News Scrapbook 1973
7/1/7~ First alumni president is La Jollan to 111creJ c alumni part1 p 10n W<' are hard al work un our homecoming. wtuch will be from Oct. 29 to Nov. 4 " W 1dmcr 1s m.irt1ed former Donna .Jean
Thursday, July 5, 1973
Class to explore prehistoric sites What ancient civilization was first to inhabit California? Theories surrounding this cupation, they may provide knowledge concerning
to the
the antiquity of man in Califor- nia," Moriarity said. Texas Street has been one of the most controversial 'tes in North American ar logy, since the discovery in the early 19508 of stone tools theortlkal]y used by early man. It was argued that the stone tools were too crude to have been made by man. HOWEVER, within the past year, investigations taking place in Buchanan Canyon, one mile from Texas Street, have recovered distinctly similar stone artifacts which are unquestionably of human manufacture, according to Moriarity. conducting the history Moriarity will reswne his own extensive history of resea ch into San Diego's prehistoric and historic past.
cerv. Thcv live m La Jolla with their three ch ildren.
question will be explored by students d.. the history class, "Prehistoric Site Methods," at University of San Diego this summer. According to history professor James R. Moriarity of La Jolla, the class will work in archeological sites at Buchanan Canyon and Texas Street. . ''OUR URPOSE will be to uncover artifacts and other evidence of hlElall occupation at these sites. If enough evidence Is found to prove that these are sites of human oc-
Pace 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, JULY s. 1973 Around the diocese Bishop Leo T. Maher
Sunday, July 8, 7 p.m. :\fis- sion San Diego de Alcala, patrons' dinner. Sunday, July 15, noon, :\fission San Diego de Alcala, 204th anniversary Mass.
TICKLISH SITUATION - The Rev. Or. Gerald Moede of the World Council of Churches, left, shows off Lincoln-type beard and gets h~ppy respon~e from Mrs. Douglas Lindsey of Chula Vista, president, United Methodist Churchwomen in Southern California and Nevada, and Msgr. John Portman, chairman, Diocesan Ecumenical Commission. Occasion was Dr. Moede's Christian unity talk at USO De Sales Hall. - SC photo
* * * * Our Lady of Mount Carmel solemn novena 7 p.m. Satur day, July 7, Carmelite Monastery, 5158 Hawley Blvd. San Diego. Father David J. Centner, OCD, Carmelite College, Rome, preaches. Public invited. :\lission San Diego de Alcala 204th anniversary fiesta July 14 15. All invited, 10818 San Diego Mission Rd. St. Anne"s school second-graders and families, San Ber- nardino, attend concelebrated Mass by 12 new priests from Lo Angeles archdiocese in annual friendship program. t. Charles Borromeo parish annual "Neopol n Night," 6:30 p.m Saturday, July 14, Kona Kai Club. an Diego. Reservations: 222-0148. t. Rose of Lima, Italian Catholic Federation, fair 9 a.m Sunday, July 15, parish center, Third A\e and H St., Chula Vista. Public invited. ;ii< Unh·ersity of San Diego film course, "Morality of Warm Cinema,· five Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. starting June 28. Details: 291-6480. Sixth International In ·titute for Women Religious, Aug. 5-17, Christ the King Retreat Center, neai: Sacramento, Pas- sionist Order, Box 156, Citrus Heights, Calif.. 95610. Class of 1948 Academy of Our Lady of Peace, San Diego, planning alumni reunion. Information : Mrs. Dolores Duran Adame, 428-2164. Stalpar Club work party 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 9, St. Vin- cent de Paul Center, 630 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Pomona Valley-West End Right to Life League distributes Bracelets for Life - slm1Jar to POW bracelets - Box 651 Upland, 91786. Donation: $3.25 each, defrays hot-line 985: 0205 costs. ,¥-- University ofSan Diego Alumni Association elects J. Fred Widmer of La Jolla (1963) as first president. Mercy Hospital and ~1edical Center reception for commit- tee chairmen of Mercy Ball and Art Bazaar, 9:30 a.m. Mon- day, July 9, hospital board room. Benefit ball Oct. 27, Hil- ton Inn, San Diegq Our Lady of Angels Altar and Rosary Societ · It.:ncheon and home decoration show noon, Saturday, July 7, nari h hall, 635 22nd St., San Diego. St. George parish rouths, Ontario, theater party rock mus- ical Godspell. Details 986 3995, 983-2637.
£VINING TRIBUNE DATE BOOK News From Clubs, Associations
Nat L. Eggett, Hehx Water D1stnrt d1rector for d1v1s10n 5, has hPen Pl<>ctPd a s1s1an1 t1n.surrr of the C~lifornia WalPr R sourcP~ Assn. by [hp grnuo's directors. He 1s cincrtor-at- lar;:P of lhe assnr1at1011, which w1s forml'd 111 1955 as lhe Feather River A. n. Antilitter contest winners announced WmnC'rs in I he lire ~af€tr anhhttPr cnntP t •pon epltort "Jal. Father Rigney, historia at USO, rnoving to New York F THE 1' rancls J Rig. ney, OF'1, a familiar figure on the U D campus rnce the former College of "1en opened in 1954, has been re gned to . ·cw York by his re1ig1ous superior . He will leave San Diego July 23, he aid, to report to the order' Provine of the Mo t Holy Name of Jesu The studie, reflect a grow. ing de.sire for a profes 1onal life and for postgraduat tudy, and a harp decline the wi ·b for a family-cen- h:red life. Summer hosts invite La Jollans Having returned from Guadalajara, Dr. and Mrs. Author E. Hughes continued their summer series of dinners in Casa de Alcala. Dr. Hughes is president of the University of San Diego. Last Thursday the Hugheses entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Clark, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Fielder Lutes, Gen. and Mrs. Victor Krulak, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hazard, Mrs. Frances Harpst and Bishop Leo T. Maher. On Friday evening, their guests were Dr. and Dr. Burt Aginsky, Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Halverstadt, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, Thomas Fleming, Mrs. Elizabeth Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cox and Adm. and Mrs. Joseph Williams. The Hughes are continuing tbeir series this week. L,j. &.ljftn' 7-l'f-?J he wa dean of the graduate school. Father R,gnc\ is the brother of Fa her Harold \\. Rigney SVD. \\ho re- igned recen ly as presi- Oniversity auxiliary UI .Jot..LA lrc,.rl r 7 /;u,/3 plans fund raiser Members of the University members of which also includes Mrs. Edwin Ferguson, Mrs. James Mulvaney, Mrs. Gerald Mc- Mahon, Mrs. Leo J. Durkin, Mrs, Joseph E. Bennett, Mrs. J. Richard Wolf, Mrs. Ross Tharp, Mrs. George Zorn, Mrs. Frank Pavel, Mrs. Jospeh Mullen, Mrs. Emil Ghio, Mrs. Milan Brandon, Mrs. John Athaide, Mrs. Michael Mur- phy, and Mrs. Charles King. the committee of San Diego Auxiliary will pool their efforts to raise money for scholarships which will assist students on the USD campus. Announcement is made by auxiliary president Mrs. William Yancey of the ap- pointment of Mrs. John A. Waters Jr. as chairman of a major fashi6n show to be held on Oct. 17. The Grande Hall of the Hotel Del Coronado will be the setting for the luncheon and show. The USD Auxiliary sponsors a benefit annually for the University Scholarship Fund. Auxiliary memhers include faculty members. faculty wives, mothers of students and friends of the University. La Jollans Mrs. James Casey, Mrs. Harr; Collins and Mrs. Thoml\s Finn are •
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