News Scrapbook 1981-1982


AUG 1 6 t98a

SENTINEL AUG 1 8 1982 Business


P g 16



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Founder11 Gallery James Rocha: Recent Work will be on display through Sept. 7. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. through Fri. and Wednesdays to 9 p.m., University of San Diego.

USO scores

.USD on the right·trackwith $500,000 expansion project


SAN DIEGO UNION AUG 1 5 1982 Colleges

which allowed Dunphy crews to begin the initial construction work before the final building design was approved. "Dunphy was able to condense a normal 12-month construction period into six months so the building would be ready for the fall semester," said Dr. Author Hughes, president of the univer· sity. Jonathan Tibbitts was the project manager for Dunphy. Al Bores supervised the construct- ion for the university. Dunphy Construction Com- pany is a longtime San Diego general contractot, developer and construction manager.

The building contains a pre· engineered structutal steel frame which is integrated with the first-floor mezzanine frame designed by Engineering Alliance. The standing seam metal panel roof has edges turned at 360 degrees and overlapped to form a watertight seal at the joints. The design and stucco exterior matches the architecture of the surrounding buildings on campus. According to Dean Dunphy, president of Dunphy Con- struction Company, the ex- tension was built under a "fast- track" design-build contract

"Fast-track" construction of a two-story, $500,000 building that will provide added office space for the University of San Diego has been completed by Dunphy Construction Company. The 9,600·square-footbuilding, built to accommodate expanded programs and meet the need for more office space, is an ex- tension of the university's post office and book store complex.

AUG 1 2 1982

Foundera Gallery: James Rocha: Recent Work, through Sept 7 University of San Diego. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m to 4 p.m., Wednesdays to 9 p m

and they need six to nine units of science before taking the courses," he said. "Athlete may take advantage of this, b t th y haven't yet." D tudenb can apply four unit of phy 1cnl education - that is, recrca- 11onal sports cla es - to the 128 units needed to graduate, which is a far cry from most most other universities. And that sports cla. s limit applies to athletes a well. If there are till doubters. one USO sports ,ourcc offered this bit of r a oning. "The ne"' program won' make much difference to the port department. 1 he only way administra- tor ot the program "'as to make 1 aca lcm1c. It' purely cience and 1 \l.on't have any serious impact on u





m· mtamcd. The irony ot the announcement was that 1t came day before the niversity of San hanc1sco (USf) reported that it would eliminate its baskethall program bee u,e of candal :ind corruption. USf hke USI , a university with 1thohc root , and, al o like U. D, a m mher of the D1vi-,1on I West Coa~t Athletil" unfercncc (W A ) was fac d with three yc.irs of probation be au of recruiting ,rnd scholarship ,10la1wn Rather than face the rcnaltie • which include hminntmn of re, nue because telev1 ion contracts were canceled, USf pre 1dent Rev. JOH l 0. CHI VO pull d the plu on the ,I ket ba II pro- gr m. (Inter tingly. I o h1avo' move ould h viewed nothin a le s than nlhant. II n t only made points nd g nerate

USD Founders Gallery- r Rocha. 1hru Sept. 7 Mon.-Fri. 9-4. Universily of San Diego. Alcala Parle Paintings by James


AUG 19

Paintings by Jame, Rocha, paint- ing mstruccor at the University of S.111 Diego. will he on exhibit through September 7 founJers G,,lkry, USD. 291 64~0 x4296


Page 12, Busmess News, August 23, 1982 illl,/;F· : .• • COFFEE BREAK byH.A. Rold Beyond Sex Roles author Alice Sargent is the scheduled speaker for the Aug. 25 meeting of the American Society for Training and Developl'l,ent. She'll be focusing on the com- petencies women need to learn in order to be effective managers. fems, phone 563-7292. From a newspaper: "Tourist and convention visitors are anxious to have the wildest possi- ble choice of places to spend their leisure time." Ad Basics, a onM!ay seminar, is scheduled for Oct. 5 in Mission Valley. It's designed for the businessperson who does his/her own adver- tising and needs a crash course on the fun- damentals. For info, call 565-2635. Did you bear about the psychologist who trained his large dog to eat when the bell rang? The dog ate the Avon lady. , A series of nine breakfast ~eminars, sponsored by University of San Diego's Business Ad- m1mstrat1on and Continumg Education Department, will bcgm (kt. I. for the full program, call 2931_58_5_.____

AUG 2 2 1982

• • •


Founder • Gallery: James Rocha: Recent Work, through Sept. 7. University of San Diego. Monday- Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesdays to 9 p.m.

SAN DIEGO CLIPPING SERVICE SAN DIEGO UNION AUG 2 v • o" 1962-83 TORERO BASKETBALL SLATE Hri. n - Univenltv rJ A1>er1o; 11 - At Fo-c•· l9 - 'lclr1tlern ArlIOM. De(. 2 - ct U.C. l'Wlt: S - SI. ThOm05 CdleQe: 6- Ooaie; 9- at Son llieOO 51c1t 11 - gt lor,v Beoch ~; 21- Texas Tod!; 11-19 - at Bio 8kJe Cllmic l\lSD, Texas Omttan, Idaho Sltll!, U1lil Jan. 4- ().kt,omo o,,~; I - at Ne'IO- do-Reno· 13 - eer-; io - ,., INrfr. n - clcio; 11 - LO'/olo Mo"/!ll(Ut1; 2'I - ~tine Ftb. 3- at GonlollO: S - al ~; 10 - 17 - Port1Cnt 19 - GorlmlJr, ,, - at :io-otlovolaMO'VmM1 4- al lcr!la Oro; S - al SI lkr(r, 10 -Open. IIOffle lllllf' 1tetm II 1:31 ,.m. • d lllaledolAkaal'Grt,USOCll'IIIII'-


AUG 2 6 J\lfl2


Paintings hy James Rocha, paint- ing instructor at the University of San Diego, will be on exhibit through September 7, FounJer; Galler,. USD. 291-6480 x4296.

G llery: James found•" thro·Jgh Rocha: ~~~:;slty of San rnego. Sept. 7 - . 1oam.to4Pm_., Monday-Friday, · Wednesdays to 9 p.m.- -----~ 1 •work

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