News Scrapbook 1975-1977
USO sponso;~,,;;;;~;;;";n env;;.;,,,.·- . assessment economic and social as- peels of environmental as- sessment procedures and will cover the intent, useful- --- ------ ~t ian flit!}o lln1on SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1977 r, or OSP affected by the National Environmental Policy ar.1 Callforma Envi- ronmental Quality Acts of ~~my to 9. 30 p.m each Mon- .., _The . Untvers1ty of San Diego IS sponsoring a three- part lecture series on envi- practices which will be held o~ Monday evenings begin- mng next week and contlnu- ing through May 9_ ent The lectures will deal ness and limitations of the A university announce- ment said the series is de- with legal, scientific and proc ronmental The lee ur Salomon Lecture Hall, De Sales Hall, at USD, from 7 w1lJ be in the slgn d f th .
J8m s Douglas H yden, featured vocalist for the upcoming Miss San Diego P geant gets acquainted with La Jollan left,
Terr i Ketchum, Miss San Diego City and County, as they make plans for their March pageant performances.
Dead · e for Miss San Diego pageant entries next week Th I 77 Miss an
Entry forms may be obta ined by calling the entries chai rman, Lou Elkins, a t 2n -3560 or by wr iting to the association, P . 0 . Box 23151, San Diego 92123. Applications hould be submitted by nex t Wednesday at 5 p.m . The 1977 pageant will fea ture the musical performance of James Douglas Heyden. Joining th is year's finalists and Heyden on stage will be Miss San Diego City and County 1976, Terri Ketchum, who will entertain with a piano selection. An acc omp lishe d musicia n, s he is a n awa rd-winning concer t
pianist and has been a piano instructor for five years. Terri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Ket- chum of La Jolla, is a enior at USD where she will be graduated with honors this spring. She is a pre-law student, majoring in English, minoring in philosophy and music. Following
she will
graduation ,
Dwgo Pageant wi ll be h Id March 6 at 7 p.m. at the 'nf D l Rey Moro in Balhoa Park The :\ti . San Diego P· geant 1s the officia l pr liminary to he Miss ahfornin and Mi merica Pageants The Miss Ame ri ca Pag ant, which i the world ' larges t scholarship foundation for women, awards over SI million annually on the local, state and national level::;. Women between the age of 7 and 26 years of a who will be high s chool graduates by pt 1 are eligible to enter.
law school at
Dr. Jame_s R. • foriarity, standing at left, and hlS University of San Diego rebuild origmal buildings around Old Town square. Mystery House Found In Old Town B) LIFF S.'11TH Sc,ence Wrlttr, The San Die9o Union Other new finds from the team's excava- tions: ffiUS!'Um to be added to Old Town State Park. students, excavate one of several former building sites in Old Town. Plans are to REMAINS MOSTLY UNDER STREET
USD . The new Miss San Diego City and County will be the official representative for the city and county of San Diego for the ,coming year and will compete in the Miss Californ ia Pageant in June.
Archeologists diggmg near the south- w cst corner of t.he Old Town square have found the remains of a house which was unknown to histonans. Most of the house remams ~iill is cov- ered b) San Diego Avenue and Wallace Street. Dr. Jam R. Moriarity the Uni- versity of San Diego archeologist'in charge of_Old Town excava tions, however, said he will recommend that the strc--et pavement be remo ed at least temporarily • Thi newhou. is a mystery" Monari- ly said " \\'e don't know what it 1s or even who bwlt it. I'm sure 1t will have four or five rooms.' Most Of House Still Covered The previous!) unknown building is situ- ated immediatel5 west of the site of the Machado-Wrightm n home at the corner of the plaza. Only l½ rooms of the mystery house have been uncovered. the remainder bemg under the street intersection, mostly San Diego Avenue.
- Wh n yo ordered a shot of whisky m the Amenran Hotel in the 1840s and 50s you ~ece!ved approximately a full Jigger' D1ggmg mlo the hotel site adjacent to the Machado-Wrightington house, researchers have recovered t"e heavy bases of ex- tremely larg "shot" glasses used in the hotel bar. - Casa de Alvarado, built in the 1830s on the no_rth s1dp of the square, was a bakery after 1t was a residence and even later it may have been a grocery. The house had adobe_walls 33 mches thick, but sometime after its construction the exterior received a clapboard treatment that, according to l\lonanty, gave it the look of the typical "false front store in every cowboy movie you ever saw." - A great variety of pottery - Chinese, English, French, Mexican and early - "some of .it of a very high grade, bas been found m the digs. Together with many other artifacts, the pottery eventually will be displayed m a
. The university's program of excavating 1~portant sites in Old Town began in 1972. The whole idea is to re:;;tore the houses and other buildings that once stood around the plaza," Mona, ,ty explained. Must Establish Appearance "In order to do any restorations accu- rately you first have to establish what the bmld1ngs looked like That's wh:, you have to have archeology research as well as a stro~g historical r arch program, which 1:. bemg handled by Dr. Ray Brandes." Moriarity noted that two former Old Town houses, tile sites of which were excavated for study early in the project, now stand faithfully reproduced around the plaza. These homes were Casa Rodri- guez and the Machado and Silva House l\~oriarity said excavation work m the proJect has been curtailed until nPxt sum- Until then , he said, his researc11 team w1H _be doing excava(ions at San Diego M1ss1on in Mission Valley.
~4 Conferences Draww1. 5,600 Here This Week ,..;) Tyler Refrigeration, Sat- th1S week attending 24 meet- at the Sheraton Inn Airport. urday through next Thurs- ings, according to the San Kirby Company, Friday day with 350 at the Vacation Diego Convention and Visi- through Sunday with 300 at Village Hotel. There ~ill be more than Lendman Association, Fri• the Town and Country Hotel. 5,600 persons 111 San Diego day through Sunday with 100 National Motor Freight through next Friday Outcast Inheritance Tax Traffic Association, Satur- today Sunday with 70 at the Hotel with 200 at the San D' "' College Referees, Friday through day tors Bureau. Com mu a it y Administrators, Association of California the Bahia Motor Hotel.
\ olleyball , ) Smith, an Kl
USD eyes six in a row The University of San Diego has reeled off five straight ~'!clones and the Torero basketball team is a solid favorite to make it six tonight in Alcala Park. The victories have pushed San Diego's record to l;>-7 on the year. Only one Western Divi- sion II team - Puget Sound - has a better record than does USD. looked back against the Highlanders. By halftime, the score
Hilton Hotel.
through Tuesday with 600 del Coronado. persons at the Vacation Vil- Organizations, Friday Nat ional Agricultural through Sunday with 500 at Chemicals Association, the Vacation Village Hotel. today through Wednesday Vagabundos Del Mar, Fri- with 100 at the La Costa day through Sunday with 260 Resort. at the Islandia Hyatt-House. Clark Equipment Co., in- M & 0 Tire Stores, lac., ternational meeting, today Friday through next Tues- through Thursday with 300 day with 75 at the Royal Inn at the Sheraton Harbor at the Wharf Island. National Home Sewing National Cystic Fibrosis Association, Friday through Research Fou datlon, to- next Thursday WJth 1,200 at California School Nurses !age Hotel
Western Interstate Com- mission for Higher Educa- tion, Thursday through Sat- urday with 100 at the Vaca- ion Village Hotel. University of San Diego Law Institute, Thursday through Saturday with 80 at the Royal Inn at the Wharf. Marketing Agents for Food Service Industry, Thursday through Sunday with 250 at the Hotel del Coronado. Victor Dru International, Inc., Thursday through Sun- day with 150 at the Hotel de! Coronado. Rocky l'llountain Motor Traffic Bureau, Thursday through Feb. 11 with 50 at the San Diego Hilton Hotel. International Organization of Masters, Mates and PIiots, Thursday through Sunday with 80 at the Kona {r;J,
was 40-32. With 14 minutes to play in the game, USD's lead swelled to 58-38. River- side could get no closer than eight points in the time remaining. The Toreros' two fine guards, Eddie Davis and Ron Cole, took turns burn- ing Riverside's 1-3-1 zone. Davis finished the eve-• ning with 23 points, Cole with 15. USD also got a big night from junior forward Buzz Harnett. He scored 21 points. The Toreros now have an excellent chance of posting the best record in school history. The CSD team of 1972-73 fimshed 19-9. This club is l;>- 7 with five games to play. Four of those games will be at home.
Energy Problem Is Debate Topic Greater go~ rnment regu- lat10n of the nation· energy will be the topic for a debate at p.rn. Feb 9 in Salomon l.('Cllm, Hall on the campus of th Univ r ty of San DI o
There, beginning at 8, the Toreros will tie into a Dom- inguez Hills State club that Is only 2-19 on th!' year. The timing is fortunate because USD has had a tough - albeit successful- wetkend Fnday night, the Toreros raced past Grand Canyon College. Saturday night they upended UC-River5ide, 86-76, In Riverside
The Toreros had feared Saturday's game with Riv- erside because they have been something less than spectacular on the road this season. This time, however, they responded with one of their best garrres of the year. Jim Brovelli's team bolt- ed to a 1~5 lead and never
morrow through Wednesday with 80 at Vacation Village 1 Hotel. California Independent Telephone Association, to- morrow through Thursday with 250 at the Hotel del Coronado. Grifford-Hill Co., tomor- row throt\""': , iday with 50 al the Islandia-Hyatt House. San Diego Bio-Medl~al Sympos ium , Tuesday through Friday with 325 at the San Diego Hilton Hotel. Federated Foods, Wednes- day through aturday with 100 at the Hotel de! Corona- do. California Medical Associ- ation, Wednesda) through next Sunda:1 with 120 at the Vacation Villa e Hotel.
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