News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,324) (Cir. s. 339,7881
Escondido, CA Daily Times Advocate
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.] Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) AR 131985
Rancho Bernardo, CA (San Diego Co.) Rancho Bernardo Journal (Cir . W. 2,500)
(Cir. D. 31,495) (Cir. S. 33,159)
10 198c
10 1 8
..Jl/~,i '• P. C, B
R14 .Jl/l~n '• p c. B 1888
Affordable hou ing t be
emu,~ C~t( The Jacobs killings were once at- tributed to Johnny Massingale, an il- literate Kentucky man who spent 10 months in county jail awaiting trial before he was released in January because of new evidence developed after Lucas' Dec. 16 arrest. Massin- gale has since returned to his home- town of Harlan, Ky. Prosecutors remain puzzled about Massingale's involvement, saying he confessed to killing the Jacobses to a Kentucky state trooper and two friends, both of whom testified as prosecution witnesses at the prelimi- nary hearing. However, unexplained evidence at the murder scene - a hand Nritten note and strands of blond hair - could not be linked to Massingale and came under new scrutiny after Lucas' arrest. Massingale has dark hair; Lucas is a blond. Sources close to the case say re- cent laboratory test linked th~ handwriting and hair to Lucas. / _}_
.Jlll~11 ·• p C B
I" r XX,J Jim Dea!!fJr. o~, d9>has been named har- vesting manager for Cal Flavor, a packer of avoca- dos and other produce prod- ucts. Deaver, a for-
hr, 1888 ~ Summer camps of ereu
The TT11i11ecsit§' of San Diego is of- fering a Summer Sports Camp pro- gram during June, July and August. The camp is held at the USD cam- pus, set on a mesa o erloo~an Diego's Mission Bay Day and resident sesstifris are of- fered in girls and boys basketball, girls softball, girls volleyball, foot-
ball, competitive swim, tennis and a special soccer camp featuring in- struction by the San Diego Sockers. For more information about these camps for boys and girls ages 8-18, call or write for a free brochure: University of San Diego Sports Camps, Sports Center, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110, (619) 260-4803.
Jim Deaver mer semlpro ba eball player, holds a degree in business administration from the/i !,l~ego. / _J
9.cas: 3 new murder charges By Rfyililie1iier involves the 1981 slashing death of room of a Spring Valley home she Lucas is charged with killing. of Seattle, who survived a severe Tribune Staff Wnter real estate agent Gayle Roberta Gar- had been showing to prospective Lucas on March 9 was ordered to slash wound to her throat after being Prosecutors today charged triple- cia, 29, he said. renters. stand trial in the slaying of Anne abducted from the parking lot of an murder defendant David Allen Lucas Lucas was to be arraigned on the Garcia had made arrangements to Catherine Swanke, a l)IJ.i.vers:it; of El Cajon nightclub. with three more throat-slashing new charges this afternoon. The new meet three people at the house that Diego rumor student, and of a Santiago identified Lucas as the deaths, including two once attributed charges - as do the previous afternoon. However, after interview- Lakeside woman and the 3-year-old assailant who forced her at knife- to a Kentucky man released follow- charges - allege the special circurn- ing those people, detectives came up child she was baby-sitting. The bod- point into a sports car, then drove ing Lucas' arrest last December. stance of multiple murder, thus al- with no clues. The case was reopened ies of Rhonda Strang, 24, and Amber her to an East County home where Lucas, 30, was charged with two lowing prosecutors to seek the death after Lucas was arrested and simi- Fisher were discovered in October m she was choked into unconsciousness. new counts of murder in connection penalty, Casey said. larities between the killings he was Strang's Lakeside home. Swanke was During Lucas' preliminary hearing with the slayings of Suzanne Camille The Jacobses' bodies were found charged with and the Garcia murder murdered in November. on three murder charges and the at- Jacobs, 31. and her son, Colin, 3, said May 24, 1979, in their Normal surfaced Lucas was also ordered to stand tempted murder, she identified district attorney's spokesman Steve Heights home. Garcia's body was dis- All three victims had their throats trial in the June kidnapping and at- Lucas' home as ~site of the attack. Ca y The third new murder charge covered Dec. 8, 1981, in the back bed- slashed, as did the other people tempted murder of Jody Santiago, 30, Please see LUC , A-9 ---
San Diego, CA (Son Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,4541
, AR 14 1985
P. c. s
F.r. 1a88 Arraignment of Lucas deJa~ by defense move By iiiif ~non Tribune Staff Writer hearing was opened to press cover- Arraignment of triple-slaying de- age after Luca~• previous attorney fendant David Allen Lucas on three withdrew his ob1ections. addit10nal murder charges has bee Sau d dela d I n . n ers also will argue that I ye unti tomorrow to allow ar- Iowmg t · a · gument on def ex ensive press coverage of th . a ense motion to close rthi·gehntetwo wtould prejudice Lucas' e hearmg to the public a ,air nal.
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.] Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454) MAR 151985
Rancho Bernardo, CA (San Diego Co.I Rancho Bernardo Journal (Cir. W. 2,500)
AR 15 185
..Jlfloi '•
P. C. B 1888
P. C. B
F.s,. 1888
11'.oJkd i~Gordon Bok, Ed Trnitetf.1~7i~nn- Mayo Muir will perform . "Year of the Ocean," a concert benefiting the San Diego Folk Festival, at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Camino Auditorium, tJ,SD...!ick- ets: general, $6; students and sen- ) iors, $5. Reservations: 282-7833. J
Jl.lttn '•
I" 188N
P. C 8
!.<:' /'~ Folk concert planned -<9.:55' Folk singers Gordon Bock, Ed Trickett and Ann Mayo Muir will ap- pear in a special "Year of the Ocean" concert March 19 at 8 p.m. at the lll1W!l:3ity of San Diego's Carruno Auditorium. The performance 1s ~ponsored by KPBS Radio, the San Diego Friends of Old Time Music, and the USO Music Department. Performing traditional and original music on i1 number of in- struments, musicians often work independently. They've come together from the Enst Coast for this Jo nt roncert which will benefit the San Dir.go Folk Festival. Their pr viou combined concerts have r suited tn four albums, including tne recently relea. cd, "All Shall Be Well Again." Advance tickets for the concert can b obtained at F olk Arts Rare Hecords, 3611 Adams Ave. For re 'l'rvations and information, call 2112-78:13. Th San Diego Friends of Old Tune Mu. ic Js a non-profit organization. _____
Lucas' new attorney, William Sa~nders of the Public Defenders Off(ce, !'loved for the secret hearin saymg_i~ was necessary to keep fro/!; pre1ud1cmg any eyewitness identif- cation of Lucas. 1 Municipal Judge Laura p Hammes continued the hearing t~ ~J~w attorneys representing The I une and The San Diego Union to oppose closure Sa_unders reminded Hammes that Muruc1pal Judge Wayne L. Peterson ~ad closed Lucas' preliminary hear- g_to photographic coverage and for a time to all press coverage. That
The defendant is to be arraigned Con ~barges of murdering Suzanne amille Jacobs 31 and h c r · , er son o m, 3, May 24, 1979, at their Nor: mal Heights home, and of murdering real estate saleswoman Ga I Roberta Garcia, 29, Dec. 8, 1981 i~ : ::edroom of a vacant Spring V~lley ouse. Lucas, _29, already has been charged .with murdering Universit of San D1ei:o studeot Anne Catherm*' S~anke, 22, Nov. 20, 1984, and Amber dF1sher, 3, and her baby sitter, Rhon- a Strani 24, Oct. 23, 1984.
Escondido, CA Daily Times Advocate
(Cir. D. 31,495) (Cir. S. 33,159)
.Jlfl~n • P. C. B
hr. 1888
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) La Prensa de San Diego (Cir. W.)
MAR 151985
~D is offering su'!'mer
El Cajon, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Californian (0. 100,271)
5 ~0
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sports camp
g summer
"programs 1n June,
San .,Illego sports camp
..All~,. ·.
MAR 15 1985
P, C. 8
Er,. 1888
.,. Memory se
A 151985
sessions are of·
July and Day an
P. c. B
far. 1888
minor presented _nesday rvcning, March 20 . t 8
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d boys basketball, ~:: s:tt~, ~~rls v?lleyballisf:~~ ball competitive swim, tenn_ 1n ' mp featuring · a special soccer ca f the San structlon by members o Diego Sockers.inforrn'.1.tion about For more I 1 8 these ~r;;r::i~eb~~: ! nfr!/ :ro~ l~u;:. USD Sports Camps, Sports ~ente~. Alcala Park, San Diego 92110. 4803 / The phone number is 26:z
On Wed
~University of San Diego Law School is operating a South Bay ,lmmigr~!'.o~~ic in San Ysdrto. F~~ -!:1~1ce and representafro'?'i on depor- ta ta o ns , immigrations and naturalization is given. Call 262-0896 for appointment. All services provided are gr~,...--;
P n1 , Oal'ic/ Markoff presl•nt a seminar on lh p1om1nen1 memory expert , a. 111c,monzat1on and me e P_r1nc1ple, and methodologie:llJ 1/u.• ~cnunar IIJIJ bemo,.y improvement. o hm1'l'vt•r, il clu11at1on open to the /JUbJic a t no char to ; ;(lVPr the cofll•e, t~,k~:! ~:~:?~' r:·son 11111 be co11ecf:d , a, kof( li!IJ •PN1k , t e r~shrnents served r,n(·1111~as Blvd , Su11r Aa CthlcJ TernP,ll• .Social Hall, 2210 l1o11 a 43u Olio~ for more int Markoff, n1e1110 orma- J/an aul ;;.u.s.u, r;/ra1,r11n~. lws ht•l·n tau~hl at usu i\kd1c\tl Sl'lwob and lh~•u"so\LotJ!__llnrvers,ty Law and· :__:__ aw Sd1ooJ, - -------------- _,,.,,,,,.,.
P. c. s
t / ~r an - Trickett and Ann Mayo · Muir wl Iappear in especial "Year of the Ocean" concert et B p.m. a the University of San Pl11go's Camino Auditorium. The performance Is spon- sored by KPBS radio, the San Diego nds of Old Time Music and the USO Music Department. For ticket Informa- tion, call 282-7833 Folk singers . / G,
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