News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) ova
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private colle, ,ns in the world, while he also obtains further ac- quisitions. Reservations are re- quired for the lecture. • • • The Old Globe's artistic director Jack O'Brien has announced he will direct the world premiere of New York playwright Stephen Metcalf's comedy, "Emily," dur- ing the Summer Festival '86. It "emerged" during work on another play, Metcalfe first commission from the Old Globe. "In the midst of his working on that commission, another play began to emerge," said O'Brien. "'Emily' was oent to us and we were so delighted with the work, we optioned it for im- mediate production." Metcalf's "Strange Snow" and "Vikings" were produced by the Old Globe in 1984 and '85 respec- tively. Bernard Shaw's classic "Pygmalion" will open the Season '86 Dec. 5 in the Old Globe Theatre, starring Ellis Rabb as Henry Higgins. . . Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Carousel" opens the 1985-86 sea- son at USIU's Theatre in Old Town tonight at 8 p.m. It runs through Nov. 23. Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night" runs Nov 8-10 and 14-16 at UCSD Theatre "Billy Bishop Goes to War" opens the new season at the North Coast Repertory Theatre tonight through Dec. 15. An updated ver- sion of Clifford Odets' "Golden Boy" runs Nov. 14-17 at SDSU's Experimental Theatre. Lamb's Players Theatre holds its Theatre Membership Banquet Monday night at the Hotel Inter- Continental. Dining and a "theat• rical journey from Dicken's England to the turn-of-the-century America" will entertain patrons for $30 per person. * • • Grace Chow's watercolors go on exhibit beginning Wednesday at USD's Founder's Gallery. "Tales ~meland" is said to be the first exhibition of its kind in the Southwest, focusing on the dai- ly lives of Chinese peasants in the '40s and '50s. It runs through Dec. 17. • * * George Lykos presents his watercolor scenes of La Jolla, abroad and undersea beginning tomorrow through Dec. 4 at Kno- wles Gallery in La Jolla. Martha Chatelain'e "Paper Today" exhib- ition of paper sculpture opens to- day through Dec. 6 at Rancho Ber- nardo's Dana Gallery II. • • * Three's Company and Dancers opens its 12th season with a dance recital at SDSU's Main Stage Theatre tonight and
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>coMBO PAAB Move Arts Ahead With Funding, Goals ;~ , . Th t-rt:?.ofili' lfl'ant Ii-om e exhibition now with a four-month March 1984 that led to open~ dienne whom Time mag~ine haa Local pro1;r m or the National dillplay of aculpture1 by aoven San escrow on the entire Symphony call~ "the ~.own pnnceu of Endowment for the conferred Diell'o artists throughout the Hall block. m11B1calparody. he first on COMBO thi11 week mU8t be Community Coru:o111'N. The works The inaugural gala 111,llt Sa~ur- The RU88ell concerts~ t . th matched by $300,000 in local were inetalled Monday. PAAB day at . Symphony Hall raiaed of three opera_preaenta~1one U\ e public funda befo~ it will arrive. pl8.118 to organize three or four dif- $725,000 for the symphony, a Old _Globe year, mt.ended to Whll th San 1 ego City Council ferent aculpture exhibitions at the milestone to be sure. Guests con- pro~de a wider range ~f opera ex- bu not det rmined if 11uch money concouree each year. tributed $250, $500 or 11000 to at• penence for more San Diegana. i • available, members agreed last "From thia firat exhibition we tend, the latter group also earning • • • Apnl to put 1t 00 th u a hope to receive rota of public feed- the plaquea with their name11 The Fint lnter11t.ate Plua ArtFacts byPri illa Lister ~hupp engraved on aelected Symphony building hosts a two-week Invita- Hall seats. tional Art Exhibition and Benefit The Oktoberfest celebration tbe for the Samaritan Center, beginn• weekend before in Balboa Park to ing tomorrow with a gala opening benefit the symphony also there at 8 p.m. Ticket.a to the gala
garnered an impreaaive $200,000 in funds. Another $31,000 was Quarter Note Cl888ic lOK run. Symphony Hall is still awaitmg who will donate $3 million to the cause in exchange for seeing their name on the marquis in perpetuity. Three families are reportedly con- earned from the 4th Annual its namesake - that benefactor chestra," makes it.a world premiere at San Diego Symphony concerts diacuas his work at the first Com- poee1<11 Forum of the season. The forum is acheduled tonight at 7 preceding the concert. All concer- tgoers are invited to attend the The first concert of the season by the La Jolla Civic-University Symphony and Chorua is slated tomorrow at 8 p.m. at UCSD's Mandeville Center, and Sunday at 3 p.m. It will feature "Carmina Burana" by the late Carl Orff. • • • San Diego Opera's presentati- ons of Anna Ru1111ell at the Old Globe Theatre tonight and Satur- day night at 8 and Sunday night at 7 are virtually aold out, but cancellationa or no-shows may provide an opening. For in- formation, call the opera at 232- 7636, or go to the Globe'• box office prior to performance11 to see if you can get in to eee the operatic come- thia weekend, Nov. 7-10, will forum for free. • • • aidering the donation. Bernard Randa, whose com- position, "Ceremonial for Or-
are $50 with proceeda 11oing to the Samaritan Center, a comprehen- aive couneeling service :or thOl!6
rnquc,;t when Gen ral Fund budget wranwhng begins. It i11 also poui- bl the funds could come from the Tr n111 nl Occupancy Tax (TOT) moniee, gen rally the ·10urce for pubh art.II funding. The requ • b k to th Rul Com.nuttee 1r • t, pr bably within th next few I Should th;, council anna,rk th,_ m t.thmg fund11, the total $450,000 would bt, ut1liz.t.-d over a thr y ar penod to; (1) reg-rant to profe&11onal artia and/or or11 ruiat1ona "of h1irh quality particularly with li.nuted ace to oth r re(C\llar funding eourcea;" half of the r iirantin11 funds will be d111tr1buted to visual arti ; (2) 88· tabliah a centralaed ticket booth; (3) provide video clip& to television tat1ona to promote art evenllt; (4) prov1d central!Uld art& infonna- tion rvice including availability and COlll.a of perform nee and ex- hibition faciliti 1, equipment, ma- teri It, technical a istance, a ma.tUr • ch ule of v nu and • di- rectory of arti • t • and arta or111u112&tion11. A 16-member Community Advi- lOry Council 18 to be t up to ad mm1strate and • uperv1 all theae upecta ofthti grant provam. COMBO'• propoaal caused a stir in the local art • community when th organiutlon aou11ht council endonem nt last 1pnn11. Notabl wu th que1t1on of authority rai• ed by the tK n-fle.dghng Public Am Advlaory Boa.rd, estab h • hed by th city council in July 1984 to adviee, develop and recommend pubhc art • projp'8.ID8 to the council. The queationa of turf hav yet to be resolved, PAAB in late Oct.ober iot approval from the council on ita goala for November 1986 through June 1988. They are: (1) to adviae city off'iciala on art in public places; (2) ' • ubmit a com- pleted citywide Arts Plan for coun- cil approval; (3) recommend pur- chaae and/or placement of art works on city property; and ( baclr.," said PAAB committee member G orge Driver, vice president of Robert F. Driver In- surance Co. "PA.AB wanta to be educated by the public aa to how they would like city art dollars to be spent." The arti.ata repreaented in the fir • t concourse exhibition are Michael Conlen, Jeau11 Dom- io,-uea, Job.A Edwar~. MJcbael Soriano, Peter Mitten, Michael O'Brien, and Artbur Col . • • • ln other public arta news from the city, which may help both of the above organizations meet their goala, the city council approved the 1 pereent for ana ordinance Monday, to come from the city'11 annual capital outlay budget.a. Chet Chu of the city's Financial Management Department estimatea funda from that percent- age will total $170,000 for 1987, expected to be the first year of enactment. Had it been enacted in time for 1986 outlay, funds would have totaled $268,000, he said. The average is estimated to be about $~0,000 a year during each of the next five years. The ordinance calla for the money to be 11pent on any perma- nent form of art, including • c11lpture, pBlnting, mural, photoaraph and tapestry, with em- phasis on placing art in neigh• borbood.s throughout the city. • • • The firat season of the fian Die,o Symphony in ita new home, Symphony Hall, will be dedicated to ma1ne Quick, the aymphony board member who is credited with acquiring that home. The real est.le exptlrt ipi~iated the business deal in under stress. "Art 111' ... " will display sculpture, .Jewelry, paintings, ce- ramies, photography, print.a and other media. Twenty-eight artist • conaidered regionally important or emerging will dillplay their works, all for sale with 30 percent of the proceedll going to the Samaritan Center. Dotiie Beaaley of the ART/Beaaley Gallery in Old Town curated the show. Gala co- chairmen are Barbara Saba and At the gala tomorrow night, ar- tist Anthony di Ge8U will unveil his new portrait of Grace Klauber, longtime supporter of community causes. Following, COMBO will auction a sitting for a di Gel:iu portrait, valued at $3,000, Other festivities at the gala in- elude hourly wearable art fashion shows, muaic and plenty of libation and complete meals of gourmet • • • Prior to the "American Ma • tera: The Thy11aen• Bornemhza Collection" opening Nov. 16 at the San Dieeo Mu- .eum of Ari, Simon de Pu.ry, cu- rator of the collection, will speak Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 6 p.m. in the Copley auditorium at the mu- seum. The Swiss curator cares for the collection, onel of the larg88t • San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 20,000) I tomorrow night at 8. OV 1 1 99c; .Jlflrrt • P. C. B m.r . n1r1, /)930 Ac~q,t1Nftt Errlfr & Whlnnev. ADVERTISING/ PUBLIC REL.(TIONS Michael P. lmbrislio to board of direc- tors San Diego chapter of the Society for Marketing Pro/eSJional Services...Tal Smitli as senior art director to Chapman/ Warwick Advertising... to Kenneth C. Smhh & Associates: David Sindel as copywriter and Bill Oxford as art direc-· tor... Peuy Shumake to account execu- tive with the Phillips Organisation, Ltd. " ARCHITECTURE/CONSTRUCTION Andrew S. Lee as vice president to the Ontai PtutnerJhip. Architecture d: Urban Desi n...f(eltb A. Schonewill as project engineer to Koll Construct/on Co. EDUCATION Dan Grady to secretary/ treasurer of the A.ssoeu,tion of Community College Trustees. GENERAL BUSINESS To Equitable Life Leasing Corp. : Catherine R. Van Rest to assistant vice president/ human resources; Susan J. Varty to assistant lreas~rer... R. Bany McComic to board of directors for the San Diego Opera...Julianoe M. Adamik to employee benefit~ analyst at Johnson & HiU,,,.., ,7imJ-Prior to the American Pub/if; Transit A.uociation '.r hall of fame... to the U.S. Grant Hotel: Michael Wiqaann to controller; Deborah Knut- son 10 personnel manager; L!!Jhl>-4frie to traiomgaflJ11nager~. Nell Good to p~c:si- dcnt. r· t'hc· Struc1ural Pest Control the Southland Corp.: Jim A. a in,na,er/east county;. Smith AdvertisingI Public.Relations Oxford Advertising/ Sindel Advertising/ P,ublic Relat:ons Alberts Genera/ Business Petrie Genera/ Business Public Relations Business of San Diego... Glenn 0. Dayton Ill as senior art director of Knoth & Meads Co... Susle Newton as public relations director to the marketing department of Mission Federal Cred,it Union ... Dlck Martinez to director of sales and market- ing at Hoovers Audio Visual...Suah H. Trible as communications director and Denise A. Walker " advcrtisin1·rcpre- Romona de Camara 10 district manager; Jim O'Brien to area sales manager. .. Bar- ton Ottoson to director/ sales and mar- keting with SERMED...Paul J. Dner- mann to vice president of the San Diego Economic Development Corp... Warren Weiss to general manager of Comnex Corp. HEALTH Gary A. Moranz as controller/ chii:f financial officer to Sutter Biomedical /nc... Christopher C. Calkins to board of directors of Medical Biology Institute ... Maurine Cross to unit supervisor/ spe- ci~l care units at Scrieps Memorial Hos- pual. PUBLIC RELATIONS Larry Anderson as vice president for client services to The_Gab/e Agency... Mi- chael lbs Gonzales to the Sari Diego Opera board of directors..Gary L. Deur to chief financial officer for World Communica1ions, /nc... Roberl P. Gra- ham to board of directors for BSD Ban- corp, lnc... Se1a Schmitt to assistant director of public relatioo.s at Unive.rsily sentative/ communications assistant to Building Industry As.tociation... April Schauer to officer manager at Roland & Martin Marketing Communication,.... Nina Hazard-Cheshire as direct market- ing consultant with Quorum. Jill Pat1erson-Stewart •
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