News Scrapbook 1973
Souther Published by the Diocese of Son Diego, California
at grade cuts h rt
61 st Year, No. 38 Thursday, September 27, 1973
head roach Andy Vinci, who must play the Westerners •·ov. 10 at the llSD Stadium l!J SD Vinci' troop rebound d niC'ely from their op nmg game lo l UC River 1de to register th ir fir l w m 0 ! th current campaign, a 35 ' drubbing ver Claremont Coll ge The Tor ros c me out ol the gate mokmg and scored thl' fir t !i\e times they touched the ball . Ernie Yarborou h caught a TD pa from Bob Duhch samlwiched around a pair of core by both H1ch Paul~on and Sammy ·room It w 35.0 at mtNm1s on and th llnal quarter was •P nt t tmg per onnel
to hll thl.' void by the grade
"Kelley is a d1llerent ltogeth r II~ wns a doubl enroll e ill Pittsburgh and LA \ la t vc r. and w , th r for • ruled out of acllun The r 1mg on Kell y wn xlrcm ly unlurtunate m e h earn a 3 8 verage into th cla room and Turn r calle
FIRST KNIGHT - Furstenberg for First to kneel before Cardinal de installation as Knight of Holy Sepulchre at St. Brigid's Tuesday was Bishop Merlin J. Guilfoyle of Stockton, who brought nine others also invested. - SC photo
Claremont's only core was an interception returned !or the TO . The win v. as a costly one for t SD Rich Anderson, starling defensive end, sustained a lacerated ktdn Y and undcn1 ent maJor urgen Sundav. lie will lost for the rt:>mamd r of the year tough blo\\ hr the boy and our squad \'mc1 said "He didn't notice any pain until aft rward m the locker room · Gurdon Duncan has been pcnc,lied m as Anderson's replacement Vinci. who predicted his wm over Claremont, could not be as defmite about his next foe Occidental ''They don•t possess a terrific altac · " h_e acknowledgcJ, "but they did manage to lmut AlUSa Pacific a little " ·0 1 enough, though , as AP . (·ored a 32-14 victory m the season opener tor Occidental \'mc1 would dearly hke lo continue his opponent' losing ways when he hosts them Salurda} starting at 7 30 at USD Stadium "It wa -
• Ul.SIIO t'F ...Pacific rrui e Prof directs Asia class aboard ship
ANCIENT CEREMONIAL- Using ceremonial and promises steeped in cen- turies of history, Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre were invested at St. Brigid's church, Tuesday. Here Cardinal Maximilian de Furstenberg, grand ma ter f he order, inv r. Joh Pu , pa tor in
Coronado, while Bishop Maher, left, Father Roger Lechner, vice chancel- lor and Msgr. I. Brent Eagen, diocesan chancellor, assist. Seventeen persons from this diocese were invested. (More pictures page 8.) - SC
Cardinal here from Rome
radition, color, prayer mark ancient rites
Mrs. Thomas C. Barger, La Jolla; Mr and Mrs. Frank J. Bender, La Jolla; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dalton, San Diego; Mrs. Frances G. Harpst, Coronado; Mr. and Mrs. John V. Naish, La Jolla, and Dr. and Mrs. George Zorn, El Cajon. THE OTHERS ISCLUDED Bishop Merlin Guilfoyle of Stockton with nine others from his diocese, and six from Anchorage, Alaska. In the ceremony, preceding a concelebrated Mass. the Knights and Ladies pledged to be "true soldiers of Christ . .. practice Christian perfection .. . and take care that his holy name be spread and loved everywhere." The honorees wore formal attire, with men in white ties and tails and women in black evening gowns and veil. The Knights were invested with the symbolic spurs. sword, cross and cape, and the Ladies with cross and cape. Cardinal de Furstenberg, standing before the altar, told the Knights: "I RE:\11'.'/D YOU, that if all men should consider themselves honored to practice virtue. so much the more must a soldier of Christ. who should glory in being a Knight of Jesus, use every means never to sully bis good name. Finally, he ought to show by his actions and virtues that he is deserving of the honor which is being conferred upon him and of the dignity with which he is invested." Together the Knights replied, "I declare and promise by word and in truth to God Almighty. to
.Jesus Christ, his son, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to observe, as a true soldier of Christ, all that I have been charged to do." Each man knelt before the cardinal who placed a sword on the new Knight's right shoulder saying: "I APPOINT AND declare you a soldier and Knight of the Holy Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Receive the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ for your protection and for that purpose Turn to page 8
Southern Cross Reporter A 900-year old Church tradition adapted for today's time was brought to life Tuesday as 26 men and women were invested Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem . The two-hour ceremony in St. Brigid's church, Pacific Beach, marked the first investiture in the papal order's newly organized Western Lieutenancy. CARDINAL i\IAXI:\IILIA.' de Furstenberg, grand master of the nth century order, invested the Knights and Ladies, who included 17 from the San Diego diocese. He as assisted by Bishop Leo T. Maher, first grand prior of the order's western region, who, in his homily, called on the Knights and Ladies to be "eminent members of the Iyst1cal Body of Christ and carry the spirit of the Gospel in their family and community living." They should "prepare the world for the seed of the Word of God," he stressed. IN\'ESTED FROM the San Diego area were :\lsgr. Donald F . Doxie, pastor of St. Brigid's. Msgr. John F. Purcell, pastor. Sacred Heart, Coronado, and Msgr. William D. Spain. pastor. St. James, Solana Beach. president, University of San Diego, and his wife : John J. Knudsen, cartoonist for the Copley newspapers and Catholic newsweeklies, and his wife: ' Also Dr. Author E . Hughes,
One man who was le ·s than enthusiastic about the Burnham boys' performances wa, Lmvers1ty of San D1ego·s
Stags plan I ngUSDday Claremont College football coac John ZJnda is ready to we Saturday's game against th l nlverslty of San Diego right to the Toreros The tr>ams wiu me t at 1.30 p. m on Claremont s field. "They 're going to have to show us, lJnda s:ud aflcr hearing that l SO coach Andy Vlncl was pred1ctmg Vlctc,ry "We plan to mak it a lo g afternoon for thPm " Sophomore quarterback Hank CIJriStman w Ill dlrec! Zmda' power I ofle with Billy :--as, and 1ke Graber a his running backs .. cholarship fund The State Scholar hip and Loan Comm1ss10n has announced the opening of c mpetit1on 1n the sixth year of th College Opportunity Grant Pr ram are primarily lor d1 advantaged student who plan to attend a pubhe commumt} college. pplications have been sent to all tal<' high ~chools and th mu t be s ubmitted to the St te Scholarship and Loan Co 1 10n 1410 Filth St, Sa ramento no later than D mber 14
"We three games hehmd Andy's boys, · admitted Turner I hope we can close that bdor too long " He's alread} ·tar mg for that one. -TERRYMO 'AHAN are about
USO prepares for Occidental
{i. r• Spec1a 1 To Leet USO Se1 IPrtHT• •e11e ,,., questions of I
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zalltv and soc1al consequencPS I s srhe Our Mother of Confidence parish, San V1ego, 1.,;1.,;u tneo1ogy teacher training for credential 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 11-0ct. 18. Court Madonna of the Sea, CDA. sixth anniversary Mass 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, SL James church, Sqlana Beach. Serra Club of San Diego pastors' dinner 5:30 p.m. Wed- nesday. Sept. 26, Mission Plaza clubhou e, across from Mission San Diego de Alcala. Court St. Colm Cille, CDA, card-game party for scholar- ship fund, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept 22, Holy Family parish hall, Tait and Ulric Sts:San Diego. Reservations: 278-2030, 292-7251. Catholic Family Service, Mercy Clinic, Bayside Settle- ment House in Hillcrest community parade~S.o Diego. for United Way campaign, P a..m, Saturday, Sept;.22. Diocesan Senate of Priests first fall meeting Thursday, Seot. 20, St. Charles Borromeo parish hall, San Diego. HAZELTDW EVENING TRIBUNE - Society Editor · SOCIAL NOTES - Carmen Hernandez of Guadalajara, Mex1c?, ~ho will becor,1e the bride of D. J. Sprague, alumm director of the University of San Diego, is being introduced to members of the university family here this week. A wedding in Guadalajara during the Christmas holidays is planned. During her visit Miss Hernandez is the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown. Dr. Brown is vice president for university relations. Mrs. Brown entertained in honor of the visitor at luncheon at her home on Monday. Sunday evening Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the university, and Mrs. Hughes gave a small dinner party at Casa de Alcala, the president's residence. Guests included officials of the university. Dr. and Mrs. Hughes and Dr. and Mrs. Brown visited r.r Hernandez at her home in Guadalajara last summer d\ltiDg visits to the University of San Diego summer P=there. o., evenmg Sister Sally Furay will introduce Ml» 8~ to members of Religious of Sacred Heart, the orae'f 'ofituns at the niversity, at a dinner at her residenre. Sister Furay is vice president and provost of the. university. , •
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