News Scrapbook 1985

an Diego, CA (San Diego Ca.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) MAR



P C B F.11. 1888 here are a few good reasons for USD's bad encore cha rEi epa Not only was Egan hired to carry on which should not be interpreted as a shooter and that alone won the Tribune ports-writer for Jim Brovelli, but be was asked to slap at any of the players. Far from Toreros a few key games early. But It all started with incredibly high do it with a large number of new and it. As a group, they were talented, it is believed that he's better suited expectations and, the way things untested personnel. gave their best effort and Egan prob- for the off-guard position and he'll have transpired, lik ly will conclude Of the Toreros' top eight players, ably should be commended for utiliz- probably benefit greatly if he is a Jmilar manner. But somewhere three (forward James Knight and ing their abilities as well as he did. moved there next season. the middle of this current college guards Pete Murphy and Kiki Jack- But there is something to be said More importantly, the whole team basketball seasot,_USD experienced son) were JC transfers. Two others for having the right combination of should benefit from this experience. major obstacles in returning to -----------• people on the floor. And while Egan Egan loses Reuss and Carr to gradu- championship-cahber form It never won't admit it, that was a problem he ation. returns everybody else and got cl . Analysis battled all season. will have a healthy Bostic back. In Ayear ago. the Toreros went from For instance, among his forwards addition, he's already gotten an 1m- lmost total obscurity to their first (sophomore forwards Nils Madden he didn't have an outside shooting pressive 6-9 transfer from Kansas W t Coa t Athletic Conference title and Steve Krallman) saw exactly 62 threat. Reuss, Madden, Knight and named Jim Pelton. nd NCAA playoff appearance. This minutes of action between them as Krallman are all excellent players Should Egan secure a few key re- time, they're struggling for a .500 freshman. Only Anthony Reuss. Chris around the basket, but none of them cruits in the coming months, he could league record A long, hard road in· Carr and Scott Thompson had exten- could consistenty give USO what well have a team capable of contend- both directions. sive maJor college experience. Mike Whitma~h managed the two ing with Pepperdme. Should USO defeat Loyola Marym- "I think a significant point is that previous seasons - scoring from "What we do in the off-season is ount tomorrow rught in the season two of the three guards that went both inside and out. going to be important," said Egan. fmale for both clubs, the victory most of the way for us were new to Another example was at point ''Things like weight training and would pull the Toreros even at 6-6 in the program," .said Ega "That's a guard, where Jackson started almost .other conditioning programs will pay WCAC play. Hardly impressive for a difficult thing to overcome in a the entire way. The former Mesa off down the road. I'd like to see that d fendmg conference champ, but not hurry." (Ariz.) CC standout is an excellent sort of commitment to winning" that bad for a club that began it all • The loss of guard Mark Bostic to wtth a horrendous 1-4 start. a season-ending ankle injury. The 6-4 "I think it' really unportant for u senior started all 28 games for the to fm h off 'lrong," said USO coach Toreros a year ago, wa the team's Hank Egan, whose club - 16-10 over- third leading scorer at 10.2 a game, II - will take on the Lions at the and was expected to take much of hool's Sports Center, beginning at the load off R(' and ThompsQn this 730. time. "All along there wa a struggle to As things turned out, however, tabhsb credibility in both the pro- Bostic didn't play a single game. He gram and what we're trying to do wa subsequently redshirted and will and I don't thmk we're finished by return next season for his final year ny means," the coach added. "But I of eligibility. can say, it's a whole lot rucer to fin- "We had a gameplan going in that San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) RB 1 ...Alkri'• P. C. B 1888 'I think a significant point is that two of the three guards that went most of the way for us were new to the program. That's a difficult thing to overcome in a hurry' -Hank Egan

ByM; ~Iftos close their season on sour note Tribune Sportswriter 57 •54 loss to league champ Pepperdine. Last night the score was 66- 64 • e orero rally ID front of 1,244 fans at the USO . In this.particular case, however, Reuss gladly would have settled for a 1~ four ye!~ i~~ti~ cai:nthmk of all the good times I spent here. I spent the Simple wm ?ver lowly Loyola Marymount. And considering the fact that the "So right n gf . · Lions came mto the regular-season finale tied for last place in the West Coast go out with ao\\'., s;et little sad. Who would~'t be? You always want to Athlel!c Conference standmgs, the task appeared well within reach 1 t th R wm. h u . m sure tomorrow there will be a smile on my face" But the Toreros fell short. Again. Last week it was a bitterly d15'a·ppo· ti p/ ru ' euss as httle reason to be discouraged. The 6-7 forward ca~e ' ID ng ,ease see TOREROS, E-7 T be · · · , favor of Loyola after 1h~ {~~is ~If ~wit' . tlhetreT's definitely some sadness there," Reuss said ' o gm with, 1t wasn t exactly howlISD'li A.Q.thony Reuss would haven d to close o~t his college basketball career anyway There was no confer~n~e crown on line, no NCAA tournament bid at stake. "It' r · s rts Cent " e O a

included Mark," said Egan. "When he went down we had to change things as we went along ... sort of tinkering as we went along until we got it right. How much difference he'd have made we'll ne~er know, but at least our lineup would have been a bttle more set from the start." • A poor non-conference schedule Egan inherited hat included four NAIA schools. This was especially The Toreros won all six games but, considering that 1-4 start in confer- ence, the experience didn't exactly prepare th m for the Pepperdines "Playing the type of teams we played, especially with the new kids, we weren't prepared for the confer- ence both mentally and physically," said Egan. "There was one good team we played in that stretch (Northern Arizona) and the othe~ and Santa ( ar of the WCAC. and Hardin-Simmons.

h the way we are than the way it In retrospect. perhaps all those ex- pectahons got a little out of hand. Maybe la t year's success got people automatically a. urning that similar About all that's known is that this parllcular team has just tarted playing close to its capabilities. USO had won four of its last five games before dropping a 57-54 decision to tarted." fortun re forthcoming. "I still don't believe this team has reached its potential," said Egan. "To say that you've played your very best is an unbelievable statement. The nice part is that we are at least making progress. We just have to build on it for next time." So why has the process taken so long? Why were the Toreros out of the conference race before it ever really got going? Basically, USD's problems this season could be sum- n.


critical in the month prior to the conference-champion Pepperdine Toreros' conference opener when I t Thursday night, a performance USO played six~ raight opponents at th t might well have been the home - including schools like John Toreros' most impressive of the sea- Brown, Concordia, Southwest Baptist

Solano Beach, Calif. San O,e u •o Citizen

marized in four key areas. They are: weren't very strong." • The new coach and new players. • The wron

team chemistry,

AR 13198

Two Torrey Pines players honored by grid group Tfo-i~ines High foot- Tomer won two letters in foot- two-way starter at Torre Pin ball players were among those ball and three as a member of the was named to the ah-No~t chosen as scholar-leader- Torrey Pines Lacrosse Club. He County team and was tea athletes by the San Diego maintained a 3.1 grade-point captain m co- chapter of the National Football average. Bridg~s won two 1 tt • Foun~ation a~d Hall of Fame. Tomer, a Solana Beach resi- football, starting ever/ g:;:e ~emor linebackers John dent, was named second-team, his junior and senior seasons Bndges and Steven Tomer - All-Palomar League this past and lettered three tim • ' along with 22 other fo~tball season at linebacker. He plans to lacrosse. His grade~s oi~~ s~andouts w~o have a~h1eved at_tend the }Jniversity of San average was 3.6 throu hout P ma:k~ m sc~olast1cs and Diego and to~ajor m busmess . College plans call f~r Brid c1tiz~nsh1p m addition to sports Brtltge~, a Cardiff resident, to attend Cal Pol San L~s b will be honored at_a Mar_ch 22 was a first-team, All-Palomar Obispo, where he ~II major i~ anquet at the San Diego Hilton . League at cent,.lr. He was a business administration.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0. 127,454) A 9 1 d~

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0. 127,454)


P. C. 8 1888

...A/k,i 1 1 . . . W4 Vf;S ROI,J..- Chad Kreuter we~!f • tl accounted for his team's only run batted in as the Pepperdine Waves nipped the .lJSD Torero baseball team 4-2 yesterday at Alcala Park. The Toreros' Paul Vanstone bad a hit and accounted for his team's only RBI. ---~· P, C, B far. 1888

c2l1. A -~CRE - Use to ~-·r, .!2»t $ the short end this ~eason, the_USD women's softball ean:i receipted ,or a thorou h bastmg yesterday at the hands ~f T~I State Dominguez Hills (8-4) e scores were 11-0 and 10-0 .. games at USD. ID USO (0-4) made eight errors during the day.

Steven Tomer

John Bridges

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