News Scrapbook 1980


SENIORS SEEKING INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION are urged to register in the University ofSan Diego's University of the Third Age. Patterned after an experimental program at the University of Toulouse in France, USO has been spon- soring this successful program for the past two years. Appli- cations for the six-week session, July 15 through August 20, are now being accepted. Tuition costs are $55 with some financial aid available. Because of limited enrollment, advance application is advised. For registration informa- tion, call the USU Office of Continuing Education at 293- 4fJ85.


SENIOR WORLD JUN - WITH PROGRAMS IN THE CO ces, the University of San Di LLEG_E of Arts and Scien- courses in its 1980 Su S hego will offer nearly 100 provide both general i;:ii:er c ool Pr?g~am. Designed to jects taught will include hi:t~rand s~ecial_ized courses, sub- ogy, Spanish, art, religion scie~c1:~ '1-h~osophy, psychol- Summer school is divid 'd . ' ng is ~nd many more. June 2. For additional i~£ mto _three sessions beginning non-credit classes, phone 2 ~~;:in about both credit and



USO Graduates Chicano Students

Among the 574 students who received Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from the Un(versity of San Diego dunng USD's 1980 Commen- cement Exercises, held last Sunday, May 25, were: Maria Palomino, from Imperial Beach, received her B.A. in Psychology. She graduated Magna Cum Laude , and was initiated into Kappa Gammi Pi, the Women's Honor Society. Maria Ramirez, from Bonita received her B.S.N. in Nursing. Micheal Sanchez, from National City, received a B.A. in Political Science, and graduated Magna Cum Laude Delano Tulao, from Nation- al City, received a B.B.A. in Business Admin i stra t i o n . Annette Villalobos. from Chula Vista , rece ived her B.A. in International Relations . Grace Frances Fernandez MarUn, from National City, rece,ved..her B.A. in English,

Susana Hernandez Miran- da, from Chula Vista, received her 8.A. in Sociology. A~ma Bustamante, from Bonita, received a B.S.N. in Nursing, and graduated Cum Laude. from Chula Vista, received a B.A. in International Relations. Minerva Camarena Salinas , from Chula Vista, received a B.B.A. in Business Administ- ration. Carol Casillas, from Chula Vista, received a B.A in English. Mary Castorena, from Chula Vista, received a B.A. in Spanish . She graduated ~agna Cum Laude, and was 1n1t1ated into Kappa Gammi Pi , the Women ' s Honor Society. P_edro Cartegena , from ~at,onal CHy , received a B.A. in History. Reuben de Jesus Felizardo , from National City, received a B.A. in History. Maria Fernandez , from Chula Yista -teceiv.edaB:'A. in .~. Carlos Camacho,

Religious Studies.


Ricardo Garcia, from National City, received a B.B.A. in Business Administ- ration. La Prensa congratulates, with pride, our Chicanas and Chicanos who have worked so hard to achieve an e~ucation. Nuestra Gente Srempre!

The Doily Californian D East Son o·




JIJN 12 -

DIGEST fs pro tennis for Nelson? Todd Nelson who · d I . tennis at the ; , . university of San o· says he is lookin • . ~ego

s1~ne a etter of rntent to play


1s week,


g rnto the poss1b!11ty of turning

g~~du~t;f;hoCcom 6 iled a 0 s~~so:~~

tw!~~::o!;;f: c~;pJuf ~ 1 g~~sih~t

sre he '!~ pl;~ next

sc~~ol 1 to pursue a profe:~~~alet:~1~tc~;~~r°ut of ot depends on how I do this summer " sa . l~ son. who is leaving for Europe next w~ek ~f f, an to pdla~ the pro satellite circuit in Holland ~nd ranee urmg the summer I' · an amateur. I don ·t plan on ·ta~gomg over there as if I do win any The . g any prize money , · marn reason I'm g · · t . the experience of la i . orng is o garn college guys do thit . y ng against pros. A lot of In sifmng with USO, Nelson turned d f;c 0 m1 51 ~ other schools , including Arizon1it:t~~~J ' rvme . "'USO had the m t t ,, says ··ri . h os O offer, Nelson nati~n th;e~ast~~u~~n 0 ;~:~~~ !~ the top 20 in the Nelson won .the 1980 South~rn California an ~~~s~!~ois 0Ja1 community college singles crown/ the year owt~hee aSotuGth Coast Conference player of G . . . · rossmont Nelson d th nffrns won the Southern Calfrorn· an . e lY.1ce. compllmg a 42-3 d l h ia team title ua -mate record . N I


USO offers public business courses' SAN DIEGO - Three one-day planning and development.

persons can register each for $60 per person for the same class. Substitu- tion or cancellation of classes will be allowed without charge prior to the start of the workshop, Rafferty said. The classes will be held at San Diego Hilton Hotel, 1775 E. Mission Bay Drive, in the Oahu and Molokai rooms. For more information about the program, contact Rafferty at the con- tinuing education department, USD, telephone 293-4585.

of the classes. On Tuesday, June 24, there will be another on "Making Groups Produc- tive." It will be concerned with mak- ing committees and project groups more productive. "Taking the Mystery Out of Affirm- ative Action" is the third class. It will be offered on Tuesday, July 1, and will concern itself with teaching execu- tives how to protect their organization against discrimination grievances, and foster positive human-resource

"The workship is designed for personnel professionals, managers and business owners who need to know how to hire an effective workforce within AA ( af- firmative action) and EEO (equal economic opportunity) objectives and rules," Rafferty said. The cost of each class is $75 - which typically is tax deductable - and this includes course materials, lunch and coffee, Rafferty said. Also, organizations sending two or more

classes for business professionals will be offered by the bll/liness school of University of San Diego. A program titled "Managing Stress in Your Organization" will be offered on Tuesday, June 17. "The purpose of this workshop is to train participants in the skills needed to control their own and other's levels of tension, in spite of external pressures," said Mal Rafferty, director of USD's Continu- ing Education program, the organizer



JUN • 2 1980


USO conference three-day antitrust conference sponsored by the University of San Diego w,11 be held June 12-14 at the Vacation VIiiage Hotel 1n Sall Diego. Demonstrations in a courtroom for at of dam- age witness exarninat,ons by outstanding nt1trust lawyers will be held A

Paintings and bronzes by Neil · ' Boyle are on exhibit at Founder's Gallery in the University of San Diego. "The West Illustrated" may be viewed from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. Ad- mission is free.

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