News Scrapbook 1973

6£NTl~tt-. 5-1-7~ NCCJ holds meet at USD Th Diego Regional Office of the National goals of t confer prov1d e opportunt

Dineen goes h • 5"(r/7J on ,t spree for Toreros lifter 11 games, he wa hit 1mg .215. That's when Kerry Dineen started to go to work Since then he has worked hvcr opposing pitcher for 3i hits m his last 70 n• bats. ill average: ,414 Th(• left-handed JllnJOf e • tabli hed a • at1onal Col· legiate Athlettc As n. Colleg Division record with 78 hits two years ago when he hit .419. La t it .394. the Ln!Vff I is In the mid of third straigh All-American honor. He di continue the rid ton h when USD faces UC D at E TO\On Park 1n National City. Game time 7:30. The To!'('ros return to f'~l Toyon on I< riday to play ho to U.S. International lJnive.r- ·Hy, also at 7:30.. USD will bring a 15-17 sea- on record intl> tonight game following three los e to IC-HtverSJde and v1ctone over UCSD and Chapman la week. While D1m•en lead the team m hittmg, fre hman Mike Mulv n h m Polllt Loma i the pitch with the lowest earn n a Dineen, ·elder for

University of San Diego Mexican-American scholarship benefit "Cinco de Mayo" dance 9 p.m. Saturday, May 5, Hil- ton Inn, East !'\fission Bay, San Diego Donation: $7 couple. Fiesta noon Sunday, May 6, University Sport Center, Linda Vista.

St. Rose of Lima Mex1can,Ameriean Ch day, May 6, parish center, 293 H St., C University High chool scholarship ft de Mayo" fiesta lay 4-6, 5961 Linda Vii I mmaculate Heart of )tary c ch, ba1 unday, May 6, parish ha and Ii rs anti-, m Friday, May 11, St. Jo ph's Cath blic invited. Loyola Univer itv ofl.o• An.,...1.. ~"" E~ PLANNED &holic Almuni Club

are to

! welcomed.

for Lhe community to consider ways to in ure a quality education for all and an equal opportunity for quality education. Lo develop an increased awareness of the methods to improve equality and quality in~;;;'~IJ,~:'d to propose recomm and guidelines to ach eve and implemcn rn education, ::~:~~clh all ethnic group A large students Third C llff:e C D will deliver a ma1or addres at the conference A tlldent panel moderated by Carolyn Love, a student al UCSD v.111 present student reaction to the speaker. anll the recommendation of t work groups Reserva 10n ma~ be made by callin or wnbng the , CCJ oifice, 232-6113 or 541 t; S. Grant Hotel San DI o 92101. Registration for conference small discuss will consider th goals of the m Pascual A bA••~iiltll in ich and tm artm1:z dean of

Conference of Christians and Jews will sponsor a one and a half day meeting at the University of an Diego May 11 and 12 The the·ma••th will be educat10n a total community responsibility. · Purpose and




o De Mayo Celebrations

I cil!es celebrate with s reet barbecues and pinatas-the decorated toy filled with cand, and gifts which blindfo'ded children at- tempt to break with s~lcks. dances. fiestas. hanging from the reil ng the c11! will observe the h~li- day with a parade begmnmg at 10 a.m. tomorrow. It will start at Mum ipal Park, at In T11uana. for m ·tance,




foods mg, leather crafts >nrav- ewmu, pamtmg and pottery Funds will go for scholar- hi to . lex1can-Amencans. Th ev nt >n 111 begm at noon and 11,111 mclude smgmg and theater groups. unday a rock fe uval m USD's football tadium will mclude ~ccch & Chong, a comedy duo, and rock band Azteca. Jorge antana & lalo, Rueben and the Jet Dak1la. EliJah and To\1 r of Po,1 r. It starts t 11 am. more formal arr ir will be a Cmco de !a) o dance ot he Hilton Inn' Fleet R om bcgmning at 8 p-rn tc>mor- ro>n. Gro

BY LEE GRA. iT Before May 5 1862 Mexi• co's nuhtan hi t~ry had been one of Jo t battles. But on that date a band of pea ants armed with axes Ir1Jac10 Zaragosa be' t back 6 000 French troops in the coi.. t :yslde near the town of sh vols, p chforks and handful of gun Jed by Gen.

from 12·30 to 1:30 p.m. t 1:30 pm.. there will be a 1ex1can-Amencan mclude Cesar Chavez. United Farm Worker director· Rodolfo (Corky) Gonzale • director of Colorado Cru ·ade for Ju tJce m Den\'er; Antonio Rodri• guez a Los Angeles attorney active in d -abuse pro- panel on po'illc. The participant

''The Threepenny Opera," RPrtolt Brecht's 1928 play v.1th music by Kurt Weill, will be presPnted hy the USD Opera Work. hop in performancPs at 8 :lO p.m today throu~h Satur- day on thP stagP of the school's Camino Theater. Robert Austin, a USD rnstruc- • tor who nnre played thP m:iJor role of PPachum in the Nev. York off-Broadway production on lhP work, IS directing thP show here using the adaptation by Mal'c Bhtz.~tem wh1 h 1s credited with makmg the work so popular m this country. A free adaptation of John Ga •'s 18th Century "The Beg- gar's Oprra," Brecht and Welll's work was a designPd as a satire on Germany between world warn. The music 1s pro- vided by a mall. Jazz-type o che. Ira which will be conductcil here by Henry Kolar. The cast wtll include Goldi Smegal as Jenny, the rol created by Lntte Lenya; Rngrr Mussl'ndPn as Mack the Knif Carol Collins as Polly: To Hinckley and Pam Meth\'lll Mr. and Mr . Peachum, Jun Tarentino as Tiger Brown, and Debbie Lynne, Chris Recto Neal Lyn c· h , Barry Lyon Dan Gne graber I Office Tim Chambers, thy Ker Pegg) Deegan. Laur bane Beth Rockefeller, B111 Bart Lee Daellenbach, Ken Je.1ah and Eileen Kearny m o h r roles. San D. Dieg



• The, h d lo>t man} uther Avenida Nmo He battle ," aid Fred lolina, to &;com) A~ nue and ·soc1ate ,rector o La Raza Avemda Revolur1on. Con rt m. a feder- Ieanwh1l m ally funded educahon pro- :\lex1can de. cen

and Raul Ru!Z of La tda a political party a Voz Latmo-amer1 l\1 x1 ty theater perfo fro. 3 to


students 1 attend for



potpurn of event the COUJUY begmmn

• But f together "

e they got



(Movim en 11 Chicano de

E D \\Till D




The day's eve nd \\1th a dan"e at 8 p.m m Revelle Co feteria Two 'lands v. 1 II pla} Chicano Generation and Mello Browns Tomorrow and Sunda) the Ur. ~er. it) of · n D e.,11 ho t "La Gran Fiest.a · Students trom t:SD, an Diego State, UCSD, San Diego City Colle e and Chula Vista's Southwe tern C,ollege Will participate There will be a number of booths offering 1 x1can . v. .11

chapters from California State an Diego, and are co-sponsoring a numher of act·vities toda,. At 11 a.m.. La Rondalla, a ·an Diego State song and dance company, will perform CSD , Soccer Field be· at l "CSD ruversit>.

DRE.\ I 'BATTERED The French returned ..nd sec ed otrer victor es and it wa n·t until 1867 that '«· poleon's dream of expan 10n Then Mexican troops regr- d ard regarnec their ov- wa. hattered. oi.:

2.60. Second b Williams i hift1 lower! by le f Prior at .309

1~ 1-,1,, '1.rira


1e~a Town Council

ard mcetmg.

7 30


ereign ,, ho la


r Benito Ji...:.rez, d a tire coun- e battle f1\ e al the govern- the s1gmficant 1ay 5, • lexican

tween Revelle

and Muir

Mason Elementan· S<:huol Three Pennv Opera 8 30 ..Ir p.m . toda} through . aturda~. 1K'cammoTh ater USO California Emplo~ment \ enc1e A n. conH:nt10n throuRh lav 11 at the Hilton Inn Pomt Loma Lion Club. 7 p m . Rodewav Inn FirP'-i.JrlP T~~dm,:u.·t..,... , t ..

campu They


tr) ·s r ~m1:1,.,

111 be Jomed b} Tea- tro 1e~tizo, a San Diego State


theater group . 1exican

de • layo crle gm at 7:30 p Kimball Bowl, DA enue

fn d

cooked by


paren of l'C~fl Third Col- lege studenb, will be served.

.ow, ~w

'1 he of D1egn madrigal s111ge1 cell'bratP the ,pr1ng ..., th their annual concert at 8 15 tmught in lhfl Camino 'l'hP ater. llahan, Dutch, German, F'renr-h and Enghsh mad g a's WIii be performed by tre IR v01ces unrler the d1r <'11011 of nebor~h Cuvier whose 111 ran~mcnt or" Kites \re Fun" also >nill fnr!T' p•1rt of the program Various arran ents of contemporary n by the Beatles, the 1".itth Dim nsion Joni Mitchell and others als~ will be performed. Ln1\Prs1tv


rates Cinco De M

Sunday, May b, 1973 B-13 s Join Mexico's Cinco De Mayo Festiv· ie ba kdrup of paper f .._ r Pmata • Indian ,1 1y and leather good~ off · d for ale I booths lining a floy;er•tnmMed 1,111''11111" pool THE SAN DIEGO UN!ON


C'on C'di.1 Ch biz rr roek lar \II t' < o 1p r and plant t Karl \\lld Ill per• form today In , an ))1 • •o. htt~h hong II hm , \\ 111 h ullinl' an ou1duor mu le f• th11l t~ rting at 11 a.m. on the l nnrr 11 of an Ill o

Fie a"' Schol 1p At University


ta and Beatriz Carlo , 7, al o of Imperial Beac-h, 'er among hundred· at- tending the campu hf'. ta.

........ ------------ ~

~-- S~tJr.S


b reros and Trojans pi


• r~r ., ,son s signs letter at c·oncl

hank a the "fine·(' field general seen on the prep level "\\e hope his abihty to brmg the ball down court will take some pre urc off Stan Wa hmgton " Scott imp on will haul Madison colors to Universitv of Southern Cahforma and Stan Wood's golf team Simpson v.ho followed former La Jolla High link star Craig tadler around to his econd con. ecut1ve So al Intercollegiate golf title ~londav (see related tory) fmi hcd the We-tern League golf campaign with a 70. 2strokes per round average He also carried a 3.6 grade point avera e and 1s leaning to1rnrd a bu me maJor at use Right along v.1th Simpson come. h1. oppo 1te number from Point Loma'· golf crew Peter Thompson Coach \\ood wa. notified earlier lhi. week that Thompson. Loma ·s number one golfer ha enrolled at USC Thomp on who started playmg golf in an Diego Junmr prol(ram JU t four year ago averaged near 75 trokes per round this vear · "I reel my be t 1s till to co co,_,__,...;, Thompson earned a heavy load through Lomaland and finished ith a 3 9grade point averaRe -JW- "I feel I've come along we years of play And there more

The second most asked que ·tion among graduating teenagers today 1s • Where are ,ou gom1e• It follow· "I· the urf up?" in popu!Jrily among the tanned and hght of heart In ,,c tern Le~gue athletic circle·, as el ewhcrc a number of youngster ar bein "rush d" by univer 1ties big and small giving evidence that prime talent 1s n valuable commod1tv · hool election by a trio or ¼estern tar t111 pa t v. •ck g1\·e equal evidence that the voung ters are more than able lo cope with the pre ures of recruiting and choo c their <'hool with care ,md consideration Madi on's Rodney Shanks, a Sentinel· · II-Western League guard and an All CW player select1on, skipped through a numher of scholarship offers m Iavor of l n1ver 1ty of San Diego Sh,mk . tall for a prep backcourter at 6-3. . ervcd a play-maker for the !!av. ·s m leadmg John Hannon' crew 'to an un• precedented seventh straight We tern League a ketball lltle .,..,~.., mo t un elfish player l've ever praised Hannon. ' He's a real floor lea r nd one of tho e rare guards who can defend agamst a forward ·· D ·oach Bernie Bickerstaff rated

Shank played a. a soph- orr r and jun101 at Compton l hgh before JOllling thr. We t- ern Le gu champion War- h~wks, for v.hom he excelled on defens n as a "quarter-

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