News Scrapbook 1982-1984
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Hughes. Bishop Leo Maher was among tnc 1,ues , n Louarn and David Fleet. Val and Jack Frager, Lynn Schenk and Hugh Friedman. Esther and Dr. Edmund Xeeney. and Fran Steber with Bill Spangenberg. (Fran's dress - gray, studded with silver - was the one she wore to President Reagan's Inaugural Ball in Washington.) USD students pitched in to help with the party, too. They parked cars, checked coats, played cocktail music, and staged an after-dinner musicale. ,~~--~-- r:l D ----~~
ruce has worn a tux three nights in a row," grinned Mary Hazard, "and you know he doesn't like that." The third black-tie party for the Hazards - and for many another guest - was the 10th annual President's Club dinner dance Saturday at the University of San Diego. USD president Author Hughes and his wife, Marge, joined Rita and Josiah Neeper (he heads the President's Club Council) m greeting more than 150 university benefactors m the foyer of Founders Hall. From there guests moved into the French Parlor for CO<'ktails and then on to the James S. Copley Library for dinner and dancing. (The President's Club began in 1973 at a dinner party given by Helen and the late Jim Copley.) At cocktail time, an exhibit called "Passionate Detail: Sculpture from the Grand Tour" lured partygoers like the Leo Roans, Happy Redfearn, Nathan Taylor. and the George Vojtkos into the university gallery. (A bronze, ivory and onyx Art Deco figure of Little Egypt, that legendary hootchy-kootchy dancer, is one of the show's treasures.) After dinner, Author Hughes had a few words to ay - including news of a $500,000 gift to the university from Lou and C Ray Harmon of Rancho Santa Fe. That Hughes pointed out equals a 1981 gift from the Douglas Manchester as the largest in the school's history from a private, non-foundatwn source. The Harmons couldn't make the party Saturday night, but the Manchesters were there, along with other patrons of USD like Charlotte and Falck Nielsen. the
The Son OitQO U Ollilloo Redding At the 10th ,mnu;lf President's Club dinner d,mce turdJy: USO pre ident Author Hughes ,md his wife, Jrge, d,ncing Jbove; Anna and Leo Roon, below.
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