News Scrapbook 1980



JUN 4.


THREE DAY-LONG WORKSHOPS designed for business executives and managers, sponsored by the University of San Diego School of Business will be conducted from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. June 17, 24 and July 1 at the Hilton Hotel. "Managing Stress In your Organization" on June 17 will discuss skills needed to control levels of tension, and ways to effectively deal with stress. The June 24 workshop, entitled "Making Groups Pr_oductive:• will discuss improving interpersonal skills to build team work by increasing awareness of group dynamics and training techniques. 1:he ~al workshop, "Taking the Mystery Out of Affrrmative Action" is designed for personnel professionals, managers and business owners who need to know how to hire an effective workforce wi~hin- affirmative action and equal opportunity obJecbves and rules. Each workshop costs $75, which includes course materials, lunch and coffee. Two or more persons cost $60 per person. For information, phone 293- 4585.

1.m 4 1980 Area graduates from USO


ted " paintin

Solana Beach, received her bachelor's in nursing. She graduated magna cum laude and was initiated into Kappa Gamma Pi, the women's honor soci- ety. Theodore Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, addressed the graduates. The Rev.



bachelor's science.

administration. Michelle Wilson, from Solana Beach, received her bachelor's in business administration. Hassan Ahmad, from CardHf., received his bachelor's in business administration. Barbara Schnier, from Encinitas, received her

Seven San Dieguito res- idents were among the 574 students who receiv• bachelor's and masters degrees from the Univer- sity of San Diego during 1980 commeq,cement ex- ercises, held Sunday, May 25. Kirkpatrick, from Cardiff, received his bachelor's in business Roger

"The West Il\ustra d bronzes by Neil Boyle, '

will be

t the University of San



Jeffry Singletary, from Solana Beach, received his bachelor's in business administration. Stuart Putnam, from Rancho Santa Fe, re- ceived his bachelor's in business administration. Barbara O'Brien, from


in Alcala





's Founders G ery •

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Park through Sept. e open'tro 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. .




- Thursday,JuneS,1980


25 graduate from USD South Bay residents earn degrees, honors Marla Palomino from Imperial Beach received a degree in psychology. From Chula Vista were Edward Bondy, They are are John business admin-

Chula Vista was among the 1,972 graduates of Northern Arizona University's 1980 commencement. He received a bachelor's degree from the Flagstaff institution. completing studies in the school of education at California State University, Fresno, Diane Szydelko of Chula Vista, attended ·the formal graduation ceremonies. She received her bachelor's degree and certificate in education last December and has been teaching at Morena Valley Unified School District in Riverside since M.arch of this year. .... * George Castro Leal, son of Dr. and Mrs. Jorge F. Leal of Chula Vista, was graduated from the University of San Francisco School of Law. He attended St. Augustine's High School and was graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in economics. Washington, D.C., as legislative assistant to Sen. Daniel Riegle of Michigan. Leal will be employed in the anti- trust division of thepDepartment of Justice, Washingto'n, D.C. • • * Twenty five South Bay residents were among the students bachelors degrees at Uni\l'ersity of San Diego. • * * After receiving

Franc~ Caponio, 492 Bonito Ave.; Gary Gene Gallagher, 1456 Dela ware; Patrick Thomas Gruber, 123 Calla Ave.; and Gary Allan Phelps, 920 16th St. •• * A bachelor's degree in nursing has been earned by Kimberly Ann Sullivan, grand- daughter of Margaret Sullivan of Chula Vista. Two Chula Vista residents have graduated from Con- cordia College at Seward, Neb. They are Laurie Ritter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Ritter, and Jack Bagwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bagwell. Both received education degrees and Lutheran teacher diplomas. ... *

Richard Patrick Crowe, 1925 Otay Lakes Rd.; Laverne Eugene Decker, 1322 Valencia Loop; - Richard Blaine Esquibel, 1151 4th Ave.; Robert D. Ford, 1338 Calle Santiago; Laurence Michael. Lerma, 863 Durward; Kenneth Gene Rivard, 1581 Connoley Ave.; and Carl Tyrus Zellers II, 1633 Oleander Ave., all of Chula Vista. From Imperial Beach

who plans· to enter banking; Tonita Huey Rowden, also of Chula Vista who plans to be a teacher; and Pamela Eve Hughes of Bonita, who also plans to teach. * *. South Bay residents who have been in degree programs operated by Southern Illinois University at Car- bondale and held at military bases h;:tve received their degrees.

The following South Bay residents have been honored or have earned degrees or other awards. Three San Diego State University graduates have been accepted into the university's Nu Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national higher educaiion honorary society. They are Judith Rose Horger, a Chula Vista High graduate and Chula Vista· resident,

istration; Logsdon, religious studies and psychology; Annette Villalobos, international relations; Janice Gronvold, art; Lawrence Hasvold; business admin- istration; Susana Hernandez Miranda, sociology; and Patricia Mooney, nursing. Other Chula Vista grads are James C. _ Bonlc Ill, accounting; Carlos Camacho, in- ternational relations; Minerva Camarena Salinas, business ad- ministration; Carol Caslllas, English; Mary Castorena, Spanish; and Marla Fernandez, religious studies. B9nita graduates are Paula Oden, Marla Ramirez. and Alma Bustamante, all nurs- ing, and Brian Caine, business economics. Richard

National City graduates are Michael Sandez, political science; Delano Tulao, , business admin- istration; Grace Fra~ces Fernandez Martin, English; Pedro Cartegnea, history; Reuben de Jesus Felizardo, history; Ricardo Garcia, business admin- ist;ration; and Annie Thornton, nursing.

Joyce Ellen Nelson, 5440 Horse Ridge Way, Bonita, was named to the 1980 spring -honor roll at Northeast Missouri State University. She is a sophomore majoring in communications. * "'. Two Chula Vistans were graduated from Central College, Pella, Iowa, as part of a graduating class of 253 bachelor degree recipients. They are David Leslie Booth and Irene Cervantes Her- nandez. .... * Edwin Kai Yee of




1980 -----~

. USD- offers pastoral programs to all SAN DIEGO- The University of San Diego's Continuing Education division will again offer a series of summer religious institutes for priests, sisters and laypersons, pctrticularly religious education instructors.

23-27), creation-centered spirituality (July 7-11), and the theological dimensions of worship, social and political activity (July 21-25). Most of the four-day programs cost $120 and offer two units of continuing education credit for CCD teachers in the diocese. A LIMITED number of rooms are available for those who enroll and wish to stay on the campus during a program. The first program, "Women in Ministry," will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 9-13 in Salomon Lecture Hall in DeSales Hall on the campus. Included is a 7 to 9 p.m. session June 12 on "Women's Journeys in Churches and Synagogues," which is open to nonregistrants at a cost of $5 per person. Further information about this and all other programs of the series is available from the USO Continuing Education Office, 293-4585.

Speakers· for the eight-program series, "Pastoring to Today's Christian Community," are representatives of some of the finest thinkers in their respective fields, said Malachi Rafferty, USO continuing education director. THE SERIES deals with such topics as women's role in ministry (June 9-13), management skills in a church setting (June 14), parish involvement in Christian initiation (June 16-20) contemporary developments in the theology of Christ and Christian eschatology- theology of the ultimate, such as death, judgment, heaven and hell - (June 16-20). Other topics include ·the authority of the church (June 23-27), family ministry and catechesis in the parish (June

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