News Scrapbook 1982-1984
Update Breakfast Seminars- Brcakfa,1 ,emi- nars_ for business_ profes;ionals ,pon,ored by Uni- versuy of San Diego are held at two locm ions on Fri . mornings, 7:30-9, thru Apr. 22. At the Uni- ~ersuy C_lub, 1333 Seventh Ave . : Apr. 1, Toughernng Up 111 a Turbu lent Economy." by Fred Bahr. Apr. 8, ··Me and My Micro,.. by Eugen.~ Rath;wohl. Apr. 15, ··up Your Produc- t1v11y , by Robert John,on . Apr. 22, '"Manage- ment of lnnova1ion and Technology, .. by Gary Whuney . At La Jolla Village Inn: Apr. 1. '"Mc and My M,~ro, .. by Eugene Rath,wohl. "'Profiles of s.~cces;lul ,".1anagcrs." by Tom Baker. Apr. 15, How to Ieach Your Subordinate, 10 Love the Job They May Hate. •• by Jame, Evan, Apr. 22. "'The Ari of Managing People,.. by PJ 11 ll,p
Orwell: The Road to 1984-USD lecture series explore!-. the work of George Orwell and the au- thor\, intention.., from a hu111a111t1e!-. per!-.pecl1ve. Tue,. morning, 11 :45- 1:15. Apr. 12: ·•win,ton and Julia:· Apr. 19: ··Orwell and Gandhi ." Apr. 26: ··Big llrother and Beyond: The Prospects for Democrac) in the Post-I 984 era... Camino Hall 150. USD .
Mctcpcc: The Tree or Life-A coUection or ccrum1c expre,,100, of a i..ingle Mexican t wn, from private and mu,eum collect1ons, 1c., on exhibit at uso·, Founders Gallery AJfr. 22-June 10. Opening reception Apr 21, 7-9 Wee_kday, noon 11 1 9 Wed. Universtty of an Diego, Alcala P~rk 29 I 6480.
Once Upon A Mattress- Musical lark base~, ~n the fairy tale of " The Princess and_ the Pea is presented by Univer ity of San Diego Theatre Apr. 14-17. Thur.-Sat. al 8, Sun. at 2:30. In Camino Theatre, USD. Tickets at the door. Info. 291-6480.
1 Hunsaker. Registration & info: 293-4585.
Kings, Bishops, Knights and Pawns? The Polit- ical Morality of Peace and War-A breakfa,t seminar i..erie'i for business executives. sp<.m~ored by the University of San Diego and presented by MaJor General Anthony Moore. USMC (Ret. ). takes place Fri. morning, 7:30-9. Apr. I: " Lead- ership Roles and Mechani'ims to Preserve Peace and Diffuse Confrontation ., Apr. 8: ··ctassifica- ti on of Confl,ct and War Waging Force,." Apr. 15: "War and Peace-Issues of Prevention and Pre,ervaiion." Apr. 22: "Option, and Possi- ble Solution 1. Promoting International Stability.,. Info: 293-4585.
DAILY TRANSCRIPT APR 1 1983 * - --~---.- USD is sponsoring an Unem- ployment Fair on campus from 10 m. to 3 p.m. April 30. Workshops will each hour covering dif• ferent topics. Employment coun- sel r.s, social service agencies and educational outlets will be reprc ented. - -~----~-
APR l 1983 ~~-------------,....,-- · NAGARE" (University or San Diego, Alea rk Fi under• Gal- ery in Founders Hall), Evolution of the Japanese wood-block print. aJlery 1s open from noon to 9 p.m. Wednesday and noon to 5 p.m, ,---~-~
University of San Diego's offer Kings, Bishops, Knights ... and Pawns? The Political Morality of Peace and War, Fri- day mornings 7:30-9:00, through April 22.
IT'S NOT TOO EARLY to think about getting those required courses in during the summer term. USD will offer more than 100 courses beginning June l that can be taken for either under graduate or graduate credit in the schools of arts and sciences, education, business administration, nursing and law.
San Diego, l
Found rt Gallery· University of San Diego. Weekday,, noon to S p.m, Wednesd.lys to 9 p.m.
Students -extend a helping hand
Know a senior who needs some light housework done? The city of San Diego's Sen- ior Citizen Service Center is coordinating a helping-hand weekend later this month. {;SD students are volun- teering their time to help older adults around their homes, doing light chores such as gardening. Heavy work and specialized jobs such as painting are not in- cluded in the effort. The center is also coordinating a program in which seniors who need carpentry work • can get it done without labor costs. For information on either program, call the center at 236-5765.
Wednesday, April 6, 1983
• A6
Free USD seminar explores law
"Effective Felony De- fense" 1s the topic of a special three-session advanced education program for practicing criminal defense law- yers offered by the Uni- versity of San Diego Law Center Se,sions \\ill be held from 6 to 9 p.m., April 21. !\lay 12, and June 9 in the Grace Courtroom, School of Law, at USD
off Linda Vista Road There is no charge for admission, but a nomin· al fee will be assessed to cover costs of program materials. Because of limited seating, only the first 100 registrants will be admitted. Each session will be designed around hypo- thetical cases, sent by mail to participants in advance of the session.
Format of the sessions calls for lecture-demon- strations by "some of the finest defense attor- neys from within and without San Diego County," according to Sheldon Krantz. law dean. A one-hour work- shop during which iss· ues will be discussed and participants \\ill practice skills outlined in the lecture and a half-
hour wrap-up, are also scheduled. Attendance at all three sessions will satis- fy educational require- ments of the Office of Defender Sen ices. All programs \\ 111 be vidf'O· taped and arn!lablr for review by the "defense bar. Call Rick Barron at 291-6480, Ext 4:l94 for de- tails.
LA JOLLA UGHT APR 7 1983 University of San D1~1,0 - "Arbo) de la Vida: The Ceramics of Metepec" is an exhibit depicting the artistic history of the ceramics of Metepec, Mexico. It opeos April 14 with a fiesta from 7 to 9 p.m. and runs through June 15. Alcala Park, San Diego. 291-6480.
Unemployment program slated The All Hallows/
APR 6 1983 USD to host employment fair
associate director of the 1 Permanent Deacon Pro- gram and academic dean of St. Francis Seminary, San Diego Catholic Diocese. The Job Program of.
day and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. A job board is maintain-
Mary, Star of the Sea Job Program invites the unemployed of the neighborhoods of these churches to a program on Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the All Hallows Parish Center.
ed. Employers with openings are asked to call and post the jobs.
In answer to many in- quiries on how to deal with the problems of the unemployed, the University of San Diego will offer an Unemploy- ment Fair on the cam- pus April 30. Work- sh ops, employment counselors, social ser- vice agencies and var- ious educational outlets will be represented at
the IO a.m. to 3 p.m. ev- ent. Unemployed persons regardless of age, race, creed or skills are in- vited to the USD patio west of the Immaculata. In case of rain, the ses- sions will be moved to Serra Hall on campus There is no admission. Workshops will run on the hour so participants
may attend at least two, possibly three. Topics include Writ- ing and Updating Re- sumes, A Winning App- roach lo Interviews, Dress for Success, How to Establish a Coun-
Your Debts, Crisis Time: Uility Bills. etc. and Promoting Family Communication in · Times of Stress . Call 291-6480 e:1.t. 42!J6 for details.
fice at All Hallows is open Monday, Wednes- "Determining your --------- Basic Interests and How
to Deal With Change" are the topics to be ad- dressed by Brother
seling Group for the L"n· ,-----..._____ __J employed at the Parish
"Arbol de la Vida: The Ceramics of Metepec," an exhibit of works on the Mexican Tree-of-Life theme, will open with a fiesta Thursday, April 14, 7 p.m. and re- main on view through June 10, Founders Gallery, USO. 291-6480.
Level. Gaining Employ- ment Through Career Change, Ho,, to Manage
Thomas Kane, Brother Kane
DAILY CALIFORNIAN APR 9 1983 USD production -
USO Gallery Hosts Ceramics Exhibition SAN DIEGO - "Arbo! de Monico Soteno. la Vida, The Ceramics of Historic and contempo- Metepec" will be on view at rary pieces, as well as the University of San Diego audio-visual presentations, Founders Gallery and opens will guide the gallery visitor witb a "fiesta" from 7 to 9 through the stylistic and p.m. on April 14. iconographic changes in the The exhibition will be open art of Metepec. to the public through June 15 Whitcomb explains, "This on weekdays from noon to 5 unique folk art show p.m. and on Wednesdays ·encompasses the technical, from noon to 9 p.m. For ethnographic, and economic information call 291-6480. aspects of the art of a single "The Ceramics of town. Even more important, Metepec" depicts the it considers these objects as artistic history of the ceram- art, not artifacts." ics of Metepec, known for its Sponsored through the complex trees of life, and generosity of Mr. and Mrs. traces the evolution of the John McBridge Thornton, tree of life. the exhibition is curated by "These 'arboles', accord- Linda McAlister and was ing to gallery director designed by USD students. A Therese Whitcomb, "are a catalogue will be available. universally recognized Director Therese Whit- example of Mexican folk comb hopes to continue the art." Featured in the exhib- support of cultural ition is the work of exchange between Mexico Metepec's master P.Qtter and the United States.
La Joi/an to perform leading role
"Once Upon a · Mattress," will be performed by Univer- sity of San Diego (USO) students and alumni at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 14, through Sunday, April 17, in Camino Theater on the USO campus. A Sunday matinee will be at 2:30 p.m. Tickets cost $2, $3 and $4. Tickets will be available at the door.
Amy Wayne of La Jolla, a freshman at the University of San Diego, will play the lead in the school's annual musical pro- duction beginning Thursday, April 14. The La Jollan, who is study- ing piano, will appear in "Once Upon a Mattress" as Princess Winnifred. Wayne who is a recent reci- pient of the Sister Rossi Award, al o \\>ill appear a\ a guest soloist with the USD Symphony Or- che tra May I. Proceeds from the concert will be d1recled to the umverstty 's music department.
USD Offers Unemployment Fair On Campus April 30 The University of San Diego will offer an Unemployment Fair on the campus April 30, featuring work- shops, employment counselors socia service agencies and educ~tional bodies counseling people facing un• employment. Subjects include preparation oi resumes; job interviews; debt man- agement; family communications in time of stress, and establishing a counselrng group at the parish level.
Amy Wayne
Mendelssohn Concerto in G. Minor. The concert takes place in Camino Theater at 4 p.m.
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