News Scrapbook 1973
ate grade cuts
l!J SD fhe Tor ro cam out of th gate mokmg and scored th hr l II\ e lime· they touched th ball Ernie Yarborou h caught a TD pa lrom Bob Duhc h sandwich d around a pair o[ cores by both Rich Paulson and sammv room ll wa 35-0 at mterm1 non and th (mal quarter \I as pent t tm per nnel Claremont only core w a an mtercepllon returned for th TD
NEW LADIES- Mrs. Thomas c. Barger, La Jolla, is invested by Cardinal de Furstenberg, ~cmsorsw1noi·1~ · · r Tradition, prayer mark rites From page 1 repeat unceasingly, 'By the sign of the Cross, deliver us, 0 Lord, from our enemies.' " help of God, I promise never to fail in the honor and dignity of a Lady of the Holy Sepulchre." EACH OF THE LADIES had her Cros pinned on the breast by sponsors.
The cardinal bestowed the kiss of peace on the new Knight who then turned to Bishop Maher to have the Cross pinned on his chest. The men were invested with the white cape and black beret by Knight Hernando Courtright. Embossed on the left side of the cape is the order's insignia - a shield with one large cross surrounded by four smaller ones. TO THE LADIES, standing in their pews, the cardinal said : " I remind you that if all men ought to consider themselves honored to practice Christian virtue, so much the more should a Lady of the Holy Sepulchre use every means to obtain Christian perfection, and, by her actions and virtues, show herself worthy of the honor tha she received and the dignity with which she is invested. " Do you promise, therefore, in all your a ctions and vir tues, to show yourself worthy of the honor that you are to receive and of the dignity with which you are to be invested." AND THEY A, 'SWERED in unison, "With the
Bishop Guilfoyle was the first to be invested, followed by Msgr. Purcell , Msgr. Doxie, Msgr. Spain, Father Richard Saudis from Anchorage and the laymen in alphabetical order, as the women, later. The new Knights and Ladies were presented to the cardinal by Dr. William Doyle of La Jolla , first lieutenant of the western region. Cardinal de Furstenberg was principal con- . celebrant of the Mass, assisted by Bishop Maher. Archbishop Joseph T . Ryan of Anchorage, retired Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas and Bishop Guilfoyle. THE CEREMONY BEGA, with a procession down the center aisle lined with tall candles on each side, as the organ, trumpets and trombones played Awake, Thou Wintry Earth by J S. Bach. In the evening there was a reception and banquet for Cardinal de Furstenberg and Knights and Ladies in the Atlantis restaurant, Mission Bay.
CROSS AND MITRE - Below the crucifix in St. Brigid's church three officiating prelates sit while listening to the scripture readings, framed in foreground by the ceremonial hat of first lieutenant of the new Western Lieutenancy of the Order, Dr. William Doyle. From left, Bishop Maher, Cardinal MaKimili- an de Furstenberg and Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan of Alaska.
year " It was a tough blO\\ for the boy a vur qu d Vmc1 said 'He didn' t notice anv pam until afterwards in tht' lock r room Gordon Dunc n ha been pencil! d m as \nder. on replacement Vmci, who predicted his wm O\er Clar mont could n t be a definite about his next roe Occidental "The) don t po,. ess a terr1l1c attack " he acknowledged. "but they did manage to limit Azusa Pacific a httle • ot enough, though as P cored a 32-14 v 1ctory rn the sea on opener tor Occidental Vmc1 would dearly like to continue his opponent· losm~ ways when he host· them Saturda) starling at 7 30 at LSD tad1um "\\ e are about three game behind .\nd ··s boy·." admitted Turner I hope we can close that r too long·· He's already tar ng for that one -TERRY MO:-lAHA!'i
Prof directs A ia class aboard ship
" He did e,erythmg lor us ;'nturday except t he laundr 'PELL TROt, BI f• On man who wa less than enthusia. tic about the Burnham boys' perlormances wa · mver 1ty ol San D1eg ·s
Stags plan I ngUSDday
USO prepares for Occidental
DUBBED_ KNIGHT new Kmghts were touched by ceremonial sword. Msgr. Donald Doxie, pastor of St. Brigid's, kneels as he is invested by Cardinal de Furstenberg, with Bishop Maher, left, Father Roger Lechner and, right, Msgr. I. Brent Eagen, diocesan chancellor. - In traditional fashion,
Spec1a ist To Lectu USO Seri ,
FULL CHURCH St. Brigid's church was crowded for the investiture almost half filled with members of the order. Here Mrs. Auth- or Hua;hes, wife of USD president, is invested. -
BISHOP PINS Bishop Matier pins cross insignia on newly invested Knight Dr. Author Hughes, USD president. - SC photos -
cholarship fund The State Scholarship and Loan Co mm1ss1on has aMounced the o~nmg ol c mpet1t1on m the 1xth year of th C-Ollege Opportunit, Grant Pr am Grant are primarily for disadvantaged tudents \\ho pl an to attend a public commumt~ college 1cat1on have been sent I ta t.e high chools and ust be sub1111tled to the holar hip and Loan 1410 Fifth St . no later than
teacher training for credential 7:30-9 :30 p~ .' Tuesdays a;d Thursdays, Sept. 11-0ct. 18. Court Madonna of the Sea, CDA, sixth anniversary Mass 11 a .m. Sunday, Sept. 23, St. James church, Solana Beach. Serra Club of San Diego pastors' dinner 5:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Sept. 26, Mission Plaza clubhouse, across from Mission San Diego de Alcala. Court St. Colm Cille, CDA, card-game party for scholar- ship fund, 7:30 p.m Salurday, Sept 22, Holy Family parish hall, Tait and Ulric :San Diego. Reservations. 278-2030, 292-7251. Catholic Family Sentce, Mercy Clinic, Ba,ilde Settle- ment House in Hillcrest community par14 • Dleeo, for United Way campaign, U ._, turday, ft. Diocesan Senate or Pr1ests first fall meeting Thursday, Seot. 20, St. Charles Borromeo parish hall , San Diego.
SOCIAL NOTES - Carmen Hernandez of Guadalajara, Mex1c?, who Will become the bride of D. J. Sprague, alumm director of the University of San Diego, is being introduced to members of the university family here this w~k. A _weddmg m Guadalajara during the Christmas ho!Jdays JS planned. During her visit Miss Hernandez is the house guest of Dr. and Mrs Gilbert Brown. Dr. Brown is vice president for univ_ersity relations. Mrs. Brown entertained in honor of the visitor at luncheon at her home on Monday. ~unday evening Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the umvers1ty, and Mrs. Hughes gave a small dmner party at Casa de Alcala, the president's residence. Guests included off1C1als of the university. Dr. and s. Hughes and Dr. and Mrs. Brown visited M HIPntMllio? at her home in Guadalajara last summer d LV'.llllllllMP. the University of San Diego summer p
g Sister Sally Furay will introduce members of Religious of Sacred Heart at niversity, at a dinner at he; Furay Is vice president and provost of
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