three seasons.
rank sixth and s~vf'nlh respec·tively. on the all-tunl' Torero cormg list and return for their final campaig11 Plus, 8rovelli ha a pair of loc 1 blue chip recruits oil d Andrew Jones \\1tch •· ovl'r from M sa and highly touted ~1adison guard Rodney Shanks mov, d from the shadows of tu t amm tes to be<'ome on of th biggest prizes of the last year n.-c·ru1tmg There 1s till ~lu weet smtll of suc-ce iit l'Sl)'s gym The Pit. Combine that with l.lrovelh's atcompllsh- rn en ts and the I SD basketball fortune till app ar lo be heading upward - TERRY MONAHAN
M mbcr
students laculll' WI\C pro pecll\e members mv,ted lo attend Sept bt\\ nland:tpm
is La
ow it's th
Pa1e 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1973 Around the diocese st. Vlartin•s church S1)91! · n, San Diego Bloodmobile 9 a.m -I p.m. Sunday, Sept g, parish all, 7710 El Cajon Blvd., La a r.:veryone welc lo give blood Dela1ls: 466--7878. I.a Jolla Deanery, DCC\\, fas noon Tuesday, Sept. 11, cred Hearl church, Ocean Beach . Luncheon meeting m pari h hall Reservations: 276-4451. Ullre)a8p.m Fnday,Sepl 7,SanSalvadorchurch, 178\V. KSt, Colton. Hermanos y herm nas en nsto habra 1.,1treya a las 8 p.m. en Colton tom en la opporturudad de esta santa ri:_union ~·avor de venir Porn na lie -W F.nd Right to Life L gu forms Lif . v r Club to support Lifeline 985-0205- alternative· lo abortion First pan h. d nation 100 from St. Joseph's, Upland. League meet 7:30 p.m Sept. 10, St. Jo ·eph's hall. Information: -9242 an Diego uxilial') membership lea 1 p.m, 13, U O Casa de Alcala on Alcala Park
THE SAN DIEGO UNION JJWJlk!J l .... 'LI UODY', trni:o:
:ti Colkt•r ha... dime I mu~h b tter at the Dt I Mar trud, than he did last 1 :fear but hC' has quit the ruces before the end of thG I ,ca n. "1J11s yt•,ir r lwt :18 ra<' •s and dirln't <'a~h a tit· wt," he aid. "Last year it wa. 63." Emlin~ a •atum at IlotPl dt 1 Cornnado, ador Rod StPig1 r asked lo!' a bag of jewelry he thought
lw had left at the front desk. It wa not there. "If it was lost or' tolt•n, I 1." n ~ay only 1hi!'," said hotel president Carlefon Lichty. "I didn't get it." :Municipal ,Tlldge ,J. Robert O'Connor arranged a golf to_ur- nament for 56 judges attending a c·onfPrPnr-P in Anaheim. None or them playl'd th<'ir hPst. Ha_d houble t:oncentrating on thCH' swing'. Bob had d10st'n Los SP; nrnos golf f'OUl sc, 29 miles from .Anaheim. It's righ1 across th• 1 oar! trom thP ~tatP pri~on at Chino. Su1-p1·i~r: Dean Spta;?;ue, di- l'l't'tor of alumni at USD, will br•<'ome a brideg1·oom. CarmP11
Mr . James Copley receives plaque from USO president Author E. Hughes, nammg the university's library alter her husband.
Immaculate onceplion Franci , l ·30 pm Sunday Di o
Page 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 Around the diocese Father Thomas Austin, K o{ C, clergy night dinner 6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, Church of Good Shepherd parish center, camino Ruiz and Gold Coast drive Mira Mesa San Diego. ' ' Scripture workshop, Old Testament, 9:45 a.m., six Tuesdays, start Sept. 18, with Father Lawrence Battle at University of San Diego. Information: 291-7614. Free legal serv_ices available casa Ramona, 1524 West 17th St., San Bernardmo. Phone 885-8410. Sponsored by Diocesan Mexican--American Commission. Gratis servicios legales en la Casa Ramona, 1524 West 17th St., S'.1n Bern_ardino. Tel. 885-8410. Patrocinando por el Com1s10n Mex1co-Americano del la diocesis. Riverside Deanery, DCCW, pre-seminary fund benefit luncheon 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 'rl, St. Thomas parish hall, Jackson and l\lagnolia Aves., Riverside Mass 11:30 Sept. 16, El Monte Park. Holy· Angels Byzantine Catholic church annual benefit bazaar nooo-6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, 5154 Hawley Blvd., San Diego. Public invited. Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima installs officers 7 30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, St. Joseph's Cathedral audilonum. San Diego Deanery, DCCW, noon Monday, Sept. 17, Christ the King parish, 32nd and Imperial Sls. Details: 262-2206. Court .Mystical Rose, CDA, Riverside, benefit t 1p to Corona Del Mar and Laguna Beach Saturda}, Sept. 15. Bus leaves Security Pacific National Bank, Magnolia Center, 9 a.m. Reservations; 689-7902. Sacred Hearl church third annual family outdoor Mass 1 p..m. Sunday,_Sept. 16. fool of Saratoga Ave., Ocean Beach, followed by p1cmc. Msgr. Kenneth Stack, pastor, celebrant. San Diego Old School House, 3966 Mason St. classes in history of the city and California's missions Wednesdays and Thursdays, mornings and evenings. Details: 291-4903. St. Gabriel's parish, 12847 Oak Knoll Rd., Poway, CCD methods teacher training for credential 10 Thursdays, Sept. 20, 7-9:30 p.m. Our l\1oth~r. of Confidence parish, San Diego, CCD theology teacher trammg for credential 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 11-0ct. 18. St. Kieran's parish, El Cajon, CCD teacher training for credential Tuesdays, Sept. 18, 7:30-10 p.m. Palm Springs Deanery, DCCW, 11 a.m. Sept. 18, Mass, Our Lady of the Valley Church, 708 E. Slate St., Hemet; meeting and luncheon, Massacre Canyon Inn, Gillman Hot Springs. Details: 925-4155, 927-3156. . Rosary_ High School, 4106 42nd St., San Diego, evening of information on Marriage Encounter weekends, 8 p.m, Sept. 16 ~fission San Luis Rey married couples' retreat 7:30 p.m. Fnday, Sept. 21. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23. Information: Father Ralph Weishaar, OFM, 757·3651 or 278-4052 (San Diego). St. Francis Branch, Italian Catholic Federation, fall dance 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, Elks Lodge East Vista Way Vista. Tickets: 726-2749, 722-7246. ' ' t:. University or San Diego Camino Hall Theater violin makers' symposium a_nd competition 1p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16, co-sponsors USO Music Department and Southern California Association of Violin Makers. a.m. Reservations: 687-2188, 689-8307. Our Lady of Grace, El Cajon, pansh p1 1c 11 a.m. Sunday,
, 7:30-10 p.m starts Thurs-
· cla s, CCD teach
tera n hall, El Cajon
6, St
raising bazaar 10:30
Cedar Community
aturday and Sunday, Sept 8-9. St. Jo eph's
a.m.-4:30 p
Cathedral auditorium. Public invited. High h I m hods for CCD Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
teachers 7:30-10 p.m. t 10-28, Diocesan Office
Room, Sister Dolor Molina
San Lui Rey metho urse for CCD teachers 7:30-10 p.m. 1onday, Wednesday, Friday, Sept. 5-26, Don Hanley. St. tberine Laboure Altar Society, an Diego, luncheon- fashio how noon ~aturday, Sept. 8, Atlantis restaurant. Information 278-0983, 277-9079. Holy rinity Altar- sary Society rummage sale 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Thur day and Friday, Sept. 6-7, 405 Ballard St, El Cajon. Blue Army of Our Lady or Fatima Evening of Recollection 8 p.m Thursday, Sept 6, St. Joseph's Cathedral. Center for Christian De elopment, pansh -coordinators' meeting o a.m. Tuesday, pt. 11, 459 west 17th St, San Bernardino. Holy Family Ladies' Club card party 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, parish hall, San Diego. San Bernardino Deanery, DCCW, 10 a.rn Thursday, Sept. 13, Our Lady of Fatima hall, 1049 La Junta SL Father Herbert G. Rogers, retired priest from Los Angeles, living in Palm Springs, died Aug. 25 in a Los Angeles hospital. Burial was at Santa Monica.
JJernaudez is coming to 1own from Guadalajara to nnounee th,:,ir Pngagcment. ThP\ nl<'t in Guadala- jara while he was teaehing thPre in 1964. Luci r1wz , ants to spend Christmas night in San Diego, 1, ,t only if he t·an do ii h"r way: playing the lead m "Irma La Done<>,'' opPning Dec. 25 at the OH Broadway. She wa in town to d!~cuss it. ....
St. Adelaide parish, Highland, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for better famil) life and successful school year, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, to 6 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 9. ill SD An invitation from PRESIDENT AUTHOR E. HUGHES ofthe UNIVERSITY OF AN DIEGO to bf'come a Cha rter 1ember of th e UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO PRESIDE1 T'S CLUB You are invited to become a charter qiember of an important new organization being formed at the University of San Diego_ T~e President' s. Club will have as members individuals fully committed to the value- oriented educational program of the University of San Diego. They will advise and assist in the expansion of USD. Membership is open to friends of the University who contribute substantially on an annual basis. Members may occasionally be called upon for guidance. They will be guests at an annual event honoring members. The organi~ation is designed to provide mutual benefits to members and the University. We expect 11 to become the most important service group related to USD. It will not be large, but its influence and contributions will be wide. For additional information please contact Dr. Gilbert L. Brown, Director of Relations. University )<·ala Park• San Diego, California 92110 (714) 291-6480, Ext. 346.
Vin i Promi es Win Over Clarema°~t,Jcftfg University of San Diego is 0-1, New quarterback Bob Duitch after an openmg 20-16 ~os~ to experienced some difficulty in UC Riverside Saturday night. running the option play being ..\fter this week the Tornros fnrcPd to cany the bali himself will be l-1. You have coach 17 times and wound up with a Andy Vinri's word for it. net loss of 12 ards. However, lJSD traYels to Claremont h c mpletPd eight of 16 pass- 1 College for a 1:30 encounter n~ attempts for 102 yards with Saturday afternoon. only one interception. "We are a better team than "He may have been waiting Clarem?nt. We will .~eat the~. just a little loo long to get rid of I prom1~e you that, was Vm- the> ball," VJnd believes. "But ci's blunt statement yesterday. he is coming along. We have 38 AHhou:lh disappointed with new players this season and the final score, Vinci found sev- they have to learn lo play to- eral things to please him in the gelher." opening test. The coach also had some kind "We lost to a very fine Riv- words for center Mike Keefe ers1de team,'' he said. "1 \\aO off('n.~ive tackle Ron White and defensire mistakes hurt tis bad- linrbackrr Pete Sanchez. The 1) . We only had the ball for ·ix latter l'njoyt•d a great evening plays In the third pC'riod. Then with th "first hil'' on 16 ta('k- we fin~lly startPd putting i all ll's anti a~sisted on 20 others.
togl'ther in the lourth quartl'r. Trailing, 20-3, early i11 the fi- nal quarter, the Tor<'ros scort'