News Scrapbook 1973



San Diego Tuesday, March 27, 1973 baseball coach says Aztecs ducking his te 'He', exaggera mg a bll there." coach KC. J 01 sa1d h lt

·ure his team would make the pla) o!fs durmg the I te ;tages of a 16-game lo mg

The .\ztec coach al o said C1• !'...ngham wa m error \ en he aid Dietz has field· ed t be a~al" t the To-

I \O

fir t

trmg b~ 10 •o

and the last

1~ point games





points." he ·aid ' 1 could




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working and that me tog!'lher. ' The receutll Diego Chapter.of the 'at ona' Fo11tball Foundaflo and Ha I v[ F ame II ill hold its (1 e1-cnt April 25 ab nque• ho ing 12 of the an· · ut- 1andmg prep a\h ete nd International Friendship" will be held sun• day in an effort to raise funds for about 35 area prep track standouts to tour and com• pete in Rus ia. Sweden and Finland this wumer Murray said the ab for the trip IS 60 000 and that the athletes se ectf'd w 11' depart June 2~ ancl. return 1g 8. \lilt Black t , e rerr ind<'d 11hat kept formed an cholar al rlton Oat Countrr Club. . 1ike iurray announced a "Walk for

son "\\ e will play them but I'd like it to be on a one-day, doubleheader bajs," he con· eluded. "Our schedule has its lim1tation~. It bas to i[ we're gomg to keep moving toward our goal." Aho at ) estrrda)' · lunc·h• eon Dan 01erdnrf announced an .Tapanese 11restlmg team will meet a San Diego all-star team tomght ·tarting at 7 at Mt \llgnel High. The area quad will be <'Olnposed pnmaril) uf \Jonte \'ista H'gh' championship quad \ chari\Y •enms tourna ment m which the pubhc I an bid for rights to play aga111. t one of the 25 celebntles par- ticipating "ill be held April all-star

that the annual Golf Clas~tc \\ La Costa C, unt Club "av 17 19 for he bene 1 o handi• capped thildren. The ticket prKe or 5 1s :n: deductable .md 011 y 3,000 tlche\s for eaeh day of the tourne\' wlll be cl Black- , tone said all ticket must e pure a ed ill there will be none at the ,.:_:t~e:...---~-~

28 San Diego

uccess Of USD n G 9wth, T ustees


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