News Scrapbook 1973

USD Archeologists Explore Mission Valley • Old Mission Yields Its P


Film series d eat USD "The ~Im ,rlit y of War in thr C11w111 a" a srrirs of mo• t,on pictur will b<> shown m th~ Camino Theater at t~ University of San D1 go be- gmnrng J une 28. J,'catures tu bP hown arc 'The Rii:: Paradl'," June 28; "All Quil't on the We~tern Front," July 5; " Paths or Glory," Ju ly 12 ; "Stalag 17," ,Ju ly 19, and "Bridge On the Hiver Kwal, " July 26. Maury Cohrn, film and TV director, will moderate the series. 1<;ach session will hr- gm at 6:30 p.m. Hcgi !ration will be held June 25 from 8 to 9 a.m. anct June 28 from 5:30 lo 6 30 p.m.

By HELEN CALL Staff Writer, The Son Diego Union something and that makes It exdtlng so you don't mind the h rd ork " arc henlo,nsts have uncovered nearly 60.000 artifacts at the m ion 1te. Jdent1ficahon rP- qulres the tudl of hi•toflCal docu- ments. Said Dr. Branrtes, "The e documents tell u that ship captains in the old days took up the planking from their deck~ and brought it a~hore whPre the ships' carpPnter · made altar tables and furniture for the church. We find remnant, of these thmgs. "All the ships that stopped In the San Diego harbor brought ,e.~tments from South American cities such a Lima, Peru, where the finel't ones were made. They broui(ht chinaware from the Orient , and dinnerwa1e from Eng- la nd and France. They brought glass and beads from Italy and clay pipe from Holland." later, which have filled the l!ttle mu eum's cases wJth Already the amatr.u The U. S. Army left trac cupation, 50 year of ts oc-

WhPn It comes to archeological ex- ploration, y ou are hkely to think of carayaning aero s th l" i::ahara Desert and beyond. But amC>ng San Diego's many unique features is the fact that it ha• its own archeological digs. The University of San Diego at Al- cala Park conducts a class In arch- eology which makes the most of the local archeologlcal sites. They have completed excavations on two such sites· Rancho Los CochP nf'ar Lak&- slde and Casa de Juan Rodrigue-L in Old Town. Th s ~ummer. the L'SD faculty will lead a group of ,tudent archeologm_q on an unu ual expedition into the wilds of Mission Valley. There they will dig for the relfc-s of the earliest California man. Their work will be watchPd by serious arch• eologists the world o\er. ccording to Dr. Raymond Brandi>5 of the history depanment at 1JSD, if the) dtScovcr nothing, it will he &)most a., ignificant a• if they come up with a skull of •·san Diego ~an." Durtng the regular ~Choo! year, R~h- eoh,~ral excavation~ are being worked ev!'ry Saturday morning at Mt sion an Diego de Alcala. aid Prof. Jame '\foriartr or the t.: D '1i tory department, "Primaril , \\e are excavating for architectural boundaries The more we dig, the more we find we have no accurate picture of what the old m1 sion was really like. "WP are findlng that it was far great- er, more beautiful, and more complex than we had imagined." Dr. Brandes said, "Excavating thl1 ancient mission is compllca ed b) the fact that there are three layers of buildings on top of buildings "The first was the dwellings of the Indians wh1J lil'ed on this site hPfore li69.. Then there are at least two peri- od of rhurrh construction. The U S. Army occupied the ~·1e in 1850 and at the turn of the century it was the Inca• tlon of an Indian boarding chool." Remnants from all thesP early San Diego cil'lllza ions a e to he found tl!P•e b) thP •tudPnt.s who get out with pick and shovel, hand trowel and whisk broom •·we've got gO(ld site here," •aid one of the students. " You k ep findmg

knives and rtrearms, anclen and brass uniform buttons. ThP archrolng) stuo<'nts, in ~ e i.; n hns nf!ep d the c 1 he comp!Plrly exca\'atoo one wing of t original m1 inn. \ · Hors l\hO top i.he mission's inner courtyard ,nl the exposed pa1 t1.1l walls or the Hall• ways ~nd thr two dozen rooms Ulat made up the wing the 81Shop's committee on rcconstru hon with a base to plan future re-bull

Around the diocese '-/a.1/13 S-C., Riverside Deani,ry, D<'CW, installs officers 12:30 lunch on Thursday, June 28, SL James parish hall, 260 W. Third St. P<•rns RP ervations. 687 2188, 657-3804. Catholic Daughters of America fourth annual Patriotic Mass 9:30 a.m Sunday, July I, St. Mel's church, 4200 Corona Ave., Norco. St. Didacus Altar Society rummage sale 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Saturday, June 23, school hall, 4630 34th St., San Diego. Christian community retreat, Miss ion San Luis Rey, June 24-July 7. Details: 757-3651, or write the mission, San Luis Rey, Calif. 92068. ..r University of San Diego De Sales Hall talk on "Concepts l"of Chri st1 an Unity" 11 a·.m. Thursday, June 28, by Rev. Dr. Gera ld Moede, United Methodist minister from Eland, Wisc. Public invited by Msgr. John Portman, chairman, Diocesan Ecumenical Commission . St. Frances Xavier Cabrini parish picnic 3-8 p.m. Sunday, June 24, Dart Canyon, Crestline. Sister Alana of the IIearl of Jesus observes silver jubilee 7 p.m. Mass Friday, June 29, Carmelite Monastery, 5158 Hawley Blvd ., San Diego. Cardljn Center rummage sa le 9 a m.-5 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 21 -22, 2422 Congress St., San Diego. Cabrillo Council, Knights of Columbus, honors Nocturnal Adoration team 5 p.m. dinner Sunday, June 24, 4425 Home Ave., Sa n Diego Details 262-9098. Father Tullio Andreatta, pastor, Our Lady of the Lake parish, Lake Arrowhead , marks 35 years as priest with Mass 7 p.m. Friday, June 29, in his church. Parishioners a nd other fri ends invited. Court St. Colm Cille, Catholic Daughters of America, awards University High School scholarships to Jerry Almazan and Ke ith Almryde. Leadership Award to Lor- raine Ponce of Holy Family School, s ·an Diego. -f:'university of San Diego film course, "Morality of War in Cinema," five Thursdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. starting June 28. De tails: 291~80. St. Vincent de Paul Society members participating in national novena for beatification of Frederic Ozanam (1813-53) founder of the society. Novena ends June 24. Young Ladies' Institute holds national convention Honolulu, Hawaii, June 23-28. Stella Maris YLI, Oceanside, install s officers 7:30 p.m. June 21, St. Mary's School, Ocean- side. Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration procession, vespers, Benediction 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 24, 3888 Paducah Dr , San Diego . All welcome. Interfaith Harvest Celebration noon Wednesday, June 27, northeast corner of Sixth and Juniper, San Diego. Sixth International Institute for Women- Religious, Aug. 5-17, Christ the King Retreat Center, near Sacramento, Pas- sionist Order, Box 156, Citrus Heights, Calif., 95610.

ARCHEOLOGY from Univenity of San Diego spend Saturday mornings ot their digs on the grounds of the Mission Son Diego de Alcola. Tile floor of one of the wi ngs of the old mission emerge os students sweep awoy the dirt. students

San Diego, Thur1day, .l·mo 14, 1?7J




S llri Di

e It's th;it time of lhi> )"Par ;is;:aln.

Gtoro• 5ml h

-s•oH P ot0t

On Stmday, ,John Wooden will he In San D1P,:o tn instruct youn:::stC'rs on how to play bask<'lh:lll. The n~tion·, most s11c- cess[ul_col1P;r coarh may even toss in a word or two about how to Sll<'C'l'C'd in llfr. ;\lranwhilP, G.lliforn1a State University, S;in D1l'go socrrr coarh Gf'orgr Logan and hockey coach Dennis Srldcr will be doing their thins;, too. A sorcer <'amp will be conducted at USD al the samp lime Wooden is pre·ent

PREHISTORIC it's just o cow bone h Id up by Andy Tink r. Putting it down in the dig records is Jean Whitely. Student orcheologists are finding three layers of buildings at the old minion ite. relics? No,

And a hockey camp will Mond;i y at the House of Ice in La Mesa. The camip craze ls herP, all r ight. and this is only the be- ginning. Brforc the snmmPr ends In S;in Oie,:o, there will be spl"'• c-1ahsl ramps for yo11ngslers rn Lennis, golf, surfing anrl-,:cl lhis-w('i~ht r!'rh1c- tmn. The latter 1.~ for females only. Max Shapiro drv<'lopNi the lrf<'a anrl hr enjoys t;dk111g ahnul it. "It's c:1 ll rd Camp MurriNa and it will be hc>ld ;it USD," hr said. "The offici al name is


Tl111nday,Jane%J, 1973

· 1973 YankeesSign USO' s Dineen To Bonus Pact Outriehlrr Kerry Dineen, who batted .409 in three seasons with the l 1 nivers!ly of San llit•«o. has g1wn up his final year of ehglb1hty to . ign a pru- re ional rontract ....,1th the •'ew Yurk Yankee~. 1t was an- nounced )e erday Dineen 20 is the finest hitter ever to rfonn for the To- n•ro , b tt n, .419 as a fresh• man, .394 a ophomore and .411 this pa t ea on which saw him hit nearly .500 in the sec- ond hall of the campaign after a low t, rt. Y nkee ur~ scout Pete Cos- [ l ar, rt \\ ho 1gned Dineen saul he re<'E'l\t'd a "sub~tantial bunus" Cosca rart w s optimistie about Dine n's future .. We are extremely happy to sign Ker- ry," he said. "I feel he will be playing as a Yank wh<·n he get th~ experience." A fourth round p1cl-; by the Yankees in the recent free ageut clrart. n;neen this vcar was II med to the All-American ('olle"e Division squad ror !hf' lhir d cons <:11t11 e sea on, be- c·om1ng the only colle •ian ever to w 111 that honor in h s first three seasons. "It's what I've always want- fd to do ever smce I played Lit- tle League ball." . aid Dineen, a fomwr Chula Vista f gh ath- lele. Only 5-11 and 160 po unds, Di- neen aI o po, esse i;o d speed SWlplll ' a t·hool re rd :J:l ha c~ a a fre hman lie holds U. D career rcc·oril. or 201 hits, l:i t(ipks, 281 total ba es and i7 to! 'I b M m addition to his 40~ b llin, \er.: e




Film Forum

University of San Diego will preent a film series con- rerning "The Morality of War in the Cinema." The five-fihn series is part of Communication Art 102, a one-unit course in fihn analysis. The film forum director, Maury Cohen, is a Hollywood and TV director, writer and producer. Cohen plans an introductory essary, a concluding · summary and a question-and-answer period following • each film. There will be a half-hour discussion preceeding and following each fihn. The course is held Thursday nights from 6:30 to9:30. Registration will be held.Monday from 8-9 a.m. in De Sales Hall, and Thursday from 5:~:30 p.m. in the Camino Hall Theatre. Tuition is $55, $30 for all auditors. -~-------

~IITCII CIIORTKOFF Am!'rica's Quality Slim Down Camp for Girls from 8 through 18. It'll be held J uly 1 through Au_t?. 18. Docs it work? "We had it last year am! it was a big success, " Shapiro said. "In fact . there WJIJ be one at Appleton, Wis., this summer for Midwest girls. Activities range from archery to yoga and there are also fashion shows, picnics and carnivals." You can drop pounds or pick up skills The mPasure of succc,s would be the final day on the scales. Happily, Shapiro tells about I.hat. ;·TJte avf'rage weight loss was 31 lbs. per glrl, " he said. Enou;;h said. In a morC' conventional m1nnrr, youn;:slers of au a"rs will be learnmg their favontc sport from famous instructors. Woorlr.n, for in~ta,,c,., wlll have a couple of his fo rmrr UCLA stars hrlpln;: 0111. Aarl whrn l..os Angrlrs Loker coach Dill Sharm~n runs hasl.rthall ram1ls at USD ,J nly l and Aug. 12 his tutors ,,m inrh1dP. .T<>rry Wrsl, K. C. Jones, J im l\fc;I.Jilllan, Chkk Hearn anrl formC'r Sm1 Diego Rorkel ~tar Jim BarnclL. Shapiro h:is had a lot lo do with Ihis. ThP 29-yrar-olr! !orm1T walrrhoy for thP St. I/Jui~ Hawks camr lo San fllrr.o in lnfi7 as a scout for the Rockets under g!'nrral managrr .la!'k M<'Mahon. 111e team C\rntually lrft but he didn't. Shapiro notes chanqc in camp concept -Torlay, Shar1ro 1s till' hrst known of thP camp orgauiz~rs. His organ1zal1on is <'allrrl Sporlsworld, Ltd. and amon~ thMe worki11~ for him brsidcs Wooden and Shannan are Billy Cas- ]lt"'r and Rirk Barry. llr lrlls ;ibnut !us s;:Mts. '' 'W<>'ve hrrn criticizrrl," hP admit~. "for havin,i:: .,prri.1lty camps m~lrarl of J::Pnrr;il onrs. In p~st yl'ars, kids usNI to go away to a grn!'!'al camp. Rut that's chan:;rn,:. "In Jn711. only J,onn hny~ 11r111 lo ha~hrthall l'amp~ In <:,111- forma. This M1111mrr thrrr \111! ho 6, O. w~ <'lfl!'d z.rion or that numhrr lo cnml' to our camp~, mo~11y In s.,n Dlr;:o." The idea l~n•t to mak11 AII-Amcnoons out of <'\'C'ry youn~ ma~ . : "Wr want to motivate kids, inrrr~sr thrir ronhcknC'r," Sha- riro s;i1rl. "Surr \I'" m:ikp a ntrr profit. No arg11111"n' thcr•. Bu t WP also Pxpnse thrm to some m1>111orable ex11C11rnc,•.-; 11lld ~"Y to lr ave ll1rm with some hasirs thry ran carry on." I • Shaprro has be!'n so succC's~ful that h

museums and galleries (f»/l ART SHOWING bal*s by Lisa Lane, sculptures by Claus von Wendel, resin art by Hank Byzak and Gary Coccaro. At Claus von Wendel"s studip, 2150 Jimmy Durante Blvd , Del Mar. June 23-July 4 Other artists and craftsmen are invited to come together and dis- play JAYE LAWRENCE, Fiber Sculpture and Les Lawrence. Ceramic Sculpture, Triad Gallery, 3701 India Street, through July 7. (a reception for the artists will be held on Sunday, June 24, 1:00-5:00 PM The public Is invited.) 1930's EXPOSITIONS.a photographic show, Fine Arts Gallery, Ba!bna Park, 1hrough July 1. GALLERY 8. trad1t1onal and contem- porary Airican art, as well as other hand-made crafts (Jewelry, ceramics, baskets, weavings) from U.S . and abroad . International Center, Matthews Campus UCSD Tuesday through Saiurday, 11 A.M.-3P.M . KIBBY LINAWEAVER AND SUZI FITZPATRICK mixed media pieces. San Diego Art In hli'te Balboa Park. PHOTOGRAPHS by l :in Fayman. Harry Crosby and" Waggaman. La Jolla Museu Contemporary Art PHILIPPINES: Isles of Many Cullures, i ~um of Man, Balboa Park HN DIRKS, constructions and ~,net,c sculptures. Founder's Gallery, USO,_ through June 29. THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE BUILDING ISRAEL, graphics by t Martin Wiener, Aiso paint•ngs, drawings and lithographs by Fritz Scholder. graphics by Francis Zuniga and Rufina Tamayo. Introducing pain• tings by Virginia Newcomb. Orr's Gallery, 2200 Fourth Ave., San Diego. TEMPURA and watercolor paintings by Robert Vickery, leading American re list, through July 8, Fine Arts Gallery Balboa Park.

(,j:i,/n 1J€18 .



• ism course

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