News Scrapbook 1973
S ,/f I t~Y.,_ orer Ui11 to Acquire TV Station '\I I \ H Bf~ ,\CII (DJ)- Storer Hroa C f,/~7;& '!:1 ra,ner numeu new ToreroAD C o rme r Chief Jus tice ell 258 USO Gradu at es To Expec t Exci ting Careers • The University of San Diego went all the way to Minnesota looking to find their newathletic director SD President Author Hughes found an assistant field which included USD head football coach Andy Vinci Cramer will begin his duties at USD Sept. I which encompass the recreation, health education and inter- co llegiate athletic pro- grams. He will also assist the booster club in fund ra1smg efforts. The youthful 32-year-old app ornt ee will le av e Hamline on a winning note ha vi ng dir e cted his swimming team to this year 's Minnesota Inter- collegiate Athletic Con- ference championship. Cramer is a former track and field athlete of the year in 1962at Washington and was named an All-American a year later. His previous teaching career has covered Uni- versity College in Ireland, as well as Idaho, Washing- ton, and Oregon Uni- vers1 lles John Cunningham has served as the acting athletic director this year for USD smce the resignation of Phil Woolpert last Sept Base ball coach JOJJ\I CR \MEit ... ~ucclJJir~°Ai;/.r/ 7 J :Washingtonian Cramer Name AD By T oreros ,John Cramer. ass1 ta n! pro- fessor of health and phi s1cal education at Hamhne lJniver- sily 1n SI. Paul \1mn , has h en named athf,-Jic director a~ the Universill of San Diego. USO prr.sident A11th11r Hus.:he~. \\ho annonnrect thP ap- pointment l estrrrla) ~aid Cramrr \\ ill as·ume his new post Srpt 1. The IJSD athlelrc directors PO 111011 bas remained vacant srnre the rrs. 1 nahon of Phil Woolpe1 m ., emh r 1972. Cram ·r, 32, al o "111 •rrve a d1r1>clor of physic·al Pducation anrl re< reatmn ;:it t,;SD. A product of th" Pacific Sor1hY. t, <'r:um r 11a a na- 1ion:,1 pole I ault and swimming champion 11hile at1end1ng Mt. \' rnon , Wash Hgh School H" I'. s se]rct d o the Al). \merica track and f1rld learn in 1963 I'. hile afttnd ni:- lhP l n,- versity of \\ash·ngton and \\ as d fhe-lime member of Uni•e1 States track te:ims competing in Europe Cramer re eh·ed hrs hachelor and ma ters degrees at Wa•I\· ington and his dni:-torate Irom the Um1·ersity of Oregon He has taught at Un1ver lty Coliege in Ireland, th" limver- .-,ty of Idaho, Washington Ore- gon and Hamline. At Hamlme. Cramer coarhed track, cross-country and s111m- ming. His ]973 SWimming !Pam won the Minnesota 1nt4'r. collegiate Athletic Conference championship I "John Cramer should bP a valuable addition to the unl\er- 1 sity," said Hughes in making the announcement. " I see he uSD Positron as very' challenging ," Cramer says. •·1 have met 1nth Dr. H11ghe~ and memhen; of the athletic :taff and their enthu,lasm f'lr de\ eloping he n,Prall rleparf- ment program convmced me to accept the position." ' Cramer·s duties a!so wrll 111- I elude working with thP l SD Booster· Club in ftmd-r1ismg r,roJects for the unl'er ·rtl' ath- letic programs " I havP spoken " 1th mem- bers of the Rooster Cluti all • t :+~~ l f • JOHN L. CRAMER Athletic head professor of hea lth and phys ical ed uca t ion at Hamhne l' niverslly and handed him the Job Dr. John Cramer got the nod for the post over the USD Auxiliary contributes Dr. Virgin ia Livingston of Lo Jolla pre- Livingston is outgoing president of USD • sents o $2,000 check for the scholarship Auxiliary ond Mrs. William Yancey, • fund lo Dr. Author E. Hughes, president right, is incoming president. of University of Son Diego. Dr . £;SO Auxiliary installs officer · Mrs. Will.iam A. Yancey of Pt. Loma was installed as /tlUHII// San Diego, Thur~day, June 7, 1973 Mrs. Thon1as Keelin of La Jolla, first vice-president, Mrs. John A. Waters, second vice• pres ident , Mrs . E . L . Tagweker , recording secretary, Mrs. George A. Kiligas , corresponding secretary and Mrs. John E . Leanders of Ocean Beach, treasurer. The auxiliary is a group of women who raise money for student scholarships and try to stimulate the growth of and interest rn USD. president Qf the University of San Diego Auxiliary at a recent luncheon at the Kona Kai. Sister Sally Furey, provost of USD condu c t e d the installationceremonies. Dr. Virginia Livingston, outgoing president of the auxiliary, pre ented a $2,000 check for the USO scholarship fund to Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the university Other officers installed were ~----~--- :1 Hon oring Patricia Ragen lff 7 .¥ Mrs. William E. Betts Jr. was hostess yesterday at a lunch• eon in the gardens at Itouse of Hospitality in honor of 1,f Patricia Anne Hagen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ragen of Chula Vista, who will become the brid of Kevrn John Gallagher, son of , 1r. and Mrs. John J, Gallagher of Scottsdale, Ariz., Saturday in St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Chula Vista. Mrs. Betts was a isled in entertaining by her daughter, Mrs. Larry Duane Hill. Gue5ts includoo Mrs. John J. Gallagher of Scottsdale, Mrs. Thomas M. Regan, maternal grandmother of the bride- elect from Omaha. Neb., \fis Karen Casey, Mrs. Jack Maras- chiello of Scottsdale, si ~r or the bridegroom-to-be, Mrs. Frank Ragen II, Miss Sue Ragcn, !lfiss :'.\~ary Ra.gen of San Francisco, Mrs. Harry J. Ragen, Mi~s Alice Ragen and _Dr. Katherine Ragen. They brought dem1ta se cups to the br1de- eled who can use them to hold her family's favorite dessert , 'pot de creme.·• Mrs. Regen also owns a demitasse collection, . for the purpose rl' 2\1rs. and Mrs. Da vl1:I Stiles Hackley of La J ]la will giv_e cocktail party tomorrow for the bethrothed couple. The bride- groom-to-be'. parents will ho. t the rehearsal dinner Friday at Hotel del Coronado. ~l ore Personali=ecl Paragrap f1s Mrs. Belle Benchley 91, former director of the San Die~o Zoo. is makmg her home at Kearny Mesa Convalescent Hos_p1- tal. She has received occasional visitors there tor the last five years . .. Retired Rear Adm. A.H. Gray has returned to his Coronado home after a 2~ay hospital sta} during which he was treated for a fractured hip. Adm. and Mrs. Gray's naughter, Liebe, and 2\liss Susan Talbot are en route to Balitmore, Md., where Miss Gray v.-ill attend a drama workshop conducted by Anti• och College. The young women are visiting friend en route to San Antonio, New Orleans, Greenvllle, S.C., Saluda and Alex- , andria, Va. and Washington, D. C. The girls, v.ho will return here m mid-July, will visit Cmdr. and Mrs. R. D. Burgert, formerly of Coronado, in ell' Orleans. • \I.\ HI.\ t,UJ S. !.£VY Channel 70 changes told ~I rs \!aria Lu1s,1 Levy is the new tom111u111ty aflar rs dircdor of t'h,1nnel 10, repl- acing Jun Estrada. She will be responsible for extending the station's activi- ties in the total community, according to Clayton H. Br"< c, general manager. Among her other duties will be that or KGTV liaison with the station's 1\'linorily Adviso- ry Council. Mrs. Levy joined the sta- tion in 1971 as a tr anslator; later became a writer-report• er for Channel 10·s minority community news program, and then became a part of the news department. Estrada has been named assistant producer of La Raza, a program project of McGraw-Hill Broadcasting Co. Attractive Mrs. Fegan had another socia role yesterday as ho,tess of an outdoor-directed lunehcon a t c Fegans' garden- embraced MCRD quarters for wive of staff non-commis- sioned officers. She and Gen. Fegan will give small dmner parties Wednesday and June 20 and will leave in J uly to at- tend the annual ~larine Corps s~mposium in Washington, D.C. .jlAmong the gue:,1s at the party last night were Dr . Author Hughe., USD president, and Mrs. Hughes, :\laj. Gen. and :.'\1rs. John •·. McLaughlin of Camp Pendleton, Dr. Paul Saltman, UCSD vice chancellor, and Mrs. Saltman, Dr. :\fare Swartz, chairman of the anthropology department at UCSD, and Mrs. Sll'artz, Dr. M. E. Spiro, professor in the UCSD anthropology department, and Mr;;. Spiro, Mi s Jehann Teilhet, professor, art department UCSD; Dr. George Lewis Phillips, retiring profe ·or of English. California State University, San Diego, and Mrs. Phillips. Dr. Alan N. Nahum, UCSD medical school, and Mrs.. 'ahum, Jean-Pierre Paris, French consul, and Mrs. Paris, Mrs. Henry G. Fenton and many other representative guests. Mrs. Fenton is lending her Bandy Canyon Ranch at San Pa qual for the Opera Guild's " The Girl of the Golden We l"' pany on full-moon July 14. Clever invitations were dropped in 10':al mail boxes yesterday. The party wa . he i11spiration of Mrs. C W ley Hall, who is reco\ering at Mercy '1/7 /7J (IP/OJJ Hospital from a recent opera 10n • CHANGIN~ FACE OF LAW - Melinda Jeanne Jeffries, graduate with honors from USD s School of Law, leads male line to seats at Saturda¥ c,remonie~ She was one of 14 wome raduates. - SC photo f,/7/73 _s.c . Wanted: chaplain for US2/. 'I s.c . "/7 73 A special Search Committee is seeking a diocesan or religious priest to serve as chaplain and coordinator of campus ministry at the University of San Diego, Alcala Park. "A degree in higher education is not a requirement for this position," said Msgr. I. Brent Eagen, diocesan chancel- lor. "However, demonstratetl ability to work with youth and resource persons associated with youth is necessary. It is ~o recommended that the chaplain live on campus." Enrollment at USD on increaF- ~/1,/73 rise in the numbers of freshman and transfer students applying. increase to the new organiza- tion at the university, which he says is attracting nationwide attention. Transfrr anrl nrw studPnts' applications to the Unrvers1ty of San Diego have increased this year Although national trends show requests for admission on the decline. president Dr. Author E. Hughes reports a ' 'This increase undoubtedly relates to that as well as to our San Diego location and the person-oriented program which we are developing," he added. Applications coming from alt over the country with a great number from the East, he sard Hugh s attributes thi s are
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