News Scrapbook 1975-1977

.D. Fella Aide's Faith In System Is Unshaken RG

Lynn JUJ< • a. who bas experience working v.-icb Rq,ubliC211 and Democraoc admini crarions dunn her Jffl on mi: Whice Howe Fdlov.slup Prognm, consul w1ch \'ice P.rfficknt WalCCT foncbk

rAuxiliary seats Melvil



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John H. 1azur, retiring president of the auxiliary ith a surplus of ,000 from the auxiliary year, recently embarked on a novel plan. the univer- sity's campus paper "The ist " inviting tuden and faculty to _pr ent original ideas r the distribution of e funds. Scores of tries were received d awards were An advertis ment as placed in

farion Holleman to rep! ce microfilm equipment. The Alurnm Office will 1 ue telephone directory and guide for new tudents; the BSU (Black tudent Union) has funds towards a color television; and the Rev. William Elliott, dean or the School of Education \\ill proceed with a PhD program. Winner were guests of the auxiliary at the luncheon .



To Honor Alumni mver it} of ar. Law S ool Alumni tlon will onor five alum at an Vlards ban q tat 6 pm JJn 17 at th Hotel The ,peaker John Van d" Kamp, distnct attorn y of Los An• gel Count~ Awards \\ill b presented to Carl cazare~. recently el vated from th tunictpal ben to th Superior Court, G raid L ic Iahon, vice pre dent of th an Diego County Bar Association; SI eridan Reed, president of the San Diego TriaJ Lawyers Association; Jane Wiegand, city attorney of Escondido, the first woman in California to hold such a position full• time, and Dwight Worden, city attorney of Del Mar. AJ~ ~-~:;.t "'17 Bah will

worth "l went back to m1ghtAZO /CH .Escondido OH'" the umm r the PI'lpo ltlo order and put to use some adv.ce an mfn-F1 T POsn PM. that roach Cunningham had The

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"Mostly It was mental - like knowing what squanrop• pitch to ,ook f1r rn a certain Bill situation_ - but It was a hllle Dunn !:~~r bit physical too I had been l S1 10.. " trying to pwl th ball but sing! this ye r I've been going up and e~m,fo the nuddle or "1th tbe pitch doubl A third ba man for most USD 2 t" B Torero A~hworth has been th re more " lolli0!2707 A of hts two asons with th thing

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P SE NOTE! Cancellations Or Corrections Of Classified Advertising CAN NOT Be Made Between The Time The Ad Is Ordered And The Initial Publi• cation.

Any- thing To Sell?

Women, ministry, priests, teachers

RATES PER LINE PER DAY JD eo,ucutl\ltDon. PtrUM .. S1'7 10-ll Con,ecvllvt OoYL Ptr Unt .. 11.• M c.n..c.Nvt DoYL Pt< lint,. II." .U QJracutwOo-n.Ptrllnt . 11.53 l c.nseaitlvt 0oYL Pff Lino ••• 11.4' 1-l COnslcutlvt OoYI- Pff Lino 11.'4 YIOflY contracts ovollabM (Minimum C~2ogote llnnl Tnt UnlOn·Trlt,.N VUQl'Of'lleft 2t i.t- ters. ChOfOC1tn, numtrols or SPOC9I N1"ONE ~Ccrst09Qft lint. CANCELLATIONS OA COUit· TIONS CAN NOT II MADE H- lWEEN THE TIMI THI AD IS OR• DIRED AND THE INITIAL PUILI• CATION. ANO EVENING TRIBUNE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE THE SAN DIEGO UNION

USO summer courses tempt all palates Southern Cross Reporter A maJor in~litutc on Enright, principal of St. Paul the Apostle school, Los

known national women Rcli- gmus leaders, all of whom arc m the Congregation of the Sister\, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These include Sisters Margaret Brennan, Juliana Casey, Carol Quigley and Mary Ellen Sheehan. They will explore and explain biblical and historical foundations of women and ministry and look at facets of women in Church service today. The institute runs from June I 3 through 22. THE THEOLOGY institute for priests, June 13•17. will be given by Msgr. J. Warren Holleran. presently director

of Vallomhrosa Retreat Ccn• ter and profc~sor of scripture at St. Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park. · The purpose of the five• day course "1s to acquamt the participants with the principle theme of the Fourth Gospel,'' according to Father Michael Higgins, di- rector of the program. Father Higgins is officialis for the diocese. The institute will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day and some priests may be accommodated at the semi- nary, if necessary. THE WORKSHOP for Catholic school admmistra• tors will be held on USO campus from June 27 to July JS, and it is "'designed to help Catholic school ad· ministrators to be more effective as educational lea- ders and managers." The first week will exa- mine the administrator's po- sition today. the second week will look ~t Catholic schools and the third week deab with the administrator as manag· er. Coordinator is Dr. Joseph Rost, director of the educa- tional administration pro• gram at USD. Among the faculty are Brother James Zullo, direc• tor of Christian Brothers counseling and consultation center, Chicago; Sister Stella

Angeles. and Dr. ·H. Giles Schmid, director of eduea• lion, San Diego diocese. THE GRADUATE pro• gram in educational minis• tries offers students the opportunity to earn a Mas• ter's degree in part-time or summer schools and includes special summer course offer· ings from June 22 through August 2. The lectures are to be given by visiting professors as well as faculty of USO. The courses are under the graduate program division of the university. Another "growth oppor· tunity" is offered to religious educators at USO through the diploma program in . religious education arranged through the diocesan depart• ment of education by Sister Josephine Breen. COURSES include 01d and New Testament instruction in scripture. fundamental theology and sacramental theology. Some · of the courses are available during the davtime. others at evening classes. Further details regardmg all courses may be obtained from USO, telephone 291-6480. Accommodation and course rates are avail- able on request.

"Women and Mini\try" b one of several special events and workshops being offered at the University of San Diego campus during sum- mer months. Other events include a theology mstitute for priests, a workshop for Catholic school administrators, a graduate program in educa- tional ministries leading to an MRE degree, and diploma courses in religious educa- tion. THE INSTITUTE on women and ministry will bring to the campus well-

105 Funeral Directory COOOBOOY'S BlVD. CHAPEL Stm El Coion Blvd. 512-1700 GoooeooY"S fVY CHAPEL A5h ol Tl\lrd Ave 512-11110 GREENWOOD MORTUARY Int. 11)5 &, lmPfdol 164-JUl HUMPHREY MORTUARY as.s BroodwaY, Chulo Vis to ,22-1115 LEWIS COLONIAL lOll El Coion 81,d 213-n11 MISSION BAY CHAPEL AND PAClflC BEACH MORTUARY ROGERS MORTUARY ALTERNATIVE SERVICE AVAIL $22' 282-8111 (~&Crypts) 2 LOTS.. El Comino, HIIMtw Gorden Section. l79S bOtl\. 295-512• GREE•WOOD MEMORIAL PARK, 2 crpts. MtJSt Stil. n:J.1611 4 LOTS GrNn-.vood, restnoven area. value SlOOO toke s121> o11.. COMPANION crvDt, UlY Lole 1111' 0-OS ......- tt'f'Toce, S12'90 583-1201 CA:YPTS UI Gordfn level G..--so.5'13 1 LOT, Homoof ,-.Cemeterv, ovt. ptv, 416-




tor more than one lncorred lnurtiol'1 of onv OOYertiSfffltnt and rewrvt thl AIOs-Juon la Ann. Witt of Leland s. rtOhl to odlus.t in NII ony trror by C ~IOS Mothtf" of KlmbtflM AM. corrected ins.ertion.. KrlttiM Leann, Kelft'I MOrlt cnS THE UNION-TRIBUNE PUBLIS~ ~~and~J.tnld~=ris1:: i~G,;3, 1~~ ::.,~~;.'~:i~ of snvia v. and Or1ondo A. Makin- deems unacaot • and lo ,_ 11(1, M



n- 12---; 15& 1~ 11-- 1 \9-' 23-' -





Catholic high schools, USD ;r- 19) lo/ 77 Spring graduation time near · •

tvecr 9.09 0,,1() 1.38 0 75,·4 o.m.




The dirtd nne te Claulfted 1n S.O. Coooty c:oU ZEnith 7-1000 TOLL-FREE ClOSSJf1td ods OftJY CLASSIFIED INDEX NOTICE$ •...........16' C0nl Of Tllon , ................ !JO 1~';"~';:"&Crvots.. ... )!! eon1roc1or, & Bui-. ... ..... . 1 Crtn'I0110f'\ serv,ces ............. llO Deoths--Funerols. ... .. •••• ••••..• lOO Erterto nment & Recuohon... •lil Flol'"lsts .. •• . .. ... •. .. .. •••.•120 Funtra! o·rKtorv........... ,. lOS Homf lfflProwrnert1 •••, ......... 1.Q tn ~rlom .............. .......... 12S. 1nsurancie ... . .141 lncom@To,: Service. 146 LodOe Not ces.....•. ,•••••. .••• •• 102 Lost & Found..... . .............. 1,2 ,...,..... & ----- ••• ••• •• 165 Memorial Society Servlces 101 11.lsslng Persons ••• ••• . ••,,, IN>v ng I, StorOgt ... .••• ..... •• 175 ~=t~~UIV:::: ::::: ::~!! Resumes-Typing 195 SOOXltv, Solt$ Servlct, Supplies. .... • .171 Sef'vices Offered.. •••• ..... .,190 Services f)(chon91!'d •• 1 91 Spec:Jol Notlc:.s .• •• •• ••• 1«1 Splrit..ionsts •• • ••• • 160 Storage SIXtces ..• • , • 176 Swimming Pool-Spa Con~t.-Mo·nl.-Suppfies. •• 113 Trove1-trO/'l:SPOrtollon. ..•• •..... 170 Vocotion Home Exd'IQn9e. .. 155 EMPLOYMENT EmplOyment A;encies..... •......2V9 EmPtovment Services ..•. •• 208 Help Wont@d-Generol 210 JOOS wonted . . . ..••• ••. . 200 JOOSWonteo-Couples.•••..••••• ·* Nurseries-Child Core.••••.•••••• '206 SCHOOLS EmPloYmtnf Pres>arohon.. ••. 2"5 Schools & Instruction ••. 247 FINANCIAL Auto-Troiler Loans... •.. .•. 255 Bvslr'19SS OPP0rlvn1ties .... •.•. 287 Buslnns Services.... ... •• 290 Businesses Wonted... •.. 797 DlstrlbulorshipS & Self· Employ C)pportuoltles .••• ... 188 Heirs & Legatees .... .... ..... ...... m Investments........ , .. .. .. •. 285 Monet To Loon • , ... .. ••, 2SO Money Wanted ................, .... 283 Mortgage & Trust Deed$ • 273 Rtol Estate Loans....... •• 263 RENU,LS Apartments FumlShfid ....••.•. 330 .Apartments-Furn. or Unfurn .... 3J5 ~~~~U~rntshed..• ,...... car PooIs .••1......

-108 from St. Augustine, San Diego. 8 p.m .. TuesJay, -165 from St. Thomas Aqumas. San Bernardino, 7 P m., Wednesda). June I; -104 from Marian. lmpe- -15 from Our Lady of Peace Academy, San Diego, 3 p.m.• Saturday, June 4; -43 from San Luis Rey Academy. San luts Rey. 2 p m.. Sunday, June 5; -260 from University, SaiiJ Diego. 7:30 p.m., Thursday, 1 June 9; - and 131 from Notre Dame, Riverside, 4 p.m., Saturday, June 11. I Undergraduate and grad) uate degrees will be awarded to 360 students at the USO graduation on the west lawn of the campus at 3:30 p.m., Sunday, May 22. I GUEST SPEAKER for the afternoon and recipient of an honorary doctor of laws degree from USO will be Pulitzer Prize-winning col• umnist George F. Will. May Jl.

Earlier that day, at 10:30 a.m. in the Civic Theatre, do" ntown, the USO School / of La" will award degrees to


Southern Cross Reporter Graduatton time. a tradi- uonal late spring c,cnt. is near!) here, and in the next se,eral weeks Catholic cho- ols m the diocese will grant diploma, to more than 1,600 graduates Near!) 1.000 seniors will receive diplomas from the nine Catholic high schooh in the diocese. More than 600 people will receive under- graduate. graduate and law degrees from the Universitv of San Diego. - J'OR TWO of the high schools. San Luis Rey Aca- demy. San Luis Rey, and Rosary. San Diego. this year's commencement exer• cises will be the last. Both schools have an- nounced they will close this year. High school diplomas will go to: -30 seniors from Vincent Memorial High School, Cal- exico, 5 p.m .. Friday, May 27; -52 lrom Rosary, San Diego, 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 27;

vices Mon. I Pm HumPhrt'V \\Or· FOSTER-.,. E. Molhor ol Potr> cia e. HnWr and PtQ8Y J. Md er 1 """'""'""""· 10 --~ d,en. G,.,.,..,.,. sorvloes /NJn. 1 D.m.. Alpine ~erv. PoriS Mot· tuorv d.irecttnL FRANCls-E--d. GoodboOV S IVY CbaPII. WIBSON-Ar•ltho V. Survived by I son. I -!fr. 2 .,..-11c1r..,_ 7 srsten. ond 1 t,rorhtr. Memorial sar• vice Mall. 2 p_m. Christ United Mtthodlsl Church, 3295 Meodt Ave. Donations ~lated to the Con- Ctf Soclftv GRAHAM-SY1V'i0 L.outlta, Sister of Nor, Brownin9. Memotkll services Christ Ou-di Ur. tv Na!. evening 7:30 o·doc:k tntet-nwnt Gott Ceme- terv, Ulman. f/NJ. GoodbodY'S Bl'ld. ChaPsld!Orve KELLY-E eanot V. Motnor of Jod< VoortlHs Sister of Mor90m WII-- Uorns. l grondchUdren. Groveside suvicH Mon. 10 o.m Ft Rosecrans Notional Cemerery Oir,c'ted bv C0nrod Lemon Grov1 _,__, LARA-E-- Belo.ed ""5ba>d of L Uo Laro. FattlH i nez 8etcnff. Ruth Rom·ru. Luiso Rominz. Jen. nie Romero, AntonJO Contrere,s and ElMbto Laro. Jr. ?lgronde:Ntdren. 4 vreot-1.11rondchlldrtn. Evening Servlc. SUn. 6 p.m. md Funeral Service Mon. 10 o.m .• both ot Bera-Roberts Mortuorv. inter• _ mentMI. HootCemetf'f"Y•. tuorv Chapel,.



PRIESTHOOD CANDIDATES-Eight seminarians pro- cess out of the lmmaculata on the USD campus preceding about 25 coneelebrants, two deacons, and Bishop Leo T. Maher following their acceptance as candidates for the priesthood for this diocese, in a Mass Sund&), April 30. The) are, from left to right, Bruce Orsborn, Peter Na,arra, Michael Helkenn, Paul Freier, Tim Ferris, Anthony Ferrero, Robert Clover D, and Chris Chavez. Also during the Mass Bishop Maher bid farewell to Father Lawrence Purcell, St. Francis Seminary rector, who will join the Apostolic Delegate's staff in Washington, D.C.-SC photo


277 students.


speaker will



March Fong Eu , Califorma


rial Beach. o:30 p.m .. Friday ~ ecretary of State. June J;

sta .. 7 •········· 9 ,eld ••• • 11 9


ista ••..• 7 Mesa. 7 =1eld •••• a 7 s available 1-2nJ. !NIA laV tion Low Pree.

Pone 299-2121

48 6' .u 31 so -46 ,43 ,43 -15 51 55 ,1 .u 51 51 ,1 51 ,43 38 55 -15 53 48 63 ~, 52 51 53 62 62 41 ,I() so 78



SINCE 1917

LEWA.RTON-Marv P. Furierol ser- vices Sat. 1p,m. ol JChlSOll-SOum & • • Reverent, dklnlfied cremation Knobel MortuorY, with boriol For- servlcei with lmrnedla1e !fond °' e$t Lawn Mtm«IOI Park. Glendok>. SfO diS-PO'itJon CJVO lob~. As tow OS Co. In lieu of tlO!Ner'S, a,ntr1butions nso, ~ome,r,btfSh.ipten. .Also pr& to fovo,,te chorltv. vld ng full mortuorY s,erv;ces. ~c:?=-~~ 1i:e~~f1~ CALL ..• 295-21n Lakeside Funtrot Cnopel. Inter- 2-4 HOUR SERVICE ment Glendole etn,eter,, Oktmos, MERKELEY-MITCHELL Mich. MORRELL-Melvin Uovd Hu_,., MORTUARY of Rov-Etto Morr~I. Father of J65S stn Avt.. Son Dlevo ~~l~ro~~:ir~ _,,,fu::,not:s,r_,,ccn=.I. ":::;~e,lc.,_,cem=._,,bt°"r.,_)_

NEPTUNE SOCIETY LAND & SEA BURIAL S.S. & V.A. ASSIGNM~NTS 714-223-9892 (2<1 hr) 1050f Roieaon1, S.D. 92106

2 grandchildren. Memorial servic-e Sun. 3 P.m. Humphrey Mortuorv ChOPfl In liev of flowers familv would oPPf'tCiott contributions to Chula Vista Elk's Lod9e Youth AC· t1vih' Fund or favorite Chorltv, RICHAR DSON-Wllllom A. Belevtd husband of the loft Ethel V. Rich· ordson. Fotner of Willlom A. Rich- ardson, Jr. ond Janet E. Weck@rlv s orondch kSre-n. ero~r of Mn. Hnter Ritchie. Requiem moss Mori. 11 o.m. All Saints EEMSCOPOI hurch Interm~riI ~orthwoods




.19 .11



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