News Scrapbook 1985
La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,293)
OCT 3 1985
,Jltltn '• P c B . Pef pie on the Move ' , ~,
W. Roberts Wood
Thomas Sperla
Patrick Dooling
John Brophy
Paul Gr~nber-1' _,,,
Kenneth Thy&erson
man has joined La Jolla advertis- ing and public relations firm Ken-- neth C. Smith as senior vice pres~ dent,ci'irector of marketing and account service. At KCS&A, he will oversee agency accounts including Im- perial Corporation of America; IVAC Corporation; Handyman; orthview Corporation, Hotels Division, and the Nissan Dealers of San Diego County. Gray to speak author Anne Gray, Ph.D., will address the La Jolla Sunrise Rotary Club Oct. 10, 7:30 a.m., at the Colonial Inn. Greenberg Paul Greenberg has been ap- pointed to vice president/cor- porate banking at La Jolla Bank and Trust Company. He will specialize in coor- dinating the bank's full range of corporate baking services for I small. to medium-sized comparues. Prcvrously, Greenberg worked for Bank of America in lendina, financial services and credit administration. He holds a bachelor's degree in. business administration from Washington University in St. Lous and a master's degree in business administration from the University of San Diego. Brophy La Jolla investor John Brophy has been elected as The Century Club's new president and 1986 general chairman of the Shearson Lehman Brothers Andy Williams Speaker and
last four years. Schwartz
Thygerson La Jollan Kenneth J. Thyger- son has joined Imperial Corpora- tion of America as president and chief executive officer where he replaces Matthew J. Shevlin who re igned in June. He came to the aving., and loan holding company from the federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation in Washington, D.C., where he worked as chief executive .i fficer and president. He also served as chief executive officer and pre ident of Freddie Mac from 1982 until the present where he guided the corporation to records in mortgage volume and profitability. Previously. he served as ex- ecutive vice president of Western Feaeral Savings and Loan Association of Colorado and as staff vice president of economics and research at the United States League of Savings Institutions in Chicago . During 1981 and 1982, he served as a member M Presi- dent Reagan's Commission on Hou ng.
and securities marketing with Wall Street firms in the East and California. Hannah La Jollan Lo\lfia A. Hannah has joined the John Burnham and Company Commercial Real Estate Division as an officc/R&D sales and leasing specialist. For the past 10 years, Hannah ha., been a salesperson in the La Jolla office of Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Services. Gene ~- Schw~ bas joined retail marketing staff of Daum/Johnstown American in La Jolla and will be involved primarily in the marketing for sale and lease of retail properties. An exclusive representative of Mrs. Fields Cookies and Gelare Ice Cream, Schwartz joins the company from John Burnham and Company where he was employed as a retail specialist for the Schwartz
Dooling, who joined La Jolla Pacific from Loan America Mor- tgage Corporation where he was a senior lending officer, received his bachelor's degree in business administration from Loyola University in Los Angeles. Sperla Thomas Sperla bas been ap- pointed to vice president/assis- tant manager of the La Jolla Bank and Trust Company. Previously, Sperla was vice president/corporate banking with Bank of San Diego. He earned a degree in finance from San Diego State University before starting his banking career with Bank of America in 1974. La Jollan W. Roberts Wood has Loined Del t-1ar-based Brandlls Investment Counsel Inc. as poi;tfolio manager. Hii duties will include pro- viding service to existing clients as well as expanding the firm's client base. Wood has over 2S years of experience in financial analysis, investment management Woo·d
Open golf
a marine
previously was
February 1986. The Century Club is a group of 70 ,civic-minded local business and professional leaden who serve as the tournament's spon- sor of record who collect monies ticket sales and disburse them to charities. As president, Bro;:by heads an organization with a yearly budget of more than $1 million and generated a record $IS4,SOO in proceeds for local charities in l98S. Brophy was part of a commit- tee that negotiated a three-year contract, with two one-year op- tions, with Shearson Lehman Brothers as the torunament's ma- jor corporate sponsor. Its finan- cial commitment to the tourna- ment is estimated in excess of $2 million a year. Dooling La Jollan Patrick C. Dooling has been appointed business development officer at La Jolla Pacific SaVings Banlc. He will manage the bank's marketing program, specializing in fixed- rate and adjustable residential mortgages.
biologist. He holds a bachelor's degree in marine biology and a master's degree in business administration with emphasis on finance from the University of San Diego. Carpowich Peggy Carpowich bas joined Lankford & Associates in Univer-· sity City as assistant project coor- dinator for Regents Square 11, an eight-story office building set to begin construction soon.
From Chiat/Day Advertising in Los Angeles, Stuan M. Hard-
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D 217,324) (Cir. S. 339,788)
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)
OCT 6 1985
P. C. B
OCT 4 1985
Son Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,324) (Cir. S. 339,7881
,Jlfl,.n '• P. c. B
OCT 6 1985
P. C. B
far 1888
,/ _C~nstruction has begun on the $ 9 n:11lhon student center at the Uniy..ei::., s1ty of San Diego._ The two-story bmld1rtrwm provide for 74 000 s~uare feet of space for student ~er- v1ce~ and recreation, including ad- ~m1strat1 ve offices, lounges, meet- mg roo~s'. a 400-seat dining room an~ fac1ht1es for publication of th university's newspaper. Architect: Mosher/Drew I Watson /Ferguson de- signed the project and Trepte Con- struct10n Co. is the general contrac- ~or. Construction will be cg~leted mOctober of 1986. ~q~:7i
;::z_q5'3 Alcora
A/com-Howe Laura Anne Howe and Gregory Charles Alcorn were married at Pornt Loma Presbyterian Church on Aug. 10. The bride, who received de- grees from UC Davis and UC San Fr~nci~o, is a law student at the Umvers1ty of San Diego Sclrool of Law. She is the daughter of Gerald an_d Elsie Howe of San Diego. The bndegroom, son of James and Judy Alcorn of Del Mar, is a graduate of the University of Utah. He also is a aw student at the USO School of aw. ----
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