News Scrapbook 1975-1977
AFTER WEEKEND CONTESTS SIU, USD Pilots Rate Performances of people standing around." up is Cal State Northridge, It came over Claremont- down just before the hal! un1on Torero runners lost the followed by Cal State Los Mudd, 23-21, and coach John with an injury later said to Between . Inter- ball four times on fumbles, Angele~ and Cal Lutheran. O'Brien thought his team be minor. national University and the ~e quarterbacks t four Northndge pounded ~SLA: played well on both sides of He should hope it Is, University of San Diego interceptions and, even ~13, Saturday, the D1ablos the line. cause today he may have to played aboUt three-fourths of thou~h their defense was f!rst loss of the year. "The defense played a start winning his job back a football game Saturday, playmg v~ry well, the Northndge has lost once, 1?- super football game, and Vossberg took USIU's of: the other quarter becoming Toreros, w!lh, that many 7, _to Cal Poly, San Lms three of our best players fense in for scores on its first lost somewhere In the turnovers, didn 1 haye much Obispo. (end Larry Hutchinson, line- .wo possessions of the sec- Toreros' offensive scheme. o_f a chance at gettmg their USIU's outlook is brighter, backer John Gran~ an,d tack- and hal!. He threw a 13-yard USO coach Bill Williams fir st victory of th e seaSQn. even if the westerners' im- le Lo,~ Elisara) didn t even pass to split end Bill Bowker knew where it went, after Now, th ey are 0- 3 -1. mediate assignment is no play, he said. for the first and ran in the seeing films yesterday of "Our whole thing," said less stiff than USD's. USIU O'Brien also confirmed second himself, scamperin1 ~turday's 10-0 Joss to Whit• Williams, "ls that th~ second must meet 3-1 Whittier on what he had expected, that 20 yards after giving up 01 ti~~- half ?f the year ,:s Just like the road Saturday night, but Junior Gary Vossberg could finding an open receiver. . It was a matter of not starting all over. the Westerners will travel play quarterback. Vossberg O'Brien hlso was treated bemg mentally prepared to He could pick a better north bouyed by, at last, a played the second half after to what he called the best play," he said. "We had a lot place to begin anew. Coming win. ___ regular John Wilkerson went punt return he had ever
~d-~11~ f::vJt-.4
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isti for big year
Tuesday, October 12, 1976
, seen. It was run a distan~ of 80 yards by USIU de!en- O'Brien 'He used his block- the stve back Curtis Royal· art ers so well You coulcf see 'It w a nlce change," ex-Navy man who played for him shift!Jlg gears, all the said O:Brten. "We created East Texas State's 1972 way down t e · line ,;nme miStakes instead of NAIA champions Still, USIU should not be malting them." USIU was smu~ Mudd bad a chance to penalized only 70 yards, a pull It out but missed a 38- season low, and lost one yard field goal mldw y of fumble and two intercep- the fourth period It was the tions. "It was bt.autlful • miled stags
BUZZ HAR1'"ETT season gets under way," Brovelli said. USO will play an exhibi- tion game against the Re- public of China's national team Nov. 24. The Toreros will open a 27-game regular season Nov. 29 against Dominguez State.
broken wnst And one of the team's more promising recruits, William Stewart of Contra Costa College, is n a fracture m his ankle. "The !nJurles hurt, no doubt about it, but we shOuld be pretty near full strength by the time the
<'c L'f c.
1'\~ C.c..,1.\: , Prefer Chemical Fertilizers Lo f compo:,t
as gen rated by the municipal owners found ll It Fanners continued to fertilizers because of their
losses road games kend, Universi- iego and U.S.
they co d n t prefer che I
higher alue Yet the researctl goes on and gradually systems which may be pra t al are being developed Peter n, a chemist and a ting dean of the USD COilege of Arts and Sciences, IS conducting a research pro] ,1 for the ational Center for Resoor Recovery, •n , mwashmgfon Tl' industrv-supported center has a road program of research I~ solid wa~e m nagement and is developmg a maior •·re urce recovery demonstration facili- ty" at New Orleans. The center has in Washmgton an E r• A mental Test and Evaluation Fae I ) where operating resource recovery , ,. terns are being systematicall studied. Peterson's P.roject with the center IS' to help devise the best system for separating gla from solid waste . Glass removal, he explained In an 111ter- view, is part of the "front-end" system for processing waste. Shred Raw Solid Waste "The first stage consists f shredding the raw solid waste," Peterson said. "Then it goes through a cyclone separator which ws off the light fraction, mamly paper. ' ·ext, ferrous meta are pulled out by ctromagnets and ferrous metals are oved by an "ele rodynamic separa- " which uses electricity to induce a 'gnetic field to make alummum, copper d other material ~mporanly magnetic they can be separated. . After going through a drum .t e remam- matenal of interest I roam! glass, (Continued on ~. Col. 1) t
over t. ty o' Intern
al University football le, ns will be home for e1r n t contests Sat- urda afler:ioon. U D; downed by Azusa- PaCific, 18-14, will host Los Angeles State at 1. USIU was battered by Cal Poly of Pomona, 28-14, but hopes to come back against Cal Lu- theran Saturday at I·30. Quarterback Greg Gano \1Tecked the Toreros at Azusa when he passed for two scores and ran ma two- point conversion. Eleven points in the last period by the Cougars decided the game. USO held a 14-7 lead through three periods be- cause of two short plunges - one and two yards - for tou hdown by Kenny ,yit. The last period also r wd the undoing of USIU at omona. The Westerners were tied with their hosts, 14-14, after three periods bef('re Pomona exploded for two TDs. Ste1 e ;'daston and Curtis Royal, the latter a defen- sive back helping out, scored for the Westerners.
Garbage Re ycling Stuaied By CLIFF SMITH SCltllCe Writer. TM San D- unton
Every six weeks Dr. Donald B. Peterson or the University of San Diego receives a SO-pound sack of rubbish from Washington, D.C. What Peterson learns from experiment- ing with the imported refuse may help turn America'. mountainous heaps of munici- pal solid wa to wealth. The u s are catching up and even haw a ~n.,, ~~•= g rbag recycling facto- ry rn Lerungad to lb.the 660 pounds of waste genera ,. by the average Rus Ian The "throwaway lety, however, still is krng. The typical American discards approximately 1,600 pounds annually The total volume of ol!d waste in the united States is e · ated to be between 115 and 135 million tons a year. Market Value Li ted Thi includes 50 billion tin and aluminum cans, 40 billion bottles and Jars, 35 million tons of paper, grass clippings and other organics enough to yield 5 billlon gallons of low sulfur fuel oil. The k t value of these materials rang f m a low cif about $10 a ton for the gla d paper up to about ~00 a ton for alum m 0th r va l s tha might be processed from t tra Include rubber, plastics, ammonia, b llZl ne, methanol, hydrogen and compo t Th Jure of thi theoretical minmg bonanta tog ther with dwmdlmg landfill .!te near the c!Ues has over the last d cade prompted a flurry of innovation by engme rs to d vi ways to separate and proce s th waste rn volume and in an economically feasible manner. Some or th sy terns have turned out to be expensive white elephants that failed to deliver th promise of l)rOmoters. In the 1961 , for Instance, more than a 4ozen U.S. Citle , including Sacramento, were per- suaded to adopt systems for biologically d grading or " mpo t " their rubbish to produce nalu h I r.
Wednetday, October 20, 1976
rof Exp riments n R cycling Garbage
(Continued from Page B-1) high level of interest in the cal made up of amines, or- but also includes pebbles froth flotation of refuse-de- ganic compounds that attach dirt and bone. ' rived glass," Peterson said, themselves to glass particles This combination first is "a survey of the literature preferentially. crushed to consistency of reveals a paucity of funda- Peterson is testing differ- beach sand. Then, the glass ~ental scientific lnfonna- ent kinds_ of coll,ectors and is removed by a process lion about the process. also varymg the pH of the called froth flotation. . "We have therefore begun mix to get the glass yield as "Froth flotation has been a modest research effort to high as possible. an important process in the provide such lnfonnation." His ~ain tool in the l~bo- cleaning of naturally occur- . The glass-dirt-bone frac- rat~ry L'l· a powerful mixer ring glass sands for many ~ion p~ocessed ou~ of Wash- wh1~h ~~ly resembles an years " Peterson said mgton s raw rubbISh by the ordmary kitchen food mixer, "More' recently, it has bee~ institute is shipped to Peter- except that it is larger and applied to the recovery of son f~r detailed study. . can tllr!l at speeds over 3,000 glass from municipal solid Mainly, Peterson IS mves- revolut10ns a mmute. waste ligating the effects of pH Peterson said the pure "Th~ results obtained in (acidity) on flotation yields glass obtained by flotation our laboratory at USD and of refuse-der~ved glass as separation cart be remelted other facilities indicate that well as cherrucals added to to produce an amber a mixed-color glass cullet the mix which aid in collect- "ecoglass" suitable for (ground glass) can be pro- ing the glass. _ many co~tainers, but not all. duced which is of sufficient Pete n explained that He explained that many food purity to pennit its reuse in ~hen_ t....,.=,o-·--·dirt-bone manufacturers and con- the manufacture of glass 1s v10lently stirred with sumers insist that certain containers." water and a very small foods ap~ar in clear con- Peterson said the national amount of pine oil, then ( a tainers. ''s test facility soon stiff froth of air bubbles The_ recycled cullet glass will In.corporate a froth flota- forms at the surface and also 1s used to make an tlon r,Jlot plant capable of ground glass, but not other asphalt substitute called producmt' 1.25 tons an hour materials, are drawn into "glassph3l:t" and used for of glass cullet from munici the foam. road pavmg an~ for the pal waste One important addition to rnanufac~ure of bn~s: "Desp 'te the relatively the mix is a collector chemi- He said the addition of ____ - ~--- ground glass to bnck clay
reduces baking time in the kiln to save energy and also enables brick manufacturers to obtain special textural effects.
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