News Scrapbook 1985

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Trans cript (Cir. D. 7,41 5)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)




< )l.i/frt '• p C. 8


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., Superior Court's Senior Judge Says Farewell Afwr :.! I y1•11f ,1tho oonch in Tickets are availab e through t11nt Ginny-Lynn Safford will


's P C. B

hr 1888

¼ • * * The San Diegp McLuhan Distinguishe4JXi6''aier Awards will be prese~ov. 14 to 10 o~tstanding educators fom San Diego and Imperial counties at t he Manchester Conference Center at U~D. The awards, $1,000 each, presented to winners from elementary, secondary, public and private shools. In addition, 11 grant of $600 will be made to each in- stitution represented. Presenters will inclu de Mrs. Corinne McLuhan, USD President Dr. Ar- thur Hughes, California State Boa rd of Education President Sandee Boese, Chamber President Lee Grissom and Cubic Chairman Walter Zable.

sional Standards, 656 Franklin St., San Francisco, 94102. The 16- member panel of lawyer11 and non- lawyers will study, design and im- plement programs io improve at- torney performance in client rela- lions, office management and other Mitchell Lathrop, purtner in charge of Rogers & Well11' San Diego office, has been sworn in a,; presiding referee of th State Bar Court, disciplmary body fo r the bar. He earned his lliw degree from USC Law School in 1966, was di, p- uly county counsel tn Los Angeles and is a captain in the Judge Ad vocate General's Corps of the . Two attorneys have become of counsel to the law firm of Buker, ~[ruc ham, Call11n & Jester: Bruno J. Verbeck, with a background in chemical and biomedical patents l i t igation, and Josepl\ C. Schwalbacb, former director of patents, trademarks and, licllnsing for M1les LaborpLones, Inc. ' . . ,, rf are110. •• * Naval Reserve. . ..


Symposium, United Nations Building, B1ilboa Park, San Di go, 92101 Tho program 18 part. of a month long observ11tion fo undmg of the lJ .N. 40 years ago. of the

1)1 •go, Sup.-rwr Court Judi


WIIII m T. Low f'r1d11y his 111 t d11y

rctirmg, with


Tho California Association of Black Lawyers, meeting during t he State Blir Annual Convention in S 11 n Dt1:go, called upon Gov. more hlacks to the b nch, sup- po rll!d the bar delegates' vote in favor of divestmi:nl in South Afn- can bllbinesses, and supporu,d the confi rm11lio11 of Chief Justice Rose Bird, c11lling her a " loyal supporter of the Comititution and t he strug- gll! for cquul JUl!tice under the law,. • • • Lawyers Club Student Semi- nar Se ries presents ·•Ev1:rything you ·wanted to know about setti ng up a law pract1re, but had no one to ask," 9 a.m.- 12:30 1un Oct. 19 at Georgu Deukmejian t appoint

III court.

Th • ourl'11 mOKt HOmor Judgt•, ij icl hti w11nu•d lo 101 11 h111 wife, Low

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Mvru, tn r tu •m11nt truvu l th U.S and


'e.nnda m their

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hosting u noon lunch with Carlt1-

bad Mayor Mary -------------------------- LawBriefs by Pauline R pard 'ulller, Oct. 15,

Gentlemen's Choice reslalirunt, 1020 W. San Marcoe .13lvd, Sun Marcoe. .... Supcnor ourt. Judge Anthony Jo ph wa11 named "'-a11ly Luw Judge of the Yeur by the 11l11le bar's Fanuly Lllw As11oc1ution - the first time such a n award has been givtln tu 11 n Diego Judt: Me w1111 in the Family Law am.I Motion Depart- mtmt from 1983 to May this year and now rvee on several court comm1ltee11. • • • "At t he Bar," with Pamela Plotlun, 111 now amnl,( eud1 Sunday at 4 pm. on KUSI TV 61 '!'ho 11how 11Cheduled to run lW!l wt,ek will bc aired this Sunday, fculunng inter· views Wlth Amerit·an a..., A""OCIII t10n Prusidcnl WUH11m Fah1graf and ABA local delegate Jim Stiven, a part nor al Gray, C11ry, Ames & Frye, co sponsors of the show . ••• Attorneys tanley A. Be ker, 46, and Jamee W. McCain, 45, have located their practice at 11590 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 330, San Diego, llpec1ali2mg m "high tech" law of patents, trade llllCrets, computer software protec- tion, Joint ventures, and research and development limited partner- t1hips Becker holds a mechumcul engineering del,(rne, McClain chemical and nuclear enl,(meeriug degrees. • • • Stille Supreme Court Justice Cruz Re~~1ll s~ pro- tectingan independent Judiciary m the area of immigrant and rofugee problarns at 8 pm. Oct . 18 in the University of San Diego Man- chester Hall The speech ill spon- eored by the Western Regional Conforence of the Nt1lional Luw- yera Guild . • • • The 11th Annual Employer Seminar put on by the San Dit:go Employer Advrnory Board 111 going on through tomcrrow el the Ran- cho Bernardo Inn, Bernardo Room. Attorneys Esperanza Garcia uncl Nancy Jones will pre1:1enl a 11enu nar on wrongful ctiocharge, tlm- ployment and age d1ocrimrn11tion and complmnt procedures. Attor- ney David O'Brien will discuss unemployment insurance laws and workers' compensation. Consul


pr1i11idt•d ov r home of Lh1- wunty'11 rno t h1iarrn murdur 1·11sce ono 1l'IV(>lv1111C 11 womun who plotted with 1w1ghbo1 to kill her hue hand Th• two trwd n dozen wuys, Low r1•1·11llod putt mg II turuntula ,n 11 p1 h, didn't col, p1ll11 ID h1lf bt·n, 1111 1•it Im· 1tppl111nn.1 111 hie how ·r. '11wy Jiuully hit him with 11 l d urt11in ,..,,11:ht <,1nd dumped h1 hody 1n tlw hock country Then tht•r W!UI thti cuso of 11 young ,n11n who killed h111 puninta, 111 wr nd du!( with un ax, 111.Jured h111 brothi,r nd bumed down tho hoU11t· "Thul WUif II very 6<101111 · t 1111ml•," Low n,mombur ·d. Ih, ult,., ln"d u l'o1nt Loma womu11 who, w1Lh thu h ·lp of her two duul{htern und II fn •nd, kill ·d hf'r hlllih11nd und tu.fftid hi11 body under tlrn Hlllk 'l'hll rn11l1, fri1ind lwlped, I.ow Haid, 011 th1; promi of d11t111K one of Lht· duughters. "II e '11 Lr u·d u lot of thu fu rnou!I cnmmal cu,•~ in the county," uutA·d prcH1dm • Judg., Don Smith. "We'll nu1111 him" '"I htittO cuat,11 wtiro highly un11Ruul," ucknowlcdglld Low, the 1984 prc111d1 ng Judge "BtJttcr thun ficl1011 . lt'tt hctJn k111d of 1:xcitmg. But I'm l1•11v11\g b,,h111d t10mtl ex • ct•llent Judgt!n, 11nd J hope to come back a1111 v1111ttnjCJUI nssisl11nt d1stnct attorney when appointed lo the municipal court ben h in VIHlU in J 964 . A Lil Jolla re11ident, he 1rnd h111 wife have two l!OUJI, • • • Lawyer lub lb sponsoring two pn>l(rlllflM during Women's Oi>- po rturuty W-,ek, on Oct 17. From 8:30 11 u m at the USD Man- chester £u,cutivt: Conference CenLcr, Evonne Schulze, Melinda LW:llltA,r, Luc1lh, Moore and Leslie Ht!nderllOn will tell "How to get appomLed to city 11nd county boards and comn11S111on&" From 5:30-7:30 p.m will ll4J a prognun, .''So you want w lw 110 attorney," held tn the luw offic1• of Lowell, Robbin, H11miltlrn, McIntyre, 707 Broad- way, 17th lloor. • • • lu!Lircd tale Supreme Court Ju tice Frank Newman w1l1 lcad a 11ymp<)dium on ''Tho role of the U.N. 11& a vehicle for world peace," 3 30 p.m. Oct. 24 ut UCSD's lntt:rn t1o nal Students Center. Now a Ralsoton Professor of International Law at Boalt Hall, UC BtJrkeley, Nllwman has repre- nted veral non governmental comittees for the United Nations, incl 1dmg Amnesty lnt.ernational

Oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) Blade Tribune (Cir. D. 29,089) (Cir. S. 30,498)

OCT 1 O1985

McClain Cahforma Western School of Law, 350 Cedar St., San Diego. Speakers are lo lnclude Ernie Gross, Kathryn Ashworth, Jan Shirley, H1ta Hanscom, Marshall Hockett, Lynn Underwood and Brian Monaghan. • • • &m Diego Trial Lawyurs Asso- ciation i~ hostlllg a limited·seaLml,( seminar on "Improving Com- munications Effectivenelis," 8 11.m.-noon at USO Law School, Joooph P. Grace Courtroom Supe- rior Court Judge James Malkus will give his pert1pecuve from the bench, Jury Commi,11,,oner Geraldine St('venis II viPw from the jury b.ix; 11ltom ,•ys James Milliken a11d Milto .. Silverman idt!aS ou s..lling a case to Judge und JUC) , and CheryI Carroll pret1Cnts a video workshop. • • • The State Bar of California ne.,cb mi,1ubers for its new Con• sortiwn on Lawyering Perfor- manctl aud Education. Applica- tion deadline is Oct. 15. Write to Dana Simmons, Office of Profes-

..Allen'• P. c. B

1 , r. 1888

- BAROQUE ENSEMBLE: The Univ~.sil.uJf San Dieg~ers the Schuster Baroque Ensemble playmg instruments of !tic period on Oct. 31 In formation: 260-4714. ;;2'1.57 /

San Diego, CA (Son Diego Co .) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,32-41 (Cir. S. 339,7881 OCTl 1836 .,A.[k,. 's P. C. B br. 1888

r2 Superior Court judges~ appointed ~s By a staff writer d' SACRAMENTO - Gov. Deuk- mejian has filled two San Diego Su- perior Court vacancies with the ap- pomtments of Municipal Court judg- es Franklin J . Mitchell Jr. and J. Richard Haden. Mitchell, 48, of Vista, and Haden, 40, of San Diego, were appointed to the bench by Deukmejian in 1983, and now both have been elevated by him. Mitchell replaces Judge Alfred Lord, who retired. Mitchell is a for- mer attorney for the California Farm Bureau Federation Insurance Companies and a partner in a San Luis Obispo ficm before that. Mitchell received his bachelor's degree from San Francisco State University and his law degree from Hastings College of the Law. Haden replaces Presiding Justice Daniel Kremer, who was elevated to a seat on the Fourth District Court of Appeal. Haden served during Deuk- mejian's term as attorney general as a deputy, and before that was a law clerk and assistant project coordina- tor for the San Diego County district attorney. He holds the rank of commander in the Naval Reserve and is a Viet- nam veteran. He earned his bache- lor's degree from California State University, Long Beach, and his law degree from the University of San Diego. ---

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

OCTl 11&

OCTl 11986

.) //,.n 's P. C. B. far 1888 /Kenneth~lanchd, co-author of the 1983 er "The One- Minute M , will speak nt 6:30 p.m. Oct. 18 at USD on how to apply the one-mi'nu~ manager concept. A wine and cheese recep- tion will precede the seminar at 6. Registration is $15 for the talk for $40 for the three-seminar series that will feature Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz, author of "The Super• woman Syndrome" and Morton Shaevitz discussing men's responses to superwomen on Oct. 24, and Carl Karcher, founder of Carl's Jr. Restaurants, discussing how he parlayed his $326 hot dog stand into the largest privately owned restaurant chain in the U.S., on Nov. 18. ---==-~•__;•c.....•;;__~----~

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P. C. B. fa r 1888 M11D1c1p~~~dge Rich- ard Haden,~~elevated to the Superior Court by Gov. George Deukmejian, filling a seat vacated when Judge Daniel Kremer was appointed to the Fourth District Court of Appeal. Haden was ap- pointed to the bench in 1983 by Deukmejian, after being a deputy state attorney general for eight years. He is a former county pro- secutors' law clerk and earned his law degree fromjJSD !!} 1974. A ,Continued on Pagt 6A! (Continued fr~ Page lJ,I Superior Court 1 .hrdowihearns $77,129ayear. / * * • /

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