News Scrapbook 1973

Area College Enrollments Climb 8.1 % Record l 07,412 Students Defy Prediction Of Lower Attendance By RAY KIPP EdacaC • Writer, 1be San Diego Union Enrollment reports for the fall semester show more than 107, d nts are att nding classes in San Diego County's 13 col , univ rsitles and community colleges. flgur , gathered from the registrars of the schools, report a rocord 107,412 full-and part-time students enrolled. Thls:ls ,113 (8 1 per cent) above the 19rl fall semeste tbta1 of 99,299 reported by these institutions of higher leamlngtalldi I contrary to nationwide predictions that college enro1lmenJpJ might rau. • an Diego late University has the la~ number of

students, 30,019. This is 1,527 above the 1m fall semester enrollmP Mrs. June Warren, dean of admi. ions and records, said the nroJJm nt was upposed to have r mained at about 28,000. WRO. G PREDIC'flO She said the mcrease re- ulted wh n th predicted d clme in stud nts and ap- pllcaUons d1d not material- z • "Everyone was preaching doom and gloom and It just d1dn t happen,'' sh said. hool orr1c1al Id the increa did not creat any unsolvabl a adernlc prob- lems for th unlverSJty. tr \\ arren said she feel ure the school Will hold Its nrollm nt to 30,000 for at lea t one more year or more. San Diego tale's enroll- ment wa nearly four times that of any of the other four- year lnstltut1ons In th coun• ty F..arly this w k, UCSD re- ported a 7,951 enrollment Th increase of 882 students was abo, the I -range planning esliIIUHeS for the university' growth University official , ho\\ever, said the lncrea ha not caused any tn ur• mountable acad mic prob- 1 m USll I CREASE E llm nt figure for Un- ited te In ernat1onal Un- 1 v er s It), h1ch has exp ricnced financial prob s, show a 451 student mere for the Camp Elli- ott and ownto'l'ln law campu ng th al en- rollment to 4 150 The Un v ity of San Dt go held almost steady wtth its enrollment 1gure:s- 2, I for this mester as compared to 2 514 for the fall of Im The total enrollment pic- ture~ ben f1!~d.!i;o ttu 107,000 In Area's 13 Colleges (Coatloued from Page B-1) move of Pasadena College- now Point Loma College-to the Cal Western campus of USIU. The move added I 118 students enrolled in San Diego County The high enrollments com- bined with another reversal of a national trend for stu- dents to live off campus has created a housing problem for most of these schools Point Loma was the only school reporting space still available in its dormitories. l..ast year when the school was located in Pasadena, 600 students llved on campus. This year 917 are residmg on the Cal Western campus. The other campuses re- ported filled residence halls and waiting lists. There was also an crease of 4,107 students at- tending community colleges in- :.~::~~ej~:~ from 57,549 to 61,656. San Diego Evening Col-

Page 4 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1973 A ti me to keep by Michael Newman

Guardians of the Tomb

1oU Photo A hig man on defcn. e foi• the Univ<"r;ily of San Diego is end Cmn<"ll Stanley at 6-1 and 240 pounds. The former Palo Verde College grlddcr and the Torcros fa(·e I omona College here Saturday uight. Stanley Real Find For USD's Vinci By CHUCK SAWYER When Andy Vinci was coach- arts major admits. "l found ing football at College of the myself with a lot o.f new people and wasn't sure this was where Desert two years ago, he had I wanted to be. But, J dis- one good reason for not relish- covered it is a good sthool with ing the idea of playing Palo a lot or good people. I'm happy I stayed around." Verde College. Stanl y wears a ·o. 75 on his The latter school had a big blue and while Toreros uni• defen. ive end who kept giving form, the same as a defensive . . end named Deacon .Jones on V1rc 1 flL<;. the San Diego Chargers He •·1 alwa:is told my quarter- denies, however, that it is anY- back. 'don·t run anything at No. thing more than a coincidence. 59. He alway~ kills us'," Vinci •·I just took the number they remembers. gave me," Stanley i11J1,ts. •·Jt's No. 59 wa Palo Verde's two- not that I don·t admire Deacon year all-<:011ference performer and seve;al.other pro players. Cornell Stanley, and indeed, he In fact, _Id like to play pro ball killed ju t about any running myself 1f I get the chance. threat headed In his ~neral di- . "But, I Just take whatever rection Jersey they give me and play Belie~ing Iha if you an't 11herever they put me... whip 'em, get them to join )OU, There Wah one aswn. last Vinci brought Stanley with him sea on when Stanley raised.h1~ when hP took over the Univer- hand m prot I "Coach Vmc1 sity of San Diego job last sca- 1 hinte,:t he might want to try me son. didn't." Stanley responded by leading When you are Vipci's size, a Torero defense that ranked you don't argue withla man 6-1 10th in the nation in the NCAA and 240. College Division oppo- TORERO 'NOTES- Stanley nents' bing. Stanley and Co., and his teammates go aiter allowed an average of 74.5 net their third victory against _one yards per game. loss_ here Saturday night "We had some very small agamst Pomona College, the linebackers last season," Vinci last home game for the Toreros 1 · " d St nl until Nov. 3 . . . Quarterback exp ams, so we use a ey Bob Dulich accounted for 211 of a.t middle guard part of the USD's total of 367 yards in last tu~e. T~1s year we have some week's win over Claremont, weight m o~r Jmebackers,..50 getting 124 of them on the we can put him back at end. ground ... Pomona is 0-1-1 on It doesn't make much differ- the season, tying Whitman Col- ence to the 6-1 and 240-pounder lege and losing to Azusa Pacif- from Pennslyvania. . ic, 45-25. at fullback," Stanley 1emem- l bers. "I quess I would have clone it if he insisted, but he 10TH IN ATION He's never been sorry.

The procession of Knights and Ladies was im- pressively long, their cloaks flowing in the wind. Noble Ladies wore black and their Knights gleamed white in the afternoon sun. The cloaks were emblazoned in red with the Jerusalem cross, insignia of the order - the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Equestrian it may be, but there was not a horse in sight. Cass street, Pacific Beach, had never seen anything like it before, as the procession filed into St. Brigid's last week. Cardinal Maximilian de Furstenberg from

Practical fashions star at USD show

Knights and Ladies Rome, Archbishop Joseph Ryan from Alaska and our own BishopMaher brought up the rear of a procession as distinguished as it was elegant. One absentee was Buzzie Bavasi, though his wife was there. The on-again-off-again transfer of his Padres baseball team to Washington D. C., kept him otherwise engaged . Tallest Knight is undoubtedly newly invested Dr. Author Hughes, USD president. Both he and his charming wife tower above their fellow members of the order. Uns by most was a minor interruption at the rear of the procession when Cardinal de Furstenberg ac- cepted a petition from a man who wanted to deliver it personally to the "red hat."

·Wester Torero Roll 0 U.S. International Univer- managed 203 of USD's 260 sity failed to find the char- rushing yards in 24 carries acter it was seeking and including 63 yards m 10 at- University of San Diego won tempts as the Toreros took its fourth straight game in the opening kickoff and Saturday night grid contests drove 72 yards in 14 plays. mvolving area colleges. Sammy Croom got the USIU lost Its third succes- other TD for the winners sive outing in a 24-9 defeat at with a the hands of Whittier College 12-yard dash in the final '1n Balboa Stadium. period with Doug Rothrock USD, with tailback Rich adding a 31-yard field goal Paulson scoring three times, and four conversions. destroyed l..aVerne College, I..aVerne's scoring came ;n-14, the latter's field . on a four-yard pass from The sterners stay home Marty .Mercurio to Joe Ed- to enteruun anta Clara this munds in the second period Saturday night while the and a one-yard smash by Toreros remain on the road John Herrera in the final to meet St. Mary's at Mora- quarter. ga, Calif., Saturday after- noon. r Fol I,

naste_ry, 5158 Hawley Blvd , San Diego, onormg St. Teresa of Avila starts 7 p.m. with Father Michael French of Brooklyn, I Joseph Glynn, OCD, of El Carmelo Retreat 10 Diego's Founders Gallery watercolors by i.m -4p.m. weekdays Oct. 5-Nov. 2. ur Lady of Fatima Evening of Recollection Jct. 4, St. Joseph's Cathedral; Father Louis and Medical Center Auxiliary reception )ct. 11, Hilton Inn, Mission Bay romeo church, 2802 Cadiz St., San Diego 'ampbell's soup labels for 16 mm projector

"I was a defensive end and fullback in high school," Stan- ley reveals. But, I'd rather stick to defensive end. That's my position. ALL-CONFERENCE Stanley won all-conference honors at that post three straight seasons at Duquesne High in Pennsylvania and con- tinued his strong showing m his two years at Palo Verde Col- lege. "He is a quiet sort of guy and he was a little uncertain of him- sell last year," Vinci will tell you. "But, he has really come out of his shell this season. It's a pleasure to see a young man find himself and to adjust to any situations that come up. He has done exactly that." •·r guess I was a little con- fused when I first arrived here th 23-year-old liberal "


USIU coach Don Turner said the Whittier game would give the Westerners a chance to prove what char- acte;.- they had after a 62-0 rout by Puget Sound the pre- vious week. It obviously is still char- acter bmldrng week on USIU's Elliott Campus. Except for a 34-yard field goal by Sergio Albert in the opening quarter and Ken Koske's 98-yard kickoff re- turn for. a TD in the third, the Westerners offered .little against the Poets, now 4-1. Mike Ottombrino replaced Kerman Machado at quar- terback for USIU lo start the Jourth quarter. He moved his club to the enemy three and one yard lines but a 14- yard loss on a fumble and an offsides penalty killed both chances. Whittier running back Dan Chikami scored twice and George Todd once, all on short yardage, while the Poets added a 25-yard field goal by Nick Sega and a safety for their final total. Meanwhile, at Verne Paulson tallied on runs of 24' nine and one yards to giv~ him 11 TDs for the season. It ties an USO season record with the Toreros still having six games remaining. The 5-11 hard-driving runner from L.A. Harbor

Friday, October 19, 1973 _......,'----'-;_;;_.;..;..,...c.,;..;,-=..___....:....._



/N TOMORROW'S ROAD CONTEST Toreros. s·,d To Add ' 0 \~~ 11


rn Oregon, , lege, with all part-time stu- to acramenl dents, went from 13,621 to th n stopped < 14,581. ,r 12, and last Qther schools in the San unbeaten Sai Diego Community College StatE' 14-14 Dislrict: on ~mmon I -San Diego City College d feated o 'Cldf went from 4,404 in the fall of USO \\111 en1 1972 to 4,408 this semester, nunu defens1V an mcrease of only four stu- dents.

touchrJowns and a m an of


-Mesa Community Col- lege added 678 students to up ,ts enrollment to 8,163. -Miramar, which con- ducts vocational educational facilities, reported 611. Registrar Hilbert Cros- thwaite said he felt the City College figure was some- what lower than anticipated because of the college rede- velopment construction and the one-year re tdcncy re- quirement for tult on ex mp- on

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