News Scrapbook 1973

cs u Drop USD, rom Slates (Coullnued fromPageC-1\ vNiotJ lnnuenC(' ~our thinkmg," con- a larger Univcr ity Div1 10 eluded Kurr. team). It's a chance to be,.1l a 'J he Aztec AO add that team you shouldn ·1 beat. Hut many of th e Aztee Club m m• for a many good rea on~ as to bers supporting USD now "b • why the game is good for USD. came con!u ed by our n mi or the1 are a~ many as lo why it ' that CSU D tag. ThL•y though' IS bad for San Diego State." : they were behind 11 and tile) j Th baseball situation f!ared were actually supportm th m after the basketball series was , and they 1evt>r knew it." 1111 hed, Aztf'c coach Jim Dietz " . that,'' fir d b ck a!1nounced that his team and Vi11 g t. "That" pid. (.; D 1!11ght not be me llllg · Th catur'. illo·•k. 1 much m the !~lure as they did \\ho thu e people this ;iCar (fou1 gamei;) C0.\1\fE!\T RECALLED thmg i · Just era- D1erz still wanted to pl~} . • They hal'e got lJ "!) a doubleheader, h11t ad- J'l,~'ofto'~11"'J;, and the world b} m1ts that that might br impos- t can't understund sible the way things havP grme fighting u. · rec-Pntly. mi lL•d •·1111111ing into •·1 nncr intended lo play him ztt>c boosters.·• four ganws this year, I Just "!' 1 , hing some of thetn wantPd to hel1> him uut on h1 · and onto o th ir people who schedulP," the Aztec cuach we1e be1pm them are now/said. helping . But I llClt'I" 11e11t "All J know is lhal lh<'y're out !O(lking for Ailee Club 110\ pla~ mg us anymore " said m~1b rs II was 111,,re bv USO b,l eball coach and acting coincidence, I just happened to athlet1<; dll"Cclor John Cunning- run mto th_em I don't harn a ham. "I thought lhe entire thing • I! ·t of. their booslcrs or any- started with the 1:omment V111ci thmg hke that." madP al the SSA mer.ting Vinci is :;urprised because (where lh~ coach noted t'SD"s only two monthi; ago he called successes rn baseball and bas- I Karr about the po,sibiilty of a ketball .ind added he would r,ne t football game m the di tant fu- day like to gel the opportunity . ture Both parties agree that m football). Karr said little about the pro-• "When I saw that. J didn't , po ·al, a reaction tlinl :eft Vinci like it because we 're not the i '' eling som tluns could be type to go around jumpl:i up t worked out and down. I did t c: 1\ I CAGE ,CHEO "But. if thi o State IS lltk ., [j their i tioned d, te~. schedule, they're leldy 1 , 1!g no sooner dead wrong. lt"s the m • t child- c than 7 .P ' Vmn said. ish thing I've heard " 1 t _"We 11D e·re not on par - with the Azt •s now. We just I 4/1 1 73

USIU Edges' USDln13


!(u { 7 i re sa~mg'larewell ~ersity cllaplm

/R.16,;_,v '!he m~mb

By TERRI DUFFY the l:SD community v i3 n1amm Carrier, th


this \',C"'k't(o for the 4\ t Father


r fears.

er has bcm appointed pasto 0£ St. Joseph s ' parish m HolMlle, and will lea\"e immedh,tely for his new post. !'led~es of Phi Kappa Theta and Tau Kappa Epsilon, the two national fraternities w th chapters on campus, are spending as much time rn competition this week as in

ledges are ponsonng all, che s and table ournaments to pro- ampus fellowship this ,.,_.,•.,.,,...,(I'hey have invited the ers1ty president and dean of the business sc·hool to join m the fun. as tbey are alumni of the fraternities.

While mo l students will be heading home at the end of the week r Easter vacation, ·ome will be goiqg to the Col- orado Ril er. unl •ity is sponsoring a t r -


beat me"


But that won't Ila "Not until theu- program progresses to the level we're at or we regress to the le1·e1 they're al,·· said Karr. The battle actuaUy began the last week in February when Az- tec ba5 etbal coach Dick Davis to 'C tor Bernie I e Aztec- USO s would not be ab n xt year. The Aztec a ) sched- uled 26 l>1visio11 teams. F ago the schedule in only five "The only tlung. r don't like," said Bicker ·ta1r. "is that San Diego State welched on a deal. They owe me a home game. It was a good rivalr · and San Diego wanted it, but 1t·s out now ··Three year.- ago I ,1greecl to ' play them ice in a row O\ er / there because ti y needed home game:;. I While the Azt ion had j nothing to do with ct USO won _this year's m g Davis/ admitted "Bernice robably right about that game.' "I've ~een in the same spot as Berme I a College Division coach _gettm_g a chance to beat I soon. teams of !hat c 'GOOD RJVALR

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town bot'1

m "some P" o want o


schools." As ex-Aztec Club members lending help·. he said, '·They are L"SD ;1 lumni , six or seven who were in the Aztec Clull. In fact, four people on my staff are ex-Aztecs (assistant, Bob Korzep, Tom Hoff1u:rn. and Larry Fernande,; l1 public- bl Gabe Oe . They saw somethi en at San Diego l feel this town ugh to handle t1,o/•~"1LI!> Vinci s to Karr's !al n ing the U D the l\ztecs. "I'm p· Prning it after Los Angeles tate·s," he said. Vinci was an assistant under Bomer· Beall} when the Diablos were the No. 1-rank- etl football team in the Col- lege Division in 1963 and '64. L.A. State defeated the Az- tecs both years, 43-32 in '63 and 7-0 in '64. Vinci denied he has lured away a Dodge dealer who had supplied the Aztecs c·ourtesy cars. "I'd like to know who the dealer is," he said. "I did ta! to a dealer who gave me ofn names of people who mi 6 ,! 1 ,..,.,;i;,w JI/one of them has " UL the ·e to both i.,'s for

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are from the collection of Leslie L. Johnson. Above, at left, is Rouault's depiction of a 'mother and child, and at right, a cloM1. Below is "Our Lady Of the Seven Sorrows."

hlbit or watercolors of th Holy Land nd Cyprus b, I- s- condido arti t John Gun • • on \ il'w m the om o G lery of the downtrwn S !I Diego Public Library. The painting show the area around Jerusal m \\ hlch the artist completed In the mld-' • 0s Y.hile \I 1tm the Colo are for the mo t part bland, no doubt t) plea\ of the 1·cality then. A native or Engl nd, Gun- ning tud1ed et the Calderwel\ Art School in London end the Reigate School In Surrey. He has been active in th Art Di- rectors Club of Wa hlngton, DC., the American Institute of Graphic Arts and was In· structor in graph c de lgn at ,cor e Washington Unher- s1ty before connng here. pproxlmately 400 at r- <"olorlst , four or them local, are exhibiting works ln the Annual Exhibition of the Am ncan Watercolor Society In New York. Arti ts from a 11 parts I>! the United Stat s, m mbers and non-members, are re)'T ent d in the exhibi- tions 10 galleries In water- color, gouache and acrylic. mong local artists exhib- iting their ork are Zella Dicken. on, Kwan Y. Jung, Eileen Monaghan Whitak r anti Fred1>ric Whitnker. \\ hltaker received !he Harri- son C dy Memorial Awiird for . ,ls 'l\aterco\or, "Dis- traught !other." Jung re- ce1 vcd th Clare Stout A y. ard for• :\!en, Winter, M untatn. '.' 0th r Calttom1a rtists x- h biung \\orks include Rex Brandt, Corona de! tar; non . ook, Bryn M wr; Jo n Irving, Cor na d<'! Mar; Betty Ann K1rkp·1trtck, Long Br.a h: Bruce n. Pl rec, an- ta lonica ; Donald P. Put m n, Redondo Beach; Morr! J. Shi tn, Mont hell\,, Lui- San Wong, San Franci o, and Rob rt E. Wood, Gr en Vall y Lak .

A total cf 34 prizes and a,1ards will be presented at the soc ety' an: ual dinner to held m ew York this in HJ!crest m an exh1b1l of 50 hoo dra\\ mg by La Jolla art- I t Bruce McCracken who recently returned from an ex- tended tour m Europe p mt- Ing et~, !lg a'ld dra111ng bit of his exper ences. His travels included such places at London, Malta, Is- tanbul, Budapest, Pari , R me Ath ns and Madrid, to name a few. Ore l'I'lght immediately conJure up scenery drawings of the Acropolis, the Vatican, the Champ Ely ces, the Eif- fel Tower, etc., yet thi · is not McCracken's style, nor his in- terest His attempt is to cap- ture the feeHng for the coun- try or the city by depictwg the people tn aclJVJties typi- ca \Jf the 1mpre s1on one gets from their countrie . In the drawings which 11 r,o on view, he uses rn1 m line baring the p1ec to implest expre 10 glance and one c JI dist' rn his Intent. m he e a chuckle. Some c u d even be caricatures. Others appear mo ·t vere and seriou . Without use of background structures typical of the vari- ous courtr es, McCracken sh\JY. s the human side of the var1ou c, ies. From London, McCracken sh<>\\s th reknown, even no- tor ous, Scotland Ya1 ct detec- tiv , comple with magnify- In •la s s ws a man Opening londay at the Thackeray Art Callery

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USO Adva~~~s 7 :3 In Net Tourney Special to T ian Dino Union LO:-IG BE Un ersi\1· of San Diego scored a 9-0 white- wash over UC Santa Barbara here yesterday m the Toreros' first test in the Long Beach Classic tennis tournament. It was one of eight matches yesterday in first round play of the 16-team tournPy. USO meets tough Uni\(•rsity of Arizona this morning in a second-round match. If the To- reros win that one. thry will meet the winner or the Utah· Cal Poly (SLOl match this af- tc moon. Yesterd.,y'

At USD Toda¥


Fath r Carrier name past Holtville L/ I 1 Ci"°.r.V-l

FATHER Benjamin Car- rier, for the past four years chaplain at the University of San Diego, has been appointed pastor in Holl- ville. The new pastor succeeds Father Michael Alcaraz who has been at St. Joseph's parish since 1971 and who 1s now taking further studies. A search committee has been establi hed to submit names fi r po sible succes- sors o Foth 'I" c'arrier, an appomtmert officially made by th bishop, even though USU 1s independent

of direct diocesan control. BORN IN MAINE in 1928, Father Carrier studied for the priesthood at the Immaculate Heart Semi- nary in this diocese. He was ordained by Bishop Charles Buddy in St. Joseph's Cathedral March 19, 1959. Before he became USD chaplain in 1968, he was an associate pastor at St. Mary's, El Centro; Sacred Heart, Palm Desert; Our Lady of Solitude, Palm Springs and St 2\-Iary's Red- lands. He also taught at Marian High School, Imper- ial Beach.

liathruom of people a man ondtm p1-





wh t appears to a gourmet ch f hovering over a variety oj foods, ard from Athens we

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