News Scrapbook 1973
As part of th e program, Debbie's Shop in Del Mar presented an ex tensive fashi on show of coed-chose n and modeled fashi ons. During th e show, a represe ntative of Vivi an Woodward Cos- meti cs demo nstra ted beauty techn iqu es. During the mo re than two-hour presen- tation, Sigmo n Vardii of Sig's Backroom in Del Mar did comb-outs and hair styling on several vo lunteers to show new styles, easy styl es, and high-fashion styles fo r every type o f hair and woma n. There were many qu estions from the aud ience, and I think everyone there we nt away with informa ti on whi ch they were eager to use.
re-wo rked for re-sa le items, o r given directly to those in need. Helen may be reac hed at 755-2995 .
SAVE YOUR STAMPS The Di ocesan Council of Catholic Women was instituted by the late Bishop Charl es F. Buddy in 1937 for th e purpose of ca rrying on the work of the Bishop's Office. The San Diego Deanery was the fi rst, bu t as popu la tion increased the La Joll a Dea nery was fo rmed. The Deanery is the parent group of all Church affil iated organi- zations. It meets 9 times a year in one of its 10 member parishes. The presen t head o f Diocesan Council is Mrs. Wilbur Munich of Escondido. The La Jolla Deanery is now 20 years old . It is very ac tive in earn ing scholar- ship monies for San Diego Coun ty students, and in suppo rting the temporal needs of many missions. In their insta ll ation, Mrs. Helen Carn ey of Del Mar was passed the La Jo lla Deanery gave l, and enthusiastically began her two-year term of earning fund s for others. By the way, Helen requests four items fr om Living readers. She wil l make a pi ck-up if you call her and tell her th at you have any cancelled stamps, or stamped envelo pes (you do not have to remove th em), clean o ld nylon stock- ings, sma ll sugar packs, or small oap packets. All of these items are
Art World
Mrs. by Monsignor James Gilfillan of Mary Star of the Sea. Helen Carney is congratulated
On Display
T ESE THREE pieces are included in show of work by John Dirks at the University of San Diego Foun- der's Gallery. At far left is teak 'Column I', 3 feet high; at left is t ak, walnut and rosewood 'South- west', 5 feet high. At right is wal- nut, teak and aluminum 'Concerto for Sticks', 4 feet high,
The d istaff sid e o f the University of San Diego was treated to a lad ies' evening recently, as the coeds took part in Women's Weck. Every day a d ifferent aspect of being a woman was ex pl o red by the gals, as th ey breezed th ro ugh counselors, speakers, philosophers, and var ious experts who could di semin ate informat ion to ma ke a lady 's life a little easier or prettier.
ations Of A culp
Kodak lnstamatic 20 littl e pi ctures-big fun ! POCKET CAMERAS IN STOCK NOW SOLANA BEACH CAMERA 755-3321
We are fast becoming a t radition on the coast For the f inest in Mexican Food come in and dine with us. NOW FEATURING ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY. FINE FOOD. 99c LUNCH DAILY. FREE MEDALLION FOR THE LADIES. SPE· CIAL COCKTAIL HOURS. 755-8870 OPEN 7 DA YS I 1 a.m. to 11 p.m. BOARDWALK MALL So lana Beach •••••••
on " the Boardwalk" in Solana Beach 243 . Highway 101 755-7188 •••••• •
tJoR..TH {OUJ.Lry' uv1NG, 19 r,/1t
tween southea. t San f)te- go (minority ghetto) tllld police depart ent, m- munity group aml l,t1gf. nessmen. ju. Ire award al~o went to the Ghetto • fesse:ngere, l'I group of young f11Cn from southca t San Diego. TJ, group was founderl in 1970 to provide program fo1· participation of underprl- v ileged youth. A ·pecial award went to Fred J. :.Iorey in recogni- tion of distinguished ser- " ice as chief administra- tive officer for the county since 1968. The law -and
Ms. Williams is director of La Raza Consortium, a U.S. Office of Education supportive sen·ice project \\·hich provides tutorial and counseling programs for community college . The Rev. Lonnie C. Wormley and Clara Jo Brown "reeeived housing community de\-elopment awards. • ir. \Vo r m 1 e y, pastor of the Prince Cha- pel A~rn Church in La Jolla, founded and is pres- Jde,nt-executive director of SOP'A ( 'trongly Oriented for Action). de cribed as an outreach ministry de- signed to improve the
:4, Pm IV-Fr , June 29, 1973
quality of racial relations . . . in the down town ghetto of La Jolla." ~ls. Brown is legislatin? \"Ice p res i dent of the League of Women Voters, for \\-hich she has been chairman or the resource committee for San Diego Land Use Study. A representath·e of the county's Japanese Ameri- can community, .Jack Ha- maguchi, was honored in the health education wel- fare field. Seven years a go Hama- guchi organiz the Me!Ji Club, a social anli informa- tion disseminating a soci-
ation for elderly Japane e- Americans. A health education wel- fare award was also made to Esther M a r ti n e z, a counselor with Planned Parenthood; secretary of the Association de Char- ros, composed principally of low- income familie,; and a board member of the 'orth County ):eighl>or- hood Corp. and the 1<:scon- dido Community Clinic. A law and justice hono- ree w-a;; James E. Hatcher of the Police Department's Community Relation Di- Vision. Hi responsibilities haYe included liaison be-
II llllcl ·taria11s Honored in San Diego H o I I y woo d High and UCLA.
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