News Scrapbook 1982-1984
Topic Is urvival Of Whale DIEGO - Survival Qf the gray whale 1s the topic of a presentation sponsored by Umversity of San Diego School of Law International I aw Society Feb 14. 'I he presentation will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. m GI ce Courtroom, More }fall. 1 he public is invited free of charge; for informa- tiou cull 291 &180, ext. 4806. USD vis1tm~ professor and consultant to the Mex- ican/US. Institute Jorge Vargas will disc•1s~ the "Mexical Legal Framework Applicable to the urYJval of the Gray Whale." Aslide presentation will depict the history and character of the gray whall' mcluding their migration, breeding and birthing cycles. Vargas will outline the legal apparatus effected by th lexican government to p1otect the brteding of ,;ray whales off Baja, California. laude from M • ico's National Umversi- ty, attended Brown Umver- ~ity orientation program in ,1me1 ican law and recei cd an LL.M. from Yale L~w School oreign Graduate Program and is a cand1 ·e for the J .S.D. degree ,rom tlwt rn titution. Vargas also holds a v, ii· mg research fellowship, Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of C.illfornia, San Die~o and is director of internatl()nal re- lnlions, Center for Economic and Social Studies of the Third World, Mexico ~tty. Vargas was graduated summa cum
1983 f ....,;:...-,_______
THE SURVIVAL of the gray whale will be the· of a free talk Monday, Feb. 14 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Grace Courtroom of More Hall at the University of San Diego. USD visiting professor and consultant to the Mexican· U.S. Law Institute, Jorge Vargas, will discuss "Mexi· can· Legal Framework Applicable to the Survival of the Gray Whale." A slide show depicting the history and character of the whale will be included. The program is sponsored by the USD School of Law Inter- national Law Society. The public is invited. Call 291-6480 Ext. 4806 for details. .... -1-
'Women and Issues' seminar set to begin Feb. 17 at USD "From Rags to Riches: How Hebrai~ Women Lost Thei_r Rights" will be the topic of the first m a senes of semi- nars Feb. 17 in DeSales Hall Board Room at USD. Dr: Ita Sheres, professor of comparative literature at San Diego State University, will speak. . . . " The seminar will include six d1scuss10ns of Women and Issues" sponsored by USD's Continuing Educat10n m cooperation with the San Diego County Ecumen~cal Con- ference and the National Conference of Chnst1ans and Jews. . . 1 d Registration for the seminar is $10, which me es n:ia- terials and a continental breakfast. Advance reg1st~ation may be made by calling 293-4585. The semmar will be from 7:30 to 9 a.m. The remaining five seminars are: . ?" • "Psychotherapy: Promise, Powe~-Base or Pit. - Dr. Ina Weitzman and Dr. Mara Jo Grimes, Feb. 24. . • "Midlife: ATime of Celebration?" - ~r. Irene F!ne, director, Women's Institute for Continumg Education, March 3. . M tt ,. • "Sexual Harassment ls Not a Laughmg a er - Dr. Johanna Hunsaker, assistant professor of manage- ment USD School of Business Administration, March 17. • •1 Mother Tongue: Faith and Sexism" - the Rev. ~~r- garet Suiter, pastor of Lutheran Church of the Reconc1ha- tion, March 24. . Further information may be obtamed at USD.
Today - A chamber music con- cert will be presented at 12:15 p.m. in the French Parlor, Founders Hall, University of San Diego. Works by Haydn and Telemann will be per- formed. 1
Sent ind
Wednesday, February 9, 1983
Justice in America is focus of free
Is our criminal justice system consistent with the U.S. Constitution? Alex Landon, execu· tive director of Defen- ders Incorporated in San Diego says he'd like to think so, "because
t1ms." Landon and Huffman will discuss "The J us· tice System and the Constitution" in a free public forum scheduled for 8·10 p.m. Wednes· day, Feb. 16 in the USD School of Law Court· room. Sponsored by UCSD Extension, the USD School of Law and the UCSD Dept. of History, the forum is the third in
those are the rules we follow. Although there are many mterpretat· ions, the Constitution provides guidelines for our criminal justice sys· tern." Richard Huffman, San Diego County's ass· istant district attorney, believes the criminal justice system is consis· tent with the Constitut· ion "in so far as it pro· tects th,., rights of vie·
a four-part series titled "\\ e the People· The Viability of the Constit- ution in the 1980s." Landon is a prominent attorney and the reci· pient of several awards, including the 1981 Civil Libertarian Award from the San Diego Chapter of the ACLU, the 1981 Volunteers in Parole Distinguished Service Award, and a 1981 USO School of Law Distin·
special assistant U.S. Attorney, in which cap· acity he prosecuted or· ganized crime figures and participated in fed· eral grand jury investi· gations. In the free public for· um, they will discuss several aspects of the criminal justice system, including the exclusion• ary rule. The moderator for the forum will be Bernard
guished Alumni Award ln addition lo his work at Defenders Inc., he is a counselor at the ACLU Legal Clinic, and the Military Law Clinic in San Diego. Huffman was former· ly a state deputy attorn- ey general in charge of the Attorney General's Organized Crime Unit and Specialized Prose· cution Section for South- ern California, and a
FEB 1 0 1983
FEB, 11
"Mexican Legal Framework Applicable to the Sun ival of the Grav Whale:' a slide-dhi,tr,ire BLADE TRIBUNE FEB 1 O 1983 • BLADE TRIBUNE FE8 l O 1983 l PUBLIC FORUM - "WE- THE PEOPLE: THE VITALITY OF THE CONSTITUTION IN THE 1980s" - sponsored by UCSD Extension in conjunction with USD School of Law. 8-10 p.m. Admission free. Feb. 16: "The Justice System and the Constitution ... Is Our Criminal Justice System Consistent with the Con- stitution?" USD School of Law, Grace Courtroom Feb. 23: "Economics and the Constitution ... Should the Constitution be amended to Require a Balanced Budget?" Room 2100 UCSD School of Medicine. Information: 291-6480. Wood-Block Show Opening Reception Planned Tonight :.SA.1\' DIEGO - "Nagare THE TRIBUNE San Diego, Thursday, February 10, 1983 DATEBOOK San Diego Museum of Art as part of a cooperative, edu- cational venture between the two institutions. According to USD Gallery Director Therese Whitcomb, "Nagare" follows the devel- opment of the Japanese wood-block print from its beginning association with Iwasa Matabei (1578-1650) through artists of the 19th century." Included in the exhibition are wood blocks, a rare preparatory drawing by Hokusai (1760-1849) and tools instrumental in the execu- tion of the techdnique. "Nagare" was designed and installed by USD students. - Evolution of the Japanese \\'ood-Block Print," will be exhibited at the University of San Diego Foundtrs 11llery from Feb. 11 to March 17. -t,.n opening reception will be held from 7-9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 10. Founders Gallery is open ffee of charge to the public on weekdays from noon to 5 p.m. and on Wednesdays from noon to 9 p.m. For information call 291-6480. The exh1b1t10n, selected by Sung Yu of the San Diego Museum of Art, is on loan from that museum and kindred works will be exhib- ited simultaneously at the The survival of the gray whale will be the topic of a free presentation sponsored by the International Law ociety of the University of an Diego School of Law rom 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. onday in More Hall's Grace Courtroom on the campus. For information, call 291-6480, extens10n 4806 BLADE TR IBUNE FEi 1 O 1983 READER FEB 1 o 1983 Gallen~--; Exhibition Features Wood-Block Prints .In order to. show the development of the Japanese 11,ood-block prmt, Founders' Gallery will host an exhib- A 1t10n selected by Sung Yu of the San Diego Museum of rt. . The works. _on lo~n from the San Diego Museum of Art will be exh1b1te~ s1multaneously with kindred works at tb@tt musehum 111 a. cooperative, educational venture e ween t e two mshtutions. In Japan the prints came out of a school of painting called Ukiroye - ."Pictures of the Floating World " Its begm~m~ is_ associated with Iwasa Matabei u 578 _ 1650 ) Untd his time pam11~g. just as it was in the West, w~s mostly devoted t? rehg1on and the enrichment of temples ~\t~e~e:e~o1t~1otn of palaces, with appropriate subject · a. a et urned from the conventional subject matterhof ,~1s day and presented genre subjects which v.ere s OC,ung_ but appreciated by his generation. ,Jal)anese prmts were made by first drawing the desi n on !Ju 1 taper, then the engraver pasted it face downwa~ on a at block of wood (usually cherry) scraped th paar away at the back until the design sh'owed clear!/ ~nk dcu 1 t aw~y the wood in the areas that were not to be 111 e., eavmg the design raised. h. This block was printed in black, and the artist filled in is color ~Y hand. Later, when color was printed rather :~n applied by hand, other blocks were made raised in ~i::d ~f Ji 5 ti7eh;~for~ 0 !~r k:e~s J!~rf!mR~ste was ":he mst~nt pictures could be made so cheag.l th Ukiyoye pnnts m Japan were available to a Jarge~~blice a phuch la~ger pubhc than could ever own paintings ' \'ed e~e prmrts kcame at a time when the Japanese capital o. now o yo I and the old capital of Kyoto were :eermg.dTheyd were reflections of the popular taste and as 1ons . eca e after decade. They were frowned by the criti~s of the day_; but they were made by so~ro~ the btest adrtrsts. Along !me of artists is now famous for its Prm s an scarcely known for its paintings. i ~mong ~hose famous artists whose works are included £:he exh1b1tton are Ippitsusai Buncho (active 1765-1775) agawa Utamora (1753-1806), Katsushika H k ! n7e0-1~91, Utagawa Hiroshigi (1797. 1853 ) 0 Tus~! ~omKtsu.11787-1~, Nichimuyra Shigenaga (1697-17~1 Ik / Eory usa1(a.1160-1890), Igusa Kuniyoshi 0797 _1861 i' ,,,e a izen (1790-1_848), Isunado Kunisada 0786-1864) and .,..agawa Toyokum li69-1825J. • an!~1 bl_ocks, a rare preparatory drawing by Hokusai oo s mstrumental m the execution of the te hn' w 11 a so lie exhibited. c 1que Jte tsexhibllio_n i_s installed and designed by USD s en tn Exh1b1tion Design The Gall ill noon to frve weekdays, and W~dnesday ~znwt open o rune. "Na~arc:' an exh 1 hitiun of Japanese wood-block pnms, wilt open w11h a reception, Thu1d<1y, February 10, 7 to 9 p.m., an,l will remain on view through March 17, Founder,Gallcr ·, USO. 291-6480. DAILY CALIFORNIAN fES 1 l 19il WHALE SURVIVAlJThe survival of the California Gray Whale will be discussed from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, in Grace Courtroom More Hall, at the University of San ' ~iego ~w School, Alcala Park. lJ111vers1ty of San Diego visiting professor and consultant to the Mexican/U.S Law Institute Jorge Vargas will discuss the "Mexican Legal Framework Applicable to the Survival of the Gray Whale, " including a shde presentat10n . Admission is free The public is welcome. For more · rnformation, call 291-6480, Ext. 4806. DAILY CALIFORNIAN FEB 1 l 1983 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/ Alex Landon, executive director of Defenders Incorporated and Richard Huff!1)an, San Diego County's assistant d1str1ct attorney, will discuss "The Ju st ice System and the Constitution" from 8 to_lO p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, m the University of San Diego School of Law Courtroom, Alcala Park Admission is free , The public ·is welcom.,, For more information call 452-3434. ' LOS ANGELES TIMES FEB 1 1 1983 "THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE CONSTITUTION , .. IS OUR CRIMINAL IUSTICE SYSTEM CONSISTENT WITH THE CONSTITUTION?" (Courtroom of the University of San Otego Law School, Alcala Park), Forum will be held from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesda. DAILY CALIFORNIAN • FEB 1 2 1983 Tuesday Russian lecturer - Russian political writer and historian Alexander Yanov will speak at 8 p.m. at the University of San Diego's Salomon Lecture Hall, DeSales Hall. Since being exiled from the Soviet Union in 1974, Yanov has held various positions in universities across the coun- try. Admission is free. For ttetails, call 291-6480. SAN DIEGO UNION • FEB l 3 1983 WINNERS CONCERT - The San Diego District Metropolitan Opera Audition Winners Concert, featuring mezzo soprano Nancy Carol Moore, tenor Glenn Fernandez D'Abreo, baritone Wilham Nolan and contralto Diane Houghton, will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Camino Theater, University of San Diego.
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