News Scrapbook 1973

N Will Discuss USD Program

B CHEI.ORS SHOl U> want a ~ir l .ic t like the gh· who' - marrying :llichael Specht. he is ~lnrian 'arol. t the La Jolla dental lab where she is em- plo)'ec.. he is making their wedding rings, and her bo , Dick Rogers, is pa ying for the gold. Mike's on 'he county probation staff. Wedding's May 12, Pre- sidio Park. "Thi look-alike thing has gone far enough." That was .\lrs. Gera ld (Phyllis)


~I) \u iliar. lo in-,lall ol'fi ·•·r~

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Drake of Del l\Iar, announcing she had succe ··fully undergone the same kind of breast cancer operation performed on Shirley Temple BlaC'k last November. Ph) llis was Shirley's stand-in at l the movie studios when they were 5 year· old. 1t wa · about time that wme- tlnng good happened 10 real estate >-vndiC'ator Jack H. Young at one of these big dona- I lion charity dinners. For years he has ~uppo11C'd them all. e\ m agreeing to ·erve as <"hairman ot some. Something good finally did happen to him. At a SlOO- a-plate affair for the C oot- ; ticket won a year's free w c of a I 1 · Paul :\le~·ers (Pepsi Cola) got th u e



nl. Uhoadcs p1og.. m, hi


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n Continental.

DR. AU THOR E . HUGHES, JR. Dr. Hughes was Vice President and Provost of ·orthern Arizona Uni- versity at Flagstaff at the time of his appointment to the University of San Diego: Hughes, 43, is married and father of four children. He had been vice president and provost for Northern Arizona Uni- versity for two e rs, and previou ean of the College of Busin Ad- m in i stra t i on for four years. He was a profes- (continued on pg . 5) us

To Planet Gala

"I con walk into my professor's office to talk .•." "Students who go fro•m our pre-med excel when they go into med school." " President Hughes' remarks about 'vallle based' education impressed me. Values mold lives and shape individuals" "To me it's the best college in the area to receive a credential in education." "I have to think about cost. USD's tuition is very low for private schools in California." College of Arts and Sciences School of Business Administration School of Education School of law Get yourse lf together and become a part of our com- unity. Write or phone our Admissions Office, Room 280, DeSales Hall , University of San Diego, I ala Park, San Diego, Calif. 92110 (714) 291-6480.

Hits Pomona

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University San Diego lthe time with a ba,ic 5-2 de- coach Andy Vinci is keeping his fense. They return their entire f:ngers cros.ed this week. offensive line this season. For the first time in hi two Vinci has announced one se_asons at USD, the Toreros change in his starting offensive will be at full strength-unless line, "senior citizen'' Earl ;\liJ- somethlng happens between Jigan at 34 year of age getting now and tomoITOw night when the·nod over Ron Whi t one Pomona Co~ege come calling tackle spot :.t USD Stadium. Jim Ryan also w1U n "We will be 54 men strong," again at tight end m place of Vinci says, ''with only defen- Paul Tom co, who dm- sive tackle Rich A:tderson proved from an injury that missing from our entire ros- sidelined hiJn last week but ·11 ter " Ander on is sidelined for be used spapngly. the season after surgery for a Vinci will start regula ar- lacerated kidney. terback Bob Dulich but IU>pes The Sagehens of Pomona are he can find the opportu · of winle s in two games, t}inglgelting more work for o. 2 QB Whitman College, 14-14, and Bob Tomlinson from uth- Josing to Azu a Pacific, 45-25. western College who h ap- However, they have a long ball peared onl · bnefly m the To- , quarterback in Larry Cenotto reros' first three gam . a 185-pound junior wh9 can Tomorrow nl 's cont st \I ill throw stnkes at 60-to-70 Jards. be the final home te t for USD As a sophomore last season, until Nov. 3 when V ci' forces Cenotto pa sed for 1.671 yards entertain Azu a Pacific. In be- and 10 touchdown but the tween, the Toreros will play Hens Still finished 2-7. Cenotto road games at Laverne St. throws chiefly to wide receiver Mary's and Humboldt Stat;. Gary O'Neill, who caught 25 pas9e for 525 yards in 1972 ----------- Th latter likes to run deep pat a ep hooks which Ja~t year he p d him average 21 yards p('r rec plion. Runrung ack y Soter and eff 1gn r both h ve good e and a ca- le rece1 v-1 of

ei;ci comlJJg out of the backfield. The Sagehens run from a 1 "pro left" offense a majorit 1 of

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