tion of urvivors of Na21 conrentra• service Center at 4126 Executive Drive, La public. lion camps and the 37th anniversary The eighth annud Holocaust Sym• Jolla. The family picnic and concert Information on the Holocaust and of th tabllshment of the state of posium is scheduled from 7 to 9:30 on the green will feature the .Jewish a'lmversary events is available from I I I pec1al scrvic and pro- p.m.. Wednesday it the Manchester Community Center Symphony Or· e Jewish Community Centers _and n ng the n xt two Conference Center at the (Jnjvcr:sity chestra, conducted by David Amor. the Jewish Commumty Relations Hol aust oay of R m m- Diego. The "Orator1a Haggadah ( the ouncil of the United Jewish Federal r bemg ob ervcd today Tb theme of tht ymposmm will Search for Freedom )" will be per• 10n April 21 be "Th Holoca ·l,esson for a Plu• rahsllc Society" Tie speaker will be Dr John K. Roth, chairman of the d p rtmcnt of ph JSOphy and relig- ion at Claremont \icKenna College m Claremont, Calif Petit10ns will be cir lated during the week calllng f r th release of mformation on Ri ul Wallenberg, who helped thousands of Jews escape imprisonment duri g World War II, wa raptured by the Soviets in 1945 and has not been rd of since. f tiv I c I brating the estal>- r hment m 194 of the independent tale of Israel IS scheduled for 4 p.m. • San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 20,000) JI.lien's P. c. B. Est. I888 . • John L Nu the U . . . nes appointed d1rec1or of o· , mversU): ot £a Iego s news tCb l/ cd11. or for . n b T ureau Nunes wa ryon ynd1c1111m~;,;:i:. o · agency .. n . bl ' . S. . a pu iego lnerary
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