News Scrapbook 1973
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24 per cent for nonoverweight wom• en, 17 per cent for men. Girl campers can expect to lose about 10 per cent of the bod}'s fat mass. he explains. Both camps figure the girls will lose a littl<· over 30 pounds 1D actual weight during the sessions It 1sn·t easy to lose an average five pounds or more aw ek while increas• mg vour act1vitLcs and eating less, but there s no place, at either camp, to hide. • Our nur e has heard it all," :'.\trs. Hurw ilz ay,. "She knows about the ore lt•g, o you can't hike, or the earache which makes swimmmg im· pos~1ble. We watch the girls at first, and when we ee they aren't doing omething, swimming, say, we 11 teach them privately, so that they lrarn to take part. "At a regular camp, a girl would rathPr die than put on a swim suit, but thev're not embarras ed here because· everybody's in it together," Ir . Hurwitz say • "Peer group pressure i a lot of It," Stone a ·s. "We don't ay that the ~iris have to . w1m , but that they must put their suit on and go up by the p ol And a the girls lo e weight, them I a I r, ctor is there." ~·hat makes Most of the girls fa , ((•,nh uni on D 0 <,, t:ul. l)
ritis,' they're not athletic," . 1rs. Hurwitz adds. "We keep them mov- ing, and we teach them a new concept of eating, one they can maintain when they go home ." The 100 girls at Camp Napanoch this summer, :.\trs. Hurwitz says, come from all sections of the coun- tr}, from France, Guam, New Zea- land, Mexico and Hawaii About 120 hefty 11:irls from eight to 19, (average age is 12 to 16), are attending Camp l\lurietta this um- mer. a slim down camp at the Universit) of San Diego campus, according to resident director NeJI Stone, and the program's much the same as at Solana Beach, whrre Camp • ·apanoch is located on San Diego .Military Academy ground . ''We try to make our camp ph1loso• phy a 'want to approach, rather than a 'have to • " Stone, a wintertime physical education teacher at Fair- fax High in Lo Angeles. says "E\. ery girl who comes here has been on a diet. either semimed1cal or fad and it hasn't worked. We put the empha• si on the reduction of eating, and how much more active the girl will be."' ~tost of the girls who attend the camps have about 36 o 38 per cent of weight in body fat, Stone explains, while the contemporary U.S. norm is
The girls come shuffling in, in· flicted with " pectatoritis," jeans with 38-inch waists and doubtful expre sions. Seven or eight weeks later, hope• fully , they'll leave one of the county's two all-girl slim down camps in much better shape. They won't be spectators, they'll be play- ers in the new and fascinating ~ame or a thinned-down life. "When the girls get here , they don't know how to play tenni ·, or run, or play ball," says l1rs. Thelma Hurwitz of Camp Napanoch West , at olana Beach. "The fat girl doesn·t want to participate. Remember how it was during school days, when the kid picked team ? The fat kids. the poorest players, were the last picked. "Most heavy girls have 'spectato- St,phanit K1111tr JO, holds up htr 1ea11s 111 .sht r1'm at Catt;p 'ajJanoch , 011t of th, co1mtJ's tu o s/1111-dou n stwuner camjJ1 for gll"l'- Stepha111t, uho has shed 20 po1111d,, u ,ll lo,, anotl,er 11 pounds ,f sht l11n up ti camp
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l a11ra Lerb&u 1tz, 15, does a hip-slimming e>cercise at Camp S11pan h 111 Solana Beach, u here teen11,r.ers are 111111,ht to participate in games and exercises, plus the calorie e1aluation of foods in slim-dou 11 program 011 Sun Diego Military Academy ground,.
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In Ir d, u, fefi, a; l .i\!arsha Mayer, right, tlOrk tl'ith ottrwt1gh1 teenage girls at Camp Murie:t.: on the Unfremty of San Dtt o campu, tl11 summer, helpmg them tn l&,r ·ei, throu,r.h mim- mms:. Murutta ,s ont of two mmmer slim-dou:11 Instructor Dianne Goldsmith helps a rtu- dent exercise al Camp M11rietta. Follou ing exercise and menu plans u ill lead to a ia,ght loss of11bo11t 31 pounds, camp directors say. 'Dr. Barbara Gunning, can P dietitian, o,ersees the girls' shopping and menu-planning. lloward Hunt, associate super- visor of the physical education deparbnent at UCSD, is athlet- ic director there. The girls like the programs at the camps because, as one camper said, "It works". Dropping from dress size 18 or 20 lo 12 or 14 is "pretty thrill- ing," another camper report. ed, and having your mother not recognize you, because you ·re thinner, is another. Ninety per cent of the girts at Camp Napanoch, 'Mrs. Hur- witz says, keep the weight off, once they lose 1t. MUSTARD, Mt;STARD At both camps, the girls find some little way lo put their particular stamp on the sum- mer. At Napanoch, it's eating mustard on everything, even watermelon. and at Murietta it's making diet lemonade with lemon juice and artificial sweetener, neither menu items. Vegetarian campers are in- creasing, Mrs. Mostad says, (she adds cottage cheese and eggs lo their menus to offset protein los.s), and as a general rule, the girls are getting lea- ner each year. Now they come m wanting lo Jose 10 lo 20 lbs., she says, wtule it used to be 50 or more. "The first week you have to make them eat three meals a day," Mrs. Mostad says. "They can't believe they'll lose As the girls progress, the ramps schedule charm and makeup classes, for older girls, to help them make the most ol their new looks. Alter "graduation'', the campers re- cei\ e ne1 day. This year at Solana Beach, the m n are bemg studied· b_v faculty members of thi> Vnlversity of California at I.Ds· ~ngeles who are measuring insulin levels against a control group of normal-wei~ht Pasa, dena High School girls, lo test for hormonal aberrations.. But that's the serious side. On the fun side, both camps -allow the girls lo choose activi- -lies from a complete listing; schedule Wet>kly field trips lo county points of interes~ allow for parents' ,1sits and close the camp with a "before and af- ter" fashion show following a shopping spree in Fashion Val- ley. LEARS TO 11-tARKET At Munetla, c-ampers this. year are learning about mar- keting. and will buy and pre- pare a well-balanced diet din- ner before the session ends., p directors f d, Is plain d simple overeat ng. ~e- h lo ba k r und eatu,g b done al the begilmlni; 10~. then the g,rJ~ re re-tr incd In good nu tr1tion btts using '·foods they can find at home," according to di tl!ian Mrs. Darlyne Mostad of Camp. ·apanoch. "At this stage of their Jives., It wouldn't be good lo teach them fo eat Jee milk if all you c;an order at a snack shop Is ice cream," Mrs. ~ostad fiays, "so we teach them how they can work 1cc cream into their di Ls." The diet followed at amp Napanoch, she ex- I m , is the New York City oard of Health diet developed Dr. Morton (;Jenn, a!fll- tcd with lhc three Camp p, nochs others are located 11! We tmont College, Santa Barb ra,andF.11 nviUe,N.Y. Th diet tre es hign pro- tc , low carboh dralc foods t n :i rea on ble portions of the s •
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